FEEDBACK CAN BE CLASSIFIED IN A NUMBER OF WAYSFeedback is defi ned as  terjemahan - FEEDBACK CAN BE CLASSIFIED IN A NUMBER OF WAYSFeedback is defi ned as  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Feedback is defi ned as any response-related information received either during or after the production of a movement skill. There are two broad categories of feedback. These are called sensory feedback and augmented feedback. The fi rst, sensory feedback, is always present to individuals through their various sensory modalities. The second, augmented feedback, is only available when provided by an external source and plays a key role in the learning process.

Sensory Feedback
Sensory feedback is information received directly by the performer through his or her various sensory systems. This can include what the performer feels, sees, hears, smells, or tastes (only the fi rst three are typically important in motor skill learning). This category of feedback is also termed intrinsic feedback, because it is inherent in the performer’s own movements. Sensory feedback can further be divided into proprioceptive feedback and exteroceptive feedback. Proprioceptive feedback includes all sensory information concerning the performer’s body (i.e., the “feel” of a movement informed by proprioceptors including muscle spindles, joint receptors, golgi tendon organs, and the vestibular apparatuses). Exteroceptive feedback includes all information about the external environment provided by the performer’s visual, auditory, and tactile sensory systems (i.e., what can be seen, heard, and perceived by touch). Unless some sensory defi cit is present, sensory feedback is always present to an individual.

Augmented Feedback
The second broad category into which feedback is classifi ed is information about an action provided by a source external to the performer. This can include information supplied by an observer (e.g., instructor, coach, trainer, therapist, etc.), a video replay of the performance, a graph or computergenerated display of some aspect of the performance (often used in research situations), or biofeedback, as the most common types of external feedback. This category of feedback is called augmented feedback, because it comes from sources outside of the performer and it augments (i.e., complements or adds to) sources of sensory feedback. Augmented feedback is also referred to as extrinsic feedback because it is supplied by a source external to the receiver.

Augmented feedback can further be classifi ed as being either verbal or nonverbal. Although the distinction between verbal and nonverbal feedback would seem obvious, it is not quite as clear as seems the case at fi rst blush. Verbal augmented feedback refers to all information delivered verbally by another person (e.g., a coach telling an athlete his or her time after a 100- yard dash), but also to information that is capable of being verbalized but may be delivered in another fashion (e.g., the same coach showing the athlete his or her time for the dash on the stopwatch used in timing the run). Nonverbal augmented feedback is not only delivered in a form other than spoken, but is also not capable of accurate verbalization, usually because of the amount, complexity, or abstract nature of the information provided (e.g., videotape replays, performance graphs, computer-generated graphic displays, biofeedback, etc.).

Of the various forms feedback may take, verbal augmented feedback has received the majority of research attention, in part because it is the most frequently used type of feedback in a wide range of motor skill settings including clinical, educational, athletic, artistic, and job training. There is good reason that this form of feedback is so pervasive across instructional settings. It provides the learner with information concerning both the causes and outcomes of a performance in terms that are readily comprehended. It informs the learner how well he or she accomplished the goal of a skill and something about the correctness (or incorrectness) of his or her movements in performing the skill. It is also easily deliverable and does not require the use of any equipment or special devices. Augmented feedback is further classifi ed on the basis of whether it provides information concerning the outcome of an action or of the movements produced in accomplishing the action. The fi rst of these two ways of classifying augmented feedback is called knowledge of results (KR). KR can be defi ned as any response-related information provided by an external source concerning the outcome of an action in terms of the goal of the action. Said in another way, KR is augmented feedback concerning the degree to which a performer achieves his or her performance goal. Here are the major questions answered by KR: What happened? What was the outcome? How successful was the attempt? In these examples, it should be noted that no information concerning the possible causes of the outcome are conveyed, or is information provided concerning how to correct future movements in order to perform the skill better. Only information about the outcome in terms of the goal of a skill is available to the learner by KR.

In reference to KR, it should also be noted that it is often redundant with sensory feedback, a phenomenon referred to as KR redundancy. That is, KR statements may convey information about the results of an action that merely duplicates sensory sources of information the person performing receives himor herself. Telling someone attempting a free throw in basketball that he or she made the basket adds nothing to the information already available through visual feedback. In such cases, KR is of little value in promoting movement correction and learning. At other times, though, KR may be valuable in supplying information learners cannot extract from the performance experience themselves, even when sensory information is available. This is often the case when movement outcomes are judged on form or quality of movement, such as is the case in gymnastics, diving, modern dance, and playing a musical instrument. Even when suffi cient proprioceptive information is available for evaluating the correctness of performance, those in the initial stages of learning usually lack the requisite capabilities necessary for evaluating their own sensory sources of feedback. At other times, KR may supply useful performance information not available through a learner’s sensory systems (words typed per minute, time in the mile run, timing of a bat swing for children learning nonsighted softball).

