Shared team leadership describes a collective team leadership by the t terjemahan - Shared team leadership describes a collective team leadership by the t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Shared team leadership describes a

Shared team leadership describes a collective team leadership by the team members and is characterized by collaborative
decision-making and shared responsibility for outcomes. It has been described as a mutual influence process carried about by
members of a team where they lead each other toward the achievement of goals (Avolio, Sivasubramaniam, Murry, Jung, &
Garger, 2003; Day et al., 2004; Pearce & Conger, 2003). It is generally viewed as relevant and advantageous for teams composed of
members who have the ability to engage in collaborative decision-making, influence and support other team members, foster
motivation, and take responsibility for outcomes, which represent behaviors that are central to shared leadership (Carson, Tesluk,
& Marrone, 2007; Pearce & Conger, 2003). The composition of ERP/HRMS implementation teams is consistent with requisite
KSAOs and thus these teams represent an ideal context for the application of shared leadership among team members. This was
demonstrated on a large scale in the Apache Project which was a collaborative software development project of an open
source HTTP web server (Fielding, 1999). Applied to ERP/HRMS implementation teams, shared leadership would involve
leadership actions by team members during the stages of the implementation process whereby they engage in
collaboration, decision-making, and take responsibility for goals, rather than simply being directed individually by a
project team leader.
Various conceptualizations have been proposed for shared leadership but there are general themes running through them. For
example, a common notion is that this leadership approach represents a group or team process. This is reflected by Carson et al.
(2007: 1,218), who defined shared leadership as “an emergent team property that results from the distribution of leadership
influence across multiple team members… that can significantly impact team and organizational performance.” In addition,
shared leadership is generally characterized in terms of the spreading of leadership to team members in general, rather than to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Shared team leadership describes a collective team leadership by the team members and is characterized by collaborativedecision-making and shared responsibility for outcomes. It has been described as a mutual influence process carried about bymembers of a team where they lead each other toward the achievement of goals (Avolio, Sivasubramaniam, Murry, Jung, &Garger, 2003; Day et al., 2004; Pearce & Conger, 2003). It is generally viewed as relevant and advantageous for teams composed ofmembers who have the ability to engage in collaborative decision-making, influence and support other team members, fostermotivation, and take responsibility for outcomes, which represent behaviors that are central to shared leadership (Carson, Tesluk,& Marrone, 2007; Pearce & Conger, 2003). The composition of ERP/HRMS implementation teams is consistent with requisiteKSAOs and thus these teams represent an ideal context for the application of shared leadership among team members. This wasdemonstrated on a large scale in the Apache Project which was a collaborative software development project of an opensource HTTP web server (Fielding, 1999). Applied to ERP/HRMS implementation teams, shared leadership would involveleadership actions by team members during the stages of the implementation process whereby they engage incollaboration, decision-making, and take responsibility for goals, rather than simply being directed individually by aproject team leader.Various conceptualizations have been proposed for shared leadership but there are general themes running through them. Forexample, a common notion is that this leadership approach represents a group or team process. This is reflected by Carson et al.(2007: 1,218), who defined shared leadership as “an emergent team property that results from the distribution of leadershipinfluence across multiple team members… that can significantly impact team and organizational performance.” In addition,shared leadership is generally characterized in terms of the spreading of leadership to team members in general, rather than to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kepemimpinan tim bersama menggambarkan kepemimpinan tim kolektif oleh anggota tim dan ditandai oleh kolaboratif
pengambilan keputusan dan tanggung jawab bersama untuk hasil. Ini telah digambarkan sebagai proses saling pengaruh dilakukan sekitar oleh
anggota tim mana mereka memimpin satu sama lain menuju pencapaian tujuan (Avolio, Sivasubramaniam, Murry, Jung, &
Garger, 2003; Day et al, 2004;. Pearce & Conger 2003). Hal ini umumnya dipandang sebagai yang relevan dan menguntungkan untuk tim yang terdiri dari
anggota yang memiliki kemampuan untuk terlibat dalam kolaborasi pengambilan keputusan, pengaruh dan mendukung anggota tim lainnya, angkat
motivasi, dan bertanggung jawab atas hasil, yang merupakan perilaku yang penting bagi kepemimpinan bersama (Carson, Tesluk,
& Marrone, 2007; Pearce & Conger, 2003). Komposisi tim implementasi ERP / HRMS konsisten dengan syarat
KSAOs dan dengan demikian tim ini mewakili konteks yang ideal untuk aplikasi kepemimpinan bersama di antara anggota tim. Hal ini
ditunjukkan pada skala besar di proyek Apache yang merupakan proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak kolaboratif terbuka
web server sumber HTTP (Fielding, 1999). Diterapkan untuk tim implementasi ERP / HRMS, kepemimpinan bersama akan melibatkan
tindakan kepemimpinan dengan anggota tim selama tahapan proses pelaksanaan dimana mereka terlibat dalam
kolaborasi, pengambilan keputusan, dan mengambil tanggung jawab untuk tujuan, bukan hanya diarahkan secara individual oleh
tim proyek pemimpin.
Berbagai konseptualisasi telah diusulkan untuk kepemimpinan bersama tetapi ada tema umum berjalan melalui mereka. Untuk
contoh, gagasan umum adalah bahwa pendekatan kepemimpinan ini merupakan proses kelompok atau tim. Hal ini tercermin dari Carson et al.
(2007: 1218), yang didefinisikan bersama kepemimpinan sebagai "properti tim muncul yang dihasilkan dari distribusi kepemimpinan
. Pengaruh di beberapa anggota tim ... yang secara signifikan dapat berdampak tim dan kinerja organisasi" Selain itu,
kepemimpinan bersama umumnya dicirikan dalam hal penyebaran kepemimpinan untuk anggota tim secara umum, bukan untuk
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