A. Read the following text carefully :The basic problem of economicsEc terjemahan - A. Read the following text carefully :The basic problem of economicsEc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A. Read the following text carefull

A. Read the following text carefully :
The basic problem of economics
Economics would have no place in a world in which everything was freely available without limit and without work. It exists because of the fact of scarcity.
Human wants are so great that careful or prudent management must be exercised if a maximum of satisfaction is to be achieved. No we must determine which of our almost limitless wants are to be satisfied, and extend to which each is to be satisfied. Shall we have more food and less of other things? More clothing ? And less of other things? More leisure and less of other things? We cannot have all we want oh everything.
second In the place we must utilize our limited quantities of human energy, time , knowledge, natural resources and capital as effectively as possible in order to satisfy our wants to the maximum possible extent.
In the third place, we must determine whose wants will be satisfied and in what proportions; that is, we must distribute or divide the available goods and services among the various members of the community.
These are the basic problem of economics.
We may say then, that economics is a study of the process of making a living, and the problem of economics are those arising from the fact of scarcity.
(Condensed from “A preface to economics”, Lester P. Chandler, Chapter I).
To be available – terdapat to determine – menentukan
Management – disini : pengaturan to distribute – menyalurkan
To exercise – melakukan to divide – membagi-bagi
To achieve – mencapai to arise from – muncul dari
To utilize – mempergunakan yResources – sumber-sumber
Limited – terbatas Effectively – secara efektif

B. Complete the following sentences using the right group words.
1. The science of economics exists
a. In a word where everything is available
b. Because of the fact scarcity
c. Because careful management of resources is unnecessary
2. Careful management should be exercised
a. Because human wants are unlimited
b. Because no satisfaction is required
c. Because human wants are strictly limited
3. In order to exercise careful management of resources
a. We must try to get all we want of everything
b. We must decide which of our wants are the most essential to us
c. We must have less food than clothing
4. In satisfying as many of our want as possible
a. We must leave all available resources untouched
b. We must use all natural resources, human energy and capital as effectively as we can
c. We must use up all natural resources, human energy, capital
5. When we divide the available goods among the member of the community
a. We know that everybody will have all he wants of everything
b. We have at our disposal unlimited natural resources
c. We have to determine who is to benefit most from the distribution of goods
C. Answer the following question in English
1. Why does economics exist?
Answer : economics exists because of the fact of scarcity
2. Why do we have to exercise careful management?
Answer :
We have to exercise careful management if a maximum of satisfaction is to be achieved. No we must determine which of our almost limitless wants are to be satisfied, and extend to which each is to be satisfied and we have to exercise careful management Because human wants are unlimited

3. Why cannot we satisfy all our wants? (line 9)
Answer : because we must utilize our limited quantities of human energy, time , knowledge, natural resources and capital as effectively as possible in order to satisfy our wants to the maximum possible extent.
4. There are three things to be thought of in economics; find three paragraphs in the text relating to be basic problems of economics.
Answer : Human wants are so great that careful or prudent management must be exercised if a maximum of satisfaction is to be achieved. No we must determine which of our almost limitless wants are to be satisfied, and extend to which each is to be satisfied.
second In the place we must utilize our limited quantities of human energy, time , knowledge, natural resources and capital as effectively as possible in order to satisfy our wants to the maximum possible extent.
In the third place, we must determine whose wants will be satisfied and in what proportions; that is, we must distribute or divide the available goods and services among the various members of the community.

5. Explain the word ‘sacrcity’
Answer : scarcity is when the desire can not be satisfied by existing resources.

D. Say whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F). if they are false say why.
1. We do not need the science of economics in this word ( F ) because ecomoics very important for humans , to gain the satisfaction of his desire .
2. Man easily satisfies all his needs and wants ( F ) because existing resources can not fulfill human desire is never satisfied .
3. We need not choose which of our wants to satisfy ( F ) we must choose our desires wishing to be satisfied because the existing resources can not satisfy all the desires.
4. Human energy, time, knowledge and natural resources should be utilized in the most effectively way ( T ) Because to fulfill our desires as much as possible .
5. Determining whose wants will be satisfied is one of the many basic problems of economics ( T )