The second type of augmented feedback is knowledge of performance (KP). KP is defi ned as any information provided by an external source concerning the mechanics of a movement in terms of its effectiveness in meeting an action goal. Said in another way, KP is augmented feedback concerning the cause(s) of a performance response relative to the performance goal. Major questions answered by KP include: Was the movement correct? What caused an outcome error? How can the error be corrected? How should the movement be changed? Examples of verbal KP statements include the following: “Bend your elbow a little more on the next attempt.” “You didn’t follow through on your swing that time.” “Keep your wrist straight.” “Watch your opponent—not the ball.” “Think about contracting your hip muscles on each step that you take.” Note that in all of these examples of KP, information is provided to a learner about why his or her actions were either correct or incorrect (why they resulted in a particular outcome), and when incorrect, either explicitly or implicitly how to correct the errors on future attempts.

Our discussion of feedback in the remainder of this chapter shall be limited to augmented feedback, both KR and KP, because it is this form of feedback that is under the direct control of an instructor and for which techniques of delivery can be structured to affect—often dramatically—the learning of motor skills. The classifi cation of feedback as presented here is illustrated in Figure 12.1.

Before leaving our discussion of basic terms used to describe feedback, two additional categories for describing augmented feedback are useful. First, the delivery of KR and KP can be described as being either concurrent or terminal. Concurrent feedback is that provided during the production of a motor skill; terminal feedback, on the other hand, is provided after an action is completed (and is sometimes further classifi ed as being either immediate or delayed, though this distinction is somewhat subjective). A second method of describing augmented feedback is to distinguish between distinct and accumulated sources of feedback. Distinct feedback is provided after a specifi c performance attempt and represents only that particular performance. Accumulated feedback represents information on a series of performance attempts (minimally at least two attempts, though the number can be considerably greater).

Finally, because KP provides direct information concerning the causes of performance errors, as well as information concerning corrective actions, it typically plays a greater role in facilitating learning than does KR, though both types of feedback have important places in the augmentation of sensory feedback for learners. Because augmented feedback plays such a critical role in the learning of motor skills and is under the control and instructional manipulation of the motor skills instructor (unlike sensory feedback), it is typical for movement scientists concerned with the learning of motor skills to refer to augmented feedback somewhat generically simply as feedback, while referring to sensory feedback specifi cally when distinctions are to be noted. We will follow this consensus of usage in this chapter. As a test of your ability to distinguish between KR and KP statements, see Box 12.1. Having mastered the terms for describing feedback, we will next turn to the roles it plays in learning.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
UMPAN BALIK DAPAT DIKLASIFIKASIKAN DALAM SEJUMLAH CARAUmpan balik adalah defi ned sebagai informasi terkait respon diterima baik selama atau setelah produksi keterampilan gerakan. Ada dua kategori luas dari umpan balik. Ini disebut sensorik masukan dan ditambah umpan balik. Dibuka, sensorik masukan, selalu hadir untuk individu melalui mereka berbagai modalitas sensorik. Kedua, ditambah umpan balik, hanya tersedia apabila disediakan oleh sumber eksternal dan memainkan peran kunci dalam proses pembelajaran.Umpan balik sensorikUmpan balik sensorik adalah informasi yang diterima langsung oleh pemain melalui dirinya berbagai sistem sensorik. Ini dapat mencakup apa yang pemain merasa, melihat, mendengar, bau, atau selera (hanya dibuka tiga biasanya penting dalam belajar motorik). Kategori ini umpan balik juga dipanggil intrinsik umpan balik, karena hal ini melekat dalam gerakan pemain sendiri. Umpan balik sensorik dapat dibagi lagi menjadi proprioseptif masukan dan umpan balik exteroceptive. Umpan balik proprioseptif mencakup semua informasi sensorik tentang artis tubuh (yaitu, "merasa" gerakan diinformasikan oleh proprioceptors termasuk spindles otot, sendi reseptor, golgi tendon organ dan aparat vestibular). Umpan