A. INTRODUCTIONA1. The Plant Hormones: Their Nature,Occurrence, and Fu terjemahan - A. INTRODUCTIONA1. The Plant Hormones: Their Nature,Occurrence, and Fu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A. INTRODUCTIONA1. The Plant Hormon

A1. The Plant Hormones: Their Nature,
Occurrence, and Functions
Peter J. Davies
Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853,
USA. E-mail: pjd2@cornell.edu
The Meaning of a Plant Hormone
Plant hormones are a group of naturally occurring, organic substances which
influence physiological processes at low concentrations. The processes
influenced consist mainly of growth, differentiation and development, though
other processes, such as stomatal movement, may also be affected. Plant
hormones1 have also been referred to as ‘phytohormones’ though this term is
infrequently used.
In their book Phytohormones Went and Thimann (10) in 1937 define a
hormone as a substance which is transferred from one part of an organism to
another. Its original use in plant physiology was derived from the
mammalian concept of a hormone. This involves a localized site of synthesis,
transport in the bloodstream to a target tissue, and the control of a
physiological response in the target tissue via the concentration of the
hormone. Auxin, the first-identified plant hormone, produces a growth
response at a distance from its site of synthesis, and thus fits the definition of
a transported chemical messenger. However this was before the full range of
what we now consider plant hormones was known. It is now clear that plant
hormones do not fulfill the requirements of a hormone in the mammalian
sense. The synthesis of plant hormones may be localized (as occurs for
animal hormones), but it may also occur in a wide range of tissues, or cells
within tissues. While they may be transported and have their action at a
distance this is not always the case. At one extreme we find the transport of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A. INTRODUCTIONA1. The Plant Hormones: Their Nature,Occurrence, and FunctionsPeter J. DaviesDepartment of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853,USA. E-mail: pjd2@cornell.eduINTRODUCTIONThe Meaning of a Plant HormonePlant hormones are a group of naturally occurring, organic substances whichinfluence physiological processes at low concentrations. The processesinfluenced consist mainly of growth, differentiation and development, thoughother processes, such as stomatal movement, may also be affected. Planthormones1 have also been referred to as ‘phytohormones’ though this term isinfrequently used.In their book Phytohormones Went and Thimann (10) in 1937 define ahormone as a substance which is transferred from one part of an organism toanother. Its original use in plant physiology was derived from themammalian concept of a hormone. This involves a localized site of synthesis,transport in the bloodstream to a target tissue, and the control of aphysiological response in the target tissue via the concentration of thehormone. Auxin, the first-identified plant hormone, produces a growthresponse at a distance from its site of synthesis, and thus fits the definition ofa transported chemical messenger. However this was before the full range ofwhat we now consider plant hormones was known. It is now clear that planthormones do not fulfill the requirements of a hormone in the mammaliansense. The synthesis of plant hormones may be localized (as occurs foranimal hormones), but it may also occur in a wide range of tissues, or cellswithin tissues. While they may be transported and have their action at adistance this is not always the case. At one extreme we find the transport of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A1. Tanaman Hormon: Nature mereka,
Kejadian, dan Fungsi
Peter J. Davies
Departemen Biologi Tumbuhan, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853,
USA. E-mail: pjd2@cornell.edu
Arti dari Tanaman Hormon
hormon tanaman adalah kelompok yang terjadi secara alami, zat organik yang
mempengaruhi proses fisiologis pada konsentrasi rendah. Proses
dipengaruhi terutama terdiri dari pertumbuhan, diferensiasi dan pengembangan, meskipun
proses lainnya, seperti gerakan stomata, mungkin juga terpengaruh. Tanaman
hormones1 juga telah disebut sebagai 'phytohormones' meskipun istilah ini
jarang digunakan.
Dalam buku mereka Phytohormones Pergi dan Thimann (10) pada tahun 1937 mendefinisikan
hormon sebagai zat yang ditransfer dari satu bagian dari suatu organisme ke
lain. Penggunaannya asli dalam fisiologi tanaman berasal dari
konsep mamalia dari hormon. Hal ini melibatkan sebuah situs lokal sintesis,
transportasi dalam aliran darah ke jaringan target, dan kontrol dari
respon fisiologis pada jaringan target melalui konsentrasi
hormon. Auksin, hormon tanaman pertama diidentifikasi, menghasilkan pertumbuhan
respon pada jarak dari situsnya sintesis, dan dengan demikian sesuai dengan definisi dari
utusan kimia diangkut. Namun ini adalah sebelum lengkap
apa yang sekarang kita anggap hormon tanaman dikenal. Sekarang jelas bahwa tanaman
hormon tidak memenuhi persyaratan hormon dalam mamalia
akal. Sintesis hormon tanaman dapat dilokalisasi (seperti yang terjadi untuk
hormon hewan), tetapi juga dapat terjadi di berbagai jaringan, atau sel
dalam jaringan. Sementara mereka dapat diangkut dan memiliki aksi mereka pada
jarak ini tidak selalu terjadi. Pada satu ekstrim kita menemukan transportasi
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