All around fire is in­ter­mit­tent, the 100 + Long Jing ar­tillery and terjemahan - All around fire is in­ter­mit­tent, the 100 + Long Jing ar­tillery and Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

All around fire is in­ter­mit­tent,

All around fire is in­ter­mit­tent, the 100 + Long Jing ar­tillery and 200 + hot crag ar­tillery com­plete ar­rays of palace guard open fire, the fire sound rum­ble, on fire Yun Cheng has blasted out the pot im­me­di­ately, the shock-wave that the Long Jing ar­tillery forms sweeps across the crowd, even I can no­tice that many play­ers had been mas­sa­cred to the bang by the heavy ar­tillery di­rectly, and wall on city was rum­bled tat­tered and torn, fire Yun Cheng with the fire like the city, the sem­blance does not have the cast­ing red cop­per, there­fore the de­fen­sive power was in­fe­rior greatly that Tian Ling Em­pire sur­passed 600 heavy ar­tillery wan­ton bomb­ing 10 min­utes, the fire Yun Cheng sur­round­ing on fell to the enemy com­pletely in the sea of fire, on city. The player rapid per­son­nel losses, many peo­ple al­ready hung the sec­ond time not to be will­ing to get on­line again, the corpse re­peat­edly, every­where is the stump resid­ual limb breaks the body hor­i­zon­tally, looks at the coun­try to fight on the con­tact sur­face again, fire Yun Cheng do­mes­tic both sides play­ers con­trast started im­par­tially
In­dian war zone: 10287822
Chi­nese war zone: 9733114
The short ten min­utes, flame Long Jun, the hot axe armed forces and other shells of big reg­i­ments have used up, Han Yuan looks to me: „Gen­eral, some of our also many Long Jing and do the hot crag shells, pol­ish?”
I nod: „The quick­est speed fires off!”
In the heavy ar­tillery po­si­tion con­tin­ues the fire to cover, di­rectly the fire Yun Cheng semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate rum­bling a stretch of flat land, the fire Yun Cheng bar­bi­can wall also tat­tered and torn col­lapsed at the first blow at this mo­ment, was the at­tack in sec­ond city wall!
A bang, the hot crag ar­tillery burst in the bore of palace guard, the con­tin­u­ous emis­sion tem­per­a­ture was too high, has det­o­nated the shell vol­un­tar­ily, sev­eral sol­diers were ex­ploded the smash­ing, my knit­ting the brows head, es­ti­mated the shell also to use sim­i­larly, has drawn out the Longchi sword, re­ferred to fire Yun Cheng, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Broth­ers, can at­tack!”
Rides to work as first, bring­ing the [Zhan Long] pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride, the iron blade edge to ride di­rectly to clash, Han Yuan also is­sues an order, the blade shield camp and squadron of palace guard skice to go to­gether for­ward, [Zhan Long] and palace guard also played the bugle of at­tack, the Chi­nese in­flu­ence of en­tire hot cloud north city wall di­rec­tion started the im­pact in abun­dance, trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and other trade unions has not hes­i­tated, or­dered the mem­ber ad­vance of line of busi­ness meet­ing rapidly, this coun­try fought , was not only hav­ing a bear­ing on the life and death in Chi­nese war zone, re­lated the fluc­tu­a­tion that the player and trade union placed, after a vast coun­try fought, the guild wind and cloud list and CBN fought the net place. Is doomed to have the change, the per­son who at this time can kill are more, the place will be higher, es­pe­cially this for­eign coun­try war, en­trusted with the color of sa­cred mis­sions, makes the human one's blood bub­bles up to the brim suf­fi­ciently!
On the city, hears the sparse fire sound, was un­able to cause any­thing to hin­der to us, the Tian Ling Em­pire army al­most goes eas­ily and freely has over­thrown the bar­bi­can wall, the cav­alry sol­dier in the ruins con­tin­ues to ad­vance, be­tween the outer city and inner city are one piece are sim­i­lar to the school ground place, had the dense and nu­mer­ous In­dian play­ers to wait for us, be con­tin­u­ous dozens li (0.5km), at least the lineup of 500 W per­son, a dense piece, but the maple­wood is drunk raises the long sword to stand in our dead ahead, raises long sword one to roar: „At­tack, pro­tects the home­land!”
