Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
102601:15:42,480 --> 01:15:44,516Exactement.102701:15:45,600 --> 01:15:47,750A Dictaphone. Is that what you think?102801:15:47,840 --> 01:15:50,513But it doesn't change anything.102901:15:50,600 --> 01:15:52,955Mr Ackroyd was alive at 9.30,103001:15:53,040 --> 01:15:55,031since he was speakinginto his Dictaphone.103101:16:07,320 --> 01:16:09,993But always we come backto Monsieur Ralph Paton.103201:16:11,960 --> 01:16:13,518As I have said,103301:16:13,600 --> 01:16:17,991we know that he was in thesummer house with Madame Paton.103401:16:18,080 --> 01:16:20,992But then suddenly, pouf! He disappears.103501:16:22,000 --> 01:16:26,551Where? He has fled the country, perhaps?103601:16:26,640 --> 01:16:32,078Or perhaps he has become thethird victim of our murderer.103701:16:32,160 --> 01:16:33,275No!103801:16:33,360 --> 01:16:38,594Or perhaps someone is helping himto conceal himself from the police.103901:16:38,629 --> 01:16:41,196But who and where?104001:16:41,280 --> 01:16:44,192A hotel? Non.104101:16:44,280 --> 01:16:45,952Far too public.104201:16:46,040 --> 01:16:49,157A boarding house? No, no. The same.104301:16:49,240 --> 01:16:51,196I have it.104401:16:52,080 --> 01:16:54,275The private nursing home.104501:16:54,360 --> 01:16:57,750Chief Inspector Japp made enquiries104601:16:57,840 --> 01:17:01,992and discovered that there werein the area two nursing homes.104701:17:02,080 --> 01:17:06,358And at one of them, there had beenadmitted early on Saturday morning a certain104801:17:07,480 --> 01:17:09,072Mr Smith.104901:17:09,160 --> 01:17:11,116But Ralph would never run away!105001:17:12,440 --> 01:17:16,558We can ask Mr Smith himself.105101:17:20,880 --> 01:17:22,108Oh, Ralph!105201:17:25,480 --> 01:17:27,436But I ask myself,105301:17:27,520 --> 01:17:31,911I wonder who it is who gaveauthority to the nursing home105401:17:32,000 --> 01:17:35,356for the admission ofMonsieur Ralph Paton?105501:17:37,680 --> 01:17:39,671All right, Poirot.105601:17:39,760 --> 01:17:42,797Mea culpa.105701:17:42,880 --> 01:17:46,589As soon as I heard that Ralphwas back in Kings Abbott,105801:17:46,680 --> 01:17:49,717and staying at the White Hart,I knew something must be wrong.105901:17:49,800 --> 01:17:52,314I went to see him that afternoon.106001:17:52,400 --> 01:17:56,518Eventually, he told me about hismarriage and the hole he was in.106101:17:56,600 --> 01:18:00,070There didn't seem to be anythingI could do to help at the time,106201:18:00,160 --> 01:18:03,072but that night, when themurder was discovered,106301:18:03,160 --> 01:18:06,436I knew that suspicion would fall on him.106401:18:06,520 --> 01:18:08,715Or, if not on him, on the girl he loved.106501:18:09,720 --> 01:18:15,397And the thought of his possibly having togive evidence that might incriminate his wife106601:18:15,480 --> 01:18:19,268My dear James, have Inot told to you 36 times,106701:18:19,360 --> 01:18:22,989it is impossible to concealanything from Hercule Poirot?106801:18:42,280 --> 01:18:45,875I know precisely who murdered MonsieurRoger Ackroyd and Monsieur Parker106901:18:45,960 --> 01:18:47,916and how it was done.107001:18:49,360 --> 01:18:51,316And this107101:18:52,400 --> 01:18:54,595tells to me all.107201:18:55,520 --> 01:18:57,351What is it?107301:18:58,400 --> 01:19:00,755It is a wireless message from a steamer107401:19:00,840 --> 01:19:03,195on her way to the United States.107501:19:05,160 --> 01:19:09,676And tomorrow, the goodChief Inspector Japp107601:19:11,080 --> 01:19:13,435will make his arrest.107701:19:23,720 --> 01:19:25,119What a ridiculous exercise!107801:19:25,200 --> 01:19:29,398I have never seen anything morepointless in my entire life!107901:19:29,480 --> 01:19:31,436That wretched little man! Really!108001:20:04,800 --> 01:20:06,153Now, look here, Poirot.108101:20:06,240 --> 01:20:08,356If you really know whocommitted this murder...108201:20:08,440 --> 01:20:10,670Both of the murders, Chief Inspector.108301:20:12,480 --> 01:20:13,833Yes, I do.108401:20:24,840 --> 01:20:27,957- Well, who is it?- Can you tell us?108501:20:30,720 --> 01:20:33,314Poirot shall not makethings easy for you.108601:20:33,400 --> 01:20:36,819You, Chief Inspector, with your careerof detection both long and distinguished,108701:20:36,854 --> 01:20:40,079you have your theories, Iknow. And you, my dear James,108801:20:40,160 --> 01:20:43,516you have been involved in the casefrom the beginning, n'est-ce pas?108901:20:43,600 --> 01:20:46,239You know intimately allof the people involved,109001:20:46,320 --> 01:20:48,231as only the good country doctor can.109101:20:48,320 --> 01:20:52,074But, before I reveal my secret,109201:20:52,160 --> 01:20:55,755you must both expoundyour theories to me.109301:20:57,000 --> 01:21:00,704And let us commence with you, James.109401:21:00,739 --> 01:21:02,958Me? Oh, no.109501:21:03,920 --> 01:21:07,310I can't show myself up infront of the professionals.109601:21:10,160 --> 01:21:13,755I got so fed up with waiting in the car.Are you going to be much longer, James?109701:21:13,840 --> 01:21:18,188- No, no. Maybe I ought to call it a day.