IntroductionTextbooks have traditionally been an essential part of the terjemahan - IntroductionTextbooks have traditionally been an essential part of the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

IntroductionTextbooks have traditio

Textbooks have traditionally been an essential part of the post-secondary experience
for the majority of students in the United States. In a typical scenario, a professor
assigns a textbook as the core instructional material for her class; students are
obligated to purchase this book and use it to study the material in preparation for
each class period. While the costs of these textbooks vary, Hilton et al. (2014) found
that, across a series of general education courses (including science, math,
humanities, and business) at seven different colleges, the average textbook price
was approximately $90.00.
While all students face high textbook costs, individuals from lower socioeconomic
backgrounds may face particular difficulties. Paulsen and St. John (2002)
found that low and lower-middle income students reported that the financial
implications of attending college were important factors in their choices regarding
college. Provasnik and Plenty (2008) reported that individuals with lower incomes
are more likely to delay college enrollment than wealthier peers. For some college
students, the total cost of textbooks can exceed total tuition costs (Goodwin 2011).
Some students, then, may be forced either not to purchase textbooks (presumably
resulting in less learning) or take fewer classes (resulting in slower time to
graduation) in order to manage or reduce college costs (Buczynski 2007).
Electronic textbooks promise a more affordable option for students. Electronic
textbooks typically cost less than traditional textbooks due to the lack of printing
costs. Rockinson-Szapkiw et al. (2013) found that utilizing electronic textbooks did
not negatively impact student cognitive outcomes.
Another, even less expensive solution to rising textbook costs can be found in the
utilization of open educational resources (OER). We next present a review of
literature relating to OER and studies pertaining to the perceptions and efficacy of
Review of literature
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
IntroductionTextbooks have traditionally been an essential part of the post-secondary experiencefor the majority of students in the United States. In a typical scenario, a professorassigns a textbook as the core instructional material for her class; students areobligated to purchase this book and use it to study the material in preparation foreach class period. While the costs of these textbooks vary, Hilton et al. (2014) foundthat, across a series of general education courses (including science, math,humanities, and business) at seven different colleges, the average textbook pricewas approximately $90.00.While all students face high textbook costs, individuals from lower socioeconomicbackgrounds may face particular difficulties. Paulsen and St. John (2002)found that low and lower-middle income students reported that the financialimplications of attending college were important factors in their choices regardingcollege. Provasnik and Plenty (2008) reported that individuals with lower incomesare more likely to delay college enrollment than wealthier peers. For some collegestudents, the total cost of textbooks can exceed total tuition costs (Goodwin 2011).Some students, then, may be forced either not to purchase textbooks (presumablyresulting in less learning) or take fewer classes (resulting in slower time tograduation) in order to manage or reduce college costs (Buczynski 2007).Electronic textbooks promise a more affordable option for students. Electronictextbooks typically cost less than traditional textbooks due to the lack of printingcosts. Rockinson-Szapkiw et al. (2013) found that utilizing electronic textbooks didnot negatively impact student cognitive outcomes.Another, even less expensive solution to rising textbook costs can be found in theutilization of open educational resources (OER). We next present a review ofliterature relating to OER and studies pertaining to the perceptions and efficacy ofOER.Review of literature
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Buku teks secara tradisional telah menjadi bagian penting dari pengalaman pasca-sekunder
bagi mayoritas mahasiswa di Amerika Serikat. Dalam skenario seperti ini, seorang profesor
memberikan sebuah buku sebagai bahan pembelajaran inti untuk kelasnya; siswa
diwajibkan untuk membeli buku ini dan menggunakannya untuk mempelajari materi dalam persiapan untuk
setiap periode kelas. Sedangkan biaya buku teks ini bervariasi, Hilton et al. (2014) menemukan
bahwa, di serangkaian program pendidikan umum (termasuk ilmu pengetahuan, matematika,
humaniora, dan bisnis) di tujuh perguruan tinggi yang berbeda, harga buku rata-rata
adalah sekitar $ 90,00.
Sementara semua siswa menghadapi biaya buku teks yang tinggi, individu dari sosial ekonomi rendah
latar belakang mungkin menghadapi kesulitan tertentu. Paulsen dan St. John (2002)
menemukan bahwa siswa berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah ke bawah melaporkan bahwa keuangan
implikasi dari bangku kuliah merupakan faktor penting dalam pilihan mereka tentang
kuliah. Provasnik dan Plenty (2008) melaporkan bahwa individu dengan pendapatan rendah
lebih mungkin untuk menunda pendaftaran kuliah dari rekan-rekan kaya. Untuk beberapa perguruan tinggi
siswa, total biaya buku teks dapat melebihi biaya total kuliah (Goodwin 2011).
Beberapa siswa, maka, mungkin terpaksa baik tidak membeli buku teks (mungkin
mengakibatkan kurang belajar) atau mengambil kelas lebih sedikit (sehingga waktu lebih lambat untuk
kelulusan) untuk mengelola atau mengurangi biaya kuliah (Buczynski 2007).
buku teks elektronik menjanjikan pilihan yang lebih terjangkau bagi siswa. Elektronik
buku teks biasanya biaya kurang dari buku tradisional karena kurangnya pencetakan
biaya. Rockinson-Szapkiw et al. (2013) menemukan bahwa menggunakan buku elektronik tidak
tidak berdampak negatif hasil kognitif siswa.
Lain, bahkan lebih murah solusi untuk meningkatnya biaya buku teks dapat ditemukan dalam
pemanfaatan sumber daya pendidikan terbuka (OER). Kami selanjutnya menyajikan review
literatur yang berkaitan dengan OER dan studi yang berkaitan dengan persepsi dan kemanjuran
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