In the timeframe of 10,000 BC, a tribe of hunter-gatherers called the  terjemahan - In the timeframe of 10,000 BC, a tribe of hunter-gatherers called the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the timeframe of 10,000 BC, a tr

In the timeframe of 10,000 BC, a tribe of hunter-gatherers called the Yagahl live in a remote mountain range in the Urals and survive by killing woolly mammoths, which they call "mannaks". D'Leh, a young hunter, has a companion named Evolet, an orphan who was found by the tribe. D'Leh, while hunting mammoths, manages to kill one and wins the "White Spear". He also wins Evolet in marriage, but feels he deserves neither since he killed the mammoth by accident.

The village is led by a hunter who has proven his bravery by killing a Mammoth, and taking the White Spear. The people also strongly venerate an elderly woman, called Old Mother. Because of her different appearance to other humans in the village, it is assumed she is a Neanderthal, the "last of her kind", living with the Homo sapiens of the village.

One day, D'Leh and several others are away when horse-raiders called the "Four Legged Demons" attack the Yaghal camp. The horse raiders enslave Evolet and several others village´s hunters; D'Leh, Tic'Tic, KaRen, and Baku pursue them to save her. They enter a rainforest where they catch up with the raiding party. During the night, D'Leh rescues Evolet, but as they are trying to escape from the pursuing raiders, they are attacked by a large pack of terror birds. Tic'Tic gets wounded and Baku, Ka'Ren, Evolet are re-captured. Continuing on, they meet others whose loved ones were taken by the raiders. D'Leh and Tic'Tic befriend Nakudu, leader of the Naku tribe. He tells D'Leh of a prophecy; whoever talks to a Smilodon that they call the "Spear-Tooth" will help free their people. D'Leh had earlier saved the Spear-Tooth from drowning in a trap and it had spared his life. D'Leh realizes the prophecy was about him. Nakudu explains that his loved ones were taken in the "Great Red Birds", ships with large red sails, to the "Mountains of the Gods", from which no one has ever returned. They then come together with other tribes, who agree to form a coalition to pursue the raiders.

They find the ship with red sails holding Evolet and Baku. With no means to follow the ships, they journey through a vast desert, discovering an advanced civilization similar to ancient Egypt, ruled by an enigmatic figure known as "The Almighty", who is said to be the last survivor of his kind and is regarded as a living god. It is implied in the script that he is a survivor of the fall of Atlantis. The Almighty possesses many thousands of slaves that he is using to build a huge pyramid complex in his honor. D'Leh finds an escaped servant of the Almighty and notices he is wearing a bracelet worn by D'Leh's father. D'Leh's father left his tribe for food and found the Naku tribe before being stolen by the raiders. In a night attack, the guards of the slaves discover D'Leh behind a pyramid. Tic'Tic dies from injuries sustained while killing the guards before they raise the alarm. Meanwhile, the Almighty's priests discover Evolet bears scars on her hand patterned after the "Mark of the Hunter", the constellation Orion. The priests believe it is part of a prophecy that whoever wears the mark of the Hunter is destined to kill The Almighty. D'Leh starts a full-scale rebellion among the slaves. They cause the mammoth herd used in building the pyramid to stampede, killing a large number of troops.