- No, my dear James.109801:21:18,223 --> 01:21:22,150Madame, your brother was just going totell us his theories about the murderer.109901:21:22,240 --> 01:21:24,708Please to come and sit.110001:21:26,160 --> 01:21:28,116Yes.110101:21:30,160 --> 01:21:32,116Yes, of course.110201:21:33,280 --> 01:21:38,274Merci. So, James, tell us, what sortof man or woman are we looking for?110301:21:38,360 --> 01:21:41,830Woman? I hardly thinkit could be a woman.110401:21:42,960 --> 01:21:47,158And this man, was he also,do you think, the blackmailer?110501:21:48,600 --> 01:21:54,789Oh, I think he probably had some sort offinancial arrangement with Mrs Ferrars, yes.110601:21:55,800 --> 01:22:00,316Somehow, certainly, he became aware ofthe true cause of Ashley Ferrars' death.110701:22:00,400 --> 01:22:03,949He could even be a detective.110801:22:09,000 --> 01:22:13,471But perhaps, as a doctor, you would havebeen also situated most ideally, n'est-ce pas?110901:22:13,560 --> 01:22:15,755Oh, ideally.111001:22:16,920 --> 01:22:19,354But the important moment in this case111101:22:19,440 --> 01:22:22,113is not the murder of Ashley Ferrars,111201:22:22,200 --> 01:22:24,555but the suicide of his widow.111301:22:24,640 --> 01:22:28,394Her motives remain unclear,but, for whatever reason,111401:22:28,480 --> 01:22:31,916she decided to end her life.111501:22:32,000 --> 01:22:37,870Now, this must have placed ourmurderer in something of a quandary.111601:22:37,960 --> 01:22:43,592He knew about her rather distastefulaffair with Roger Ackroyd.111701:22:43,680 --> 01:22:47,912His difficulty was in knowingwhether, before she died,111801:22:48,000 --> 01:22:52,232she had confided in himthe identity of the man111901:22:52,320 --> 01:22:54,880with whom she had thefinancial arrangement.112001:22:54,960 --> 01:22:56,029The blackmailer.112101:22:56,120 --> 01:23:00,272This was hardly some commonblackmailer, Chief Inspector.112201:23:00,360 --> 01:23:06,151He probably saw Roger Ackroydsomewhere about this time112301:23:06,240 --> 01:23:11,109and something in Ackroyd'smanner made him wonder.112401:23:11,200 --> 01:23:13,634And, in that moment,112501:23:13,720 --> 01:23:17,110he decided he could not take a chance.112601:23:18,240 --> 01:23:21,423He was certainly capable ofconstructing some sort of device112701:23:21,458 --> 01:23:25,639to turn a Dictaphone on andoff at any time he chose.112801:23:26,960 --> 01:23:32,239I don't imagine he'd left the choice ofweapon as much to chance as it would appear.112901:23:33,200 --> 01:23:36,158I believe he had aweapon with him already113001:23:37,240 --> 01:23:40,051when it occurred to him that the dagger,113101:23:40,086 --> 01:23:44,767which was actually on displayat the scene of the crime,113201:23:44,802 --> 01:23:48,709would cast the net ofsuspicion even wider.113301:23:49,920 --> 01:23:52,229He was all ready to perform the killing,113401:23:53,010 --> 01:23:57,155when he had confirmationof his deepest fear.113501:23:57,240 --> 01:23:59,071The evening post, sir.113601:23:59,160 --> 01:24:03,756Mrs Ferrars had indeedconfided in Ackroyd,113701:24:03,840 --> 01:24:08,356but not in person- she had written him a letter.113801:24:09,400 --> 01:24:15,555And Ackroyd opened that letter inhis presence and started to read it.113901:24:16,440 --> 01:24:19,512"My dear, my very dear Roger,114001:24:19,600 --> 01:24:22,876I would not tell youthe name this afternoon114101:24:23,920 --> 01:24:26,434but I propose to write it to you now."114201:24:28,800 --> 01:24:31,758I'm sorry, but I I mustread this on my own.114301:24:32,720 --> 01:24:35,109At least tell me the name of the man.114401:24:35,200 --> 01:24:38,033- No, no. I must read it on my own.- Very well.114501:24:46,680 --> 01:24:50,912And in that letter, Madame Ferrarshad named the blackmailer, had she not?114601:24:51,000 --> 01:24:54,675I've been reading this bookI found in the car, James.114701:24:54,760 --> 01:24:56,432It wasn't blackmail!114801:24:56,520 --> 01:24:58,351Don't say any more, James.114901:24:58,440 --> 01:25:02,319Oh, come now, James. The manhad bled Madame Ferrars white!115001:25:02,400 --> 01:25:07,155Dorothy Ferrars was anadulterous, murdering bitch!115101:25:07,240 --> 01:25:10,152She lorded it over us.115201:25:10,240 --> 01:25:14,313All the money she had- she never worked for it. Nor did her
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