#1406: In order to hope! ( First )
This time, is true exploding opens, cancels from the Meng Hao [say / way], changes to the strength of shakes the heavens, the disposable bang, stops that three old men, causes these three old facial color changes, at once, is unable to shuttle back and forth unexpectedly, can only retreats.
May almost in the instance that these three always withdraw, in the powerhouse in that demon mainland, besides the rough guy, three cultivator, same has nine source Cultivation, these three people, female two male, a man and a woman are the middle age, last, is an old man, this old man wears the spacious clothes robe, in the hand takes the weaponry that the bone is making, when shakes maliciously, three people directly soar the butterfly to go.
„No one can pass!” When Meng Hao face upwards a roar, the right hand lifts, the arrow presents, spells by that ice cold female is causing heavy losses, the body backs up instant, deletes the blood of corners of the mouth without enough time, immediately draws, first company ten arrows!
Arrow arrow shakes the heavens, such as ten rainbows directly soar that female two male three people from out of the blue.
Rumbling the sound shakes the heavens reverberation, these ten arrows, contained the Meng Hao life, erupts, immediately forms the impact, causes that three people, such as Immortal God Continent three old are the same, was prevented.
Also at this time, a glare, instantaneously from Immortal God Continent rumbling, directly soared Meng Hao, the rapidness of speed, drew to send out the instance of that ten arrow in Meng Hao, the time of taking, root this did not give the possibility that Meng Hao dodged slightly.
of bang, this Dao Light submerges Meng Hao directly.
Meng Hao whole body blood blowout, the body such as the kite of line, backs up immediately, the aura is all of a sudden weak, after ray, his body flickered to move, appears in the people front, had hair dishevelled, the chest was fuzzy, the body staggered, may actually smile, that smiling face was bringing sad and shrill, making the human unable to distinguish clearly is smiles or cries.
His front, is endless bilateral cultivator, nine source powerhouses, eight people, these eight people, each is quite fully intrepid, perhaps is not nine sources peak, may want is nine sources, has in this piece is boundless, frightens the qualifications of all directions.
Almost transfers in Meng Hao instant, these eight people that comes, take a step to directly soar Meng Hao to come, but behind them two mainland, this moment Immortal God Continent light, appears again, but in the demon mainland, there is a dragon to roar to spread, a deep dragon, is bringing ancient, suddenly runs out, directly soars this place.
The Meng Hao body shivers, is smiling as before, when his right hand lifts, the hand Zhongyang bow flickers to send out the radiant light, this only to the terminus, has been similar to Sun!
„Did not have other means ... Explodes!” Meng Hao laughs, the bow in his hand, this now Jiu Feng most precious object, after radiant to peak, there are ray stop that such one flickers, then ... Then is bang from exploding!
This bow, in this flash, thunders, collapse all directions, changes to the innumerable fragments, under Meng Hao Cultivation brandishes, toward eight people that in front of him clashes, such as gets angry to roar to go.
The bow is broken, endless strength that among contains, is wild in this moment, thundering all around, sweeps away all, although that eight people are nine sources, may in this flicker, was prevented as before.
Almost in their prevented instant, Meng Hao incarnation blue color Great Peng, flickers to rush ahead, thunders, blue color Great Peng extinguishes broken, he spouts the blood, may actually cause heavy losses to a Immortal God Continent old man.