balik Exteroceptive mencakup semua informasi tentang lingkungan eksternal yang disediakan oleh artis visual, pendengaran dan taktil sensorik sistem (yaitu, yang dapat dilihat, mendengar, dan dirasakan oleh sentuh). Kecuali ada beberapa cit defi sensorik, sensorik masukan selalu hadir untuk individu.Augmented FeedbackThe second broad category into which feedback is classifi ed is information about an action provided by a source external to the performer. This can include information supplied by an observer (e.g., instructor, coach, trainer, therapist, etc.), a video replay of the performance, a graph or computergenerated display of some aspect of the performance (often used in research situations), or biofeedback, as the most common types of external feedback. This category of feedback is called augmented feedback, because it comes from sources outside of the performer and it augments (i.e., complements or adds to) sources of sensory feedback. Augmented feedback is also referred to as extrinsic feedback because it is supplied by a source external to the receiver.Augmented feedback can further be classifi ed as being either verbal or nonverbal. Although the distinction between verbal and nonverbal feedback would seem obvious, it is not quite as clear as seems the case at fi rst blush. Verbal augmented feedback refers to all information delivered verbally by another person (e.g., a coach telling an athlete his or her time after a 100- yard dash), but also to information that is capable of being verbalized but may be delivered in another fashion (e.g., the same coach showing the athlete his or her time for the dash on the stopwatch used in timing the run). Nonverbal augmented feedback is not only delivered in a form other than spoken, but is also not capable of accurate verbalization, usually because of the amount, complexity, or abstract nature of the information provided (e.g., videotape replays, performance graphs, computer-generated graphic displays, biofeedback, etc.).Of the various forms feedback may take, verbal augmented feedback has received the majority of research attention, in part because it is the most frequently used type of feedback in a wide range of motor skill settings including clinical, educational, athletic, artistic, and job training. There is good reason that this form of feedback is so pervasive across instructional settings. It provides the learner with information concerning both the causes and outcomes of a performance in terms that are readily comprehended. It informs the learner how well he or she accomplished the goal of a skill and something about the correctness (or incorrectness) of his or her movements in performing the skill. It is also easily deliverable and does not require the use of any equipment or special devices. Augmented feedback is further classifi ed on the basis of whether it provides information concerning the outcome of an action or of the movements produced in accomplishing the action. The fi rst of these two ways of classifying augmented feedback is called knowledge of results (KR). KR can be defi ned as any response-related information provided by an external source concerning the outcome of an action in terms of the goal of the action. Said in another way, KR is augmented feedback concerning the degree to which a performer achieves his or her performance goal. Here are the major questions answered by KR: What happened? What was the outcome? How successful was the attempt? In these examples, it should be noted that no information concerning the possible causes of the outcome are conveyed, or is information provided concerning how to correct future movements in order to perform the skill better. Only information about the outcome in terms of the goal of a skill is available to the learner by KR.In reference to KR, it should also be noted that it is often redundant with sensory feedback, a phenomenon referred to as KR redundancy. That is, KR statements may convey information about the results of an action that merely duplicates sensory sources of information the person performing receives himor herself. Telling someone attempting a free throw in basketball that he or she made the basket adds nothing to the information already available through visual feedback. In such cases, KR is of little value in promoting movement correction and learning. At other times, though, KR may be valuable in supplying information learners cannot extract from the performance experience themselves, even when sensory information is available. This is often the case when movement outcomes are judged on form or quality of movement, such as is the case in gymnastics, diving, modern dance, and playing a musical