You are also care­ful.” I think him, said: „Wang Zecheng wants to ob­t terjemahan - You are also care­ful.” I think him, said: „Wang Zecheng wants to ob­t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

You are also care­ful.” I think him

You are also care­ful.” I think him, said: „Wang Zecheng wants to ob­tain the in­ten­tion of bone-script to be too ob­vi­ous, per­haps can­not ob­tain code-break­ing of bone-script, he will begin to you di­rectly.”
Say­ing, I look from afar to Zhou Yang, said: „Uncle Zhou's strength, al­though is good, but meets Wang Zecheng words, per­haps strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess two Chengdu, I do not leave Hangzhou con­tin­u­ally, pro­tects your Cooldown?”
Lin Tian­nan could not bear smile, the racket my shoul­der, said: „Young fel­low, you stay here, pro­tec­tion Wan Er and Dong Cheng month well, I do not think that their two have an ac­ci­dent, Wang Zecheng may com­pared with me begin to the prob­a­bil­ity that they began mostly, said again, Wan Er to me im­por­tant, you should also know.”
I silent sev­eral sec­onds, said: „You to Wan Er im­por­tant, you should also know.”
Lin Tian­nan as­ton­ished, passed the long time, said with a smile: „I know that I know you are the good chil­dren, should not re­ceive that many threats, relax, I have joined the mil­i­tary re­gion, be­comes in es­tab­lish­ment, the mil­i­tary will also send for pro­tect­ing me, our also as soon as pos­si­ble speed Wang Zecheng clutch­ing!”
„Um, is cer­tainly care­ful.”
At this time, Zhou Yang walked, pat­ted my shoul­der, said with a smile: „Relax, Mr. Lin agreed to join Chi­nese Mil­i­tary, and sta­tus of of­fi­cial with tech­ni­cal ad­viser two days ago was awarded the lieu­tenant gen­eral the mil­i­tary rank.”
„?” I smile: „That con­grat­u­lated Uncle Lin!”
„What has to be good to con­grat­u­late?” An ap­pear­ance of Lin Tian­nan idle cloud wild crane, said: „The Wang Ze hon­est this pinch breeds to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son, my this whole life will not join the mil­i­tary, mis­trusts each other com­pared with these, I rather every day fish, bub­ble to make tea and have a look at the news­pa­per, that life is I wants truly.”
I show a faint smile.
Zhou Yang said: „Mr. Lin in­sisted that party-in­de­pen­dents sta­tus, per­haps awarded in­ces­santly was the lieu­tenant gen­eral mil­i­tary rank, after all his day dawn group to the Chi­nese na­tional de­fense sim­ply was a shot!”
„Good.” Lin Tian­nan said: „Lao Zhou, do not hold me like this, I do not pay the wage to you, walks, we should em­bark to go to Shang­hai, in the af­ter­noon also has an im­por­tant meet­ing.”
„Um, walks!”
I and Wan Er de­liver them to go out, out­side al­to­gether stopped 5 car­riages, is Lin Tian­nan's peo­ple, more­over I can look, these busi­ness au­to­mo­biles are spe­cially-made, the bul­let­proof glass, in the chas­sis also has the pulse weapon, Lin Tian­nan's sta­tus also truly needs to pro­tect like this, more­over is lead­ing the body­guard is also a sub­stan­tial num­ber, like this I have felt re­lieved, in the hand has the words of ad­vanced weapon, even if were runs into Wang Ze should also to have strength of the wrestling hon­estly.
Looks that fa­ther's car­riage goes far away grad­u­ally, Lin Wan Er blink­ing of look­ing dis­tracted, the au­tumn wind blows her skirt front to fly up­wards, seemed some­what cold, trem­bled, I em­braced her shoul­der, said: „Walks, goes to the room, out­side was too cold.”
Al­though Lin Wan Er has not said any­thing, but I know that she was cer­tainly wor­ried, breeds to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son, mak­ing a Chi­nese dozens years of sta­bil­ity pre­sent one to surge, can say that this crowd bred to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son to change the na­tional pat­tern grad­u­ally, mak­ing every­body see that the so­ci­ety was not sta­bil­ity that we imag­ined, the war was not quite per­haps far, we think that now is the pip­ing time of peace, may per­haps in an in­stant turn into the tu­mul­tuous times.
