Does not need to sus­pect that can con­firm, this war as be­fore is by terjemahan - Does not need to sus­pect that can con­firm, this war as be­fore is by Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Does not need to sus­pect that can

Does not need to sus­pect that can con­firm, this war as be­fore is by wear­ing the di­rec­tion, the en­tire dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory also only then this dif­fer­ent demon king thinks that step by step tac­tic of ad­vance­ment, she does not have the un­ruli­ness of these dif­fer­ent demon kings, has calm­ness and judg­ment.
At of­fi­cial forum, noisy, it is said many US, Rus­sia, Britain and other war zone in the play­ers are busy cross­ing the sea to reen­force Tu Long Fort, what what a pity is, Tian Ling Em­pire is the Chi­nese area, they do not dare to sur­mount the land of enemy, can only never turn over to a nau­ti­cal mile Bei­jing Uni­ver­sity of Aero­nau­tics and As­tro­nau­tics to ap­proach shore, across the high moun­tain ridge to Tu Long Fort.
Ac­tu­ally, at this time the sky rose wanted a few words, I was glad to con­vince Fang Geque, Q Sword, to wait for the human ac­tu­ally to allow to pass, after all I do not hope that Tu Long Fort fell into enemy hands, they were the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den nat­ural block­ades, once fell to the enemy, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den must faced with chal­lenge.
Has re­paired equip­ment, sup­plies the liq­uid med­i­cines, af­ter­ward sum­moned rasp­berry, stood up from fail­ure to jump onto Long Bei, di­rectly soared the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion to fly, all the way, a long trans­porta­tion chan­nel was being pro­tected by the cav­alry of palace guard, the mas­sive grain and fod­der mil­i­tary bag­gage were being trans­ported to Tu Long Fort, there had the 25 W Tian Ling Em­pire army to guard, once Tu Long Fort had the war, they must enter the war di­rectly, per­haps if nec­es­sary, the palace guard also to­gether will enter the war.
Nat­u­rally, I have de­cided ac­tu­ally, the dif­fer­ent demon army does not kill the dragon ter­ri­tory, the palace guard does not ac­cept a chal­lenge, I do not want to make under the hand sharp army ruin under the city of demon moun­tain, is un­wor­thy.
As for two armies of guard­ing, one is few Mas­ter Yang farm trac­tor armed forces, he wishes the per­son of sea, has dis­agreed with me, dies was pure, an­other is hun­dred strong wind from afar armed forces, ac­tu­ally the strong wind from afar armed forces are the di­rect de­scen­dant army that wears, now ac­tu­ally must meet head-on to wear the army of di­rec­tion, has say­ing that is a sor­row, but, the strong wind from afar armed forces go to bat­tle, as if the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled op­por­tu­nity came, he is one of the cur­rent strong wind from afar armed forces two vice- com­mand­ing, so long as in this fights ob­tains enough many mer­i­to­ri­ous value, I on hav­ing the means carry to com­mand him. The throne comes up.
Im­me­di­ately did not have the twin en­gine to Yanzhao a news: „Uncle, the dif­fer­ent demon has at­tacked, you must dis­play with Prague well, killed some dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the mer­i­to­ri­ous value fishes enough pos­si­ble be­came com­mands, hun­dred was old, should re­tire, after I can, sug­gested with shal­low Lin.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled whole face thioindigo red: „Good, many thanks the ram­ble, I will re­fuel! I was also old, be­fore good and evil re­tire­ment, must be­come one of the Tian Ling Em­pire com­mand­ing, after re­tir­ing, can fish the de­part­ment level re­tired treat­ment, is right?”
„That is, re­fu­els”
Re­ally for the fel­low of old lecher.
