In his mind, reappeared to hide when the bloodline at this moment, was terjemahan - In his mind, reappeared to hide when the bloodline at this moment, was Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In his mind, reappeared to hide whe

In his mind, reappeared to hide when the bloodline at this moment, was the memory picture of his ancestor, world that in these pictures, they were in the past, was the Paragon immortal world world of mortals, they ... Is immortal saddle horse.
This picture, became last in his mind, next one flickers, the Meng Hao imposing manner pressure, day after day may cover, including saying to trade, the meaning of extinguishing killing forms, suddenly, has ground the souls of these thousand zhang (3.33 m) lizards, has destroyed his body!
destroy both body and soul, the least bit does not remain!
All around all alien races, dull looks at this, when shivers, looks to Meng Hao, reveals the fear with unable to believe.
„Go away!” The Meng Hao vision sweeps away, the alien race of this place are too many, Meng Hao knows one cannot kill, even if borrows the mountain and sea strength, the short time is also very difficult to achieve.
And these alien races, were deterred by oneself, he must do at this moment, does not kill, but plants a seed in these alien race hearts.
A frightened seed, destroys their hearts!
His sound, such as the blow to the head, spreads over all directions, covers the mind of all alien races, changed to the thunder bang directly, making all alien races lose the courage, lost Fighting Intent, even to Meng Hao here fear, became the leadership of body, exuded the sad and shrill sound, fled to the wilderness, was defeated and dispersed instant -
In day that the Mid-Autumn Festival family member reunites, was just travelling on official business to return, exhausted first day, immediately four, this is the sincerity of root of the ear, manner to brothers and sisters!
Here, wish everybody again, holiday is joyful, but I ... Must sleep, is quite tired. To be continued ...
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In his mind, reappeared to hide when the bloodline at this moment, was the memory picture of his ancestor, world that in these pictures, they were in the past, was the Paragon immortal world world of mortals, they ... Is immortal saddle horse.This picture, became last in his mind, next one flickers, the Meng Hao imposing manner pressure, day after day may cover, including saying to trade, the meaning of extinguishing killing forms, suddenly, has ground the souls of these thousand zhang (3.33 m) lizards, has destroyed his body!Bang!destroy both body and soul, the least bit does not remain!All around all alien races, dull looks at this, when shivers, looks to Meng Hao, reveals the fear with unable to believe.„Go away!” The Meng Hao vision sweeps away, the alien race of this place are too many, Meng Hao knows one cannot kill, even if borrows the mountain and sea strength, the short time is also very difficult to achieve.And these alien races, were deterred by oneself, he must do at this moment, does not kill, but plants a seed in these alien race hearts.A frightened seed, destroys their hearts!His sound, such as the blow to the head, spreads over all directions, covers the mind of all alien races, changed to the thunder bang directly, making all alien races lose the courage, lost Fighting Intent, even to Meng Hao here fear, became the leadership of body, exuded the sad and shrill sound, fled to the wilderness, was defeated and dispersed instant -Di hari bahwa Festival Mid-Autumn anggota keluarga reuni, hanya perjalanan bisnis resmi untuk kembali, pertama lelah hari, segera empat, ini adalah ketulusan akar telinga, cara untuk saudara- saudara!Di sini, wish semua lagi, liburan menyenangkan, tapi aku... Harus tidur, cukup lelah. Untuk dilanjutkan...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam benaknya, muncul kembali untuk menyembunyikan ketika keturunan saat ini, adalah gambaran memori leluhurnya, dunia yang di foto-foto ini, mereka berada di masa lalu, adalah Paragon abadi dunia dunia manusia, mereka ... Apakah pelana abadi kuda.
gambar ini, menjadi yang terakhir dalam pikirannya, berikutnya berkedip, yang Meng Hao memaksakan tekanan dengan cara, hari demi hari dapat mencakup, termasuk mengatakan untuk perdagangan, makna pemadam bentuk pembunuhan, tiba-tiba, telah tanah jiwa ribu zhang ini (3.33 m) kadal, telah menghancurkan tubuhnya!
menghancurkan tubuh dan jiwa, sedikit pun tidak tetap!
Seluruh semua ras alien, terlihat membosankan di ini, ketika menggigil, terlihat Meng Hao, mengungkapkan ketakutan dengan tidak untuk percaya.
"pergi!" The Meng Hao visi menyapu, ras alien dari tempat ini terlalu banyak, Meng Hao tahu satu tidak bisa membunuh, bahkan jika meminjam kekuatan gunung dan laut, waktu singkat juga sangat sulit dicapai .
Dan ini ras alien, terhalang oleh diri sendiri, ia harus melakukan pada saat ini, tidak membunuh, tapi menanam benih di ini hati ras alien.
sebuah benih ketakutan, menghancurkan hati mereka!
suara-Nya, seperti pukulan ke kepala , tersebar di semua arah, meliputi pikiran dari semua ras alien, berubah menjadi guntur Bang langsung, membuat semua ras alien kehilangan keberanian, hilang Berjuang Intent, bahkan untuk Meng Hao sini takut, menjadi pimpinan tubuh, memancarkan sedih dan suara melengking, melarikan diri ke padang gurun, dikalahkan dan tersebar instan -
pada hari itu anggota keluarga Mid-Autumn Festival reuni, hanya perjalanan bisnis resmi untuk kembali, kelelahan hari pertama, segera empat, ini adalah ketulusan akar telinga, cara untuk saudara-saudara!
Di sini, berharap semua orang lagi, liburan adalah menyenangkan, tapi aku ... Harus tidur, cukup lelah. Bersambung ...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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