she tease Yoona's pussy by lightlyrubbed the tip of it in Yoona's fold terjemahan - she tease Yoona's pussy by lightlyrubbed the tip of it in Yoona's fold Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

she tease Yoona's pussy by lightlyr

she tease Yoona's pussy by lightly
rubbed the tip of it in Yoona's folds.
Then her upper body resting on top of
Yoona slowly grinning
" babe. I love you*pant*" yuri whisper
to Yoona.
" Ahhhh.. I love*pant* you too."
Yoona said her hands are wrapped on
yuri's back caressing it lovingly.
then Yuri slowly but deeply push the
strap on in to Yoona's tight pussy.
Making Yoona to shiver and moan
Yoona can't help it as she dig her
finger nail in Yuri's back. But Yuri did
not intertain the pain as she put her
attention on her things.
a thrust per second. that slow Yuri
move it but in a sway that can plead
Yoona. She lick Yoona's face leaving
her saliva on Yoona's beautiful face
she's marking her teretory.
Yoona's hand is on Yuri's butt
pushing it towards her.
the good wife obliged immediatly to
her wife's order she prepare her self
and fix her position again.
her hands are on Yoona's shoulder
and start thrusting fast. Her pace
change into five thrust per second
that fast Yuri move now.
Yoona's moan change into a sobs
when Yuri push to her the seven
inches long strap on. Yoona's face
crumpled at the pain she got.
* pant*
" babe, are you okay?" Yuri asked still
thrusting. She's panting but manage
to do her job well.
Yoona nodded urging her to
*plaaaakkk* *plaaaakkk*
thier core once again come in wet as
the feeling of wanting more raise in
to higher level.
Yoona cum again for the second time
Yuri pulled the strap on and start
cleaning Yoona again by pushing her
expert tongue on Yoona.
yoona burried her face in the pillow
beacause of the ecstasy sho got. Her
body still shaking. Then she start
moaning again when Yuri put her
three fingers and start thrusting it
faster than before like more than five
per second.
Yoona's body bouncing along with
her melons beacause of the force Yuri
applied to her.
"fukcccc!!!.... Sh*t... Fukcccc" now
yuri voice echo thru thier room. Her
voice are so loud. The feelings drive
over in her as she grip Yoona's Brest
that almost turn into light red as how
hard she squeeze it.
Yoona can't help as she pulled Yuri's
locks and smack her lips on Yuri. She
still moaning inside of Yuri's mouth
as her body shaking beacause of the
delicious feeling.
Hard....yurrriiii!!! Push it!!!" She
commanded as her mouth open and
eyes close. She's really out of her
self beacause of the intense feeling
Yuri send to her.
Yuri pulled out her finger and lick it.
Then she flip Yoona.
now Yoona is laying with her
stomach her face laying side way on
the pillow with her hair mess up to
her face.
yuri fixed her position into
comfortable one. Then she pulled up
Yoona's hips like a dog position. And
yuri squeeze her butt.
*paaaaaaaaaakkkkk* she slap the
cheek of Yoona's butt. Leaving it a
red mark.
then Yuri lick her hands and put it in
to the strap on to wet it.
once shes done. She insert it on
Yoona's ass. This time in a suave
move after it's settled her upper body
and slammed on Yoona's back. Yuri's
hand start exploring again and stop
at Yoona's pussy as she massage it
with her fingers.
" Ahhhhhh...yuri...
Yoona complain when Yuri change
her pace into faster one.
but Yuri did not mind Yoona's
complain instead she fasten more her
pace into maximum level. she put all
her energy on it and she did not take
the pity as her hormones control her.
" *sobs*... Ahhhhh*sobs* *sobs*" this
time Yoona cried beacause of pain.
But stay still to her position. It hurts
and feel good at the same time.
* plaaakk* plakkk*
yuri still did not stop from thrusting
and pinching Yoona's pussy.
" Ahh.. Yurrrriiii..ouuuuccchhh!!
Ahhh...*sobs*" this time Yoona's
voice louder at every thrust.
