Ex­er­cise”Ye to come an axe rushes to the city wall looks at the semi terjemahan - Ex­er­cise”Ye to come an axe rushes to the city wall looks at the semi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ex­er­cise”Ye to come an axe rushes

Ye to come an axe rushes to the city wall looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player to kill, com­plex­ion pale looks to be­hind peo­ple, said: „Were our every book cities left un­cul­ti­vated di­rectly? CTNND, in the head of brown pupil at­tire is the ex­cre­ment?!”
The peo­ple of trial trade union do not dare to speak, at this time no one dares to pro­voke this tem­pera­ment ir­ri­ta­ble guild­mas­ter.
Every book city was plun­dered stretch of ruins, as if the heavy blows com­mon bang on the hearts of all Chi­nese play­ers, fi­nally, has fought final in two days the ret­ri­bu­tion to come in the coun­try, we at­tacked in all di­rec­tions to cause the final as­the­nia time to have this mat­ter.
Li Mu sits under the crenela­tion, is clean­ing the blood­stain on sword hilt, the blood many are too easy to cause the hand to slide, he gains ground to have a look at me, said: „Why can brown pupil choose to aban­don every book city? The good and evil is also your pres­ence along fort, but has the city is very firm.”
My sword breaks out a shield of knight, jumped to kill its bang, turned around and flew, was built in the crenela­tion, said: „Every book city was too far from Ze deep pool city, if they seize, that could turn into the bur­den, the Russ­ian play­ers in Ze deep pool city come to every book city to take 15 hours, re­turns also takes 15 hours, once sta­tions every book city with large army, Ze deep pool city could turn into the dishes of US iron skull city, will there­fore choose to aban­don every book city, gains 50% re­sources to come one not to have a busi­ness.”
At this time, the city gate was sud­denly big, orig­i­nally was one group of NPC cav­alry sol­diers rushes ahead has gone out of town, I have or­dered the palace guard only to de­fend a city can­not send out ar­bi­trar­ily, who were these?
Fixes the eyes on looked that orig­i­nally was the shal­low for­est leads prob­a­bly 1 W + Rong Di Jun to go out of town!
„That NPC that called the shal­low for­est planted re­ally!” Li Mu hey said with a smile.
I look at the back of shal­low for­est, help­less, can only ex­pect that he will not be killed.
De­fended a city to fight has made Tian Ling Em­pire turn into a piece of blood­shed up and down, I was wor­ried also in­ces­santly was the per­son who looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the per­son in Ze deep pool city, as well as the Lin­hai city orig­i­nal date Ko­rean War area player, can they to take re­venge to come Tian Ling Em­pire? Even my some load im­per­turbable pupils de­velop black ink to tear up the agree­ment, hav­ing her crack troops to come Tian Ling Em­pire to give us one time to hit hard?
Being anx­ious that is filled with, ac­tu­ally can only de­fend on the city.
Cooldown passes bit by bit, in an in­stant 5 hours pass by, the Tian Ling Em­pire city wall had been rum­bled tat­tered and torn, the stone ma­te­r­ial com­plete dis­in­te­gra­tion of sur­round­ing, but has re­vealed the strong physique of in­side steel and iron cast­ing, the Tian Ling Em­pire de­fen­sive power lets look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player and Seurre has to hold in high es­teem, at least when the older gen­er­a­tion makes this city def­i­nitely has not cheated on labor and ma­te­ri­als.
The hoof­beat trans­mits, on the paper pic­ture demon raises the long hal­berd to run to come in the city wall, said: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, our el­dest chil­dren in­vited you to pass to say a mat­ter!”
„, What mat­ter?”
„Went to know.”
As on the paper the pic­ture demon moved the east sec­tion of city wall, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery was not only Fang Geque, Jian Feng Han, Sim­ple and Ye to come, Q Sword, ad­mired Xuan this group of peo­ple also , the player of Chi­nese War zone Super Trade union guild­mas­ter level al­most as­sem­bled here.
„Was small in!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ex­er­cise”Ye to come an axe rushes to the city wall looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player to kill, com­plex­ion pale looks to be­hind peo­ple, said: „Were our every book cities left un­cul­ti­vated di­rectly? CTNND, in the head of brown pupil at­tire is the ex­cre­ment?!”The peo­ple of trial trade union do not dare to speak, at this time no one dares to pro­voke this tem­pera­ment ir­ri­ta­ble guild­mas­ter.Every book city was plun­dered stretch of ruins, as if the heavy blows com­mon bang on the hearts of all Chi­nese play­ers, fi­nally, has fought final in two days the ret­ri­bu­tion to come in the coun­try, we at­tacked in all di­rec­tions to cause the final as­the­nia time to have this mat­ter.Li Mu sits under the crenela­tion, is clean­ing the blood­stain on sword hilt, the blood many are too easy to cause the hand to slide, he gains ground to have a look at me, said: „Why can brown pupil choose to aban­don every book city? The good and evil is also your pres­ence along fort, but has the city is very firm.”My sword breaks out a shield of knight, jumped to kill its bang, turned around and flew, was built in the crenela­tion, said: „Every book city was too far from Ze deep pool city, if they seize, that could turn into the bur­den, the Russ­ian play­ers in Ze deep pool city come to every book city to take 15 hours, re­turns also takes 15 hours, once sta­tions every book city with large army, Ze deep pool city could turn into the dishes of US iron skull city, will there­fore choose to aban­don every book city, gains 50% re­sources to come one not to have a busi­ness.”At this time, the city gate was sud­denly big, orig­i­nally was one group of NPC cav­alry sol­diers rushes ahead has gone out of town, I have or­dered the palace guard only to de­fend a city can­not send out ar­bi­trar­ily, who were these?Fixes the eyes on looked that orig­i­nally was the shal­low for­est leads prob­a­bly 1 W + Rong Di Jun to go out of town!„That NPC that called the shal­low for­est planted re­ally!” Li Mu hey said with a smile.I look at the back of shal­low for­est, help­less, can only ex­pect that he will not be killed.De­fended a city to fight has made Tian Ling Em­pire turn into a piece of blood­shed up and down, I was wor­ried also in­ces­santly was the per­son who looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the per­son in Ze deep pool city, as well as the Lin­hai city orig­i­nal date Ko­rean War area player, can they to take re­venge to come Tian Ling Em­pire? Even my some load im­per­turbable pupils de­velop black ink to tear up the agree­ment, hav­ing her crack troops to come Tian Ling Em­pire to give us one time to hit hard?Being anx­ious that is filled with, ac­tu­ally can only de­fend on the city.