Lin Tian­nan is the hero in this tu­mul­tuous times, per­haps in the eyes of peo­ple I am also, Buesst who oth­ers do not dare to of­fend, we dare to speak the last words, but this must un­der­take enough price,
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
You are also care­ful.” I think him, said: „Wang Zecheng wants to ob­tain the in­ten­tion of bone-script to be too ob­vi­ous, per­haps can­not ob­tain code-break­ing of bone-script, he will begin to you di­rectly.”Say­ing, I look from afar to Zhou Yang, said: „Uncle Zhou's strength, al­though is good, but meets Wang Zecheng words, per­haps strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess two Chengdu, I do not leave Hangzhou con­tin­u­ally, pro­tects your Cooldown?”Lin Tian­nan could not bear smile, the racket my shoul­der, said: „Young fel­low, you stay here, pro­tec­tion Wan Er and Dong Cheng month well, I do not think that their two have an ac­ci­dent, Wang Zecheng may com­pared with me begin to the prob­a­bil­ity that they began mostly, said again, Wan Er to me im­por­tant, you should also know.”I silent sev­eral sec­onds, said: „You to Wan Er im­por­tant, you should also know.”Lin Tian­nan as­ton­ished, passed the long time, said with a smile: „I know that I know you are the good chil­dren, should not re­ceive that many threats, relax, I have joined the mil­i­tary re­gion, be­comes in es­tab­lish­ment, the mil­i­tary will also send for pro­tect­ing me, our also as soon as pos­si­ble speed Wang Zecheng clutch­ing!”„Um, is cer­tainly care­ful.”At this time, Zhou Yang walked, pat­ted my shoul­der, said with a smile: „Relax, Mr. Lin agreed to join Chi­nese Mil­i­tary, and sta­tus of of­fi­cial with tech­ni­cal ad­viser two days ago was awarded the lieu­tenant gen­eral the mil­i­tary rank.”„?” I smile: „That con­grat­u­lated Uncle Lin!”„What has to be good to con­grat­u­late?” An ap­pear­ance of Lin Tian­nan idle cloud wild crane, said: „The Wang Ze hon­est this pinch breeds to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son, my this whole life will not join the mil­i­tary, mis­trusts each other com­pared with these, I rather every day fish, bub­ble to make tea and have a look at the news­pa­per, that life is I wants truly.”I show a faint smile.Zhou Yang said: „Mr. Lin in­sisted that party-in­de­pen­dents sta­tus, per­haps awarded in­ces­santly was the lieu­tenant gen­eral mil­i­tary rank, after all his day dawn group to the Chi­nese na­tional de­fense sim­ply was a shot!”„Good.” Lin Tian­nan said: „Lao Zhou, do not hold me like this, I do not pay the wage to you, walks, we should em­bark to go to Shang­hai, in the af­ter­noon also has an im­por­tant meet­ing.”„Um, walks!”I and Wan Er de­liver them to go out, out­side al­to­gether stopped 5 car­riages, is Lin Tian­nan's peo­ple, more­over I can look, these busi­ness au­to­mo­biles are spe­cially-made, the bul­let­proof glass, in the chas­sis also has the pulse weapon, Lin Tian­nan's sta­tus also truly needs to pro­tect like this, more­over is lead­ing the body­guard is also a sub­stan­tial num­ber, like this I have felt re­lieved, in the hand has the words of ad­vanced weapon, even if were runs into Wang Ze should also to have strength of the wrestling hon­estly.Looks that fa­ther's car­riage goes far away grad­u­ally, Lin Wan Er blink­ing of look­ing dis­tracted, the au­tumn wind blows her skirt front to fly up­wards, seemed some­what cold, trem­bled, I em­braced her shoul­der, said: „Walks, goes to the room, out­side was too cold.”„Um.”Al­though Lin Wan Er has not said any­thing, but I know that she was cer­tainly wor­ried, breeds to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son, mak­ing a Chi­nese dozens years of sta­bil­ity pre­sent one to surge, can say that this crowd bred to in­stall the ap­pear­ance of per­son to change the na­tional pat­tern grad­u­ally, mak­ing every­body see that the so­ci­ety was not sta­bil­ity that we imag­ined, the war was not quite per­haps far, we think that now is the pip­ing time of peace, may per­haps in an in­stant turn into the tu­mul­tuous times.Lin Tian­nan is the hero in this tu­mul­tuous times, per­haps in the eyes of peo­ple I am also, Buesst who oth­ers do not dare to of­fend, we dare to speak the last words, but this must un­der­take enough price,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
. Anda juga berhati-hati "Saya pikir dia, mengatakan:" Wang Zecheng ingin mendapatkan niat tulang-script terlalu jelas, mungkin tidak dapat memperoleh pemecahan kode tulang-script, ia akan mulai Anda langsung ".