*plakk* *plakk*
yuri still smashing hard on Yoona's
" Arrhhh.. Fukcccc!!! Goshh!!..." Yuri's
moan sounds like a vibrate beacause
of the force she throw. her eyes are
close while her face are facing the
ceiling and mouth open wide.
until she run out of energy she pulled
out the strap on out of Yoona's ass
and throw her body lifelessly in the
bed along with Yoona.
both panting for air. the room filled
with moans and cry earlier and now
change in to panting sounds.
then, the door wide open.
" Mommmmmmmmmyyyy!!" Thier
daughter cried in front of the door.
Yuri's eyes widen and grab the bed
sheet and cover thier bodies.
she loosen up the strap on under the
sheet and throw it somewhere.
Yoona still recovering can't utter a
word.she wipe her tears with the
" Baby, why are you here? I thought
you're asleep already?" Yuri ask
nervously as she wrapped the bed
sheet in her arm pit. And silently
'please don't go here... Please go
back to your room...please...
Yuri's nervousness increase as thier
daughter run and climb at the bed.
Yuri immediatly cover Yoona securely
with her. What if thier daughter would
go inside the cover? They are still
" Mommy, don't hurt mommy Yoona."
The little girl sobs quietly.
Yuri and Yoona got confuse about
thier daughter.
" Huh? No I did not hurt your mommy"
Yuri nervously wave her hands infront
of her.
the little girl shook her head as a
sigh that she's not believing her
" You hurt mommy. I heard her crying
and shouting like this
'ahhh..ahh.ahh" the little girl imitate
Yoona's voice earlier.
Yuri chuckle at thier daughter's
inocence. While Yoona burried her
face more in the pillow to hide her
embarass face.
Yuri can't answer directly her
daughter so she answer it in other
" I love your mommy. I never and I
won't hurt her."
" Really?"
Yuri and Yoona nodded.
" Hey kid. Go back to your room now.
You need to sleep" yuri shoo the kid
so they can change.
but, the kid shook her head hard.
" No, I'm going to sleep here. Since
you disturb my sleep" the kid was
about to grab the sheet to cover her
self but Yuri stop her by tricking her.
" You want to sleep here?"
" yes." The kid nodded.
" Okay. You need to get your own
pillow. Okay? Now go."
the poor innocent little child obliged
and run fast to her room to grab
some pillow.
After the kid run out from thier room.
The two immediatly jump from the
bed and start picking thier clothes at
the floor and start changing into new
after they settle back at the bed.
Yoona spoke.
" Babe.. I feel my cake aching.. You're
so hard" Yoona said while resting her
head on Yuri's chest.
" I'm sorry babe.. I can't hold it
you're so hot!!" Her hands are on
Yoona's hair stroking it.
" Mommy!!" The little girl run to her
mommies and lay between them.
" Good night baby."
Yuri kiss her daughter's cheek. While
Yoona's on the other cheek.
