●● To protect new or weak industries. A new, or infant, industry may n terjemahan - ●● To protect new or weak industries. A new, or infant, industry may n Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

●● To protect new or weak industrie

●● To protect new or weak industries. A new, or infant, industry may not be strong
enough to withstand foreign competition. Temporary trade restrictions may be
used to give it a chance to grow and become self-sufficient. The problem is that
once an industry is protected from foreign competition, it may refuse to grow,
and “temporary” trade restrictions will become permanent. For example, a recent
report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the congressional investigative
agency, has accused the federal government of routinely imposing quotas
on foreign textiles without “demonstrating the threat of serious damage” to U.S.
industry. The GAO said that the Committee for the Implementation of Textile
Agreements sometimes applies quotas even though it cannot prove the textile
industry’s claims that American companies have been hurt or jobs have been
●● To protect national security. Restrictions in this category generally apply to technological
products that must be kept out of the hands of potential enemies. For
example, strategic and defense-related goods cannot be exported to unfriendly
●● To protect the health of citizens. Products may be embargoed because they are
dangerous or unhealthy (e.g., farm products contaminated with insecticides).
●● To retaliate for another nation’s trade restrictions. A country whose exports are
taxed by another country may respond by imposing tariffs on imports from that
●● To protect domestic jobs. By restricting imports, a nation can protect jobs in
domestic industries. However, protecting these jobs can be expensive. For example,
protecting 9,000 jobs in the U.S. carbon-steel industry costs $6.8 billion, or
$750,000 per job. In addition, Gary Hufbauer and Ben Goodrich, economists at
the Institute for International Economics, estimate that the tariffs could temporarily
save 3,500 jobs in the steel industry, but at an annual cost to steel users of $2
billion, or $584,000 per job saved. Yet recently the United States imposed tariffs of
up to 616 percent on steel pipes imported from China, South Korea, and Mexico.
Similarly, it is estimated that we spent more than $100,000 for every job saved in
the apparel manufacturing industry—jobs that seldom paid more than $35,000
a year.
Reasons Against Trade Restrictions
Trade restrictions have immediate and long-term economic consequences—both within
the restricting nation and in world trade patterns. These include the following:
●● Higher prices for consumers. Higher prices may result from the imposition of
tariffs or the elimination of foreign competition, as described earlier. For example,
imposing quota restrictions and import protections adds $25 billion annually
to U.S. consumers’ apparel costs by directly increasing costs for imported
●● Restriction of consumers’ choices. Again, this is a direct result of the elimination
of some foreign products from the marketplace and of the artificially high prices
that importers must charge for products that are still imported.
●● Misallocation of international resources. The protection of weak industries results
in the inefficient use of limited resources. The economies of both the restricting
nation and other nations eventually suffer because of this waste.
●● Loss of jobs. The restriction of imports by one nation must lead to cutbacks—and
the loss of jobs—in the export-oriented industries of other nations. Furthermore,
trade protection has a significant effect on the composition of employment. U.S.
trade restrictions—whether on textiles, apparel, steel, or automobiles—benefit
only a few industries while harming many others. The gains in employment accrue
to the protected industries and their primary suppliers, and the losses are spread
across all other industries. A few states gain employment, but many other states
lose employment.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
●● To protect new or weak industries. A new, or infant, industry may not be strongenough to withstand foreign competition. Temporary trade restrictions may beused to give it a chance to grow and become self-sufficient. The problem is thatonce an industry is protected from foreign competition, it may refuse to grow,and “temporary” trade restrictions will become permanent. For example, a recentreport by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the congressional investigativeagency, has accused the federal government of routinely imposing quotason foreign textiles without “demonstrating the threat of serious damage” to U.S.industry. The GAO said that the Committee for the Implementation of TextileAgreements sometimes applies quotas even though it cannot prove the textileindustry’s claims that American companies have been hurt or jobs have beeneliminated.●● To protect national security. Restrictions in this category generally apply to technologicalproducts that must be kept out of the hands of potential enemies. Forexample, strategic and defense-related goods cannot be exported to unfriendlynations.●● To protect the health of citizens. Products may be embargoed because they aredangerous or unhealthy (e.g., farm products contaminated with insecticides).●● To retaliate for another nation’s trade restrictions. A country whose exports aretaxed by another country may respond by imposing tariffs on imports from thatcountry.
●● To protect domestic jobs. By restricting imports, a nation can protect jobs in
domestic industries. However, protecting these jobs can be expensive. For example,
protecting 9,000 jobs in the U.S. carbon-steel industry costs $6.8 billion, or
$750,000 per job. In addition, Gary Hufbauer and Ben Goodrich, economists at
the Institute for International Economics, estimate that the tariffs could temporarily
save 3,500 jobs in the steel industry, but at an annual cost to steel users of $2
billion, or $584,000 per job saved. Yet recently the United States imposed tariffs of
up to 616 percent on steel pipes imported from China, South Korea, and Mexico.
Similarly, it is estimated that we spent more than $100,000 for every job saved in
the apparel manufacturing industry—jobs that seldom paid more than $35,000
a year.
Reasons Against Trade Restrictions
Trade restrictions have immediate and long-term economic consequences—both within
the restricting nation and in world trade patterns. These include the following:
●● Higher prices for consumers. Higher prices may result from the imposition of
tariffs or the elimination of foreign competition, as described earlier. For example,
imposing quota restrictions and import protections adds $25 billion annually
to U.S. consumers’ apparel costs by directly increasing costs for imported
●● Restriction of consumers’ choices. Again, this is a direct result of the elimination
of some foreign products from the marketplace and of the artificially high prices
that importers must charge for products that are still imported.
