All of a sudden, Xiao Lingxi covered her mouth and in a split second,  terjemahan - All of a sudden, Xiao Lingxi covered her mouth and in a split second,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

All of a sudden, Xiao Lingxi covere

All of a sudden, Xiao Lingxi covered her mouth and in a split second, tried her best to hold back all her tears that were crazily gushing out like that of a flood.


Xiao Clan cemetery.

Standing in front of Xiao Ying’s grave, Xiao Che’s gaze was fixated on that old slab of gravestone for a long time. Then he knelt down on both knees and kowtow three times, his eyes filling with determination when he was finished.

“Uncle Xiao, this huge favor you have done for my Yun family, I, Yun Che, will never forget it. If the day comes when I find out that my parents are still alive, I will try my best to find them, and also the baby they had carried away at that time… your son. On the day when I finally obtained power, I will find the person that assassinated you that day, and take revenge for you, and for grandfather!”

Xiao Che swore an oath in front of Xiao Ying’s grave and took another bow after getting up, before leaving with heavy footsteps.

“From now on, I’m not Xiao Che anymore…. my name’s Yun Che!”


News of Xiao Yulong’s torture shook the entire Xiao Clan, and caused unrest in Xiao Clan for the rest of the night. Xiao Yunhai fainted for quite a long time after his fury dealt a blow to his heart and after waking up, like a madman, he ordered the entire clan to find the culprit. However, after searching for an entire night, not even a silhouette or a trace of the culprit could be found.

The best explanation would be that it was the doing of someone within the Xiao Clan!

Xiao Kuangyun was also furious at this matter, but he only got angry for awhile because he only felt the great pity of losing an obedient and capable slave. He could get that kind of slave anywhere he wanted. However, now he couldn’t bring back Xiao Yulong, who currently resembled neither human nor ghost, so thus his choice naturally fell on the person who was second to Xiao Yulong in yesterday’s “evaluation”.

Third Elder Xiao Ze’s youngest grandson —— Xiao Chengzhi.

If this happened, Xiao Ze and Xiao Chengzhi would undoubtedly be overjoyed.

However the gaze of everyone in the clan had toward Xiao Ze, changed. Especially Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Li; when looking at Xiao Ze, murderous intent could be seen hidden deep in their eyes.

If it really was a Xiao Clan member who had crippled Xiao Yulong, then Xiao Ze would be under the greatest of suspicions.

However this was apparently none of Xiao Kuangyun’s concern. In the afternoon, sent off by all nobles of Floating Cloud City, the four people of the Xiao Sect took Xiao Chengzhi along with them to leave Floating Cloud City, and set foot on the road to Xiao Sect. Actually, with Xiao Sect’s capabilities, it was extremely easy for them to send a few flying profound beasts. However this time, under the Xiao Sect Master’s orders, they were forbidden to use any flying profound beasts in order for Xiao Kuangyun to gain experience.

After Xiao Kuangyun had left, Chu Yueli also prepared to bring Xia Qingyue back to Frozen Cloud Asgard.

“Master.” After bidding farewell to her father and brother, Xia Qingyue returned to Chu Yueli’s side.

Chu Yueli turned her around, her snowy face, incomparably cool and elegant: “The distance between Frozen Cloud Asgard and here is quite far, after you return to Frozen Cloud Asgard, you may not know when you would have the opportunity to return. Don’t leave any unfinished business that you may care about.”

“Rest assured, Master. Qingyue has already and completely made the appropriate preparations, so I may follow Master and depart at any possible time. Although father is reluctant about parting, he has always been deeply grateful about Qingyue entering Frozen Cloud Asgard.”

Chu Yueli nodded: “If that’s the case, we can start our journey right now. Milady had always wanted to meet you for many years, ever since I have mentioned you to her. I believe that if she sees you, she would definitely like you.”

“Father has already helped us prepare profound horses. I request Master to walk towards the foyer.” Xia Qingyue respectfully said.