" good night mommies"
and they sleep together both
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
Dia mengusik Yoona di pussy oleh ringandisapu hujung darinya dalam lipatan di Yoona.Kemudian beliau atas badan berehat selainYoona perlahan-lahan grinning"babe. Saya suka anda * Seluar * "yuri whisperuntuk Yoona."Ahhhh... Saya suka * Seluar * anda terlalu. "Yoona berkata tangannya dibalut padaYuri di balik caressing ia dihiasi dengan penuh kemesraan.kemudian Yuri perlahan-lahan tetapi amat tolak dalamtali di dalam ke pussy ketat di Yoona.Membuat Yoona menggigil dan mengerangsekali lagi."Arrrhhhhhhh... babe... hmmmhmmmm.. "Yoona tidak boleh membantu kerana dia menggali diakuku jari di Yuri di belakang. Tetapi Yuritidak intertain kesakitan kerana dia meletakkan dirinyaperhatian pada perkara-perkara itu.Tujahan sesaat. yang perlahan Yurimengalih keluarnya tetapi yang memujuk yang boleh membuat akuanYoona. Dia menjilat muka Yoona, meninggalkanair liur dia Yoona di muka cantikDia adalah menandakan teretory beliau."Babe... fasteeeeeeerrr... Sila... ahhhh.uuhhh"Yoona di tangan dihidupkan Yuri di punggungmenolak ke arah beliau.isteri yang baik yang diwajibkan dengan serta-merta untukpesanan isteri beliau yang beliau sediakan diri beliaudan membetulkan kedudukan beliau lagi.tangannya berada di bahu Yoona'sdan mula menikam laju. Rentak diaberubah menjadi lima teras sesaatYuri yang pantas bergerak sekarang."Aaahhhhhhhh... hhmhmhmmmm... * beriba-IBA *... * sobs.. "Yoona's mengerang perubahan ke sobs yangBilakah Yuri tolak kepadanya tujuh dalaminci panjang tali. Yoona di mukakusut pada kesakitan yang dia punya.* Seluar *"babe, Adakah anda okay?" Yuri bertanya masihmenikam. Dia yang kembang-kempis tetapi menguruskanmelakukan tugasnya juga.Yoona mengangguk mendesak beliau untukterus.* plaaaakkk * * plaaaakkk ** plaaaaaaakkk *teras yang sekali lagi datang dalam basah sebagairasa nak lebih banyak mengumpul dalamke tahap yang lebih tinggi."Aaaaarrhhhhhh... ahhh... yuuurrrriiiii!!"Yoona merangkap lagi untuk kali keduasekitar.Yuri ditarik tali dan mulaYoona kering lagi oleh mendorong diapakar lidah pada Yoona.yoona burried mukanya di bantalbeacause sho khayal punya. Beliaubadan masih menggeletar. Kemudian dia mulamoaning lagi Bilakah Yuri meletakkan beliautiga jari dan mula menikam ialebih cepat daripada sebelum suka lebih daripada limasesaat.Yoona di badan melantun bersama-sama denganBeliau beacause tembikai tentera Yurimemohon kepadanya."fukcccc!!! .... SH * t... Fukcccc"sekarangYuri suara echo thru bilik mereka. Beliausuara yang sungguh kuat. Pemacu perasaanlebih pada dia sehingga dia genggaman Yoona di Brestyang hampir bertukar menjadi cahaya merah sebagai carakeras dia memerah.Yoona tidak dapat membantu kerana beliau ditarik Yuri didikunci dan smack bibir beliau pada Yuri. Diamasih moaning dalam Yuri di mulutsebagai badannya gegaran beacause daripada yangrasa yang lazat."ahhhhhhh... ahhhh... fukcccc!...Keras... yurrriiii!!! Dorong!!!" Diadiperintahkan sebagai mulut dia terbuka danTutup mata. Dia adalah benar-benar keluar dari diabeacause diri perasaan sengitYuri hantar kepadanya.Yuri ditarik keluar jari dia dan menjilat itu.Kemudian, dia terbalikkan Yoona.kini Yoona berbaring dengan diaperut sampingan laying muka jalan diselesa dan menyenangkan dengan rambutnya kucar-kacir sehinggamukanya.Yuri tetap jawatan keselesa satu. Kemudian dia ditarik ke atasYoona di pinggul seperti kedudukan anjing. DanYuri mengecilkan punggung beliau.