Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Aku punya sepotong nasihat untuk Anda di acara hari ini, Jade.""Menghitung langkah-langkah saya di lapangan berburu dengan gipsi Queen? Menjaga Aspen bulat di canter dan jauh dari Annie Prout mare, tato, yang telah mendapat seberkas berarti mil lebar dan Annie's tidak cukup kuat untuk menangani dia?""Melihat bagaimana Anda sudah tahu semua hal di atas, itu akan hampir tidak merupakan nasihat, sekarang akan itu? Ini, bagaimanapun, mungkin berguna. Tinggal jauh dari bumbu."Seperti Ellie telah dilaporkan, van kuda itu sudah diparkir di ujung terbuka halaman kerikil yang terletak di pusat kuda tiga Lumbung, ramp loading yang diturunkan dalam kesiapan.Di luar gudang utama, Tito dan Felix pengaturan turun empat menggembung hay jaring yang akan di van setelah kuda telah dimuat ke kios-kios yang.Tempat mereka, Jade berteriak, "Top of pagi untuk, kalian," karena ia menyimpang dari menuju pintu samping van, taktik dan taktik kotak yang menyimpan, makan sendiri gigi.Jordan mendekati dengan "Selamat pagi" dan "Terlihat seperti itu akan cuaca yang baik bagi Anda hari ini" Tito dan Felix seperti dia melewati pintu ganda gudang.Gudang dipenuhi dengan suara oat menjadi Berlin, karet feed bak membenturkan terhadap kios-kios kayu, dan gemerisik jerami seperti kuda selesai sarapan mereka. Menyusuri lorong pusat Queen Gipsi, Saxon dan manis William berdiri di garis, mereka halters kulit tertutup bulu yang melekat pada hubungan salib. Saat dia berjalan ke arah mare yang hitam, Travis mendongak dari mana dia sedang berlutut samping kaki belakangnya, tangannya berputar-putar membungkus katun putih berlapis dengan perban biru gelap, lewat roll bolak-balik antara tangannya. Gipsi Ratu kaki lain sudah dibungkus untuk melindunginya dari cedera selama perjalanan ke Taman Tampilkan."Jade dengan Anda?" tanyanya."Ya, dia adalah meletakkan baginya perlengkapan dalam van.""Baik. Aspen mungkin yang telah selesai gandum nya sekarang. Ia perlu untuk dibungkus.""Aku akan pergi membawanya keluar," dia sukarela. "Perban yang oleh kios nya?""ya. Lembar musim panas nya tergantung pada pintu. Harus mengambil ini untuk mengguncang serutan.""Dia berbaring tadi malam? Ia mendapatkan serutan apapun di kepang nya?"Selesai pembungkus mare yang kaki, Travis berdiri. "Yup. Mengusap mereka sangat buruk.""Yang digosok apa?" Jade bertanya, datang kepada mereka. "Hei, gipsi," katanya, menepuk mare."Boy favorit Anda. "Dan itu akan menjadi dikepang nya mengusap.""Aspen menggosok mereka?" Dia berkata dengan nada ngeri. "Mereka rusak?""Melakukan yang terbaik. Jangan khawatir, aku rebraided mereka untuk Anda."“Oh my God, have I told you that you’re the coolest brother-in-law ever?”The corners of Travis’s mouth lifted in a grin. “Don’t forget it, kid. Now go get him wrapped and ready for the road. We need to start loading in fifteen.”“Need a hand?” Jordan asked her.“That’d be sweet.”At the next cross ties, Margot was prepping Saxon. Like Gypsy Queen, the chestnut gelding was braided from forelock to tail. Under the fluorescent lights his groomed coat gleamed like buffed copper. Margot was wrapping his tail so that the French braid wouldn’t be destroyed in transit.“Hey, Margot, that hubby of yours is one fine human being.”“Really?” Margot smiled. “I had no idea.” Pressing the Velcro end of the bandage together, she patted the gelding’s haunch and then reached for the light sheet he’d wear in the van.“Gospel truth. You should be super nice to him. You know, he might meet Gisele at some photo shoot and then where would you be?”“I think Tom Brady’s got me covered there. I guess Travis will have to settle for adoring Gisele from afar.”“Who the hell’s Gisele?” Travis asked.“As in Bündchen? You don’t know who Gisele Bündchen is?” Jade asked.“Nope, and unless she knows how to wrap your horse’s legs I’m not real interested in knowing her, either. Besides, there’s no way can she be more beautiful than Margot.”Margot laughed. “You’re right, Jade. I am going to have to be super nice to my very fine husband.”“That so?” Travis sounded distinctly interested.“Definitely. As it happens I’d already planned a surprise for you this evening. It’s a little something I picked up at La Perla on my way to the shoot in New York.”“What color’s this little something?”“Telling would spoil the surprise. My lips are sealed.”Travis smiled. “Looks like I’m going to have to test my powers of persuasion on the way down to Lexington.”“You’re more than welcome to try,” Margot said with a smile that had made her millions of dollars.“Okay, that settles it. I’m riding in the van with Tito and Felix so I don’t have to watch you guys smooch at every red light.”“You still here?” Travis grinned.Jade rolled her eyes. “No, I’m actually a hologram.”“Ahh, so that means the corporeal you has already got Aspen out of his stall and one of his legs wrapped.”“Correctomundo.”“Glad to hear it, because the clock’s ticking.”As Jordan and Jade turned to continue down the aisle, Margot said, “Oh, yeah, before I forget, Hologram Girl, you need to crack open your American history textbook on the ride down so you’ll be ready for the AP test that’s coming up. And I seem to remember you’ve got a Spanish test next week, too.”“Dur! That’s the other reason I’m riding with mis amigos. I’m going to tell Tito and Felix about the New Deal and have them quiz me on my reflexive verbs. Nos metimos en una mala situacion,” she said with a grin.“Kid, you’re going to find yourself in a whole new impossible situation if you don’t start hustling to get Aspen ready. Scat!”“Si, si, señor,” Jade laughed, giving Travis a mock salute before trotting the rest of the way down the aisle.Jordan knew her smile was as wide as Travis and Margot’s. “Tito and Felix will be lucky if they get a word in edgewise.”“I know. To think there was a time when getting her to talk was like pulling teeth. Although I’d rather have Jade’s motor mouth any day of the week,” Margot added hastily.“Me, too,” Jordan said. “I suppose a happy medium would be too dull for our sister.”“You’ve got that right,” Travis said, laughter threading his voice.
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