Where N R is the Reynolds number, d is vessel diameter, and v,  , and terjemahan - Where N R is the Reynolds number, d is vessel diameter, and v,  , and Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Where N R is the Reynolds number, d

Where N R is the Reynolds number, d is vessel diameter, and v,  , and
are blood
velocity, density, and viscosity, respectively. [ Note: Blood density (  ) does not change in
vivo and can be considered a constant. The threshold for turbulence in the cardiovascular
system is 1,600.]
Turbulence occurs where blood velocity is high. In practice, this means turbulence is
only likely during fl ow through the heart and major blood vessels. Turbulence is also a
signifi cant source of airfl ow resistance in the lungs.
Functional murmurs during pregnancy occur due to an Hct decline and associated
viscosity decrease (a physiologic anemia , see 9.4). The murmurs are associated
with ventricular fi lling and high-velocity systolic fl ow through heart valves.

Vessel wall
Path followed by
a single RBC
Path followed by
a single RBC
Turbulent flow

Occurs in regions where flow
velocity is high
Inefficient, energy is wasted in
chaotic movement
Cannot apply the Poiseuille law
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Where N R is the Reynolds number, d is vessel diameter, and v,  , and are blood velocity, density, and viscosity, respectively. [ Note: Blood density (  ) does not change in vivo and can be considered a constant. The threshold for turbulence in the cardiovascular system is 1,600.] Turbulence occurs where blood velocity is high. In practice, this means turbulence is only likely during fl ow through the heart and major blood vessels. Turbulence is also a signifi cant source of airfl ow resistance in the lungs. Functional murmurs during pregnancy occur due to an Hct decline and associated viscosity decrease (a physiologic anemia , see 9.4). The murmurs are associated with ventricular fi lling and high-velocity systolic fl ow through heart valves. vd N R Vessel wallPath followed bya single RBCPath followed bya single RBCTurbulent flow••• Occurs in regions where flowvelocity is highInefficient, energy is wasted in chaotic movementCannot apply the Poiseuille law
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mana NR adalah jumlah Reynolds, d adalah diameter pembuluh, dan v,? , Dan
adalah darah
kecepatan, kepadatan, dan viskositas, masing-masing. [Catatan: (?) Kepadatan darah tidak berubah di
vivo dan dapat dianggap konstan. Ambang batas untuk turbulensi dalam kardiovaskular
sistem adalah 1.600.]
Turbulensi terjadi di mana kecepatan darah tinggi. Dalam prakteknya, ini berarti turbulensi adalah
hanya mungkin selama mengalir melalui jantung dan pembuluh darah besar. Turbulensi juga merupakan
sumber tidak bisa signifi perlawanan airfl ow di paru-paru.
Murmur Fungsional selama kehamilan terjadi karena penurunan Ht dan terkait
viskositas penurunan (anemia fisiologis, lihat 9.4). Murmur berhubungan
dengan ventrikel isian dan-kecepatan tinggi sistolik fl ow melalui katup jantung.
Vd? NR dinding Kapal Jalur diikuti oleh sebuah RBC tunggal Jalur diikuti oleh sebuah RBC tunggal aliran turbulen • • • Terjadi di daerah di mana aliran kecepatan tinggi yang tidak efisien , energi yang terbuang di gerakan kacau tidak dapat menerapkan hukum Poiseuille

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