1. Supply an article (the or a or an ) tn these sentences where necessary :
a. I am having the breakfast at seven o’clock in the morning, and the lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon
b. I relax by watching the films
c. the films we watched last week at a French Cultural Centre were quite good.
d. We wanted the lawn in front of our house to look fresh and shady, and we planted a tree in one of the corners of the garden.
e. Although I like the music very much, I hate to be awakened in the morning by Elvis Presley’s rock and roll.
f. There are a lot of at the bus-stop waiting for the bus going in a direction Kemang.
g. We went to watch the tennis-game at Senayan; the match ended at five o’clock in the afternoon.
h. Last week Irma received the letter from her uncle in a United States; he told her in the letter that he would be coming to meet her on an island of Bali.
i. A new school was built for the people in a harbor of Tanjung Karang , since the old school was on the Point of falling down.
j. The prices of the commodities are affected by the Supply and the demand.
k. The beauty of the Lake Toba is breathtaking.
l. The man is mortal.
m. Is it true that society consist of the.haves and the have-nots ?
n. The chairs are useful for sitting on.
o. The garden is a .place to relax in when one is tired.
p. Here is an .information for you asked for.
q. The news can be good or bad.
r. The market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold.
2. We have used the world ‘economics’ several times.
e.g. ‘Economics would have no place …. etc.’

Six other words can be formed from the word economics, namely:
‘to economize, economist, economy, economic, economical, and economically’.
Each word has a different use; try to put the right word in the blanks in these sentences. You may have to use the word ‘economics’ as well.
a. BAPPENAS is an institution in Jakarta, where economist work out economics problems.
b. ‘Labour’ in the economic sense means all human effort used in the process of production.
c. We all have to spend our earnings economically.
d. economical is a science, and it should be studied in an objective and scientific way.
e. The woman tried hard to be an economist housewife.
f. If I want to have beautiful clothes, I have to economize on other things.
g. The economics system of a country is usually called the national economy.

3. Change the following sentences in order to use ‘unless’.
e.g. I will accompany you if you come to fetch me.
I won’t accompany you unless you come to fetch me.
a) It is almost possible to plough, to transport goods and people, to separate materials and to shape them unless there is no power to perform these function.
b) We shall produce enough to satisfy our needs unless they do not sacrifice a great part of our leisure time.
c) These people will not earn more money if they do not work regularly and well.
d) The garage owner won’t provide any extra services if you do not buy your car at his garage. f. We won’t have a healthy national economy if it is not planned ahead over a number of years.
e) You won’t finish your home-work today if you do not begin right away.
f) We won’t have a healthy national economy if it is not planned a head over a number of years.
4. Find single words or phrases in the text for which these words could be substituted.
Paragraph 1. a. essential b. question c. room d. could be obtained e. labour
Paragraph 2. f. prudent g. to reach h. determine i. a smaller number
Paragraph 3. j. use k. amount l. desires
Paragraph 4. m. allot n. society
Paragraph 5. o. earning a livelihood p. result from
5. Make the following adjective negative by adding a prefix (un-, im , in-, ir-, il)
a. satisfactory b. economical c. productive d. reliable
e. necessary f. desirable g. capable h. avoidable
i. dependent j. convenient k. rational l. legal
m. possible n. complete