“No need.” Chu Yueli shook her head and said: “Profound horses are too slow. I’ll take you back using the Profound Floating Technique. Also, you should take care to sense the changes in my body’s profound energy in the middle of my technique, it will benefit your profound strength greatly in the future…. Let us depart; Give me your hand.”

Xia Qingyue held out her delicately white right hand without hesitation. It was obvious that Chu Yueli’s Profound Floating Technique would speedily bring her up high into the sky. This thought had let a bit of excitement and expectation rise in her heart.

Chu Yueli somewhat extended her ice-cold hand to grasp onto Xia Qingyue’s. In a flash, the coldness on her body shifted and the formidable Frozen Cloud Arts started to rapidly swirl…. But then Chu Yueli’s entire body suddenly began to shake. The recently activated Frozen Cloud Arts had also all of a sudden, disappeared wi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
All of a sudden, Xiao Lingxi covered her mouth and in a split second, tried her best to hold back all her tears that were crazily gushing out like that of a flood.——————————————Xiao Clan cemetery.Standing in front of Xiao Ying’s grave, Xiao Che’s gaze was fixated on that old slab of gravestone for a long time. Then he knelt down on both knees and kowtow three times, his eyes filling with determination when he was finished.“Uncle Xiao, this huge favor you have done for my Yun family, I, Yun Che, will never forget it. If the day comes when I find out that my parents are still alive, I will try my best to find them, and also the baby they had carried away at that time… your son. On the day when I finally obtained power, I will find the person that assassinated you that day, and take revenge for you, and for grandfather!”Xiao Che swore an oath in front of Xiao Ying’s grave and took another bow after getting up, before leaving with heavy footsteps.“From now on, I’m not Xiao Che anymore…. my name’s Yun Che!”——————————————News of Xiao Yulong’s torture shook the entire Xiao Clan, and caused unrest in Xiao Clan for the rest of the night. Xiao Yunhai fainted for quite a long time after his fury dealt a blow to his heart and after waking up, like a madman, he ordered the entire clan to find the culprit. However, after searching for an entire night, not even a silhouette or a trace of the culprit could be found.The best explanation would be that it was the doing of someone within the Xiao Clan!Xiao Kuangyun was also furious at this matter, but he only got angry for awhile because he only felt the great pity of losing an obedient and capable slave. He could get that kind of slave anywhere he wanted. However, now he couldn’t bring back Xiao Yulong, who currently resembled neither human nor ghost, so thus his choice naturally fell on the person who was second to Xiao Yulong in yesterday’s “evaluation”.Third Elder Xiao Ze’s youngest grandson —— Xiao Chengzhi.If this happened, Xiao Ze and Xiao Chengzhi would undoubtedly be overjoyed.However the gaze of everyone in the clan had toward Xiao Ze, changed. Especially Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Li; when looking at Xiao Ze, murderous intent could be seen hidden deep in their eyes.If it really was a Xiao Clan member who had crippled Xiao Yulong, then Xiao Ze would be under the greatest of suspicions.However this was apparently none of Xiao Kuangyun’s concern. In the afternoon, sent off by all nobles of Floating Cloud City, the four people of the Xiao Sect took Xiao Chengzhi along with them to leave Floating Cloud City, and set foot on the road to Xiao Sect. Actually, with Xiao Sect’s capabilities, it was extremely easy for them to send a few flying profound beasts. However this time, under the Xiao Sect Master’s orders, they were forbidden to use any flying profound beasts in order for Xiao Kuangyun to gain experience.After Xiao Kuangyun had left, Chu Yueli also prepared to bring Xia Qingyue back to Frozen Cloud Asgard.“Master.” After bidding farewell to her father and brother, Xia Qingyue returned to Chu Yueli’s side.Chu Yueli turned her around, her snowy face, incomparably cool and elegant: “The distance between Frozen Cloud Asgard and here is quite far, after you return to Frozen Cloud Asgard, you may not know when you would have the opportunity to return. Don’t leave any unfinished business that you may care about.”“Rest assured, Master. Qingyue has already and completely made the appropriate preparations, so I may follow Master and depart at any possible time. Although father is reluctant about parting, he has always been deeply grateful about Qingyue entering Frozen Cloud Asgard.”Chu Yueli nodded: “If that’s the case, we can start our journey right now. Milady had always wanted to meet you for many years, ever since I have mentioned you to her. I believe that if she sees you, she would definitely like you.”“Father has already helped us prepare profound horses. I request Master to walk towards the foyer.” Xia Qingyue respectfully said.“No need.” Chu Yueli shook her head and said: “Profound horses are too slow. I’ll take you back using the Profound Floating Technique. Also, you should take care to sense the changes in my body’s profound energy in the middle of my technique, it will benefit your profound strength greatly in the future…. Let us depart; Give me your hand.”
Xia Qingyue held out her delicately white right hand without hesitation. It was obvious that Chu Yueli’s Profound Floating Technique would speedily bring her up high into the sky. This thought had let a bit of excitement and expectation rise in her heart.

