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Perspectives in Strategic HRM 1463

et al. (2001, p. 357) defined these types of variables ‘emergent states’. Different from the relationships among individual KSAOs and collective human capital, employee atti-tudes, affects, and motivation are essentially the same as they emerge upward across levels, which is called a composition model in multilevel research (Kozlowski and Klein, 2000). In this case, it is expected that there are agreement and consensus in these characteristics among employees of a team or an organization to some degree. For example, perceived organizational support indicates the extent to which an individual employee feels that the organization values his or her contribution and cares about his or her well-being (Eisenberger et al., 1986). When measured using the referent-shift com-position model (Chan, 1998), higher-level perceived organizational support represents a climate concern for employees’ contribution and well-being (e.g., Chuang and Liao, 2010; Takeuchi et al., 2009). In this case, concern for employees’ climate is conceptually and functionally similar to individual perceived organizational support.

The O dimension reflects the means through which employees’ abilities and efforts can be converted to outcomes. At the individual level, employees’ opportunity to perform is related to the literature of job design (Hackman and Oldham, 1976) and focuses on how the work is organized and structured to express employees’ talents in their individual work. For example, deriving from the job characteristics literature, psychological empowerment is considered as an important construct to reflect job attributes providing employees with feelings of meaning, competence, autonomy, and impact at work (Spreitzer, 1995). It enables employees to determine the way they complete their work and thus endues them with opportunities and responsibilities to exploit their KSAOs and efforts (Butts et al., 2009; Liao et al., 2009). At the team level and organizational level, the O dimension refers to employees’ involvement in decision-making, problem-solving, and information-sharing activities as well as their coordination and collaboration to achieve collective objectives (Boxall and Macky, 2009; Gerhart, 2007). Employees’ opportunities to perform their individual tasks cannot be directly aggregated to represent team involvement and organizational involvement because involvement at higher levels of analysis emphasizes the interactions among individuals. Similar to collective motiva-tion, team involvement and organizational involvement can be aggregated from indi-vidual perceptions of these processes. Because employees of a team are exposed to the same teams or organizations, it is likely that employees have a shared understanding of how team members or co-workers engage in decision-making and coordination.

Performance at different levels. According to Borman and Motowidlo (1997) and others (e.g., Campbell et al., 1993), there are two types of individual performance: task performance and contextual performance. Task performance involves activities related to the execu-tion and maintenance of core technical processes in an organization, whereas contextual performance maintains the broader organizational, social, and psychological environ-ment in which the technical core functions. At the team level, team performance includes both performance behaviours and performance outcomes (Mathieu et al., 2008). Whereas behaviours are actions that are relevant to achieving goals, outcomes are the consequences or results of performance behaviours.

