4. They provide for flexibility of teaching and learning, following ch terjemahan - 4. They provide for flexibility of teaching and learning, following ch Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

4. They provide for flexibility of

4. They provide for flexibility of teaching and learning, following children`s interests and building on their experiences. Because units, projects, and thematic learning are flexible, they are planned for varying lengths of time. Some seem to end as quickly as they begin if children satisfy their interests immediately. Others extend for several weeks or even a semester as children expand their interests and seek other information (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
In one kindergarten, a police officer permitted children to sit in a police car. Following the visit, the children began building a police car in the classroom out of large blocks. A posted sign let others know what the block structure represented and that it was not to be disturbed. The teacher added a steering wheel, a piece that looked like an instrument panel, and some boards. The block structure expanded and became a more permanent car with seats, a dashboard, a horn, and a gearshift.
The children did research as they strove to make the car more and more realistic. Finally, the teacher added wires, bulbs, and batteries. With the help of a volunteer who guided and directed them in their discovery, the children made the right connections and were able to turn the lights in their car on and off They consulted books, compared different types of cars and trucks, and held discussions. Videos of police cars in action were shared when the police officer visited the class again. The entire unit lasted for more than six weeks.
5. Units, projects, and thematic learning can meet individual childrens needs through the variety of learning experiences and opportunities offered over time. Children can pace themselves, staying with a specific activity for a long period of time to satisfy their interests or needs or selecting tasks that permit them to practice skills or gain mastery over new skills.

Planning Units, Projects, or Thematic Learning
Planning involves selecting a topic, specifying goals and objectives, and identifying content for the entire group. The plans also include specific ideas and experiences for individual children (Helm & Beneke, 2003).
Teachers need to make additional plans for children with disabilities so they can participate freely and fully. For example, a teacher who wanted his class to experience a field trip to a fast-food restaurant made special arrangements so that a child in a wheelchair could take part.
Plans are also made for children who are uninterested in the topic. In one second-grade class, a unit on fruits and where they come from bored two of the children. Observing them, the teacher noted their curiosity about an apple that was beginning to rot. She directed their attention .to the molds growing on the apple. The two children completed an entire unit on that subject, concluding by presenting their findings to the class, while the others studied fruit.
Selecting Themes or Topics. The theme for a unit, project, or thematic learning can Stem from a number of sources. Some topics may be suggested by the school system, state department of education, or local, state, or national standards, In the child-care programs in Reggio Emilia, the selection of a project topic is a complicated process, and the genesis may take a number of forms:
1. The teacher may observe something of interest and importance to the children and introduce it as a topic or theme.
2. A topic may stem from the teacher's interest or professional curiosity.
3. The topic or theme might stem from some Serendipity that redirects the attention of the children and teacher to another focus. The topic may be concrete or abstract in nature, local or distant, present-day or historical, small or large scale; but whatever the topic, it should allow children to draw on their own prior understandings and should involve them in firsthand, relevant, and interactive experiences (Helm Si Beneke, 2003).
Objectives. Objectives direct teaching and learning. They tell what the unit, project, or thematic learning is to accomplish; describe how the children will change following the experience; and lead to appropriate assessments. l-lere again, your careful selection of a few well-thought~out observable objectives will be more effective than listing numerous general objectives will be. Focusing objectives on each area of the social studies-knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values*helps balance children's learning experiences. But objectives can be flexible as long as they address the relevant standards. At all times, teachers remain alert to children's interests, continually looking for ways to extend rather than dampen children's enthusiasm and curiosity about the theme or topic.