The Almighty offers Evolet to D'Leh in exchange for abandoning his rebellion. The Almighty says that if D'Leh takes his wife, his warriors can return, but the rest must be his slaves forever. D'Leh feigns acceptance of the deal which allows him to throw a spear at The Almighty and kill him, proving that he is not a god. During the ensuing battle, the raider obsessed with Evolet kidnaps her on horseback. Evolet grabs an arrow and stabs the warlord in the side, knocking them both off the horse. D'Leh rushes towards her, but the raider shoots her in the back with an arrow. D'Leh kills him and returns to Evolet, and she dies in his arms. The scene shifts to the tribe's wise woman as she breathes out her last breath. D'Leh is still holding Evolet's body when she suddenly comes back to life, restored by the wise woman's sacrifice. They depart for home and bid farewell to the other tribes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam kurun waktu 10,000 BC, suku pemburu-pengumpul yang disebut Yagahl tinggal di pegunungan terpencil di Urals dan bertahan hidup dengan membunuh mammoths berbulu, yang mereka sebut "mannaks". D'Leh, seorang pemburu muda, memiliki seorang sahabat bernama Evolet, seorang yatim piatu yang ditemukan oleh suku. D'Leh, sementara Mammoth berburu, berhasil membunuh satu dan memenangkan "Tombak putih". Ia juga memenangkan Evolet dalam perkawinan, tetapi merasa dia pantas baik karena ia dibunuh raksasa oleh kecelakaan.Desa ini dipimpin oleh seorang pemburu yang telah membuktikan keberanian dengan membunuh raksasa, dan mengambil tombak putih. Orang-orang juga sangat menghormati seorang wanita tua, yang disebut ibu tua. Karena penampilannya yang berbeda untuk manusia lain di desa, diasumsikan dia adalah Neanderthal, "terakhir semacam nya", hidup dengan Homo sapiens desa.One day, D'Leh and several others are away when horse-raiders called the "Four Legged Demons" attack the Yaghal camp. The horse raiders enslave Evolet and several others village´s hunters; D'Leh, Tic'Tic, KaRen, and Baku pursue them to save her. They enter a rainforest where they catch up with the raiding party. During the night, D'Leh rescues Evolet, but as they are trying to escape from the pursuing raiders, they are attacked by a large pack of terror birds. Tic'Tic gets wounded and Baku, Ka'Ren, Evolet are re-captured. Continuing on, they meet others whose loved ones were taken by the raiders. D'Leh and Tic'Tic befriend Nakudu, leader of the Naku tribe. He tells D'Leh of a prophecy; whoever talks to a Smilodon that they call the "Spear-Tooth" will help free their people. D'Leh had earlier saved the Spear-Tooth from drowning in a trap and it had spared his life. D'Leh realizes the prophecy was about him. Nakudu explains that his loved ones were taken in the "Great Red Birds", ships with large red sails, to the "Mountains of the Gods", from which no one has ever returned. They then come together with other tribes, who agree to form a coalition to pursue the raiders.They find the ship with red sails holding Evolet and Baku. With no means to follow the ships, they journey through a vast desert, discovering an advanced civilization similar to ancient Egypt, ruled by an enigmatic figure known as "The Almighty", who is said to be the last survivor of his kind and is regarded as a living god. It is implied in the script that he is a survivor of the fall of Atlantis. The Almighty possesses many thousands of slaves that he is using to build a huge pyramid complex in his honor. D'Leh finds an escaped servant of the Almighty and notices he is wearing a bracelet worn by D'Leh's father. D'Leh's father left his tribe for food and found the Naku tribe before being stolen by the raiders. In a night attack, the guards of the slaves discover D'Leh behind a pyramid. Tic'Tic dies from injuries sustained while killing the guards before they raise the alarm. Meanwhile, the Almighty's priests discover Evolet bears scars on her hand patterned after the "Mark of the Hunter", the constellation Orion. The priests believe it is part of a prophecy that whoever wears the mark of the Hunter is destined to kill The Almighty. D'Leh starts a full-scale rebellion among the slaves. They cause the mammoth herd used in building the pyramid to stampede, killing a large number of troops.The Almighty offers Evolet to D'Leh in exchange for abandoning his rebellion. The Almighty says that if D'Leh takes his wife, his warriors can return, but the rest must be his slaves forever. D'Leh feigns acceptance of the deal which allows him to throw a spear at The Almighty and kill him, proving that he is not a god. During the ensuing battle, the raider obsessed with Evolet kidnaps her on horseback. Evolet grabs an arrow and stabs the warlord in the side, knocking them both off the horse. D'Leh rushes towards her, but the raider shoots her in the back with an arrow. D'Leh kills him and returns to Evolet, and she dies in his arms. The scene shifts to the tribe's