Evidence-based treatments Therapeuticinterventions that have empirical terjemahan - Evidence-based treatments Therapeuticinterventions that have empirical Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Evidence-based treatments Therapeut

Evidence-based treatments Therapeutic
interventions that have empirical evidence to
support their use.
Exposure therapies Treatment for fears and
other negative emotional responses by carefully
exposing clients to situations or events contributing
to such problems.
Extinction When a previously reinforced behavior
is no longer followed by the reinforcing
consequences, the result is a decrease in the frequency
of the behavior in the future.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
(EMDR) An exposure-based therapy that
involves imaginal fl ooding, cognitive restructuring,
and the use of rhythmic eye movements and
other bilateral stimulation to treat traumatic
stress disorders and fearful memories of clients.
Flooding Prolonged and intensive in vivo or
imaginal exposure to highly anxiety-evoking
stimuli without the opportunity to avoid or escape
from them.
Functional assessment The process of systematically
generating information on the events
preceding and following the behavior in an attempt
to determine which antecedents and consequences
are associated with the occurrence of
the behavior.
In vivo desensitization Brief and graduated
exposure to an actual fear situation or event.
In vivo exposure Involves client exposure to
actual anxiety-evoking events rather than merely
imagining these situations.
In vivo fl ooding Intense and prolonged exposure
to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli.
Mindfulness A process that involves becoming
increasingly observant and aware of external
and internal stimuli in the present moment and
adopting an open attitude toward accepting what
is, rather than judging the current situation.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
A comprehensive integration of the principles
and skills of mindfulness applied to the treatment
of depression.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
This program applies mindfulness techniques to
coping with stress and promoting physical and
psychological health.
Modeling Learning through observation and
Multimodal therapy A model endorsing technical
eclecticism; uses procedures drawn from
various sources without necessarily subscribing
to the theories behind these techniques; developed
by Arnold Lazarus.
Negative punishment A reinforcing stimulus
is removed following the behavior to decrease
the frequency of a target behavior.
Negative reinforcement The termination or
withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus as a result
of performing some desired behavior.
Operant conditioning A type of learning in
which behaviors are influenced mainly by the
consequences that follow them.
Positive punishment An aversive stimulus
is added after the behavior to decrease the frequency
of a behavior.
Positive reinforcement A form of conditioning
whereby the individual receives something
desirable as a consequence of his or her behavior;
a reward that increases the probability of its
Positive reinforcement An event whose presentation
increases the probability of a response
that it follows.
Progressive muscle relaxation A method of
teaching people to cope with the stresses produced
by daily living. It is aimed at achieving muscle
and mental relaxation and is easily learned.
Punishment The process in which a behavior
is followed by a consequence that results in a decrease
in the future probability of a behavior.
Reinforcement A specifi ed event that strengthens
the tendency for a response to be repeated. It
involves some kind of reward or the removal of
an aversive stimulus following a response.
Self-directed behavior A basic assumption is
that people are capable of self-directed behavior
change and the person is the agent of change.
Self-effi cacy An individual’s belief or expectation
that he or she can master a situation and
bring about desired change.
Self-management Strategies in self-management
programs include self-monitoring, selfreward,
self-contracting, and stimulus control.
Self-modifi cation A collection of cognitive behavioral
strategies based on the idea that change
can be brought about by teaching people to use
coping skills in various problematic situations.