After sev­eral min­utes, ar­rives in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, today's weather is good, has not rained, the warm sun­light pro­jects above Dragon’s den, but Frost, child Shu, blue radish et al. in de­ploy­ing the de­fense of Dragon’s den, the mas­sive dragon ter­ri­tory army have gar­risoned under the moun­tain, bar­rier tall Zhu, looked that the stance is the plan makes war under the city, but cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den has hun­dreds of thou­sands crack troops now, re­ally had the cap­i­tal of like this speak­ing the last words.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Does not need to sus­pect that can con­firm, this war as be­fore is by wear­ing the di­rec­tion, the en­tire dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory also only then this dif­fer­ent demon king thinks that step by step tac­tic of ad­vance­ment, she does not have the un­ruli­ness of these dif­fer­ent demon kings, has calm­ness and judg­ment.At of­fi­cial forum, noisy, it is said many US, Rus­sia, Britain and other war zone in the play­ers are busy cross­ing the sea to reen­force Tu Long Fort, what what a pity is, Tian Ling Em­pire is the Chi­nese area, they do not dare to sur­mount the land of enemy, can only never turn over to a nau­ti­cal mile Bei­jing Uni­ver­sity of Aero­nau­tics and As­tro­nau­tics to ap­proach shore, across the high moun­tain ridge to Tu Long Fort.Ac­tu­ally, at this time the sky rose wanted a few words, I was glad to con­vince Fang Geque, Q Sword, to wait for the human ac­tu­ally to allow to pass, after all I do not hope that Tu Long Fort fell into enemy hands, they were the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den nat­ural block­ades, once fell to the enemy, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den must faced with chal­lenge.Has re­paired equip­ment, sup­plies the liq­uid med­i­cines, af­ter­ward sum­moned rasp­berry, stood up from fail­ure to jump onto Long Bei, di­rectly soared the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion to fly, all the way, a long trans­porta­tion chan­nel was being pro­tected by the cav­alry of palace guard, the mas­sive grain and fod­der mil­i­tary bag­gage were being trans­ported to Tu Long Fort, there had the 25 W Tian Ling Em­pire army to guard, once Tu Long Fort had the war, they must enter the war di­rectly, per­haps if nec­es­sary, the palace guard also to­gether will enter the war.Nat­u­rally, I have de­cided ac­tu­ally, the dif­fer­ent demon army does not kill the dragon ter­ri­tory, the palace guard does not ac­cept a chal­lenge, I do not want to make under the hand sharp army ruin under the city of demon moun­tain, is un­wor­thy.As for two armies of guard­ing, one is few Mas­ter Yang farm trac­tor armed forces, he wishes the per­son of sea, has dis­agreed with me, dies was pure, an­other is hun­dred strong wind from afar armed forces, ac­tu­ally the strong wind from afar armed forces are the di­rect de­scen­dant army that wears, now ac­tu­ally must meet head-on to wear the army of di­rec­tion, has say­ing that is a sor­row, but, the strong wind from afar armed forces go to bat­tle, as if the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled op­por­tu­nity came, he is one of the cur­rent strong wind from afar armed forces two vice- com­mand­ing, so long as in this fights ob­tains enough many mer­i­to­ri­ous value, I on hav­ing the means carry to com­mand him. The throne comes up.Im­me­di­ately did not have the twin en­gine to Yanzhao a news: „Uncle, the dif­fer­ent demon has at­tacked, you must dis­play with Prague well, killed some dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the mer­i­to­ri­ous value fishes enough pos­si­ble be­came com­mands, hun­dred was old, should re­tire, after I can, sug­gested with shal­low Lin.”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled whole face thioindigo red: „Good, many thanks the ram­ble, I will re­fuel! I was also old, be­fore good and evil re­tire­ment, must be­come one of the Tian Ling Em­pire com­mand­ing, after re­tir­ing, can fish the de­part­ment level re­tired treat­ment, is right?”„That is, re­fu­els”Re­ally for the fel­low of old lecher.After sev­eral min­utes, ar­rives in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, today's weather is good, has not rained, the warm sun­light pro­jects above Dragon’s den, but Frost, child Shu, blue radish et al. in de­ploy­ing the de­fense of Dragon’s den, the mas­sive dragon ter­ri­tory army have gar­risoned under the moun­tain, bar­rier tall Zhu, looked that the stance is the plan makes war under the city, but cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den has hun­dreds of thou­sands crack troops now, re­ally had the cap­i­tal of like this speak­ing the last words.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tidak perlu menduga bahwa bisa mengkonfirmasi, perang ini seperti sebelumnya adalah dengan mengenakan arah, seluruh wilayah setan yang berbeda juga hanya kemudian raja setan yang berbeda ini berpikir bahwa langkah demi langkah taktik kemajuan, dia tidak memiliki kerusuhan ini setan yang berbeda raja, memiliki ketenangan dan penghakiman.
pada forum resmi, berisik, dikatakan banyak AS, Rusia, Inggris dan zona perang lainnya di pemain sibuk menyeberang laut ke reenforce Tu Long Fort, apa apa sayang adalah, Tian Ling Empire adalah daerah Cina, mereka tidak berani untuk mengatasi negeri musuh, hanya tidak pernah menyerahkan ke mil laut Beijing University of Aeronautics dan Astronautics untuk mendekati pantai, di punggungan gunung yang tinggi untuk Tu Long Fort.