Chu Yueli somewhat extended her ice-cold hand to grasp onto Xia Qingyue’s. In a flash, the coldness on her body shifted and the formidable Frozen Cloud Arts started to rapidly swirl…. But then Chu Yueli’s entire body suddenly began to shake. The recently activated Frozen Cloud Arts had also all of a sudden, disappeared wi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tiba-tiba, Xiao Lingxi menutup mulutnya dan dalam hitungan detik, mencoba yang terbaik untuk menahan semua air matanya yang ayun memancar keluar seperti itu dari banjir. -------------- Xiao Clan pemakaman. Berdiri di depan makam Xiao Ying, tatapan xiao Che itu terpaku pada yang slab lama nisan untuk waktu yang lama. Lalu ia berlutut pada kedua lutut dan bersujud tiga kali, matanya mengisi dengan tekad ketika ia selesai. "Paman Xiao, nikmat yang besar ini yang telah Anda lakukan untuk keluarga Yun, aku, Yun Che, tidak akan pernah melupakannya. Jika hari datang ketika saya mengetahui bahwa orang tua saya masih hidup, saya akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk menemukan mereka, dan juga bayi mereka telah terbawa pada saat itu ... anak Anda. Pada hari ketika aku akhirnya diperoleh kekuatan, saya akan menemukan orang yang dibunuh Anda hari itu, dan membalas dendam untuk Anda, dan untuk kakek! "Xiao Che bersumpah di depan makam Xiao Ying dan mengambil busur lain setelah bangun, sebelum meninggalkan jejak dengan berat. "Mulai sekarang, aku tidak Xiao Che lagi .... nama saya Yun Che! "-------------- Berita penyiksaan Xiao Yulong mengguncang seluruh Xiao Clan, dan menyebabkan kerusuhan di Xiao Clan untuk sisa malam. Xiao Yunhai pingsan untuk waktu yang cukup lama setelah amarahnya pukulan ke hatinya dan setelah bangun tidur, seperti orang gila, ia memerintahkan seluruh klan untuk menemukan pelakunya. Namun, setelah mencari seluruh malam, bahkan tidak siluet atau jejak pelakunya dapat ditemukan. Penjelasan terbaik akan bahwa itu yang melakukan seseorang dalam Xiao Clan! Xiao Kuangyun juga marah pada hal ini, tetapi ia hanya marah untuk sementara karena ia hanya merasa kasihan kehilangan seorang budak yang patuh dan mampu. Dia bisa mendapatkan semacam budak mana saja yang ia inginkan. Namun, sekarang ia tidak bisa membawa kembali Xiao Yulong, yang saat ini menyerupai tidak manusia atau hantu, sehingga dengan demikian pilihannya secara alami jatuh pada orang yang kedua untuk Xiao Yulong di kemarin "evaluasi". Cucu termuda Penatua Ketiga Xiao Ze ini - Xiao Chengzhi. Jika ini terjadi, Xiao Ze dan Xiao Chengzhi akan diragukan lagi akan gembira. Namun tatapan semua orang di klan memiliki arah Xiao Ze, berubah. Terutama Xiao Xiao Li Yunhai dan; ketika melihat Xiao Ze, niat membunuh bisa dilihat tersembunyi jauh di mata mereka. Jika itu benar-benar anggota Xiao Clan yang telah melumpuhkan Xiao Yulong, maka Xiao Ze akan berada di bawah terbesar dari kecurigaan. Namun