Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Gustav Fridolin berpendapat bahwa daerah-daerah yang paling penting baginya adalah keluarga, perjalanan dan pergi ke bioskop. Ia berarti bahwa ini adalah area yang membantunya untuk bersantai. Masalah lain yang ia berkomitmen untuk adalah pertanyaan lingkungan dan masyarakat hak (G. Fridolin, komunikasi pribadi 2005-12-16) yang sama.Untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai dan keyakinan Anda terdalam bisa sulit. Harus menjadi sesuatu yang Anda dapat berdiri untuk dan seharusnya menjadi sesuatu yang akan berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama. Selama wawancara kita melihat bahwa itu sulit untuk mengamati nilai-nilai terdalam orang. Kami berpendapat bahwa semua peserta wawancara kami menyadari nilai-nilai dan keyakinan mereka dan apa yang mereka pikir penting bagi mereka. Semua peserta wawancara kami disebutkan keluarga dan teman mereka sebagai nilai-nilai yang penting bagi mereka. Pekerjaan adalah nilai lain bahwa tiga dari lima peserta berpikir penting dalam kehidupan sekarang. Nilai-nilai ini tampaknya menjadi nilai-nilai dasar. Ini adalah langkah yang sangat penting dalam model kami sejak jika Anda tidak tahu apa yang Anda berdiri untuk, akan mustahil untuk berkomunikasi dan menunjukkan itu kepada orang lain.• Misi: langkah kedua 'misi' mengacu pada seseorang bergairah kepentingan; Apakah Anda peduli untuk meskipun Anda tidak selalu dibayar ketika Anda melakukannya. Maria Wetterstrand mengatakan bahwa misinya bervariasi dari waktu ke waktu. Seperti yang katakan sebelumnya, dia memiliki minat yang kuat dalam nilai-nilai yang sama orang-orang dan bahwa setiap orang harus dihormati menurut mereka itu. (M. Wetterstrand, komunikasi pribadi 2005-11-23).Misi dari Shan Atci adalah bahwa dia peduli tentang pemuda yang memiliki berbagai kesulitan dalam kehidupan mereka dan dia melakukan banyak menunjukkan gratis untuk sekolah dan Serikat pekerja pemuda yang berbeda. Baru-baru ini ia telah bekerja dengan sebuah Serikat buruh yang terdiri dari gadis-gadis yang memiliki berbagai kesulitan dalam hidup-misalnya masalah dengan keluarga mereka atau untuk mendapatkan ke dalam masyarakat. Ia percaya bahwa ini penting karena ia dapat berdiri untuk nilai-nilai dan dia percaya bahwa dia bisa menginspirasi dan memotivasi orang pemuda (S. Atci, komunikasi pribadi 2005-11-22).Misi dan Lexö, di sisi lain, adalah bahwa ia ingin terus mengembangkan industri restoran. Ia melakukan banyak kegiatan nirlaba; Dia memegang kuliah di sekolah dan ia adalah anggota Asosiasi Restoran Gothenburg. Lebih lanjut, ia telah menciptakan kompetisi di antara koki siswa di bagian barat selatan Swedia, untuk memotivasi dan mengilhami mereka dalam pendidikan (D. Lexö, komunikasi pribadi 2005-12 / 01).David Lega bekerja banyak dengan anak-anak atletik dan ia mencoba untuk membuat mereka menyadari betapa menyenangkan itu adalah dengan olahraga dan yang terpenting tidak menang. Ia mau mereka untuk bersaing dengan diri mereka sendiri bukan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain, karena akan selalu ada seseorang yang lebih baik daripada Anda (D. Lega, komunikasi pribadi2005-12-04). lebih lanjut ia peduli banyak tentang anak-anak Penyandang Cacat-dia sebagai contoh seorang pemimpin di sebuah kamp untuk anak-anak cacat. Ia juga prihatin tentang Penyandang Cacat di Tirana dan dia telah memulai sebuah pusat ada cacat (Karlsson & Lega, 2003).Gustav Fridolin’s mission are his interests in questions concerning Palestine and that homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals should have the same rights as everyone else (Fridolin, retrieved 2005-11-03).We noticed that all our interview participants’ missions are well connected to themselves and they were easy to grasp. Dan Lexö’s mission supports the picture that we have of him– a happy hard-working chef that wants to develop his industry. David Lega’s and Shan Atci’s mission seems to be based on their own experiences and childhood. They believe that their experiences can inspire and motivate kids in the same situation that they have been in. Maria Wetterstrand’s and Gustav Fridolin’s missions are to fight for human rights, which is very important today and this is also connected to their values and beliefs and to their jobs.• Motto: A person’s motto should summarise your values and beliefs in a short sentence and be a basis for your decisions and how you act. Maria Wetterstrand claims that she does not have a motto, and that it is not something that she thinks about. She does however claim that she has the attitude that ‘you can find solutions to everything’ (M. Wetterstrand, personal communication 2005-11-23). We believe that this statement could be referred to as a motto and it has the potential to guide and motivate her when making different decisions in her life.According to Shan Atci (personal communication, 2005-11-22) his personal motto is “There is no shame in failing, everyone does it. Shame is to lie there, not getting up’ (own translation). His motto and his two key words ‘love’ and ‘respect’ are something that he always has in mind; both at work, when he is on stage and in his private life. He further claims that his motto represents himself and his beliefs and it represents him as a person. We argue that this is also a very good motto and that it definitely has the potential to guide him through difficult times in his life. His two key words stand for very good and relevant things and they reflect upon his view on different relationships in his life.Dan Lexö has two mottos that he tries to think and live after. The first one is “All ideas are able to become viable” and he claims that ‘A no is just a strong yes’. He always tries to find solutions to problems so that they can be workable, if one solution does not work he will try other solutions until the problem is solved and he can reach his goals. Dan Lexö’s other motto says “I’m happy when the customer is happy” and he tries to combine the food with experiences (D. Lexö, personal communication 2005-12-01). We believe that Dan Lexö has a very positive and optimistic first motto. We argue that if he truly believes in this all the time, which we think that he does, this can help him (and have helped him) to accomplish things that others cannot even dream of. One example of this is when he created a event with 400 000 eating people at the same time (D. Lexö, personal communication 2005-12-01). We further believe that the second motto once again reflects how important his job is for him.David Lega’s motto is that ‘Everyone can be good at something – the only problem is to find out on what’ (own translation). David Lega says that this is not something that he thinks about, instead it is a base for him and everything that he does (D. Lega, personal communication 2005-12-04). We argue that this might not be a good motto in the sense that it cannot be helpful when making tough decisions or when everything feels bad. Instead this can be a good motto for other people to hear – that someone truly believes that you can be good at something. However, this attitude has probably helped him to develop as a person and to be able to do many of those things that he can do today.
Gustav Fridolin claim that his motto is ‘Will this decision be the best one in ten years as well?’ (G. Fridolin, personal communication 2005-12-16). We believe that this motto can be hard to use to get inspiration and motivation from, since ten years is a very long time. However, as a politician that makes different decisions, this is a good motto to think about and to have in mind.
• Qualities: The last step to keep in mind when you figure out who you are is to know your qualities. Maria Wetterstrand claims that she is creative, has a strong self-esteem and that she thinks fast. She further argues that she has an ability to unite people and that she is good at propose suggestions to problems. She does not agree upon that people have unique strengths; instead she argues that the combination of all her strengths will create a unique person. She claims that her biggest weakness is that she can be very impatient. She further argues that her weakness impatience is something common among politicians since there are a lot of different meetings and everything takes a lot of time to implement (M. Wetterstrand, personal communication 2005-11-23). We argue Maria Wetterstrand’s qualities are very important for a politician to have. To be creative, to think fast and to have a strong self-esteem is important if you want to be heard and make a career within the political scene.
The qualities of Shan Atci are that he has humour, tenderness and he is goal- oriented. He also possesses the unique strength to make people laugh. He further argues that he is good at collaborate with others, but that he does not want to step on anyone’s toes. Shan Atci claims that he is very bad at being in time at different occasions (S. Atci, personal communication 2005-11-22). We argue that Shan Atci’s qualities have helped him to distinguish himself from other comedians by his way of making jokes about immigrants and the suburb.
According to Dan Lexö (personal communication, 2005-12-01) his qualities are that he has the ability to know what the customer wants and that his own personality is a strength. We believe that other characteristics that Dan Lexö possesses are that he is social, happy and stubborn. He also has a big sense of humour and likes to tease with his colleagues and friends. We think that his unique strengths are to see the entirely experience within a restaurant visit and to be able to do things that no one else believes is possible. Dan Lexö argues that he has a different weaknesses; he claims that he is too happy and that he needs to be more serious sometimes. He believes that people might not always take him seriously because of this (D. Lexö, personal communication 2005-12-01). We think that Dan Lexö’s qualities stubborn, happy and social have helped him to reach many of his goals and to make many of his suggestions and ideas to come true.
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