The In­dian war zone must counter-at­tack fi­nally, this i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
All around fire is in­ter­mit­tent, the 100 + Long Jing ar­tillery and 200 + hot crag ar­tillery com­plete ar­rays of palace guard open fire, the fire sound rum­ble, on fire Yun Cheng has blasted out the pot im­me­di­ately, the shock-wave that the Long Jing ar­tillery forms sweeps across the crowd, even I can no­tice that many play­ers had been mas­sa­cred to the bang by the heavy ar­tillery di­rectly, and wall on city was rum­bled tat­tered and torn, fire Yun Cheng with the fire like the city, the sem­blance does not have the cast­ing red cop­per, there­fore the de­fen­sive power was in­fe­rior greatly that Tian Ling Em­pire sur­passed 600 heavy ar­tillery wan­ton bomb­ing 10 min­utes, the fire Yun Cheng sur­round­ing on fell to the enemy com­pletely in the sea of fire, on city. The player rapid per­son­nel losses, many peo­ple al­ready hung the sec­ond time not to be will­ing to get on­line again, the corpse re­peat­edly, every­where is the stump resid­ual limb breaks the body hor­i­zon­tally, looks at the coun­try to fight on the con­tact sur­face again, fire Yun Cheng do­mes­tic both sides play­ers con­trast started im­par­tiallyIn­dian war zone: 10287822Chi­nese war zone: 9733114The short ten min­utes, flame Long Jun, the hot axe armed forces and other shells of big reg­i­ments have used up, Han Yuan looks to me: „Gen­eral, some of our also many Long Jing and do the hot crag shells, pol­ish?”I nod: „The quick­est speed fires off!”„Yes!”In the heavy ar­tillery po­si­tion con­tin­ues the fire to cover, di­rectly the fire Yun Cheng semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate rum­bling a stretch of flat land, the fire Yun Cheng bar­bi­can wall also tat­tered and torn col­lapsed at the first blow at this mo­ment, was the at­tack in sec­ond city wall!„Bang!”A bang, the hot crag ar­tillery burst in the bore of palace guard, the con­tin­u­ous emis­sion tem­per­a­ture was too high, has det­o­nated the shell vol­un­tar­ily, sev­eral sol­diers were ex­ploded the smash­ing, my knit­ting the brows head, es­ti­mated the shell also to use sim­i­larly, has drawn out the Longchi sword, re­ferred to fire Yun Cheng, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Broth­ers, can at­tack!”Rides to work as first, bring­ing the [Zhan Long] pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride, the iron blade edge to ride di­rectly to clash, Han Yuan also is­sues an order, the blade shield camp and squadron of palace guard skice to go to­gether for­ward, [Zhan Long] and palace guard also played the bugle of at­tack, the Chi­nese in­flu­ence of en­tire hot cloud north city wall di­rec­tion started the im­pact in abun­dance, trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and other trade unions has not hes­i­tated, or­dered the mem­ber ad­vance of line of busi­ness meet­ing rapidly, this coun­try fought , was not only hav­ing a bear­ing on the life and death in Chi­nese war zone, re­lated the fluc­tu­a­tion that the player and trade union placed, after a vast coun­try fought, the guild wind and cloud list and CBN fought the net place. Is doomed to have the change, the per­son who at this time can kill are more, the place will be higher, es­pe­cially this for­eign coun­try war, en­trusted with the color of sa­cred mis­sions, makes the human one's blood bub­bles up to the brim suf­fi­ciently!On the city, hears the sparse fire sound, was un­able to cause any­thing to hin­der to us, the Tian Ling Em­pire army al­most goes eas­ily and freely has over­thrown the bar­bi­can wall, the cav­alry sol­dier in the ruins con­tin­ues to ad­vance, be­tween the outer city and inner city are one piece are sim­i­lar to the school ground place, had the dense and nu­mer­ous In­dian play­ers to wait for us, be con­tin­u­ous dozens li (0.5km), at least the lineup of 500 W per­son, a dense piece, but the maple­wood is drunk raises the long sword to stand in our dead ahead, raises long sword one to roar: „At­tack, pro­tects