Sebenarnya, pada saat ini langit naik ingin beberapa kata, saya senang untuk meyakinkan Fang Geque, Q Sword, menunggu manusia benar-benar untuk memungkinkan untuk lulus, setelah semua saya tidak berharap bahwa Tu Long Fort jatuh ke tangan musuh, mereka adalah tanah yang tidak digarap dingin blokade alami den naga, setelah jatuh ke musuh, den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin naga harus berhadapan dengan tantangan.
Apakah peralatan diperbaiki, persediaan obat-obatan cair, setelah itu dipanggil raspberry, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk melompat ke panjang Bei, langsung melonjak tanah digarap dingin arah den naga terbang, semua jalan, saluran transportasi panjang itu dilindungi oleh kavaleri dari pengawal istana, gandum besar-besaran dan bagasi pakan ternak militer sedang diangkut ke Tu Long Fort, ada memiliki tentara 25 W Tian Ling Empire untuk menjaga , setelah Tu Long Fort memiliki perang, mereka harus memasukkan perang langsung, mungkin jika diperlukan, pengawal istana juga bersama-sama akan memasuki perang.
Tentu, saya telah memutuskan benar-benar, tentara setan yang berbeda tidak membunuh wilayah naga, istana penjaga tidak menerima tantangan, saya tidak ingin membuat di bawah tangan yang tajam kehancuran tentara di bawah kota setan gunung, tidak layak.
Adapun dua tentara menjaga, satu adalah beberapa Guru yang traktor pertanian angkatan bersenjata, ia ingin orang laut, telah setuju dengan saya, meninggal murni, yang lain adalah seratus angin yang kuat dari pasukan jauh bersenjata, sebenarnya angin kencang dari jauh angkatan bersenjata tentara keturunan langsung yang memakai, sekarang benar-benar harus memenuhi kepala-on untuk memakai tentara arah, telah mengatakan bahwa adalah kesedihan, tapi, angin kuat dari angkatan bersenjata jauh pergi ke pertempuran, seolah-olah Yanzhao kesempatan yang tak tertandingi datang, dia adalah salah satu dari angin yang kuat saat ini dari angkatan jauh bersenjata dua wakil komandan, asalkan dalam perkelahian ini memperoleh cukup banyak nilai berjasa, saya pada memiliki sarana membawa perintah dia. Tahta muncul.
Segera tidak memiliki mesin twin untuk Yanzhao berita: "Paman, setan yang berbeda telah menyerang, Anda harus menampilkan dengan Praha baik, membunuh beberapa roh jahat yang berbeda, nilai ikan berjasa cukup mungkin menjadi perintah, seratus adalah tua, harus pensiun, setelah saya bisa, disarankan dengan dangkal Lin ".
Yanzhao tak tertandingi seluruh wajah thioindigo merah:" Baik, terima kasih banyak mengoceh, saya akan mengisi bahan bakar! Saya juga lama, sebelum pensiun yang baik dan yang jahat, harus menjadi salah satu komandan Tian Ling Empire, setelah pensiun, dapat ikan pensiunan pengobatan tingkat departemen, yang benar? "
" Artinya, refuels "
Benar-benar untuk sesama bandot tua.
setelah beberapa menit, tiba di ruang tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon, cuaca hari ini baik, tidak hujan, proyek hangat sinar matahari di atas den Dragon, tapi Frost, anak Shu, lobak biru et al. dalam menyebarkan pertahanan den Dragon, tentara wilayah naga besar telah diasramakan di bawah gunung, penghalang tinggi Zhu, tampak bahwa sikap adalah rencana membuat perang di bawah kota, tetapi tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den telah ratusan ribu retak tentara sekarang, benar-benar memiliki ibukota seperti ini berbicara kata-kata terakhir.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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