Then in Meng Hao the stars stone flashes, changes to the stars, flickers to thunder, the stars open broken, but he is actually putting together all, biting maliciously on the forehead of that ice cold female.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1406: In order to hope! ( First ) This time, is true exploding opens, cancels from the Meng Hao [say / way], changes to the strength of shakes the heavens, the disposable bang, stops that three old men, causes these three old facial color changes, at once, is unable to shuttle back and forth unexpectedly, can only retreats.May almost in the instance that these three always withdraw, in the powerhouse in that demon mainland, besides the rough guy, three cultivator, same has nine source Cultivation, these three people, female two male, a man and a woman are the middle age, last, is an old man, this old man wears the spacious clothes robe, in the hand takes the weaponry that the bone is making, when shakes maliciously, three people directly soar the butterfly to go.„No one can pass!” When Meng Hao face upwards a roar, the right hand lifts, the arrow presents, spells by that ice cold female is causing heavy losses, the body backs up instant, deletes the blood of corners of the mouth without enough time, immediately draws, first company ten arrows!Arrow arrow shakes the heavens, such as ten rainbows directly soar that female two male three people from out of the blue.Rumbling the sound shakes the heavens reverberation, these ten arrows, contained the Meng Hao life, erupts, immediately forms the impact, causes that three people, such as Immortal God Continent three old are the same, was prevented.Juga pada saat ini, silau, langsung dari Abadi Tuhan benua gemuruh, langsung meroket Meng Hao, kelajuan kecepatan, menarik untuk mengirimkan contoh yang arrow sepuluh dalam Meng Hao, saat mengambil, akar ini tidak memberi kemungkinan bahwa Meng Hao menghindar sedikit.dahsyat, cahaya Dao ini submerges Meng Hao langsung.Meng Hao ledakan darah seluruh tubuh, tubuh seperti layang-layang garis, punggung atas segera, aura semua dari sudden lemah, setelah ray, tubuhnya berkedip-kedip untuk bergerak, muncul di depan orang, memiliki rambut dishevelled, dada kabur, tubuh terhuyung-huyung, mungkin benar-benar tersenyum, bahwa wajah tersenyum membawa sedih dan melengking, membuat manusia mampu membedakan dengan jelas tersenyum atau menangis.Depan nya, adalah sembilan powerhouses sumber, delapan orang beralih bilateral yang tak berujung, orang-orang delapan, masing-masing sepenuhnya pemberani, mungkin tidak sembilan sumber puncak, Mei ingin sumber sembilan, yang dalam hal ini bagian tak terbatas, takut kualifikasi segala arah.Hampir transfer di Meng Hao instan, delapan orang yang datang, mengambil langkah langsung melambung Meng Hao akan datang, tapi di belakang mereka dua daratan, saat ini Abadi Tuhan benua cahaya, muncul lagi, tapi di daratan setan, ada naga mengaum menyebar, naga mendalam, membawa kuno, tiba-tiba habis, langsung menjulang tempat ini.Tubuh Meng Hao bergemetar, tersenyum seperti sebelumnya, ketika tangan kanannya Lift, tangan Zhongyang busur Ghost untuk mengirim cahaya berseri-seri, ini hanya untuk ujung, telah mirip matahari!"Tidak memiliki cara lain... Meledak!" Meng Hao tertawa, busur di tangan-Nya, obyek paling berharga Jiu Feng ini sekarang, setelah radiant ke puncak, ada berhenti ray yang seperti satu berkedip, kemudian... Maka adalah bang dari meledak!Busur ini, di guruh ini flash, runtuhnya segala arah, perubahan tak terhitung fragmen, di bawah Meng Hao budidaya mengacung-acungkan, terhadap delapan orang yang di depannya bentrokan, seperti marah untuk mengaum untuk pergi.Busur adalah patah, tak ada habisnya kekuatan bahwa di antara berisi, liar di saat ini, gemuruh seluruh, menyapu pergi semua, meskipun orang-orang delapan yang sembilan sumber, Mei di flicker ini, dicegah seperti sebelumnya.Hampir di mereka mencegah instan, Meng Hao inkarnasi biru warna Peng besar, Ghost terburu-buru ke depan, guruh, biru warna besar Peng memadamkan rusak, dia spouts darah, dapat benar-benar menyebabkan kerugian besar untuk orang tua yang abadi Tuhan benua.Kemudian di Meng Hao bintang batu berkedip, perubahan ke bintang-bintang, Ghost guruh, bintang-bintang membuka rusak, tapi ia benar-benar menyusun semua, menggigit jahat di dahi laki-laki es dingin itu.
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