Content. The content lists the major points to be covered. Again, local, state, or national standards or descriptions of developmentally appropriate practice provide a guide. You will want to organize and specify the facts, concepts, skills, and attitudes that will be included. You should also include a
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4. They provide for flexibility of teaching and learning, following children`s interests and building on their experiences. Because units, projects, and thematic learning are flexible, they are planned for varying lengths of time. Some seem to end as quickly as they begin if children satisfy their interests immediately. Others extend for several weeks or even a semester as children expand their interests and seek other information (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).In one kindergarten, a police officer permitted children to sit in a police car. Following the visit, the children began building a police car in the classroom out of large blocks. A posted sign let others know what the block structure represented and that it was not to be disturbed. The teacher added a steering wheel, a piece that looked like an instrument panel, and some boards. The block structure expanded and became a more permanent car with seats, a dashboard, a horn, and a gearshift. The children did research as they strove to make the car more and more realistic. Finally, the teacher added wires, bulbs, and batteries. With the help of a volunteer who guided and directed them in their discovery, the children made the right connections and were able to turn the lights in their car on and off They consulted books, compared different types of cars and trucks, and held discussions. Videos of police cars in action were shared when the police officer visited the class again. The entire unit lasted for more than six weeks. 5. Units, projects, and thematic learning can meet individual childrens needs through the variety of learning experiences and opportunities offered over time. Children can pace themselves, staying with a specific activity for a long period of time to satisfy their interests or needs or selecting tasks that permit them to practice skills or gain mastery over new skills.Planning Units, Projects, or Thematic LearningPlanning involves selecting a topic, specifying goals and objectives, and identifying content for the entire group. The plans also include specific ideas and experiences for individual children (Helm & Beneke, 2003). Teachers need to make additional plans for children with disabilities so they can participate freely and fully. For example, a teacher who wanted his class to experience a field trip to a fast-food restaurant made special arrangements so that a child in a wheelchair could take part.Plans are also made for children who are uninterested in the topic. In one second-grade class, a unit on fruits and where they come from bored two of the children. Observing them, the teacher noted their curiosity about an apple that was beginning to rot. She directed their attention .to the molds growing on the apple. The two children completed an entire unit on that subject, concluding by presenting their findings to the class, while the others studied fruit.Selecting Themes or Topics. The theme for a unit, project, or thematic learning can Stem from a number of sources. Some topics may be suggested by the school system, state department of education, or local, state, or national standards, In the child-care programs in Reggio Emilia, the selection of a project topic is a complicated process, and the genesis may take a number of forms:1. The teacher may observe something of interest and importance to the children and introduce it as a topic or theme.2. A topic may stem from the teacher's interest or professional curiosity.3. The topic or theme might stem from some Serendipity that redirects the attention of the children and teacher to another focus. The topic may be concrete or abstract in nature, local or distant, present-day or historical, small or large scale; but whatever the topic, it should allow children to draw on their own prior understandings and should involve them in firsthand, relevant, and interactive experiences (Helm Si Beneke, 2003).Objectives. Objectives direct teaching and learning. They tell what the unit, project, or thematic learning is to accomplish; describe how the children will change following the experience; and lead to appropriate assessments. l-lere again, your careful selection of a few well-thought~out observable objectives will be more effective than listing numerous general objectives will be. Focusing objectives on each area of the social studies-knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values*helps balance children's learning experiences. But objectives can be flexible as long as they address the relevant standards. At all times, teachers remain alert to children's interests, continually looking for ways to extend rather than dampen children's enthusiasm and curiosity about the theme or topic. Content. The content lists the major points to be covered. Again, local, state, or national standards or descriptions of developmentally appropriate practice provide a guide. You will want to organize and specify the facts, concepts, skills, and attitudes that will be included. You should also include a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