●● Misallocation of international resources. The protection of weak industries results
in the inefficient use of limited resources. The economies of both the restricting
nation and other nations eventually suffer because of this waste.
●● Loss of jobs. The restriction of imports by one nation must lead to cutbacks—and
the loss of jobs—in the export-oriented industries of other nations. Furthermore,
trade protection has a significant effect on the composition of employment. U.S.
trade restrictions—whether on textiles, apparel, steel, or automobiles—benefit
only a few industries while harming many others. The gains in employment accrue
to the protected industries and their primary suppliers, and the losses are spread
across all other industries. A few states gain employment, but many other states
lose employment.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
●● Untuk melindungi industri-industri baru atau lemah. Sebuah baru, atau bayi, industri mungkin tidak kuat
cukup untuk menahan kompetisi asing. Pembatasan perdagangan sementara mungkin
digunakan untuk memberikan kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan menjadi mandiri. Masalahnya adalah bahwa
sekali industri dilindungi dari persaingan asing, mungkin menolak untuk tumbuh,
dan pembatasan perdagangan "sementara" akan menjadi permanen. Sebagai contoh, baru-baru ini
laporan oleh Government Accountability Office (GAO), yang investigasi kongres
badan, menuduh pemerintah federal secara rutin memaksakan kuota
pada tekstil asing tanpa "menunjukkan ancaman kerusakan serius" AS
industri. GAO mengatakan bahwa Komite Pelaksanaan Tekstil
Perjanjian kadang-kadang berlaku kuota meskipun tidak bisa membuktikan tekstil
klaim industri bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan Amerika telah disakiti atau pekerjaan telah
●● Untuk melindungi keamanan nasional. Pembatasan dalam kategori ini umumnya berlaku untuk teknologi
produk yang harus terus keluar dari tangan musuh potensial. Untuk
contoh, barang strategis dan pertahanan yang terkait tidak dapat diekspor ke ramah
●● Untuk melindungi kesehatan warga. Produk dapat diembargo karena mereka
berbahaya atau tidak sehat (misalnya, produk pertanian terkontaminasi insektisida).
●● Untuk membalas pembatasan perdagangan bangsa lain. Sebuah negara yang ekspor
dikenakan pajak oleh negara lain dapat menanggapi dengan memberlakukan tarif impor itu
●● Untuk melindungi pekerjaan domestik. Dengan membatasi impor, bangsa dapat melindungi pekerjaan di
industri dalam negeri. Namun, melindungi pekerjaan ini bisa mahal. Misalnya,
melindungi 9.000 pekerjaan di industri karbon-baja AS biaya $ 6800000000, atau
$ 750.000 per pekerjaan. Selain itu, Gary Hufbauer dan Ben Goodrich, ekonom di
Institut Ekonomi Internasional, memperkirakan bahwa tarif sementara bisa
menyimpan 3.500 pekerjaan di industri baja, tetapi dengan biaya tahunan untuk pengguna baja $ 2
miliar atau $ 584.000 per job disimpan. Namun baru-baru Amerika Serikat dikenakan tarif
hingga 616 persen pada pipa baja impor dari China, Korea Selatan, dan Meksiko.
Demikian pula, diperkirakan bahwa kami menghabiskan lebih dari $ 100.000 untuk setiap pekerjaan yang disimpan dalam
pembuatan pakaian industri-pekerjaan yang jarang dibayar lebih dari $ 35.000
per tahun.
Alasan Terhadap Perdagangan Pembatasan
pembatasan Perdagangan memiliki konsekuensi-baik ekonomi jangka panjang segera dan dalam
bangsa membatasi dan pola perdagangan dunia. Ini meliputi:
●● Harga yang lebih tinggi bagi konsumen. Harga yang lebih tinggi mungkin akibat dari pengenaan
tarif atau penghapusan kompetisi asing, seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya. Misalnya,
memberlakukan pembatasan kuota dan perlindungan impor menambahkan $ 25000000000 per tahun
untuk konsumen AS 'biaya pakaian dengan langsung meningkatkan biaya untuk impor
●● Pembatasan konsumen pilihan. Sekali lagi, ini adalah akibat langsung dari penghapusan
dari beberapa produk asing dari pasar dan dari harga yang terlalu tinggi
yang importir harus mengisi untuk produk yang masih diimpor.
●● misalokasi sumber daya internasional. Perlindungan industri yang lemah mengakibatkan
dalam penggunaan yang tidak efisien sumber daya yang terbatas. Ekonomi kedua membatasi
bangsa dan negara-negara lain akhirnya menderita karena limbah ini.
●● Kehilangan pekerjaan. Pembatasan impor oleh satu bangsa harus mengarah pada pemotongan-dan
hilangnya pekerjaan-dalam industri berorientasi ekspor negara-negara lain. Selanjutnya,
proteksi perdagangan memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap komposisi kerja. AS
pembatasan-apakah perdagangan pada tekstil, pakaian jadi, baja, atau mobil-manfaat
hanya beberapa industri sementara merugikan banyak orang lain. Keuntungan dalam pekerjaan bertambah
pada industri dilindungi dan pemasok utama mereka, dan kerugian tersebar
di semua industri lainnya. Beberapa negara mendapatkan pekerjaan, tetapi banyak negara-negara lain
kehilangan pekerjaan.
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