Organizational performance is more complex. Based on Dyer and Reeves (1995), organizational performance can be categorized into HR outcomes (e.g., absenteeism
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Perspektif dalam strategis HRM 1463et al. (2001, p. 357) ditentukan jenis variabel 'muncul Serikat'. Berbeda dari hubungan antara KSAOs individu dan kolektif modal manusia, karyawan atti-tudes, mempengaruhi, dan motivasi adalah pada dasarnya sama seperti mereka muncul ke atas di tingkat, yang disebut model komposisi dalam penelitian bertingkat (Kozlowski dan Klein, 2000). Dalam kasus ini, diharapkan bahwa ada perjanjian dan konsensus dalam karakteristik ini antara karyawan sebuah tim atau suatu organisasi untuk beberapa derajat. Sebagai contoh, dukungan organisasi dirasakan menunjukkan sejauh mana individu karyawan merasa bahwa organisasi nilai kontribusi nya dan peduli tentang nya kesejahteraan (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Ketika diukur menggunakan model com-posisi rujukan-shift (Chan, 1998), tingkat yang lebih tinggi dukungan organisasi yang dianggap mewakili iklim kekhawatiran karyawan kontribusi dan kesejahteraan (misalnya, Chuang dan Liao, 2010; Takeuchi et al., 2009). Dalam hal ini, perhatian karyawan iklim konseptual dan fungsional serupa dengan individu dukungan organisasi yang dirasakan.The O dimension reflects the means through which employees’ abilities and efforts can be converted to outcomes. At the individual level, employees’ opportunity to perform is related to the literature of job design (Hackman and Oldham, 1976) and focuses on how the work is organized and structured to express employees’ talents in their individual work. For example, deriving from the job characteristics literature, psychological empowerment is considered as an important construct to reflect job attributes providing employees with feelings of meaning, competence, autonomy, and impact at work (Spreitzer, 1995). It enables employees to determine the way they complete their work and thus endues them with opportunities and responsibilities to exploit their KSAOs and efforts (Butts et al., 2009; Liao et al., 2009). At the team level and organizational level, the O dimension refers to employees’ involvement in decision-making, problem-solving, and information-sharing activities as well as their coordination and collaboration to achieve collective objectives (Boxall and Macky, 2009; Gerhart, 2007). Employees’ opportunities to perform their individual tasks cannot be directly aggregated to represent team involvement and organizational involvement because involvement at higher levels of analysis emphasizes the interactions among individuals. Similar to collective motiva-tion, team involvement and organizational involvement can be aggregated from indi-vidual perceptions of these processes. Because employees of a team are exposed to the same teams or organizations, it is likely that employees have a shared understanding of how team members or co-workers engage in decision-making and coordination.Performance at different levels. According to Borman and Motowidlo (1997) and others (e.g., Campbell et al., 1993), there are two types of individual performance: task performance and contextual performance. Task performance involves activities related to the execu-tion and maintenance of core technical processes in an organization, whereas contextual performance maintains the broader organizational, social, and psychological environ-ment in which the technical core functions. At the team level, team performance includes both performance behaviours and performance outcomes (Mathieu et al., 2008). Whereas behaviours are actions that are relevant to achieving goals, outcomes are the consequences or results of performance behaviours.Organizational performance is more complex. Based on Dyer and Reeves (1995), organizational performance can be categorized into HR outcomes (e.g., absenteeism
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Perspektif Strategis HRM 1463 et al. (2001, p. 357) didefinisikan jenis 'negara muncul' variabel. Berbeda dari hubungan antara KSAOs individu dan modal manusia kolektif, karyawan atti-tudes, mempengaruhi, dan motivasi pada dasarnya sama seperti mereka muncul ke atas di seluruh tingkatan, yang disebut model komposisi dalam penelitian bertingkat (Kozlowski dan Klein, 2000). Dalam hal ini, diharapkan ada kesepakatan dan konsensus di karakteristik ini antara karyawan dari tim atau organisasi untuk beberapa derajat. Misalnya, dukungan organisasi yang dirasakan menunjukkan sejauh mana seorang karyawan merasa bahwa organisasi menghargai nya kontribusi dan peduli tentang nya kesejahteraan (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Ketika diukur dengan menggunakan model rujukan-shift com-posisi (Chan, 1998), tingkat yang lebih tinggi dirasakan dukungan organisasi merupakan keprihatinan iklim kontribusi karyawan dan kesejahteraan (misalnya, Chuang dan Liao, 2010; Takeuchi et al, 2009. ). Dalam hal ini, perhatian untuk karyawan iklim secara konseptual dan fungsional mirip dengan dukungan organisasi individu dirasakan. The O dimensi mencerminkan sarana melalui mana karyawan kemampuan dan upaya dapat dikonversi ke hasil. Pada tingkat individu, karyawan kesempatan untuk melakukan adalah terkait dengan literatur desain pekerjaan (Hackman dan Oldham, 1976) dan berfokus pada bagaimana pekerjaan diatur dan disusun untuk mengekspresikan karyawan bakat dalam pekerjaan masing-masing. Misalnya, yang berasal dari literatur karakteristik pekerjaan, pemberdayaan psikologis dianggap sebagai konstruk penting untuk mencerminkan pekerjaan atribut menyediakan karyawan dengan perasaan makna, kompetensi, otonomi, dan dampak di tempat kerja (Spreitzer, 1995). Hal ini memungkinkan karyawan untuk menentukan cara mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka dan dengan demikian endues mereka kesempatan dan tanggung jawab untuk mengeksploitasi KSAOs dan usaha mereka (Butts et al, 2009;. Liao et al, 2009.). Pada tingkat tim dan tingkat organisasi, dimensi O merujuk pada keterlibatan karyawan dalam pengambilan keputusan, pemecahan masalah, dan kegiatan berbagi informasi serta koordinasi dan kerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan kolektif (Boxall dan Macky, 2009; Gerhart, 2007). Kesempatan karyawan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas mereka masing-masing tidak dapat langsung dikumpulkan untuk mewakili keterlibatan tim dan keterlibatan organisasi karena keterlibatan di tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari analisis menekankan interaksi antar individu. Mirip dengan kolektif Motiva-tion, keterlibatan tim dan keterlibatan organisasi dapat dikumpulkan dari persepsi indi-vidual dari proses ini. Karena karyawan dari sebuah tim yang terkena tim atau organisasi yang sama, ada kemungkinan bahwa karyawan memiliki pemahaman bersama tentang bagaimana anggota tim atau rekan kerja terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan dan koordinasi. Kinerja pada tingkat yang berbeda. (. Misalnya, Campbell et al, 1993) Menurut Borman dan Motowidlo (1997) dan lain-lain, ada dua jenis kinerja individu: kinerja tugas dan kinerja kontekstual. Kinerja tugas melibatkan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan Execu-tion dan pemeliharaan proses teknis inti dalam suatu organisasi, sedangkan kinerja kontekstual mempertahankan organisasi yang lebih luas, sosial, dan psikologis environ-ment di mana fungsi inti teknis. Di tingkat tim, kinerja tim meliputi perilaku kinerja dan hasil kinerja (Mathieu et al., 2008). Sedangkan perilaku adalah tindakan yang relevan untuk mencapai tujuan, hasil adalah konsekuensi atau hasil dari perilaku kinerja. Kinerja Organisasi lebih kompleks. Berdasarkan Dyer dan Reeves (1995), kinerja organisasi dapat dikategorikan ke dalam hasil HR (misalnya, absensi

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