3. Research Design and Methodology3.1 SampleAs emphasized by Stamper a terjemahan - 3. Research Design and Methodology3.1 SampleAs emphasized by Stamper a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3. Research Design and Methodology3

3. Research Design and Methodology

3.1 Sample

As emphasized by Stamper and Van Dyne (2003), the employees in service industry are the key players in achieving customer satisfaction, retention, and organizational performance. Banking industry, being a key service sector of Pakistan, has been selected for the study. The studies of OCB drawing sample from the banks include Ann et al. (1983); Hui, Lam, and Law, (2000); Williams, Pitre, and Zainuba, (2002) etc. It is a vibrant and remarkably growing sector of the Pakistan economy. Therefore, a random sample set of employees of different commercial banks were selected where two groups of employees participated in the study. One group was the sample and the other group served as the raters of sample employees' OCB. For each sample employee two colleagues/peers were selected as raters. 800 employees were selected to fill out the questionnaire containing OCB scale, and rewards information. For each sample employee two peers were selected for evaluation of OCB shown by sample employee. This means that for those 800 sample employees 1600 peers were selected and were given 1600 questionnaires. Out of those 800 questionnaires, 530 were returned yielding a response rate of 66.25%. This process of collecting behavioral responses from three different sources involved risk in terms of comprehensive data set collection (Wagner & Rush, 2000). For each sample employee questionnaire peer evaluation questionnaires were matched and 405 questionnaires had their complete set of peer evaluations yielding final response rate of 50.62%. Various questionnaires with inconsistent and missing data were eliminated and finally responses of 360 sample employees and 720 raters were used for the analysis.

31.7% of sample employees have not received any promotion throughout their tenure in the current bank while 27.2%, 25.8%, 9.2%, 3.3% and 2.5% have received 1,2,3,4 and 5 promotions respectively.

Out of the 360 employees 64.1% have not received promotion and 35.9% have been promoted in the current working year.

37.7% have received 50% or less, 17.7% have received 51%-100%, 11.4% have received 101%-200%, 5.1% have received 201%-300%, 4.5% have received 301%-400%, 3.6% have received 401%-500%, 3%have received 501%-600% and 17.1% have received 601% or more Total Salary Increment for the entire Tenure.

15.2% have received 5% or less, 46% have received 6%-15%, 19.4%have received 16%-25%, 11% have received 26%-35%, and 4.2% have received36%-45% and 46% or more Salary Increment in the current working year.

