The when smashing of battlefield, roaring of Lin Cong suddenly reverbe terjemahan - The when smashing of battlefield, roaring of Lin Cong suddenly reverbe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The when smashing of battlefield, r

The when smashing of battlefield, roaring of Lin Cong suddenly reverberates, waves, with the aid of this opportunity has launched the magical powers, his all around [damn|dead] intent is dreadful, seems to be the underground spring to condense, as if there is hell to arrive.
He must spell all has revolted, he cannot, whatever the Meng Hao imposing manner rises, cannot, whatever such suppression continues, because he discovered with amazement, whatever if all these continue, then Meng Hao has really possibly, seven ... Extinguishes kills itself!!
But ... Almost in instant, Meng Hao that his magical powers launch went out the fifth step, his imposing manner, erupts once more, before having surmounted, are too many are too many, inspires the Vault of Heaven discoloration, making the wind and cloud rewind, lets this Ru Feng Plane destiny, is more obvious in this moment.
When fifth step falls, he stood in the Lin Cong front once more, as before was ... A fist!
Different, this fist does not extinguish lives, but gives self, but is fascinated!
That crazy, that type does not hesitate all, even if that type gives self up to also to want fascinated demented, changed to fist intent, became in Meng Hao this moment mind, only thought.
Once was more fascinated because of Meng Hao, therefore this fist, he not only has made the shape, had intent!
The Lin Cong both eyes fierce contraction, innermost feelings with amazement, he can judge Meng Hao not to be weak before, after all can defeat Han Qinglei, may actually not think that Meng Hao here so is unexpectedly strong!
Even in his opinion, Meng Hao strong is not Cultivation, but is the way of that fight, the person who that overbearing imposing manner, presses has not as if gasped for breath, the person who presses as if must collapse.
This is he battles with too many people, has not felt the aloneness belongs to the Meng Hao style!
Fist shakes the heavens, Lin Cong magical powers directly easily accomplished general, layer upon layer explodes, the fist of Meng Hao, contained meaning of not the enchanted survive, suddenly erupts.
Lin Cong corners of the mouth overflow blood, the body suddenly retreats, exudes the sad and shrill sound, when is filled with the shame is panic-stricken, Meng Hao went out the sixth step!
These step falls, entire world has raised the thunder, innumerable Heavenly lightning blast out when Meng Hao, as if promoted the Meng Hao imposing manner to rise, Eighth Mountain was shivering, cracks appeared, as if must collapse.
Today is Fathers Day, I must celebrate a holiday to the father, but my daughter must celebrate a holiday to me, feels is very happy, here wish world all fathers, the life is safe. ( to be continued )
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The when smashing of battlefield, roaring of Lin Cong suddenly reverberates, waves, with the aid of this opportunity has launched the magical powers, his all around [damn|dead] intent is dreadful, seems to be the underground spring to condense, as if there is hell to arrive.He must spell all has revolted, he cannot, whatever the Meng Hao imposing manner rises, cannot, whatever such suppression continues, because he discovered with amazement, whatever if all these continue, then Meng Hao has really possibly, seven ... Extinguishes kills itself!!But ... Almost in instant, Meng Hao that his magical powers launch went out the fifth step, his imposing manner, erupts once more, before having surmounted, are too many are too many, inspires the Vault of Heaven discoloration, making the wind and cloud rewind, lets this Ru Feng Plane destiny, is more obvious in this moment.When fifth step falls, he stood in the Lin Cong front once more, as before was ... A fist!Different, this fist does not extinguish lives, but gives self, but is fascinated!That crazy, that type does not hesitate all, even if that type gives self up to also to want fascinated demented, changed to fist intent, became in Meng Hao this moment mind, only thought.Once was more fascinated because of Meng Hao, therefore this fist, he not only has made the shape, had intent!The Lin Cong both eyes fierce contraction, innermost feelings with amazement, he can judge Meng Hao not to be weak before, after all can defeat Han Qinglei, may actually not think that Meng Hao here so is unexpectedly strong!Bahkan menurut pendapatnya, Meng Hao kuat tidak budidaya, tetapi adalah cara yang memerangi, orang yang mengesankan cara sombong, menekan belum seolah-olah memikirkan, orang yang menekan seolah-olah harus runtuh.Ini adalah ia pertempuran dengan terlalu banyak orang, tidak merasa kesendirian milik Meng Hao gaya!Gemuruh!Tinju getar langit, Lin Cong kekuatan magis langsung mudah dicapai umum, lapisan demi lapisan meledak, tinju Meng Hao, terkandung arti tidak bertahan terpesona, tiba-tiba meletus.Lin Cong sudut-sudut mulut meluap darah, tubuh tiba-tiba retret, memancarkan suara sedih dan melengking, ketika penuh dengan rasa malu panik, Meng Hao keluar langkah keenam!Ini langkah jatuh, seluruh dunia telah mengangkat thunder, tak terhitung surgawi petir ledakan keluar ketika Meng Hao, seolah-olah dipromosikan Meng Hao memaksakan cara naik, kedelapan Gunung gemetar, retak muncul, seolah-olah harus runtuh.-----------------Hari ini adalah hari ayah, saya harus merayakan liburan kepada Bapa, tetapi putri saya harus merayakan liburan saya, merasa sangat bahagia, di sini berharap dunia semua fathers, kehidupan aman. (untuk akan dilanjutkan)...