Self-monitoring The process of observing
one’s own behavior patterns as well as one’s
interactions in various social situations.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Berbasis bukti perawatan terapiintervensi yang memiliki bukti empiris untukmendukung penggunaan mereka.Paparan terapi pengobatan untuk ketakutan danlainnya negatif tanggapan emosional dengan hati-hatimengekspos klien untuk situasi atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang berkontribusimasalah tersebut.Kepunahan ketika sebuah perilaku yang sebelumnya diperkuattidak lagi diikuti dengan memperkuatAkibatnya, hasilnya adalah penurunan frekuensiperilaku di masa depan.Gerakan mata desensitisasi dan pengolahan(EMDR) Eksposur berbasis terapi yangmelibatkan ooding imajinal fl, restrukturisasi kognitif,dan menggunakan gerakan berirama mata danrangsangan lain bilateral untuk mengobati traumatisGangguan stres dan menakutkan kenangan klien.Banjir berkepanjangan dan intensif di vivo atauimajinal terpapar sangat membangkitkan kecemasanrangsangan tanpa kesempatan untuk menghindari atau melarikan diridari mereka.Fungsional penilaian proses dari sistematismenghasilkan informasi tentang peristiwa-peristiwasegerea sebelum dan mengikuti perilaku dalam upayauntuk menentukan mana pendahulunya dan konsekuensiterkait dengan terjadinyaperilaku.In vivo desensitisasi singkat dan luluspaparan situasi aktual ketakutan atau acara.In vivo paparan melibatkan klien terpaparsebenarnya kecemasan-membangkitkan peristiwa daripada hanyamembayangkan situasi ini.In vivo fl ooding tajam dan pemaparanterhadap rangsangan memproduksi kecemasan sebenarnya.Mindfulness A proses yang melibatkan menjadisemakin jeli dan sadar eksternaldan internal rangsangan pada saat ini danmengadopsi sebuah sikap terbuka terhadap menerima apaadalah, daripada menilai situasi saat ini.Mindfulness berbasis terapi kognitif (MBCT)Integrasi yang komprehensif tentang prinsip-prinsipdan keterampilan mindfulness diterapkan untuk pengobatandepresi.Mindfulness berbasis stres pengurangan (MBSR)Program ini berlaku mindfulness teknik untukmengatasi stres dan mempromosikan fisik danpsikologis kesehatan.Pemodelan belajar melalui pengamatan danimitasi.Multimodal terapi A model mendukung teknismendalami eklektisisme; menggunakan prosedur yang diambil dariberbagai sumber tanpa perlu berlanggananteori-teori di balik teknik-teknik ini; dikembangkanoleh Arnold Lazarus.Negatif hukuman A memperkuat stimulusdihapus setelah perilaku untuk mengurangifrekuensi perilaku target.Negatif penguatan penghentian ataupenarikan stimulus tidak menyenangkan akibatnyamelakukan beberapa diinginkan perilaku.Operant Ruangan (AC) A jenis belajar diperilaku yang dipengaruhi terutama olehkonsekuensi yang mengikuti mereka.Positif hukuman stimulus permusuhanini adalah ditambahkan setelah perilaku untuk mengurangi frekuensiperilaku.Penguatan positif A berupa Ruangan (AC)dimana individu menerima sesuatudiinginkan sebagai konsekuensi dari perilaku nya;hadiah yang meningkatkan kemungkinan yangkambuh.Penguatan positif An acara presentasi yangmeningkatkan kemungkinan jawabanberikut itu.Otot progresif relaksasi A metodemengajar orang untuk mengatasi tekanan yang dihasilkanoleh kehidupan sehari-hari. Bertujuan untuk mencapai ototdan fokus mental dan mudah dipelajari.Hukuman proses di mana perilakudiikuti dengan konsekuensi yang mengakibatkan penurunandi masa depan kemungkinan perilaku.Penguatan A olah ed acara yang memperkuatkecenderungan untuk menanggapi diulang. Itumelibatkan beberapa jenis hadiah atau penghapusanstimulus permusuhan mengikuti tanggapan.Perilaku mandiri A asumsi dasarorang-orang mampu mandiri perilakuperubahan dan orang adalah agen perubahan.Diri-berkisar bukan cacy individu kepercayaan atau harapanbahwa ia dapat menguasai situasi danmembawa perubahan yang diinginkan.Manajemen mandiri strategi manajemen mandiriProgram mencakup pemantauan diri, selfreward,diri kontraktor, dan kontrol stimulus.Self-modifi kation koleksi cognitive behavioralstrategi yang didasarkan pada gagasan yang mengubahdapat dibawa dengan mengajar orang untuk menggunakanmengatasi keterampilan dalam berbagai situasi yang bermasalah.Pemantauan diri proses mengamatipola perilaku sendiri serta satuinteraksi dalam berbagai situasi sosial.
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