Wipes the tea hee to smile: „So long as the Boss is will­ing to want,  terjemahan - Wipes the tea hee to smile: „So long as the Boss is will­ing to want,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wipes the tea hee to smile: „So lon

Wipes the tea hee to smile: „So long as the Boss is will­ing to want, girl places end has not re­lated, said again ninth was good.”
„Um, that is good, pre­pares to at­tack a city!”
This [Zhan Long] mem­bers unity is strength, wipes the re­turn of tea to make every­body con­fi­dence mul­ti­ply, the de­struc­tive power to the city as if + 40%, fright­ened in the city has de­fended the im­pe­r­ial player leg such as to shake chaff, fa­cial color to be pale, waited for the city slope to sur­ren­der.
Raises the sword to ar­rive under the city, the elegy of god of death raises the shield to keep off the above magic and arrow arrow for my stan­dard, what a pity own HP falls too quickly, he fell too mul­ti­stage, the re­sis­tance was not very high, is good also came be­cause of dream Yao, the Lady Wa stone stunt put, every­body some­what in­vin­ci­ble feel­ing, in mid­dle of one group of melt god cav­al­ries, I sin­gle-handed has raised, the god mil­i­tary tally lin­gered, sum­moned pur­ple thun­der Ji Che quickly!
Space mine in­spir­ing, „bang” a city gate trem­bles, im­me­di­ately on city a Viet­nam holds stunned of flag Wei Jibie player whole face: „What clever thing is that?”
Wipes the tea also to raise the long sword to chop in the city gate ran­domly, I ride the wind to cut the heavy bomb­ing, the sword air/Qi show the city gate, de­fended a city the player who to kill one piece the rear area to the sec­ond, gar­ri­son troops of Cooldown cold flame city soon the con­fi­dence was de­stroyed.
Short is less than 3 min­utes, thun­ders, the city gate col­lapses, the [Zhan Long] op­pres­sion of the peo­ple en­ters a city rapidly, above the city, Lin Wan Er sad­dle horse Long Xi­aobai is also Long Xi glides, lead­ing every­body to kill to enter a city, pushed di­rectly into, which NPC and player of cold flame city can also be able to block, in ad­di­tion their turn­ing back in order to help friendly forces mil­i­tary strength also in­ter­cepted in starry sky forests, three blade edge moun­tains and other maps, the great power has been in­ca­pable.
Is less than a half hour, the Chi­nese war zone ob­tained the 7 th sec­ondary host city, this cold flame city after the Qingyan city and fish­ing city once more be­came our it'ses in the bag!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wipes the tea hee to smile: „So long as the Boss is will­ing to want, girl places end has not re­lated, said again ninth was good.”„Um, that is good, pre­pares to at­tack a city!”„Good!”This [Zhan Long] mem­bers unity is strength, wipes the re­turn of tea to make every­body con­fi­dence mul­ti­ply, the de­struc­tive power to the city as if + 40%, fright­ened in the city has de­fended the im­pe­r­ial player leg such as to shake chaff, fa­cial color to be pale, waited for the city slope to sur­ren­der.Raises the sword to ar­rive under the city, the elegy of god of death raises the shield to keep off the above magic and arrow arrow for my stan­dard, what a pity own HP falls too quickly, he fell too mul­ti­stage, the re­sis­tance was not very high, is good also came be­cause of dream Yao, the Lady Wa stone stunt put, every­body some­what in­vin­ci­ble feel­ing, in mid­dle of one group of melt god cav­al­ries, I sin­gle-handed has raised, the god mil­i­tary tally lin­gered, sum­moned pur­ple thun­der Ji Che quickly!Space mine in­spir­ing, „bang” a city gate trem­bles, im­me­di­ately on city a Viet­nam holds stunned of flag Wei Jibie player whole face: „What clever thing is that?”Wipes the tea also to raise the long sword to chop in the city gate ran­domly, I ride the wind to cut the heavy bomb­ing, the sword air/Qi show the city gate, de­fended a city the player who to kill one piece the rear area to the sec­ond, gar­ri­son troops of Cooldown cold flame city soon the con­fi­dence was de­stroyed.Short is less than 3 min­utes, thun­ders, the city gate col­lapses, the [Zhan Long] op­pres­sion of the peo­ple en­ters a city rapidly, above the city, Lin Wan Er sad­dle horse Long Xi­aobai is also Long Xi glides, lead­ing every­body to kill to enter a city, pushed di­rectly into, which NPC and player of cold flame city can also be able to block, in ad­di­tion their turn­ing back in order to help friendly forces mil­i­tary strength also in­ter­cepted in starry sky forests, three blade edge moun­tains and other maps, the great power has been in­ca­pable.Is less than a half hour, the Chi­nese war zone ob­tained the 7 th sec­ondary host city, this cold flame city after the Qingyan city and fish­ing city once more be­came our it'ses in the bag!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menyeka hee teh tersenyum: "Selama Bos bersedia inginkan, gadis menempatkan akhir belum terkait, kata lagi kesembilan baik."
"Um, yang baik, mempersiapkan untuk menyerang kota"!
ini [Zhan panjang] anggota persatuan adalah kekuatan, tisu kembalinya teh membuat kepercayaan orang multiply, kekuatan destruktif ke kota seakan + 40%, ketakutan di kota telah membela kaki pemain kekaisaran seperti berjabat sekam, wajah warna menjadi pucat, menunggu lereng kota untuk menyerah.
meningkatkan pedang tiba di bawah kota, elegi dari dewa kematian menimbulkan perisai untuk menjaga off keajaiban di atas dan panah panah untuk standar saya, sayang sendiri HP jatuh terlalu cepat, ia jatuh terlalu multistage, perlawanan itu tidak sangat tinggi, baik juga datang karena mimpi Yao, Lady Wa batu aksi put, semua orang agak tak terkalahkan perasaan, di tengah-tengah satu kelompok cavalries meleleh Tuhan, aku satu tangan telah mengangkat, penghitungan militer dewa berlama-lama, dipanggil guntur ungu Ji Che cepat!
tambang Ruang inspirasi, "bang" kota gemetar gerbang, segera di kota Vietnam memegang tertegun bendera Wei Jibie pemain seluruh wajah: "Apa hal pintar itu? "
tisu teh juga untuk menaikkan pedang panjang untuk memotong di gerbang kota secara acak, aku naik angin untuk memotong pemboman berat, udara pedang / Qi menunjukkan gerbang kota, membela kota pemain yang membunuh satu bagian belakang daerah untuk kedua, pasukan garnisun Cooldown kota api dingin segera kepercayaan itu hancur.
pendek kurang dari 3 menit, guruh, pintu gerbang kota runtuh, yang [Zhan panjang] penindasan dari orang-orang memasuki kota dengan cepat, di atas kota, Lin Wan Er pelana kuda panjang Xiaobai juga panjang Xi meluncur, mengarah orang untuk membunuh untuk masuk kota, mendorong langsung ke yang NPC dan pemain dari kota api dingin juga bisa dapat memblokir, selain mereka berbalik untuk membantu pasukan ramah kekuatan militer juga dicegat di hutan langit berbintang, tiga gunung tepi pisau dan peta lainnya, kekuatan besar telah mampu.
Apakah kurang dari setengah jam, zona perang Cina memperoleh 7 th kota tuan rumah sekunder, ini kota api dingin setelah yang Qingyan kota dan memancing kota sekali lagi menjadi it'ses kami di kantong!
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