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ketika smashing dari medan perang, menderu dari Lin Cong tiba-tiba bergema, gelombang, dengan bantuan kesempatan ini telah meluncurkan kekuatan magis, nya di seluruh [sialan | mati] niat mengerikan, tampaknya menjadi mata air bawah tanah untuk menyingkat, seakan ada neraka tiba.
dia harus mengeja semua telah memberontak, ia tidak bisa, apa pun Meng Hao memaksakan cara naik, tidak bisa, apa pun penindasan seperti terus, karena ia menemukan dengan takjub, apa pun jika semua ini terus, maka Meng Hao telah benar-benar mungkin, tujuh ... memadamkan membunuh dirinya sendiri !!
Tapi ... Hampir di instan, Meng Hao yang kekuatan magis peluncuran nya keluar langkah kelima, sikapnya mengesankan, meletus sekali lagi, sebelum setelah diatasi, terlalu banyak yang terlalu banyak, mengilhami Vault of Heaven perubahan warna, membuat angin dan awan mundur, memungkinkan takdir Ru Feng Pesawat ini, lebih jelas pada saat ini.
Ketika langkah kelima jatuh, ia berdiri di depan Lin Cong sekali lagi, seperti sebelumnya adalah ... A kepalan !
berbeda, tinju ini tidak memadamkan hidup, tetapi memberikan diri, tapi terpesona!
itu gila, jenis yang tidak ragu semua, bahkan jika tipe yang memberikan diri untuk juga ingin terpesona gila, berubah tinju maksud, menjadi di Meng Hao ini saat pikiran, hanya berpikir.
Setelah lebih terpesona karena Meng Hao, karena tinju ini, ia tidak hanya telah membuat bentuk, memiliki maksud!
The Lin Cong kedua mata kontraksi sengit, perasaan terdalam dengan takjub, ia bisa menilai Meng Hao tidak menjadi lemah sebelum, setelah semua dapat mengalahkan Han Qinglei, mungkin sebenarnya tidak berpikir bahwa Meng Hao sini jadi adalah tiba-tiba kuat!
Bahkan menurutnya, Meng Hao kuat tidak Budidaya, tetapi adalah cara pertarungan itu, orang yang yang cara mengesankan sombong, menekan belum seakan megap-megap, orang yang menekan seakan harus runtuh.
ini ia pertempuran dengan terlalu banyak orang, belum merasakan kesendirian milik gaya Meng Hao!
Fist getar langit, Lin Cong kekuatan magis langsung mudah dicapai umum, lapisan demi lapisan meledak, kepalan Meng Hao, terkandung makna tidak terpesona bertahan hidup, tiba-tiba meletus.
Lin Cong sudut darah mulut meluap, tubuh tiba-tiba mundur, memancarkan sedih dan melengking suara, ketika diisi dengan rasa malu yang panik, Meng Hao pergi langkah keenam!
langkah ini jatuh, seluruh dunia telah mengangkat guntur, tak terhitung ledakan petir Surgawi ketika Meng Hao, seakan mempromosikan Meng Hao memaksakan cara untuk meningkat, Kedelapan gunung itu menggigil, retak muncul, seolah-olah harus runtuh.
Hari ini adalah hari ayah, saya harus merayakan liburan untuk ayah, tapi anak saya harus merayakan liburan dengan saya, terasa sangat bahagia, di sini ingin dunia semua ayah, hidup aman. (Bersambung)
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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