6. Use the appropriate adjective in their negative forms in these sentences.
The letters in brackets in the end refer to the list of adjective above.
I am afraid you have to deal with an……. merchant (d).
It is …….. to spend so much money on clothes (e).
Quarrels between two people who are so different from each other are …….. (h).
Our motor-car is……., because it uses too much gasoline (b).
You will find it ……..to recognize the man in the crowd (m).
We worked hard, but he result were still …….. (a).
The crook was involved In …….. businesses (l).
Your arguments don’t make sense to me; they are ……. (k).
His enterprise became increasingly …….. until he famil
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A. Baca dengan seksama teks berikut:Masalah dasar ekonomiEkonomi akan tidak punya tempat di dunia di mana segala sesuatu adalah tersedia secara bebas tanpa batas dan tanpa kerja. Ada karena fakta kelangkaan.Keinginan manusia sangat besar bahwa manajemen yang berhati-hati atau hati-hati harus dilaksanakan jika maksimum kepuasan adalah untuk mencapai. Tidak kita harus menentukan mana dari kami hampir tak terbatas ingin untuk menjadi puas, dan memperluas yang masing-masing adalah puas. Kita akan lebih banyak makanan dan kurang dari hal-hal lain? Pakaian yang lebih? Dan kurang dari hal-hal lain? Rekreasi lebih dan kurang dari hal-hal lain? Kita tidak bisa memiliki semua yang kita inginkan oh segalanya.kedua di tempat kami harus memanfaatkan jumlah kami terbatas energi manusia, waktu, pengetahuan, sumber daya alam dan modal seefektif mungkin untuk memuaskan keinginan kita semaksimal mungkin.Di tempat ketiga, kita harus menentukan keinginan yang akan puas dan dalam proporsi apa; Begitulah, kami harus mendistribusikan atau membagi barang-barang yang tersedia dan jasa antara anggota berbagai komunitas.Ini adalah masalah dasar ekonomi.Kita mungkin mengatakan kemudian bahwa ekonomi adalah studi tentang proses pembuatan hidup, dan masalah ekonomi adalah orang-orang yang timbul dari fakta kelangkaan.(Diringkas dari "Pengantar ekonomi", Lester P. Chandler, bab saya).Kosakata Menjadi tersedia – terdapat untuk menentukan – menentukan Manajemen-disini: pengaturan untuk mendistribusikan – menyalurkanUntuk latihan-melakukan membagi-membagi-bagiUntuk mencapai-mencapai timbul dari-muncul dariUntuk memanfaatkan – mempergunakan yResources-sumber-sumberTerbatas-terbatas efektif – secara efektifB. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut yang menggunakan kata-kata kelompok kanan.1. ilmu ekonomi adaa. dalam kata dimana segalanya tersediab. karena kelangkaan faktac. karena manajemen sumber daya tidak perlu2. manajemen yang harus dilakukana. karena keinginan manusia tidak terbatasb. karena kepuasan tidak diperlukanc. karena keinginan manusia sangat terbatas3. untuk latihan manajemen sumber dayaa. kita harus mencoba untuk mendapatkan semua yang kita inginkan dari segalanyab. kami harus memutuskan mana keinginan kita yang paling penting untuk kitac. kita harus memiliki lebih sedikit makanan dari pakaian4. dalam memuaskan karena kami ingin sebanyak mungkina. kita harus meninggalkan segala sumber daya yang tak tersentuhb. kami harus menggunakan semua sumber daya alam, energi manusia dan modal secara efektif seperti yang kita dapatc. kita harus menggunakan semua sumber daya alam, energi manusia, modal5. ketika kita membagi barang tersedia antara anggota masyarakata. kita tahu bahwa semua orang akan memiliki semua yang ingin segalanyab. kami telah tersedia terbatas sumber daya alamc. kita harus menentukan siapa yang menguntungkan kebanyakan dari distribusi barangd. C. menjawab pertanyaan berikut dalam bahasa Inggris 1. Mengapa Apakah ada ekonomi?Jawaban: ekonomi ada karena fakta kelangkaan2. Mengapa kita harus latihan manajemen?Jawaban: Kita harus latihan manajemen yang berhati-hati jika maksimum kepuasan adalah untuk mencapai. Tidak kita harus menentukan mana keinginan kita hampir tak terbatas yang puas, dan memperluas yang masing-masing adalah menjadi puas dan kita harus menjalankan manajemen yang berhati-hati karena keinginan manusia tidak terbatas3. Mengapa kita tidak bisa memuaskan semua keinginan kita? (jalur 9)Jawaban: karena kita harus menggunakan kami terbatas jumlah energi manusia, waktu, pengetahuan, sumber daya alam dan modal seefektif mungkin untuk memuaskan keinginan kita semaksimal mungkin.4. ada tiga hal dianggap ekonomi; menemukan tiga paragraf dalam teks yang berkaitan dengan dasar masalah ekonomi.Jawaban: Manusia keinginan sangat besar bahwa manajemen yang berhati-hati atau hati-hati harus dilaksanakan jika maksimum kepuasan adalah untuk mencapai. Tidak kita harus menentukan mana dari kami hampir tak terbatas ingin untuk menjadi puas, dan memperluas yang masing-masing adalah puas.kedua di tempat kami harus memanfaatkan jumlah kami terbatas energi manusia, waktu, pengetahuan, sumber daya alam dan modal seefektif mungkin untuk memuaskan keinginan kita semaksimal mungkin.Di tempat ketiga, kita harus menentukan keinginan yang akan puas dan dalam proporsi apa; Begitulah, kami harus mendistribusikan atau membagi barang-barang yang tersedia dan jasa antara anggota berbagai komunitas.5. menjelaskan kata 'sacrcity'Jawaban: kelangkaan adalah ketika keinginan tidak dapat puas dengan sumber daya yang ada. D. mengatakan apakah pernyataan