the importance of education in developing human capitalthe word

the importance of education in deve

the importance of education in developing human capital

the word "capital" usually refers to economy's stock of equipment and struktures. the capital stock includes the farmer's tractor, the manufacturer's factory, and the teacher's blackboard. the essence of capital is that it is a factor of production that it self has been produced.

there is nother type of capital that, while less tangible than physical, is just as important to the economy's production. human capital is the accumulation of investments in people. the most important type of human capital is education. like all form of capital, education represents an expendicure of resources at one point in time to raise productivity in the future. but, unlike an investments in other forms of capital, an invesment in education is tied to a spesific person, and this linkage is what makes it human capital.

not surprisingly, workers with more human capital on average earn more than those with less human capital. college graduatees in the united states, for example, earn about 65 percent mre than those workers who end their education with high school diploma. this large difference has been documented in many countries, where educated workers are in scarce supply.

it is easy to see why education raises wages from the perspective of supply and demand. firms- the demanders of labor - are willing to pay more for the highly educated because highly educated workers have higher marginal products. workers - the suplier of labor - are willing to pay the cost of becoming educated only if there is reward for doing so. in essence, the difference in wages between highly educated workers and less educated workers may be considered a compensating defferential for the cost of becoming educated.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
the importance of education in developing human capitalthe word "capital" usually refers to economy's stock of equipment and struktures. the capital stock includes the farmer's tractor, the manufacturer's factory, and the teacher's blackboard. the essence of capital is that it is a factor of production that it self has been produced.there is nother type of capital that, while less tangible than physical, is just as important to the economy's production. human capital is the accumulation of investments in people. the most important type of human capital is education. like all form of capital, education represents an expendicure of resources at one point in time to raise productivity in the future. but, unlike an investments in other forms of capital, an invesment in education is tied to a spesific person, and this linkage is what makes it human capital. not surprisingly, workers with more human capital on average earn more than those with less human capital. college graduatees in the united states, for example, earn about 65 percent mre than those workers who end their education with high school diploma. this large difference has been documented in many countries, where educated workers are in scarce is easy to see why education raises wages from the perspective of supply and demand. firms- the demanders of labor - are willing to pay more for the highly educated because highly educated workers have higher marginal products. workers - the suplier of labor - are willing to pay the cost of becoming educated only if there is reward for doing so. in essence, the difference in wages between highly educated workers and less educated workers may be considered a compensating defferential for the cost of becoming educated.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
pentingnya pendidikan dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia kata "modal" biasanya mengacu pada saham perekonomian peralatan dan struktures. persediaan modal termasuk petani traktor, pabrik pembuat, dan papan tulis guru. esensi modal adalah bahwa itu adalah faktor produksi yang itu sendiri telah diproduksi. ada jenis nother modal itu, sementara kurang nyata daripada fisik, sama pentingnya dengan produksi perekonomian. modal manusia adalah akumulasi dari investasi pada orang. jenis yang paling penting dari sumber daya manusia adalah pendidikan. seperti semua bentuk modal, pendidikan merupakan expendicure sumber daya pada satu titik waktu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di masa depan. tapi, tidak seperti investasi dalam bentuk modal, suatu investasi dalam pendidikan terkait dengan spesifik orang, dan hubungan ini adalah apa yang membuatnya sumber daya manusia. tidak mengherankan, pekerja dengan modal lebih manusiawi rata-rata berpenghasilan lebih dari orang-orang dengan modal manusia kurang . graduatees kuliah di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, memperoleh sekitar 65 persen mre daripada para pekerja yang mengakhiri pendidikan mereka dengan ijazah sekolah tinggi. Perbedaan besar ini telah didokumentasikan di banyak negara, di mana para pekerja berpendidikan dalam pasokan langka. mudah untuk melihat mengapa pendidikan meningkatkan upah dari perspektif penawaran dan permintaan. firms- yang permintan tenaga kerja - bersedia membayar lebih untuk berpendidikan tinggi karena para pekerja berpendidikan tinggi memiliki produk marjinal yang lebih tinggi. pekerja - suplier tenaga kerja - bersedia membayar biaya menjadi berpendidikan hanya jika ada hadiah untuk melakukannya. pada dasarnya, perbedaan upah antara pekerja berpendidikan tinggi dan pekerja berpendidikan rendah dapat dianggap sebagai defferential kompensasi untuk biaya menjadi terdidik.

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