* paaaaaaaaaakkkkk * dia menampar dipipi punggung di Yoona. Meninggalkannya seorangmark merah.kemudian Yuri menjilat tangannya dan memasukkannya ke dalamuntuk tali untuk ia basah.sekali shes dilakukan. Dia masukkan padaYoona di pantat. Buat masa ini di sebuah suavebergerak selepas ia telah diselesaikan badannya atasdan menyelar Yoona di belakang. Yuri ditangan mula memikirkan tentang lagi dan berhentipada pussy Yoona's sebagai dia urutdengan jari-jari beliau."Ahhhhhh... yuri...Itulah... sakit... arhhhh.ummm. "Yoona mengeluh apabila Yuri menukarrentak beliau menjadi lebih cepat.tetapi Yuri tidak keberatan Yoona'smengadu sebaliknya dia Ketatkan lagi diamengendalikan ke tahap maksimum. Dia meletakkan semuatenaga beliau di atasnya dan dia tidak mengambilkasihan sebagai hormon mengawal beliau."* sobs *... Ahhhhh * sobs * * sobs * "inimasa Yoona beacause menangis kesakitan.Tetapi masih untuk kedudukan beliau. Ia menyakitkandan rasa baik pada masa yang sama.* plaaakk * plakkk *Yuri masih tidak berhenti dari menikamdan mencubit Yoona di pussy."Ahh... Yurrrriiii... ouuuuccchhh!!Ahhh... * sobs * "Yoona masa inisuara yang lebih kuat pada setiap tujahan.* plakk * * plakk *masih memecahkan keras pada Yoona, Yurikeldai."Arrhhh.. Fukcccc!!! Menarik gila!! ..." Yuri diBunyi mengerang seperti beacause getarTentera dia membuang. Mata diaditutup semasa mukanya menghadap ke dalamsiling dan mulut terbuka luas.sehingga beliau kehabisan tenaga dia ditarikKeluar tali yang keluar dari pantat Yoona'sdan membaling badannya lifelessly di landasan di dalamkatil bersama-sama dengan Yoona.kedua-dua Kembang-kempis udara. dalam Bilik yang dipenuhidengan moans dan menangis dahulu dan sekarangmenukar ke Kembang-kempis Bunyi.kemudian, pintu terbuka luas." Mommmmmmmmmyyyy!!" Thierdaughter cried in front of the door.Yuri's eyes widen and grab the bedsheet and cover thier bodies.she loosen up the strap on under thesheet and throw it somewhere.Yoona still recovering can't utter aword.she wipe her tears with thepillow." Baby, why are you here? I thoughtyou're asleep already?" Yuri asknervously as she wrapped the bedsheet in her arm pit. And silentlyprayed.'please don't go here... Please goback to your room...please...Yuri's nervousness increase as thierdaughter run and climb at the bed.Yuri immediatly cover Yoona securelywith her. What if thier daughter wouldgo inside the cover? They are stillnaked." Mommy, don't hurt mommy Yoona."The little girl sobs quietly.Yuri and Yoona got confuse aboutthier daughter." Huh? No I did not hurt your mommy"Yuri nervously wave her hands infrontof her.the little girl shook her head as asigh that she's not believing hermommy." You hurt mommy. I heard her cryingand shouting like this'ahhh..ahh.ahh" the little girl imitateYoona's voice earlier.Yuri chuckle at thier daughter'sinocence. While Yoona burried herface more in the pillow to hide herembarass face.Yuri can't answer directly herdaughter so she answer it in otherway." I love your mommy. I never and Iwon't hurt her."" Really?"Yuri and Yoona nodded." Hey kid. Go back to your room now.You need to sleep" yuri shoo the kidso they can change.but, the kid shook her head hard." No, I'm going to sleep here. Sinceyou disturb my sleep" the kid wasabout to grab the sheet to cover herself but Yuri stop her by tricking her." You want to sleep here?"" yes." The kid nodded." Okay. You need to get your ownpillow. Okay? Now go."the poor innocent little child obligedand run fast to her room to grabsome pillow.After the kid run out from thier room.The two immediatly jump from thebed and start picking thier clothes atthe floor and start changing into newone.after they settle back at the bed.Yoona spoke." Babe.. I feel my cake aching.. You'reso hard" Yoona said while resting herhead on Yuri's chest." I'm sorry babe.. I can't hold ityou're so hot!!" Her hands are onYoona's hair stroking it." Mommy!!" The little girl run to hermommies and lay between them." Good night baby."Yuri kiss her daughter's cheek. WhileYoona's on the other cheek." good night mommies"and they sleep together bothexhausted....
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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