wise woman as she breathes out her last breath. D'Leh is still holding Evolet's body when she suddenly comes back to life, restored by the wise woman's sacrifice. They depart for home and bid farewell to the other tribes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam rentang waktu dari 10.000 SM, suku pemburu-pengumpul yang disebut Yagahl tinggal di berbagai terpencil pegunungan di Ural dan bertahan dengan membunuh mammoth, yang mereka sebut "mannaks". D'Leh, seorang pemburu muda, memiliki pendamping bernama Evolet, seorang yatim piatu yang ditemukan oleh suku. D'Leh, sambil berburu mammoth, berhasil membunuh satu dan memenangkan "White Tombak". Dia juga memenangkan Evolet dalam pernikahan, tapi merasa dia layak baik karena dia membunuh raksasa oleh kecelakaan. Desa ini dipimpin oleh seorang pemburu yang telah terbukti keberaniannya dengan membunuh Mammoth, dan mengambil Putih Tombak. Orang-orang juga sangat menghormati seorang wanita tua, yang disebut Old Mother. Karena penampilan yang berbeda dia manusia lain di desa, diasumsikan dia adalah Neanderthal, yang "terakhir dari jenisnya", hidup dengan Homo sapiens desa. Suatu hari, D'Leh dan beberapa yang lain pergi ketika kuda -raiders disebut "Empat Demons Legged" serangan kamp Yaghal. Perampok kuda memperbudak Evolet dan pemburu beberapa orang lain village's; D'Leh, Tic'Tic, Karen, dan Baku mengejar mereka untuk menyelamatkannya. Mereka memasuki hutan hujan di mana mereka mengejar ketinggalan dengan partai merampok. Selama malam, D'Leh menyelamatkan Evolet, tetapi karena mereka mencoba untuk melarikan diri dari perampok mengejar, mereka diserang oleh pak besar burung teror. Tic'Tic akan terluka dan Baku, Ka'Ren, Evolet yang kembali ditangkap. Melanjutkan, mereka bertemu orang lain yang orang-orang terkasih yang diambil oleh perampok. D'Leh dan Tic'Tic berteman Nakudu, pemimpin suku Naku. Dia mengatakan D'Leh dari nubuat; siapa berbicara dengan Smilodon yang mereka sebut "Tombak-Tooth" akan membantu membebaskan orang-orang mereka. D'Leh sebelumnya telah menyelamatkan Spear-Tooth tenggelam dalam perangkap dan telah menyelamatkan hidupnya. D'Leh menyadari nubuatan itu tentang dia. Nakudu menjelaskan bahwa orang yang dicintainya diambil dalam "Burung Merah Besar", kapal dengan layar merah besar, dengan "Pegunungan Dewata", yang tak seorang pun pernah kembali. Mereka kemudian datang bersama-sama dengan suku-suku lain, yang setuju untuk membentuk koalisi untuk mengejar perampok. Mereka menemukan kapal dengan layar merah memegang Evolet dan Baku. Dengan tidak berarti mengikuti kapal, mereka perjalanan melalui padang pasir yang luas, menemukan sebuah peradaban maju yang mirip dengan Mesir kuno, diperintah oleh seorang tokoh misterius yang dikenal sebagai "The Mahakuasa", yang dikatakan menjadi korban terakhir dari jenis dan dianggap sebagai dewa yang hidup. Hal ini tersirat dalam naskah bahwa ia adalah korban dari jatuhnya Atlantis. Yang Mahakuasa memiliki ribuan budak yang ia gunakan untuk membangun kompleks piramida besar untuk menghormatinya. D'Leh menemukan sebuah hamba lolos dari Yang Maha Kuasa dan pemberitahuan dia memakai gelang yang dikenakan oleh ayah D'Leh ini. Ayah D'Leh meninggalkan sukunya untuk makanan dan menemukan suku Naku sebelum dicuri oleh perampok. Dalam serangan malam, penjaga budak menemukan D'Leh belakang piramida. Tic'Tic meninggal dari luka yang diderita saat membunuh para penjaga sebelum mereka menaikkan alarm. Sementara itu, imam Mahakuasa menemukan Evolet beruang bekas luka di tangannya berpola setelah "Mark Hunter", konstelasi Orion. Para imam percaya itu adalah bagian dari nubuat bahwa siapa pun yang memakai tanda dari Hunter ditakdirkan untuk membunuh The Mahakuasa. D'Leh memulai pemberontakan skala penuh di antara budak. Mereka menyebabkan kawanan mammoth yang digunakan dalam membangun piramida untuk injak, membunuh sejumlah besar tentara. Yang Mahakuasa menawarkan Evolet ke D'Leh dalam pertukaran untuk meninggalkan pemberontakannya. Yang Mahakuasa mengatakan bahwa jika D'Leh mengambil istrinya, prajurit itu bisa kembali, tapi sisanya harus menjadi budak selamanya. D'Leh berpura-pura menerima kesepakatan yang memungkinkan dia untuk melemparkan tombak di The Mahakuasa dan membunuhnya, membuktikan bahwa dia bukan dewa. Selama pertempuran berikutnya, raider terobsesi dengan Evolet menculik dia menunggang kuda. Evolet meraih panah dan menusuk panglima perang di samping, mengetuk mereka berdua dari kuda. D'Leh bergegas ke arahnya, tapi raider tunas nya di belakang dengan panah. D'Leh membunuhnya dan kembali ke Evolet, dan dia meninggal dalam pelukannya. Adegan bergeser ke wanita yang bijaksana suku saat ia bernafas keluar napas terakhirnya. D'Leh masih memegang tubuh Evolet ketika dia tiba-tiba datang kembali ke kehidupan, dipulihkan oleh pengorbanan wanita bijak. Mereka berangkat ke rumah dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada suku-suku lainnya.

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