47.7% have attained A grade, 40.8% have attained B grade, 10.9%have attained C grade and .6% have attained D grade for the performance they have shown in the current year.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
3. penelitian desain dan metodologi3.1 sampelAs emphasized by Stamper and Van Dyne (2003), the employees in service industry are the key players in achieving customer satisfaction, retention, and organizational performance. Banking industry, being a key service sector of Pakistan, has been selected for the study. The studies of OCB drawing sample from the banks include Ann et al. (1983); Hui, Lam, and Law, (2000); Williams, Pitre, and Zainuba, (2002) etc. It is a vibrant and remarkably growing sector of the Pakistan economy. Therefore, a random sample set of employees of different commercial banks were selected where two groups of employees participated in the study. One group was the sample and the other group served as the raters of sample employees' OCB. For each sample employee two colleagues/peers were selected as raters. 800 employees were selected to fill out the questionnaire containing OCB scale, and rewards information. For each sample employee two peers were selected for evaluation of OCB shown by sample employee. This means that for those 800 sample employees 1600 peers were selected and were given 1600 questionnaires. Out of those 800 questionnaires, 530 were returned yielding a response rate of 66.25%. This process of collecting behavioral responses from three different sources involved risk in terms of comprehensive data set collection (Wagner & Rush, 2000). For each sample employee questionnaire peer evaluation questionnaires were matched and 405 questionnaires had their complete set of peer evaluations yielding final response rate of 50.62%. Various questionnaires with inconsistent and missing data were eliminated and finally responses of 360 sample employees and 720 raters were used for the analysis.31.7 persen karyawan sampel belum menerima promosi seluruh kepemilikan di bank saat ini sementara 27.2%, 25.8%, 9.2%, 3,3% dan 2,5% telah menerima 1,2,3,4 dan 5 promosi masing-masing.Dari 360 karyawan 64.1% belum menerima promosi dan naik 35,9% telah dipromosikan pada tahun kerja saat ini.37.7% telah menerima 50% atau kurang, 17.7% telah menerima 51% - 100%, 11.4% telah menerima 101-200%, 5,1% telah menerima 201-300%, 4,5% telah menerima 301-400%, 3.6% telah menerima 401-500%, 3% telah menerima 501-600% dan 17.1% telah diterima 601% atau lebih Total kenaikan gaji untuk jabatan seluruh.15,2% telah menerima 5% atau kurang, 46% telah menerima 6% - 15%, 19.4%have menerima 16-25%, 11% telah menerima 26% - 35%, dan 4,2% memiliki received36 - 45% dan 46% atau lebih kenaikan gaji di tahun kerja saat ini.47. 7% telah mencapai nilai, 40. 8% telah mencapai kelas B, 10.9%have mencapai kelas C dan. 6% telah mencapai kelas D untuk kinerja mereka telah menunjukkan dalam tahun sekarang.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
3. Desain Penelitian dan Metodologi 3.1 Sampel Seperti ditekankan oleh Stamper dan Van Dyne (2003), karyawan di industri jasa adalah pemain kunci dalam mencapai kepuasan pelanggan, retensi, dan kinerja organisasi. Perbankan industri, menjadi sektor jasa kunci dari Pakistan, telah dipilih untuk penelitian. Studi dari OCB menggambar sampel dari bank termasuk Ann dkk. (1983); Hui, Lam, dan Hukum, (2000); Williams, Pitre, dan Zainuba, (2002), dll Ini adalah sektor bersemangat dan sangat tumbuh ekonomi Pakistan. Oleh karena itu, sampel acak set karyawan bank komersial yang berbeda dipilih mana dua kelompok karyawan yang ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Satu kelompok adalah sampel dan kelompok lain menjabat sebagai penilai dari OCB sampel karyawan. Untuk setiap sampel karyawan dua rekan / teman sebaya dipilih sebagai penilai. 800 karyawan dipilih untuk mengisi kuesioner yang berisi skala OCB, dan penghargaan informasi. Untuk setiap sampel karyawan dua rekan dipilih untuk evaluasi OCB ditunjukkan oleh karyawan sampel. Ini berarti bahwa bagi mereka 800 karyawan sampel 1.600 rekan-rekan yang dipilih dan diberi kuesioner 1600. Dari mereka 800 kuesioner, 530 dikembalikan menghasilkan tingkat tanggapan 66,25%. Ini proses pengumpulan respon perilaku dari tiga sumber yang berbeda yang terlibat risiko dalam hal pengumpulan set data yang komprehensif (Wagner & Rush, 2000). Untuk setiap sampel kuesioner karyawan kuesioner evaluasi rekan yang cocok dan 405 kuesioner memiliki set lengkap mereka evaluasi rekan menghasilkan tingkat respons akhir 50,62%. Berbagai kuesioner dengan data yang tidak konsisten dan hilang tersingkir dan akhirnya respon dari 360 karyawan sampel dan 720 penilai yang digunakan untuk analisis. 31,7% dari karyawan sampel belum menerima promosi sepanjang masa jabatan mereka di bank saat ini sementara 27,2%, 25,8%, 9,2 %, 3,3% dan 2,5% telah menerima 1,2,3,4 dan 5 promosi masing-masing. Dari 360 karyawan 64,1% belum menerima promosi dan 35,9% telah dipromosikan pada tahun bekerja saat ini. 37,7% telah menerima 50% atau kurang, 17,7% telah menerima 51% -100%, 11,4% telah menerima 101% -200%, 5,1% telah menerima 201% -300%, 4,5% telah menerima 301% -400%, 3,6% telah menerima 401% - 500%, 3% telah menerima 501% -600% dan 17,1% telah menerima 601% atau lebih Jumlah Kenaikan Gaji untuk seluruh Tenure. 15,2% telah menerima 5% atau kurang, 46% telah menerima 6% -15%, 19,4% telah menerima 16% -25%, 11% telah menerima 26% -35%, dan 4,2% telah received36% -45% dan 46% atau lebih Kenaikan Gaji di tahun kerja saat ini. 47,7% telah mencapai grade A, 40,8% memiliki mencapai grade B, 10,9% telah mencapai C grade dan 0,6% telah mencapai D kelas atas kinerja mereka telah menunjukkan pada tahun berjalan.

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