the home­land!”The In­dian war zone must counter-at­tack fi­nally, this i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Semua di sekitar api berselang, artileri 100 + Long Jing dan 200 + panas tebing artileri array lengkap pengawal istana api terbuka, gemuruh suara api, terbakar Yun Cheng telah mengecam keluar panci segera, shock-wave bahwa Long Jing bentuk artileri menyapu seluruh orang banyak, bahkan saya dapat melihat bahwa banyak pemain telah dibantai untuk bang oleh artileri berat langsung, dan dinding di kota itu bergemuruh compang-camping dan robek, api Yun Cheng dengan api seperti kota, kemiripan yang tidak memiliki merah tembaga casting, karena kekuatan pertahanan adalah rendah sangat bahwa Tian Ling Empire melampaui 600 artileri berat Wanton pemboman 10 menit, api Yun Cheng sekitarnya pada jatuh ke musuh benar-benar dalam lautan api, di kota. Pemain yang cepat kerugian personel, banyak orang yang sudah digantung kedua kalinya tidak bersedia untuk online lagi, mayat berulang kali, di mana-mana adalah ekstremitas sisa tunggul istirahat tubuh horizontal, terlihat di negara itu untuk memerangi pada permukaan kontak lagi, api Yun Cheng domestik baik kontras sisi pemain mulai memihak
zona perang India: 10287822
zona perang Cina: 9733114
pendek sepuluh menit, api panjang Jun, angkatan bersenjata kapak panas dan kerang lainnya dari resimen besar telah habis, Han Yuan tampak bagi saya: " umum, beberapa kami juga banyak Long Jing dan melakukan kerang karang panas, polish "?
saya mengangguk:"! kecepatan kebakaran tercepat off "
" Ya! "
dalam posisi artileri berat terus api untuk menutupi, langsung api Yun Cheng dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama gemuruh hamparan tanah datar, api Yun Cheng barbican dinding juga compang-camping dan robek runtuh pada pukulan pertama pada saat ini, adalah serangan di tembok kota kedua!
bang , yang karang artileri panas meledak dalam lubang penjaga istana, suhu emisi terus menerus terlalu tinggi, telah diledakkan shell secara sukarela, beberapa tentara meledak smashing itu, merajut saya kepala alis, diperkirakan shell juga menggunakan sama, telah menarik keluar pedang Longchi, disebut api Yun Cheng, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendahan: "! Saudara, dapat menyerang"
Rides untuk bekerja sebagai pertama, membawa [Zhan panjang] prosesi lentera untuk naik, tepi pisau besi untuk naik langsung berbenturan, Han Yuan juga mengeluarkan perintah, kamp pisau perisai dan skuadron penjaga istana skice untuk pergi bersama-sama ke depan, [Zhan panjang] dan penjaga istana juga memainkan terompet serangan, pengaruh Cina dari seluruh awan panas kota utara arah dinding mulai dampak dalam kelimpahan, percobaan, [Hero Mound], Praha dan serikat buruh lainnya tidak ragu-ragu, memerintahkan muka anggota garis pertemuan bisnis dengan cepat, negara ini berjuang, tidak hanya memiliki pengaruh pada kehidupan dan kematian dalam bahasa Cina zona perang, terkait fluktuasi bahwa pemain dan serikat pekerja ditempatkan, setelah negara yang luas berjuang, guild angin dan awan daftar dan CBN berjuang tempat bersih. Ditakdirkan untuk memiliki perubahan, orang yang saat ini dapat membunuh lebih, tempat akan lebih tinggi, terutama perang negara asing ini, dipercayakan dengan warna misi suci, membuat darah satu manusia gelembung sampai penuh cukup!
di kota, mendengar suara tembakan jarang, tidak dapat menyebabkan apa pun untuk menghalangi kami, tentara Tian Ling Empire hampir berjalan dengan mudah dan bebas telah digulingkan dinding barbican, prajurit kavaleri di reruntuhan terus maju, antara kota luar dan dalam kota adalah satu bagian yang mirip dengan tempat tanah sekolah, memiliki pemain India padat dan banyak menunggu untuk kita, terus menerus puluhan li (0.5km), setidaknya lineup dari 500 W orang, sepotong padat, tetapi maplewood mabuk menimbulkan pedang panjang untuk berdiri di mati kami ke depan, menimbulkan satu pedang panjang mengaum: "attack, melindungi tanah air!"
zona perang India harus melawan serangan akhirnya, saya ini
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