4. Mereka menyediakan fleksibilitas belajar mengajar, mengikuti kepentingan anak `dan membangun pengalaman mereka. Karena unit, proyek, dan pembelajaran tematik yang fleksibel, mereka direncanakan untuk berbagai panjang waktu. Beberapa tampaknya berakhir secepat mereka mulai jika anak-anak memenuhi kepentingan mereka segera. Lainnya memperpanjang selama beberapa minggu atau bahkan satu semester sebagai anak-anak memperluas kepentingan mereka dan mencari informasi lainnya (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
Dalam salah satu TK, seorang polisi diperbolehkan anak-anak untuk duduk di dalam mobil polisi. Setelah kunjungan tersebut, anak-anak mulai membangun sebuah mobil polisi di dalam kelas dari blok besar. Sebuah tanda diposting membiarkan orang lain tahu apa yang struktur blok diwakili dan bahwa itu tidak diganggu. Guru menambahkan roda kemudi, sepotong yang tampak seperti panel instrumen, dan beberapa papan. Struktur blok diperluas dan menjadi mobil yang lebih permanen dengan kursi, dashboard, tanduk, dan perpindahan gigi.
Anak-anak melakukan penelitian karena mereka berusaha untuk membuat mobil lebih dan lebih realistis. Akhirnya, guru menambahkan kabel, lampu, dan baterai. Dengan bantuan dari sukarelawan yang dibimbing dan diarahkan dalam penemuan mereka, anak-anak membuat koneksi yang tepat dan mampu untuk menyalakan lampu di dalam mobil mereka dan mematikan Mereka berkonsultasi buku, dibandingkan jenis mobil dan truk, dan mengadakan diskusi. Video dari mobil polisi dalam aksi dibagikan ketika polisi mengunjungi kelas lagi. Seluruh unit berlangsung selama lebih dari enam minggu.
5. Unit, proyek, dan pembelajaran tematik dapat memenuhi anak-anak kebutuhan individu melalui berbagai pengalaman dan kesempatan yang ditawarkan dari waktu ke waktu belajar. Anak-anak dapat kecepatan sendiri, tinggal dengan aktivitas spesifik untuk jangka waktu yang panjang untuk memuaskan kepentingan atau kebutuhan mereka atau memilih tugas-tugas yang memungkinkan mereka untuk melatih keterampilan atau memperoleh penguasaan atas keterampilan baru. Perencanaan Unit, Proyek, atau Tematik Pembelajaran Perencanaan melibatkan memilih topik, menentukan tujuan dan sasaran, dan mengidentifikasi konten untuk seluruh kelompok. Rencana ini juga mencakup ide spesifik dan pengalaman untuk anak-anak masing-masing (Helm & Beneke, 2003). Guru perlu membuat rencana tambahan untuk anak-anak cacat sehingga mereka dapat berpartisipasi secara bebas dan penuh. Misalnya, seorang guru yang ingin kelasnya mengalami perjalanan lapangan ke sebuah restoran cepat saji membuat pengaturan khusus sehingga anak di kursi roda bisa ambil bagian. Rencana juga dibuat untuk anak-anak yang tertarik pada topik. Dalam satu kelas dua kelas, satu unit pada buah-buahan dan dari mana mereka berasal bosan dua anak-anak. Mengamati mereka, guru mencatat rasa ingin tahu mereka tentang apel yang mulai membusuk. Dia mengarahkan perhatian mereka .to cetakan tumbuh di apel. Kedua anak menyelesaikan seluruh unit pada subjek itu, menyimpulkan dengan menghadirkan temuan mereka ke kelas, sementara yang lain dipelajari buah. Memilih Tema atau Topik. Tema untuk unit, proyek, atau pembelajaran tematik dapat Stem dari sejumlah sumber. Beberapa topik mungkin disarankan oleh sistem sekolah, departemen luar negeri pendidikan, atau lokal, negara bagian, atau standar nasional, Dalam program perawatan anak di Reggio Emilia, pemilihan topik proyek adalah proses yang rumit, dan genesis dapat mengambil sejumlah bentuk: 1. Guru dapat mengamati sesuatu yang menarik dan penting bagi anak-anak dan memperkenalkan sebagai topik atau tema. 2. Sebuah topik mungkin berasal dari bunga guru atau rasa ingin tahu profesional. 3. Topik atau tema mungkin berasal dari beberapa Serendipity yang mengalihkan perhatian anak-anak dan guru untuk fokus lain. Topik mungkin beton atau abstrak di alam, lokal atau jauh, kini atau sejarah, kecil atau skala besar; tapi apa pun topik, harus memungkinkan anak-anak untuk menggambar pada pemahaman sebelumnya mereka sendiri dan harus melibatkan mereka dalam secara langsung, relevan, dan interaktif pengalaman (Helm Si Beneke, 2003). Tujuan. Tujuan langsung belajar mengajar. Mereka mengatakan apa unit, proyek, atau pembelajaran tematik adalah untuk mencapai; menggambarkan bagaimana anak-anak akan berubah setelah pengalaman; dan menyebabkan penilaian yang tepat. l-Lere lagi, hati-hati memilih Anda dari beberapa dipikirkan ~ out tujuan diamati akan lebih efektif daripada daftar berbagai tujuan umum akan. Berfokus tujuan pada setiap area sosial studi-pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap, dan nilai-nilai * membantu pengalaman belajar anak keseimbangan ini. Tapi tujuan dapat menjadi fleksibel selama mereka mengatasi standar yang relevan. Pada setiap waktu, guru tetap waspada untuk kepentingan anak-anak, terus mencari cara untuk memperluas daripada mengurangi antusiasme anak-anak dan rasa ingin tahu tentang tema atau topik. Content. Konten yang berisi poin utama yang akan dibahas. Sekali lagi,, negara, atau standar nasional lokal atau deskripsi dari praktek sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan menyediakan panduan. Anda akan ingin mengatur dan menentukan fakta-fakta, konsep, keterampilan, dan sikap yang akan dimasukkan. Anda juga harus mencakup

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