instrument. Even when suffi cient proprioceptive information is available for evaluating the correctness of performance, those in the initial stages of learning usually lack the requisite capabilities necessary for evaluating their own sensory sources of feedback. At other times, KR may supply useful performance information not available through a learner’s sensory systems (words typed per minute, time in the mile run, timing of a bat swing for children learning nonsighted softball).The second type of augmented feedback is knowledge of performance (KP). KP is defi ned as any information provided by an external source concerning the mechanics of a movement in terms of its effectiveness in meeting an action goal. Said in another way, KP is augmented feedback concerning the cause(s) of a performance response relative to the performance goal. Major questions answered by KP include: Was the movement correct? What caused an outcome error? How can the error be corrected? How should the movement be changed? Examples of verbal KP statements include the following: “Bend your elbow a little more on the next attempt.” “You didn’t follow through on your swing that time.” “Keep your wrist straight.” “Watch your opponent—not the ball.” “Think about contracting your hip muscles on each step that you take.” Note that in all of these examples of KP, information is provided to a learner about why his or her actions were either correct or incorrect (why they resulted in a particular outcome), and when incorrect, either explicitly or implicitly how to correct the errors on future attempts.Our discussion of feedback in the remainder of this chapter shall be limited to augmented feedback, both KR and KP, because it is this form of feedback that is under the direct control of an instructor and for which techniques of delivery can be structured to affect—often dramatically—the learning of motor skills. The classifi cation of feedback as presented here is illustrated in Figure 12.1.Before leaving our discussion of basic terms used to describe feedback, two additional categories for describing augmented feedback are useful. First, the delivery of KR and KP can be described as being either concurrent or terminal. Concurrent feedback is that provided during the production of a motor skill; terminal feedback, on the other hand, is provided after an action is completed (and is sometimes further classifi ed as being either immediate or delayed, though this distinction is somewhat subjective). A second method of describing augmented feedback is to distinguish between distinct and accumulated sources of feedback. Distinct feedback is provided after a specifi c performance attempt and represents only that particular performance. Accumulated feedback represents information on a series of performance attempts (minimally at least two attempts, though the number can be considerably greater).Finally, because KP provides direct information concerning the causes of performance errors, as well as information concerning corrective actions, it typically plays a greater role in facilitating learning than does KR, though both types of feedback have important places in the augmentation of sensory feedback for learners. Because augmented feedback plays such a critical role in the learning of motor skills and is under the control and instructional manipulation of the motor skills instructor (unlike sensory feedback), it is typical for movement scientists concerned with the learning of motor skills to refer to augmented feedback somewhat generically simply as feedback, while referring to sensory feedback specifi cally when distinctions are to be noted. We will follow this consensus of usage in this chapter. As a test of your ability to distinguish between KR and KP statements, see Box 12.1. Having mastered the terms for describing feedback, we will next turn to the roles it plays in learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
KRITIK dapat diklasifikasikan dalam beberapa cara
Umpan balik defi ned informasi-respon terkait yang diterima selama atau setelah produksi keterampilan gerakan. Ada dua kategori besar umpan balik. Ini disebut umpan balik sensoris dan umpan balik ditambah. Yang pertama, umpan balik sensoris, selalu hadir untuk individu melalui berbagai modalitas sensorik mereka. Yang kedua, ditambah umpan balik, hanya tersedia bila disediakan oleh sumber eksternal dan memainkan peran kunci dalam proses pembelajaran. Sensory Umpan umpan balik sensoris adalah informasi yang diterima langsung oleh pelaku melalui berbagai sistem sensorik nya. Hal ini dapat mencakup apa yang pemain terasa, melihat, mendengar, bau, atau rasa (hanya yang pertama tiga biasanya penting dalam