Galatians 5:21 tells us that when we follow the flesh, we will not inh terjemahan - Galatians 5:21 tells us that when we follow the flesh, we will not inh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Galatians 5:21 tells us that when w

Galatians 5:21 tells us that when we follow the flesh, we will not inherit the
kingdom of God. This leads us to ask, “what is the kingdom of God, and why would
I want to inherit it?” A kingdom is a place ruled by a king, so the kingdom of God is
ruled by Jesus, who is the King of all kings. When Jesus describes the kingdom of
God, or the kingdom of Heaven, he uses parables. Parables are stories in the Bible
that use common ideas and objects to explain something about God. When you
read parables, you have to think about what God is trying to say in them. In one
parable, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed. The mustard
seed is one of the tiniest seeds in the world, but when you plant it, it grows into a
big tree where birds can live. Jesus is like the little mustard seed. After he died
and was buried, he came back to life, he rose again. He proved that he is God, and
that he is big enough for everyone. (John 13:31-32). The Kingdom of God is
different from any other kingdom. It is not a country on this planet you can visit
whenever you want. The kingdom of God is wherever Jesus is. That means that if
Jesus lives in your heart, the Kingdom of God is in you! (Luke 17:21). Having Jesus
in our hearts is like having a passport. He allows us to enter into the kingdom of
God, into Heaven. Without Jesus dying for our sins and then living again in us, we
would not be able to be forgiven of our sins, we would not be able to spend forever
with God. If we do not have Jesus living in us, that means we will be punished
forever by spending forever away from God, in Hell. We have to believe in Jesus
and follow him so we can inherit the kingdom of God. This means we have to
follow Jesus so we can be forgiven of our sins and go to Heaven. As citizens of the
kingdom of God, we have a very important job to do: we get to tell everyone else
about how great Jesus is! (Luke 9:2, Acts 28:31.) When we are citizens of the
kingdom of Heaven, we are like travelers to wherever we live, and God wants us to
get as many people as we know to follow Jesus and be members of the kingdom of
God! So to sum up, our Bible seed is: I am a member of the kingdom of God when
I follow King Jesus. I get to tell everyone about Jesus and live with him forever in
Parents, today your child was given an opportunity to accept Christ as their savior.
If your child did so today, celebrate with them and talk about this big decision. If
you have yet to accept Jesus as your savior and king, there is no better time than
now! Pray that God would forgive you of your sins and that the Spirit would lead
you in life so you can be with King Jesus forever in heaven. And then start living as
a citizen of Heaven!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Galatians 5:21 tells us that when we follow the flesh, we will not inherit thekingdom of God. This leads us to ask, “what is the kingdom of God, and why wouldI want to inherit it?” A kingdom is a place ruled by a king, so the kingdom of God isruled by Jesus, who is the King of all kings. When Jesus describes the kingdom ofGod, or the kingdom of Heaven, he uses parables. Parables are stories in the Biblethat use common ideas and objects to explain something about God. When youread parables, you have to think about what God is trying to say in them. In oneparable, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed. The mustardseed is one of the tiniest seeds in the world, but when you plant it, it grows into abig tree where birds can live. Jesus is like the little mustard seed. After he diedand was buried, he came back to life, he rose again. He proved that he is God, andthat he is big enough for everyone. (John 13:31-32). The Kingdom of God isdifferent from any other kingdom. It is not a country on this planet you can visitwhenever you want. The kingdom of God is wherever Jesus is. That means that ifJesus lives in your heart, the Kingdom of God is in you! (Luke 17:21). Having Jesusin our hearts is like having a passport. He allows us to enter into the kingdom ofGod, into Heaven. Without Jesus dying for our sins and then living again in us, wewould not be able to be forgiven of our sins, we would not be able to spend foreverwith God. If we do not have Jesus living in us, that means we will be