HelloHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply. How was yo terjemahan - HelloHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply. How was yo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

HelloHow are you today? I am more t

How are you today? I am more than happy in your reply. How was your day? Mine, well i thank God for keeping me till this moment here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Melissa Belleh, i am 24 years from Liberia in West Africa and presently, i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar, Senegal as a result of the civil war that ravaged my country, please don't be discouraged on hearing this as this is our first time of meeting. My late father Prof. Willie Belleh was a prominent man in the administration of the Government of my country and he held sensitive positions in the government before the rebels attacked and killed him along with my mother. I am the only one alive now and i managed to make my way to a nearby country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next email. Attached here is my picture. Hoping to hear from you soon.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
HelloHow are you today? I am more than happy in your reply. How was your day? Mine, well i thank God for keeping me till this moment here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Melissa Belleh, i am 24 years from Liberia in West Africa and presently, i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar, Senegal as a result of the civil war that ravaged my country, please don't be discouraged on hearing this as this is our first time of meeting. My late father Prof. Willie Belleh was a prominent man in the administration of the Government of my country and he held sensitive positions in the government before the rebels attacked and killed him along with my mother. I am the only one alive now and i managed to make my way to a nearby country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next email. Attached here is my picture. Hoping to hear from you soon.YoursMelissa
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini? Saya lebih dari senang dalam balasan Anda. Bagaimana harimu? Tambang, baik saya berterima kasih kepada Tuhan untuk menjaga saya sampai saat ini di Dakar Senegal. Nama saya Melissa Belleh, saya 24 tahun dari Liberia di Afrika Barat dan saat ini, saya berada di kamp pengungsi di Dakar, Senegal sebagai akibat dari perang saudara yang melanda negara saya, jangan berkecil hati pada pendengaran ini karena ini adalah pertama kalinya kami pertemuan. Saya terlambat ayah Prof. Willie Belleh adalah orang yang menonjol dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintah negara saya dan dia memegang posisi sensitif dalam pemerintahan sebelum pemberontak menyerang dan membunuhnya bersama dengan ibu saya. Saya satu-satunya hidup sekarang dan saya berhasil membuat perjalanan ke negara terdekat Senegal di mana saya tinggal sekarang sebagai pengungsi. Saya ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang Anda. Suka dan tidak suka Anda, hobi Anda dan apa yang Anda lakukan saat ini. Aku akan memberitahu lebih lanjut tentang diri saya di email berikutnya. Terlampir di sini adalah gambar saya. Berharap untuk mendengar dari Anda segera.
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