Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
51100:39:00,420 --> 00:39:02,695I am not disposed to believe him.51200:39:02,780 --> 00:39:04,498I don't know about that, sir.51300:39:04,580 --> 00:39:07,094I don't think Mr Raymond isthe type to tell an untruth.51400:39:07,180 --> 00:39:10,013- Ah.- But there is something. I mean51500:39:10,600 --> 00:39:12,591I haven't mentioned it before, but51600:39:12,680 --> 00:39:16,070it's been nagging away atthe back of my mind, like.51700:39:17,640 --> 00:39:20,438It was usually kept in thedisplay case in the sitting room.51800:39:20,520 --> 00:39:22,875I'm sure it was therebefore dinner last night.51900:39:24,360 --> 00:39:26,316Excuse me, Chief Inspector.52000:39:26,400 --> 00:39:29,676Monsieur Parker would like to showto us something. Monsieur Parker?52100:39:29,760 --> 00:39:31,034It's these.52200:39:32,080 --> 00:39:35,117- They came in the evening post last night.- So what?52300:39:35,200 --> 00:39:37,634Well, there were fivewhen I brought them in.52400:39:37,720 --> 00:39:39,392And now there are four.52500:39:39,480 --> 00:39:43,109I noticed particularly because theseare all business sort of letters.52600:39:43,200 --> 00:39:46,431And there was one morepersonal one, handwritten.52700:39:46,520 --> 00:39:49,353Dark blue envelope. Quite distinctive.52800:39:49,440 --> 00:39:52,398Perhaps Mr Ackroyd put it in his pocket.52900:39:52, 480--> 00:39:56, 678-Apakah surat tersebut yang ditemukan pada tubuh, Inspektur?-No.53000:39:59, 280--> 00:40:01, 919Jadi ini adalah Perancisjendela ke ruang duduk.53100:40:02, 960--> 00:40:08, 159Ya, kepala Inspektur. Dalam yangkasus yang berisi senjata pembunuh,53200:40:08, 240--> 00:40:10, 595-mudah dalam jangkauan.-Mm.53300:40:14, 960--> 00:40:17, 997Dan di sini, tidak ada yang lain53400:40:18, 780--> 00:40:23, 456tanpa jendela menghadap ke teras sampaikami datang untuk mempelajari Monsieur Ackroyd.53500:40:25, 380--> 00:40:27, 098Kepala Inspektur?53600:40:27, 180--> 00:40:29, 330Aku hanya punya panggilan dari GPO.53700:40:29, 420--> 00:40:32, 571Mereka telah dilacak telepon itupanggilan yang mendapat Dr Sheppard.53800:40:32, 660 00:40:35, 094-->Login di 10,15 semalam53900:40:35, 180--> 00:40:39, 014dari kotak telepon umum diStasiun Kereta Api Kings Abbott.54000:40:39, 100--> 00:40:41, 409Dan pada 10:23 malammail daun Liverpool.54100:40:41, 500--> 00:40:45, 209Mengapa harus pembunuh telepon sama sekali?Tampaknya ada ada sajak atau alasan untuk itu.54200:40:45, 300--> 00:40:48, 292Oh, ada alasan, kepalaInspektur. Yang Anda dapat yakin.54300:40:48, 380--> 00:40:51, 372Dan ketika kita tahu,kita akan tahu segalanya.54400:40:58, 300--> 00:41:01, 656Semua orang bilang sudah baik-baik sajadan kering di sini selama dua minggu.54500:41:01,740 --> 00:41:04,334So how did those muddyfootprints get on the window sill?54600:41:04,420 --> 00:41:05,978That is easy, Chief Inspector.54700:41:06,060 --> 00:41:09,018See? The gardener hasleft dripping the tap.54800:41:09,100 --> 00:41:10,169Oh, yeah.54900:41:12,740 --> 00:41:14,810Ah, there's the same footprint again.55000:41:15,900 --> 00:41:17,970You see also there thefootprint of the lady?55100:41:20,040 --> 00:41:25,449Come, Chief Inspector. Let usinvestigate together the summer house.55200:41:28,780 --> 00:41:32,853My Emily wanted one of these. But itdidn't seem quite right in Isleworth.55300:41:39,040 --> 00:41:40,996What have you got, Poirot?55400:41:43,480 --> 00:41:46,597It's a bit of cloth from ahandkerchief, or something.55500:41:47,320 --> 00:41:49,276Perhaps.55600:41:54,040 --> 00:41:55,792Remember this, Chief Inspector.55700:41:55,880 --> 00:42:00,192The good laundry, it doesnot starch the handkerchief.55800:42:03,220 --> 00:42:07,293Sundry creditors, 403 pounds55900:42:07,380 --> 00:42:10,213seven shillings and four pence.56000:42:11,460 --> 00:42:15,578Mr Hammond is Mr Ackroyd's personallawyer, as well as acting for the company.56100:42:16,620 --> 00:42:19,851I'm Detective Chief InspectorJapp of Scotland Yard.56200:42:21,380 --> 00:42:24,975- And this is Hercule Poirot.- Private detective.56300:42:26,020 --> 00:42:28,215We need to know what'sin Mr Ackroyd's will.56400:42:28,680 --> 00:42:33,708Well, there's 500 to hissecretary, Mr Geoffrey Raymond.56500:42:34,920 --> 00:42:40,313Then, Mrs Vera Ackroyd receives theincome from ?0,000 worth of shares,56600:42:40,400 --> 00:42:42,277during her lifetime.56700:42:39,360 --> 00:42:45,196While her daughter, FloraAckroyd, inherits 20,000 outright.56800:42:48,280 --> 00:42:50,555And the majority of the estate?56900:42:50,640 --> 00:42:53,837The er residue, including Fernly Park,57000:42:53,920 --> 00:42:56,559and the shares in Ackroyd Chemicals57100:42:56,640 --> 00:43:00,428to his adopted son, Mr Ralph Paton.57200:43:01,720 --> 00:43:05,838Tell me. The estate of MonsieurRoger Ackroyd, it was very large?57300:43:05,920 --> 00:43:07,831Oh, yes, indeed.57400:43:07,920 --> 00:43:11,071Mr Paton will be avery wealthy young man.57500:43:12,080 --> 00:43:13,991Merci.57600:43:15,080 --> 00:43:18,834Tell me, chief Inspector, the stationmasterat Kings Abbott, was he of any help?57700:43:18,920 --> 00:43:23,038Not a lot, I'm afraid. Nobodyremembers anybody using the phone box.57800:43:23,120 --> 00:43:26,999But about that time, you've got theLondon train coming in on one platform,57900:43:27,080 --> 00:43:29,674and the Liverpool train on the other, so58000:43:29,760 --> 00:43:31,716Was anyone seen to board these trains?58100:43:31,800 --> 00:43:36,316Well, a porter remembers a young mangetting on the train to Liverpool.58200:43:36,400 --> 00:43:38,436He thinks. Mind you.58300:43:40,320 --> 00:43:41,514Voila.58400:43:42,800 --> 00:43:45,473She looks pretty browned off.58500:43:45,560 --> 00:43:48,154Let us go and cheerher up, Chief Inspector.58600:43:51,080 --> 00:43:52,991Bonjour, Mademoiselle Ackroyd.58700:43:53,080 --> 00:43:54,638Oh, you startled me.58800:43:54,720 --> 00:43:56,950There's something I'vebeen meaning to ask you.58900:43:57,040 --> 00:44:00,191Did you go anywhere near the summerhouse on the night of the murder?59000:44:00,280 --> 00:44:01,679Summer house? No.59100:44:01,760 --> 00:44:05,196Only someone, a lady,was seen in its vicinity.59200:44:05,280 --> 00:44:07,077Well, it wasn't me.59300:44:07,160 --> 00:44:09,071This would have beenabout half past