berikut yang benar (T) atau palsu (F). Jika mereka adalah palsu mengatakan mengapa.1. kami tidak perlu ilmu ekonomi kata ini (F) karena ecomoics sangat penting bagi manusia, untuk mendapatkan kepuasan keinginannya.2. laki-laki dengan mudah memenuhi semua kebutuhan dan keinginan (F) karena sumber daya yang ada tidak dapat memenuhi hasrat manusia tidak pernah puas.3. kami tidak perlu memilih yang kami ingin memenuhi (F) kita harus memilih keinginan kita berharap untuk menjadi puas karena sumber daya yang tidak bisa memuaskan semua keinginan.4. manusia energi, waktu, pengetahuan dan sumber daya alam harus dapat dimanfaatkan dalam yang paling efektif cara (T) karena untuk memenuhi keinginan kita sebanyak mungkin.5. menentukan keinginan yang akan puas adalah salah satu dari banyak masalah dasar ekonomi (T) LATIHAN 1. menyediakan artikel (atau atau) tn ini kalimat yang diperlukan:a. saya memiliki sarapan pada pukul tujuh pagi, dan makan siang pada jam 1 di sore harib. saya bersantai dengan menonton film-filmc. film kita menyaksikan minggu lalu di Pusat Kebudayaan Perancis yang cukup baik.d. kita ingin halaman di depan rumah kami untuk melihat sejuk dan rindang, dan kami menanam pohon di salah satu sudut taman.e. meskipun aku suka musik sangat banyak, aku benci akan dibangunkan pagi oleh Elvis Presley rock and roll.f. There are a lot of at the bus-stop waiting for the bus going in a direction Kemang.g. We went to watch the tennis-game at Senayan; the match ended at five o’clock in the afternoon.h. Last week Irma received the letter from her uncle in a United States; he told her in the letter that he would be coming to meet her on an island of Bali.i. A new school was built for the people in a harbor of Tanjung Karang , since the old school was on the Point of falling down.j. The prices of the commodities are affected by the Supply and the demand.k. The beauty of the Lake Toba is breathtaking.l. The man is mortal.m. Is it true that society consist of the.haves and the have-nots ?n. The chairs are useful for sitting on.o. The garden is a .place to relax in when one is tired.p. Here is an .information for you asked for.q. The news can be good or bad.r. The market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold.2. We have used the world ‘economics’ several times.e.g. ‘Economics would have no place …. etc.’Six other words can be formed from the word economics, namely: ‘to economize, economist, economy, economic, economical, and economically’. Each word has a different use; try to put the right word in the blanks in these sentences. You may have to use the word ‘economics’ as well.a. BAPPENAS is an institution in Jakarta, where economist work out economics problems.b. ‘Labour’ in the economic sense means all human effort used in the process of production.c. We all have to spend our earnings economically.d. economical is a science, and it should be studied in an objective and scientific way.e. The woman tried hard to be an economist housewife.f. If I want to have beautiful clothes, I have to economize on other things.g. The economics system of a country is usually called the national economy.3. Change the following sentences in order to use ‘unless’.e.g. I will accompany you if you come to fetch me.I won’t accompany you unless you come to fetch me.a) It is almost possible to plough, to transport goods and people, to separate materials and to shape them unless there is no power to perform these function.b) We shall produce enough to satisfy our needs unless they do not sacrifice a great part of our leisure time.c) These people will not earn more money if they do not work regularly and well.d) The garage owner won’t provide any extra services if you do not buy your car at his garage. f. We won’t have a healthy national economy if it is not planned ahead over a number of years.e) You won’t finish your home-work today if you do not begin right away.f) We won’t have a healthy national economy if it is not planned a head over a number of years.4. Find single words or phrases in the text for which these words could be substituted.Paragraph 1. a. essential b. question c. room d. could be obtained e. labour Paragraph 2. f. prudent g. to reach h. determine i. a smaller numberParagraph 3. j. use k. amount l. desiresParagraph 4. m. allot n. societyParagraph 5. o. earning a livelihood p. result from5. Make the following adjective negative by adding a prefix (un-, im , in-, ir-, il)a. satisfactory b. economical c. productive d. reliablee. necessary f. desirable g. capable h. avoidablei. dependent j. convenient k. rational l. legalm. possible n. complete6. Use the appropriate adjective in their negative forms in these sentences. The letters in brackets in the end refer to the list of adjective above.I am afraid you have to deal with an……. merchant (d).It is …….. to spend so much money on clothes (e).Quarrels between two people who are so different from each other are …….. (h).Our motor-car is……., because it uses too much gasoline (b).You will find it ……..to recognize the man in the crowd (m).We worked hard, but he result were still …….. (a).The crook was involved In …….. businesses (l).Your arguments don’t make sense to me; they are ……. (k).His enterprise became increasingly …….. until he famil
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