Mengatakan, saya melihat dari jauh untuk Zhou yang, mengatakan: "kekuatan Paman Zhou, meskipun baik, tetapi memenuhi kata Wang Zecheng, mungkin siasat yang menjamin keberhasilan dua Chengdu, saya tidak meninggalkan Hangzhou terus, melindungi Cooldown Anda?"
Lin Tiannan tidak tahan senyum, raket bahu saya, berkata: "sesama Young, Anda tinggal di sini, perlindungan Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan baik, saya tidak berpikir bahwa mereka dua mengalami kecelakaan, Wang Zecheng mungkin dibandingkan dengan saya mulai probabilitas bahwa mereka mulai sebagian besar, berkata lagi, Wan Er dengan saya penting, Anda juga harus tahu ".
aku diam beberapa detik, mengatakan:" Anda ke Wan Er penting, Anda juga harus tahu ".
Lin Tiannan heran, melewati waktu yang lama, berkata sambil tersenyum : "saya tahu bahwa saya tahu Anda adalah anak-anak yang baik, seharusnya tidak menerima bahwa banyak ancaman, bersantai, saya telah bergabung dengan wilayah militer, menjadi dalam pembentukan, militer juga akan mengirimkan untuk melindungi saya, kami juga sesegera mungkin kecepatan Wang ! Zecheng mencengkeram "
". Um, tentu hati "
Pada saat ini, Zhou yang berjalan, menepuk bahu saya, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Tenang, Mr. Lin setuju untuk bergabung Cina Militer, dan status resmi dengan penasehat teknis dua hari lalu dianugerahi letnan jenderal pangkat militer ".
aku tersenyum"? ":"! Itu mengucapkan selamat Paman Lin "
?" Apa yang harus menjadi baik untuk mengucapkan selamat "Sebuah penampilan Lin Tiannan menganggur awan derek liar, mengatakan:" The Wang Ze jujur ​​keturunan pinch ini untuk menginstal penampilan orang, saya seluruh kehidupan ini tidak akan bergabung dengan militer, mistrusts sama lain dibandingkan dengan ini, saya lebih setiap ikan hari, gelembung untuk membuat teh dan melihat di koran, bahwa hidup ini saya ingin benar-benar ".
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis.
Zhou yang mengatakan:" Mr. Lin bersikeras bahwa status pihak-independen, mungkin diberikan terus-menerus adalah letnan pangkat militer umum, setelah semua kelompok hari fajar untuk pertahanan nasional Cina hanya itu tembakan "!
" Baik. "Lin Tiannan mengatakan:" Lao Zhou, tidak memegang saya seperti ini, saya tidak membayar upah kepada Anda, jalan-jalan, kita harus memulai untuk pergi ke Shanghai, di sore hari juga memiliki sebuah pertemuan penting. "
" Um, berjalan! "
aku dan Wan Er mengantarkan mereka untuk pergi keluar, di luar sama sekali berhenti 5 gerbong, adalah orang Lin Tiannan ini, apalagi saya bisa melihat, mobil bisnis ini khusus dibuat, kaca antipeluru, di sasis juga senjata pulsa, status Lin Tiannan juga benar-benar perlu untuk melindungi seperti ini, apalagi memimpin pengawal juga sejumlah besar, seperti ini saya merasa lega, di tangan memiliki kata-kata senjata canggih, bahkan jika itu berjalan ke Wang Ze juga harus memiliki kekuatan gulat jujur.
Tampak kereta yang ayah pergi jauh secara bertahap , Lin Wan Er berkedip melihat terganggu, angin musim gugur bertiup rok depan untuk terbang ke atas, tampak agak dingin, gemetar, aku memeluk bahunya, mengatakan: "Walks, pergi ke kamar, di luar terlalu dingin."
"Um. "
Meskipun Lin Wan Er belum mengatakan apa-apa, tapi aku tahu bahwa dia pasti khawatir, keturunan untuk menginstal penampilan orang, membuat puluhan Cina tahun stabilitas hadir satu melonjak, dapat mengatakan bahwa orang-orang ini dibesarkan untuk menginstal penampilan orang untuk mengubah pola nasional secara bertahap, membuat semua orang melihat bahwa masyarakat tidak stabilitas yang kita bayangkan, perang itu tidak cukup mungkin jauh, kita berpikir bahwa sekarang adalah waktu pipa perdamaian, barangkali dalam gilirannya instan ke dalam situasi yang penuh gejolak .
Lin Tiannan adalah pahlawan di masa penuh gejolak ini, mungkin di mata orang saya juga, Buesst yang orang lain tidak berani menyinggung, kita berani untuk berbicara kata-kata terakhir, tapi ini harus melakukan harga yang cukup,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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