pembelajaran keterampilan motorik). Ini kategori umpan balik juga disebut umpan balik intrinsik, karena melekat dalam gerakan pemain sendiri. Umpan balik sensoris lebih lanjut dapat dibagi menjadi umpan balik proprioseptif dan umpan balik exteroceptive. Umpan balik proprioseptif mencakup semua informasi sensorik mengenai tubuh pemain itu (yaitu, "nuansa" dari gerakan diinformasikan oleh proprioceptors termasuk spindle otot, reseptor sendi, organ Golgi tendon, dan aparat vestibular). Umpan balik Exteroceptive mencakup semua informasi tentang lingkungan eksternal yang disediakan oleh pemain itu visual, auditori, dan sistem sensorik taktil (yaitu, apa yang bisa dilihat, didengar, dan dirasakan oleh sentuhan). Kecuali beberapa defi cit sensorik hadir, umpan balik sensoris selalu hadir untuk individu. Augmented Umpan Kategori luas kedua di mana umpan balik klasifi ed adalah informasi tentang tindakan yang diberikan oleh sumber eksternal untuk pelaku. Hal ini dapat mencakup informasi yang diberikan oleh pengamat (misalnya, instruktur, pelatih, pelatih, terapis, dll), replay video kinerja, grafik atau tampilan computergenerated dari beberapa aspek kinerja (sering digunakan dalam situasi penelitian), atau biofeedback, sebagai jenis yang paling umum dari umpan balik eksternal. Ini kategori umpan balik disebut umpan balik augmented, karena berasal dari sumber-sumber di luar pemain dan itu menambah (yaitu, melengkapi atau menambah) sumber umpan balik sensoris. Umpan balik ditambah juga disebut sebagai umpan balik ekstrinsik karena dipasok oleh sumber eksternal ke penerima. umpan balik Augmented dapat lebih menjadi ed klasifi sebagai baik verbal atau nonverbal. Meskipun perbedaan antara umpan balik verbal dan nonverbal akan tampak jelas, itu tidak cukup jelas tampaknya terjadi di pertama memerah. Umpan balik lisan ditambah mengacu pada semua informasi yang disampaikan secara lisan oleh orang lain (misalnya, pelatih mengatakan atlet atau waktunya setelah 100- halaman dasbor), tetapi juga untuk informasi yang mampu menjadi diucapkan tetapi dapat disampaikan dalam mode lain ( misalnya, pelatih yang sama menunjukkan atlet atau waktunya untuk dasbor pada stopwatch digunakan dalam waktu jalankan). Umpan balik ditambah nonverbal tidak hanya disampaikan dalam bentuk selain lisan, tetapi juga tidak mampu verbalisasi akurat, biasanya karena jumlah, kompleksitas, atau alam abstrak dari informasi yang diberikan (misalnya, replay video, grafik kinerja, komputer yang dihasilkan menampilkan grafis, biofeedback, dll). Dari berbagai bentuk umpan balik dapat mengambil, umpan balik lisan ditambah telah menerima sebagian perhatian penelitian, sebagian karena itu adalah jenis yang paling sering digunakan umpan balik dalam berbagai pengaturan keterampilan motorik termasuk klinis , pendidikan, olahraga, seni, dan pelatihan kerja. Ada alasan baik bahwa bentuk umpan balik begitu meresap di seluruh pengaturan instruksional. Ini menyediakan pelajar dengan informasi mengenai kedua penyebab dan hasil kinerja dalam hal yang mudah dipahami. Ini menginformasikan pelajar seberapa baik ia capai tujuan dari keterampilan dan sesuatu tentang kebenaran (atau ketidaktepatan) dari nya gerakan dalam melakukan keterampilan. Hal ini juga mudah deliverable dan tidak memerlukan penggunaan peralatan atau perangkat khusus. Umpan balik Augmented adalah ed klasifi lanjut atas dasar apakah itu memberikan informasi mengenai hasil dari suatu tindakan atau gerakan yang dihasilkan dalam menyelesaikan tindakan. Yang pertama dari dua cara mengklasifikasikan tanggapan ditambah disebut pengetahuan hasil (KR). KR dapat defi ned informasi-respon terkait yang disediakan oleh sumber eksternal mengenai hasil dari suatu tindakan dalam hal tujuan dari tindakan. Kata dengan cara lain, KR ditambah umpan balik mengenai sejauh mana seorang pemain mencapai tujuan kinerja nya atau. Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan utama dijawab oleh KR: Apa yang terjadi? Apa hasilnya? Bagaimana sukses adalah usaha itu? Dalam contoh ini, perlu dicatat bahwa tidak ada informasi mengenai kemungkinan penyebab hasilnya disampaikan, atau informasi yang diberikan mengenai bagaimana memperbaiki masa depan gerakan untuk melakukan keterampilan yang lebih baik. Hanya informasi tentang hasil dalam hal tujuan keterampilan tersedia untuk pelajar dengan KR. Dalam referensi untuk KR, itu juga harus dicatat bahwa sering berlebihan dengan umpan balik sensoris, fenomena disebut sebagai KR redundansi. Artinya, laporan KR dapat menyampaikan informasi tentang hasil dari suatu tindakan yang hanya duplikat sumber informasi sensorik orang yang melakukan menerima himor dirinya. Menceritakan seseorang mencoba lemparan bebas di basket