punishedforever by spending forever away from God, in Hell. We have to believe in Jesusand follow him so we can inherit the kingdom of God. This means we have tofollow Jesus so we can be forgiven of our sins and go to Heaven. As citizens of thekingdom of God, we have a very important job to do: we get to tell everyone elseabout how great Jesus is! (Luke 9:2, Acts 28:31.) When we are citizens of thekingdom of Heaven, we are like travelers to wherever we live, and God wants us toget as many people as we know to follow Jesus and be members of the kingdom ofGod! So to sum up, our Bible seed is: I am a member of the kingdom of God whenI follow King Jesus. I get to tell everyone about Jesus and live with him forever inHeaven!Parents, today your child was given an opportunity to accept Christ as their savior.If your child did so today, celebrate with them and talk about this big decision. Ifyou have yet to accept Jesus as your savior and king, there is no better time thannow! Pray that God would forgive you of your sins and that the Spirit would leadyou in life so you can be with King Jesus forever in heaven. And then start living asa citizen of Heaven!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Galatia 5:21 memberitahu kita bahwa ketika kita mengikuti daging, kita tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam
Kerajaan Allah. Hal ini membawa kita untuk bertanya, "apa Kerajaan Allah, dan mengapa
saya ingin mewarisinya? "kerajaan A adalah tempat yang diperintah oleh seorang raja, sehingga kerajaan Allah
diperintah oleh Yesus, yang adalah Raja dari segala raja. Ketika Yesus menggambarkan kerajaan
Allah, atau Kerajaan Surga, ia menggunakan perumpamaan. Perumpamaan adalah cerita dalam Alkitab
yang menggunakan ide-ide umum dan objek untuk menjelaskan sesuatu tentang Allah. Ketika Anda
membaca perumpamaan, Anda harus berpikir tentang apa yang Tuhan katakan pada mereka. Dalam satu
perumpamaan, Yesus membandingkan Kerajaan Sorga untuk biji sesawi. Mustard
benih merupakan salah satu benih terkecil di dunia, tetapi ketika Anda menanamnya, itu tumbuh menjadi
pohon besar di mana burung bisa hidup. Yesus adalah seperti sedikit biji sesawi. Setelah ia meninggal
dan dimakamkan, ia hidup kembali, ia bangkit kembali. Ia membuktikan bahwa ia adalah Allah, dan
bahwa ia cukup besar untuk semua orang. (Yohanes 13: 31-32). Kerajaan Allah adalah
berbeda dari kerajaan lainnya. Ini bukan negara di planet ini Anda dapat mengunjungi
setiap kali Anda inginkan. Kerajaan Allah adalah dimanapun Yesus adalah. Itu berarti bahwa jika
Yesus hidup dalam hati Anda, Kerajaan Allah ada di dalam Anda! (Lukas 17:21). Memiliki Yesus
di dalam hati kita adalah seperti memiliki paspor. Dia memungkinkan kita untuk masuk ke dalam Kerajaan
Allah, ke surga. Tanpa Yesus mati untuk dosa-dosa kita dan kemudian hidup lagi di dalam kita, kita
tidak akan dapat diampuni dari dosa-dosa kita, kita tidak akan bisa menghabiskan selamanya
dengan Allah. Jika kita tidak memiliki Yesus yang hidup dalam diri kita, itu berarti kita akan dihukum
selamanya dengan menghabiskan selamanya jauh dari Allah, di neraka. Kita harus percaya pada Yesus
dan mengikutinya sehingga kita mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Allah. Ini berarti kita harus
mengikuti Yesus sehingga kita dapat diampuni dari dosa-dosa kita dan pergi ke Surga. Sebagai warga
Kerajaan Allah, kita memiliki pekerjaan yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan: kita bisa memberitahu orang lain
tentang betapa hebatnya Yesus adalah! (Lukas 9: 2, Kis 28:31.) Ketika kita warga
kerajaan Surga, kita seperti wisatawan ke mana pun kita hidup, dan Tuhan ingin kita
mendapatkan banyak orang seperti yang kita tahu untuk mengikuti Yesus dan menjadi anggota Kerajaan
Allah! Jadi untuk meringkas, benih Alkitab kita adalah: Saya anggota dari kerajaan Allah ketika
saya mengikuti Raja Yesus. Saya bisa memberitahu semua orang tentang Yesus dan tinggal bersamanya selamanya di
Orang tua, saat ini anak Anda diberi kesempatan untuk menerima Kristus sebagai penyelamat mereka.
Jika anak Anda melakukannya hari ini, merayakan dengan mereka dan berbicara tentang keputusan besar ini. Jika
Anda belum menerima Yesus sebagai penyelamat dan raja, tidak ada waktu yang lebih baik dari
sekarang! Berdoa agar Tuhan akan mengampuni dosa-dosa Anda dan bahwa Roh akan memimpin
Anda dalam hidup sehingga Anda dapat dengan Raja Yesus selamanya di surga. Dan kemudian mulai hidup sebagai
warga negara surga!
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