nine?59400:44:10,080 --> 00:44:12,913Thank you, mademoiselle.You have been most helpful.59500:44:13,000 --> 00:44:15,150I've got to get backto the house, anyway.59600:44:18,880 --> 00:44:20,791I was just getting started with her.59700:44:20,880 --> 00:44:24,634Very likely. Is she outof sight, Chief Inspector?59800:44:27,440 --> 00:44:29,590Yeah. What are you doing, Poirot?59900:44:31,920 --> 00:44:33,273Poirot?60000:44:33,360 --> 00:44:37,831Always one must keep theeyes on the alert, mon ami.60100:44:39,320 --> 00:44:44,110One little glint in the sunlight60200:44:46,520 --> 00:44:47,900et voila!60300:44:47,960 --> 00:44:49,916It's a wedding ring.60400:44:49,640 --> 00:44:52,359Oh. Hang on. There's an inscription.60500:44:52,440 --> 00:44:55,750From R.60600:44:55,840 --> 00:44:58,274March 13th.60700:45:03,160 --> 00:45:05,628- Ah, Mr Raymond.- Not now, Chief Inspector.60800:45:09,800 --> 00:45:12,997- What's going on, Parker?- I don't rightly know, sir.60900:45:13,080 --> 00:45:16,117Something's gone missing.61000:45:21,640 --> 00:45:26,236I have never thought the staff atFernly Park were quite trustworthy.61100:45:26,320 --> 00:45:27,799What happens, madame?61200:45:27,880 --> 00:45:29,950Some money is missing.61300:45:30,040 --> 00:45:32,634- Stolen.- We don't know that.61400:45:32,720 --> 00:45:34,63140, Monsieur Poirot.61500:45:35,500 --> 00:45:36,300From poor Roger's bedroom61600:45:36,520 --> 00:45:39,398I have never thought thestaff here were trustworthy.61700:45:39,480 --> 00:45:41,550Oh, come, Mrs Ackroyd.61800:45:41,640 --> 00:45:43,835Right. Who's the current suspect?61900:45:43,920 --> 00:45:47,390The parlour maid, Ursula. Shewas given her notice yesterday.62000:45:47,340 --> 00:45:49,217- You are Ursula Bourne?- Yes, sir.62100:45:49,300 --> 00:45:52,098- I understand you're leaving.- Yes.62200:45:52,180 --> 00:45:54,569Why is that?62300:45:54,660 --> 00:45:59,256I disarranged some paperson Mr Ackroyd's desk.62400:45:59,340 --> 00:46:04,130He was very angry about itand said I had better leave.62500:46:04,220 --> 00:46:08,850A considerable amount of money -40- is missing from this drawer.62600:46:08,940 --> 00:46:12,296If you think I took it and that is whyMr Ackroyd dismissed me, you're wrong.62700:46:12,380 --> 00:46:15,372- Well, it seems- If you please, Inspector?62800:46:18,140 --> 00:46:19,493Mademoiselle Ursula,62900:46:19,580 --> 00:46:23,698it was yesterday afternoon that MonsieurAckroyd dismissed you, was it not?63000:46:24,700 --> 00:46:26,850How long did it last, this interview?63100:46:26,940 --> 00:46:28,134Interview?63200:46:28,220 --> 00:46:30,529Between you and MonsieurAckroyd in the study.63300:46:30,620 --> 00:46:34,738- 10 minutes? 20 minutes? Half an hour?- Something like that.63400:46:34,820 --> 00:46:36,219Half an hour?63500:46:36,300 --> 00:46:38,575Well, not longer, certainly.63600:46:38,660 --> 00:46:40,616Merci, mademoiselle.63700:46:40,700 --> 00:46:46,218Not one flipping penny! Sixyears I worked for that bastard!63800:46:46,300 --> 00:46:47,972Not one flipping penny.63900:46:48,060 --> 00:46:50,096Well, that's whatthey're like, isn't it?64
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