bahwa ia membuat keranjang menambahkan tidak ada informasi yang sudah tersedia melalui umpan balik visual. Dalam kasus tersebut, KR adalah nilai yang kecil dalam mempromosikan koreksi gerakan dan belajar. Di lain waktu, meskipun, KR mungkin berharga dalam memasok peserta didik informasi tidak dapat mengekstrak dari pengalaman kinerja sendiri, bahkan ketika informasi sensorik yang tersedia. Hal ini sering terjadi ketika hasil gerakan yang dinilai berdasarkan bentuk atau kualitas gerakan, seperti yang terjadi di senam, menyelam, tari modern, dan memainkan alat musik. Bahkan ketika suffi sien informasi proprioseptif yang tersedia untuk mengevaluasi kebenaran kinerja, yang pada tahap awal pembelajaran biasanya tidak memiliki kemampuan yang diperlukan yang diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi sumber sensorik mereka sendiri umpan balik. Di lain waktu, KR dapat menyediakan informasi kinerja yang berguna tidak tersedia melalui sistem sensorik pembelajar (kata yang diketik per menit, waktu di mil berjalan, waktu ayunan kelelawar untuk anak-anak belajar softball nonsighted). Tipe kedua umpan balik augmented adalah pengetahuan kinerja (KP). KP adalah defi ned sebagai informasi yang diberikan oleh sumber eksternal mengenai mekanisme gerakan dalam hal efektivitas dalam memenuhi tujuan tindakan. Kata dengan cara lain, KP ditambah umpan balik mengenai penyebab (s) dari respon kinerja relatif terhadap tujuan kinerja. Pertanyaan utama dijawab oleh KP meliputi: Apakah gerakan yang benar? Apa yang menyebabkan kesalahan hasil? Bagaimana kesalahan diperbaiki? Bagaimana seharusnya gerakan diubah? Contoh laporan KP lisan meliputi: "Anda siku Bend sedikit lebih pada usaha berikutnya." "Kau tidak menindaklanjuti ayunan waktu itu" "Terus lurus pergelangan tangan Anda." "Perhatikan Anda lawan-bukan. bola. "" Pikirkan tertular otot pinggul Anda pada setiap langkah yang Anda ambil. "Perhatikan bahwa dalam semua contoh ini dari KP, informasi yang diberikan kepada pelajar tentang mengapa tindakannya entah benar atau salah (mengapa mereka menghasilkan hasil tertentu), dan ketika salah, baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit bagaimana untuk memperbaiki kesalahan pada upaya masa depan. Diskusi kita dari umpan balik di sisa bab ini akan terbatas tanggapan ditambah, baik KR dan KP, karena bentuk umpan balik yang berada di bawah kontrol langsung dari instruktur dan yang teknik pengiriman dapat disusun untuk mempengaruhi-sering dramatis-pembelajaran keterampilan motorik. Kation klasifi umpan balik seperti yang disajikan di sini diilustrasikan pada Gambar 12.1. Sebelum meninggalkan diskusi kita istilah dasar yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan tanggapan, dua kategori tambahan untuk menggambarkan ditambah umpan balik yang berguna. Pertama, pengiriman KR dan KP dapat digambarkan sebagai bersamaan atau terminal. Umpan balik bersamaan adalah yang disediakan selama produksi keterampilan motorik; umpan balik terminal, di sisi lain, disediakan setelah tindakan selesai (dan kadang-kadang ed lanjut klasifi sebagai baik langsung atau tertunda, meskipun perbedaan ini agak subjektif). Metode kedua menggambarkan tanggapan ditambah adalah untuk membedakan antara sumber yang berbeda dan akumulasi dari umpan balik. Tanggapan yang berbeda disediakan setelah kinerja c spesifik upaya dan hanya mewakili bahwa kinerja tertentu. Akumulasi umpan balik merupakan informasi pada serangkaian upaya kinerja (minimal setidaknya dua upaya, meskipun jumlahnya bisa jauh lebih besar). Akhirnya, karena KP memberikan informasi langsung tentang penyebab kesalahan kinerja, serta informasi mengenai tindakan perbaikan, biasanya memainkan peran yang lebih besar dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran daripada KR, meskipun kedua jenis umpan balik memiliki tempat penting dalam augmentasi umpan balik sensoris untuk pelajar. Karena umpan balik ditambah memainkan peran penting tersebut dalam pembelajaran keterampilan motorik dan berada di bawah kontrol dan manipulasi instruksional dari instruktur keterampilan motorik (tidak seperti umpan balik sensoris), itu adalah khas untuk para ilmuwan gerakan berkaitan dengan pembelajaran keterampilan motorik untuk merujuk ditambah umpan balik agak umum hanya sebagai umpan balik, sementara mengacu pada umpan balik sensoris Cally spesifik ketika perbedaan yang perlu dicatat. Kami akan mengikuti konsensus ini penggunaan dalam bab ini. Sebagai uji kemampuan Anda untuk membedakan antara KR dan KP laporan, lihat Kotak 12.1. Setelah menguasai istilah untuk menggambarkan tanggapan, kita selanjutnya akan beralih ke peran yang dimainkannya dalam belajar.

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