MethodologyThe population of this study consists of the employees of f terjemahan - MethodologyThe population of this study consists of the employees of f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

MethodologyThe population of this s

The population of this study consists of the employees of five-star hotels in Turkey.
Due to the facts that hotels in Turkey are spread over a vast geographical area and that
the number of employees in these establishments is very high, a sample group was
chosen. It is likely that access to all the potential participants would have caused
problems, and time and cost constraints would have proved prohibitive. Stratified and
cluster sampling methods were used together; first, the population was stratified as
city and resort hotels, and then the cities where the hotels are located were taken as
clusters. In the process of clustering the cities, we paid special attention to choosing
hotels from cities with a relatively greater number of five-star hotels in both strata (i.e.
city and resort). Hotels from four cities were chosen: the hotels in Antalya and Mug
were chosen both because they are among the most active resort towns in terms of
tourism activities and because they are among the cities with the largest number of
five-star hotels. The other two cities, Ankara and Istanbul, were chosen because they
are among the most important cities in Turkey in terms of city hotel establishments.
All these factors were considered and the study was conducted primarily on employees
working in five-star hotels in these cities and also on the employees working in hotels
run in other cities as much as possible. One thousand, one hundred and seventeen out
of 1175 questionnaires were received back from resort hotels, whereas 764 out of 825
questionnaires were received back from city hotels. From all the questionnaires
distributed, only 1,854 questionnaires – 1,098 from resort hotels and 756 from city
hotels – were included in the analysis. The remaining questionnaires were excluded
for reasons such as incomplete data and coding and so on.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
MetodologiPopulasi studi ini terdiri dari para pegawai hotel bintang lima di Turki.Karena fakta bahwa hotel di Turki yang tersebar di wilayah geografis yang luas dan yangjumlah karyawan di tempat ini sangat tinggi, kelompok sampeldipilih. Kemungkinan bahwa akses ke semua calon peserta akan menimbulkanmasalah, dan kendala waktu dan biaya akan telah membuktikan mahal. Berlapis danmetode pengambilan sampel klaster digunakan bersama-sama; pertama, penduduk berlapis sebagaikota dan resort Hotel, dan kemudian kota mana Hotel berada diambil sebagaicluster. Dalam proses pengelompokan kota, kami memberikan perhatian khusus untuk memilihHotel-hotel dari kota dengan jumlah yang relatif lebih besar hotel bintang lima di lapisan kedua (yaitukota dan resort). Hotel-hotel dari empat kota dipilih: Hotel di Antalya dan Mug ̆Ladipilih keduanya karena mereka antara kota resor paling aktif dari segikegiatan pariwisata dan karena mereka antara kota dengan jumlah terbesarHotel bintang lima. Lain dua kota, Ankara dan Istanbul, dipilih karena merekamerupakan kota yang paling penting di Turki dalam kota hotel pendirian.Semua faktor ini dianggap dan penelitian dilakukan terutama pada karyawanbekerja di hotel bintang lima di kota ini dan juga pada karyawan yang bekerja di Hotelberjalan di kota-kota lain sebanyak mungkin. Seribu, satu ratus dan tujuh belas keluardari 1175 kuesioner yang diterima kembali dari resor hotel, sedangkan 764 dari 825kuesioner yang diterima kembali dari hotel kota. Dari semua kuesionerdidistribusikan, kuesioner hanya 1.854 – 1,098 dari resort Hotel Resort dan 756 dari kotaHotel – dimasukkan dalam analisis. Kuesioner sisa dikeluarkanuntuk alasan seperti data yang tidak lengkap dan coding dan seterusnya.
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