ini tampaknya tidak ada Xiao Kuangyun ini perhatian. Pada sore hari, dikirim oleh semua bangsawan Floating Cloud City, empat orang dari Xiao Sekte mengambil Xiao Chengzhi bersama mereka untuk meninggalkan Mengambang Cloud City, dan menginjakkan kaki di jalan menuju Xiao Sect. Sebenarnya, dengan kemampuan Xiao Sekte ini, itu sangat mudah bagi mereka untuk mengirim beberapa binatang yang mendalam terbang. Namun kali ini, di bawah perintah Xiao Sekte Guru, mereka dilarang untuk menggunakan binatang yang mendalam terbang agar Xiao Kuangyun untuk mendapatkan pengalaman. Setelah Xiao Kuangyun telah meninggalkan, Chu Yueli juga dipersiapkan untuk membawa Xia Qingyue kembali ke Frozen Cloud Asgard. " . Guru "Setelah mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada ayah dan kakaknya, Xia Qingyue kembali ke sisi Chu Yueli ini. Chu Yueli berbalik sekitar, wajah bersalju nya, yang jauh keren dan elegan:" Jarak antara Frozen Cloud Asgard dan di sini adalah cukup jauh, setelah Anda kembali ke Frozen Cloud Asgard, Anda mungkin tidak tahu kapan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk kembali. Jangan meninggalkan urusan yang belum selesai yang mungkin Anda peduli. "" Yakinlah, Guru. Qingyue telah dan benar-benar membuat persiapan yang tepat, jadi saya bisa mengikuti Guru dan berangkat setiap saat mungkin. Meskipun ayah enggan tentang perpisahan, dia selalu sangat berterima kasih tentang Qingyue memasuki Frozen Cloud Asgard ". Chu Yueli mengangguk:" Jika itu yang terjadi, kita bisa mulai perjalanan kita sekarang. Milady selalu ingin bertemu dengan Anda selama bertahun-tahun, sejak saya sebutkan Anda padanya. Saya percaya bahwa jika dia melihat Anda, dia pasti ingin Anda. "" Bapa telah membantu kami mempersiapkan kuda yang mendalam. . Saya meminta Guru untuk berjalan menuju foyer "hormat kata Xia Qingyue." Tidak perlu "Chu Yueli menggeleng dan mengatakan:". Kuda Mendalam terlalu lambat. Aku akan membawa Anda kembali menggunakan Teknik Mengambang Mendalam. Juga, Anda harus berhati-hati untuk merasakan perubahan energi mendalam tubuh saya di tengah-tengah teknik saya, hal itu akan menguntungkan kekuatan yang mendalam Anda sangat di masa depan .... Mari kita pergi; Berikan tanganmu. "Xia Qingyue mengulurkan tangan halus putih kanannya tanpa ragu-ragu. Itu jelas bahwa Mendalam Teknik Terapung Chu Yueli ini cepat akan membawa tubuhnya tinggi ke langit. Pikiran ini telah membiarkan sedikit kegembiraan dan kenaikan ekspektasi di dalam hatinya. Chu Yueli agak diperpanjang tangan dingin nya untuk memahami ke Xia Qingyue ini. Dalam sekejap, dinginnya di tubuhnya bergeser dan tangguh Frozen Cloud Arts mulai berputar-putar dengan cepat .... Tapi kemudian seluruh tubuh Chu Yueli tiba-tiba mulai bergetar. Baru-baru ini diaktifkan Frozen Cloud Arts juga telah tiba-tiba, menghilang wi

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