Cooldown passes bit by bit, in an in­stant 5 hours pass by, the Tian Ling Em­pire city wall had been rum­bled tat­tered and torn, the stone ma­te­r­ial com­plete dis­in­te­gra­tion of sur­round­ing, but has re­vealed the strong physique of in­side steel and iron cast­ing, the Tian Ling Em­pire de­fen­sive power lets look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player and Seurre has to hold in high es­teem, at least when the older gen­er­a­tion makes this city def­i­nitely has not cheated on labor and ma­te­ri­als.
The hoof­beat trans­mits, on the paper pic­ture demon raises the long hal­berd to run to come in the city wall, said: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, our el­dest chil­dren in­vited you to pass to say a mat­ter!”
„, What mat­ter?”
„Went to know.”
As on the paper the pic­ture demon moved the east sec­tion of city wall, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery was not only Fang Geque, Jian Feng Han, Sim­ple and Ye to come, Q Sword, ad­mired Xuan this group of peo­ple also , the player of Chi­nese War zone Super Trade union guild­mas­ter level al­most as­sem­bled here.
„Was small in!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Latihan "
Ye datang kapak bergegas ke tembok kota terlihat di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar utama kota gerbang pemain untuk membunuh, kulit pucat terlihat di belakang orang, mengatakan:" Apakah setiap buku kota kami kiri digarap langsung? CTNND, di kepala coklat murid pakaian adalah kotoran ?! "
Orang-orang dari percobaan serikat pekerja tidak berani berbicara, saat ini tidak ada yang berani memprovokasi temperamen marah Guildmaster ini.
Setiap kota buku dijarah stretch reruntuhan, seperti jika pukulan berat Bang umum di hati semua pemain Cina, akhirnya, telah berjuang akhir dalam dua hari retribusi untuk datang di negara ini, kami menyerang ke segala arah menyebabkan waktu asthenia akhir untuk memiliki masalah ini.
Li Mu duduk di bawah crenelation tersebut, adalah membersihkan noda darah di pedang gagang, darah banyak yang terlalu mudah untuk menyebabkan tangan untuk meluncur, dia mendapatkan tanah untuk melihat-lihat padaku, mengatakan: "Mengapa coklat murid dapat memilih untuk meninggalkan setiap kota buku? Kejahatan baik dan juga kehadiran Anda di sepanjang benteng, tetapi memiliki kota ini sangat tegas ".
Pedang saya pecah perisai ksatria, melompat untuk membunuh bang, berbalik dan terbang, dibangun pada crenelation, berkata:" Setiap kota book terlalu jauh dari Ze dalam kota kolam renang, jika mereka merebut, yang bisa berubah menjadi beban, para pemain Rusia di Ze dalam kota pool datang ke setiap kota buku untuk mengambil 15 jam, kembali juga mengambil 15 jam, setelah stasiun setiap buku kota dengan pasukan besar, Ze dalam kota kolam renang bisa berubah menjadi hidangan dari US kota besi tengkorak, karena itu akan memilih untuk meninggalkan setiap kota buku, keuntungan 50% sumber daya untuk datang satu tidak memiliki usaha. "
pada saat ini, pintu gerbang kota tiba-tiba besar, awalnya adalah satu kelompok NPC prajurit kavaleri bergegas ke depan telah keluar dari kota, saya telah memerintahkan pengawal istana hanya untuk mempertahankan kota tidak dapat mengirimkan sewenang-wenang, yang ini?
perbaikan mata pada tampak bahwa awalnya dangkal hutan mengarah mungkin 1 W + Rong di Juni untuk pergi keluar kota!
"itu NPC yang disebut hutan dangkal ditanam benar-benar!" Li Mu hey berkata sambil tersenyum.
aku melihat kembali hutan dangkal, tak berdaya, hanya bisa berharap bahwa dia tidak akan dibunuh.
Dipertahankan kota untuk melawan telah membuat Tian Ling Empire berubah menjadi sepotong pertumpahan darah atas dan ke bawah, aku khawatir juga tak henti-hentinya adalah orang yang melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, orang di Ze kota dalam kolam, serta Linhai kota tanggal asli pemain Perang Korea daerah, dapat mereka untuk membalas dendam untuk datang Tian Ling Empire? Bahkan saya beberapa beban murid tergoyahkan mengembangkan tinta hitam untuk merobek kesepakatan, memiliki pasukan retak untuk datang Tian Ling Empire memberi kita satu waktu untuk memukul keras?
Menjadi cemas yang penuh dengan, sebenarnya hanya dapat mempertahankan di kota.
Cooldown melewati sedikit demi sedikit, dalam sekejap 5 jam lewat, tembok kota Tian Ling Empire telah bergemuruh compang-camping dan robek, bahan batu disintegrasi lengkap sekitarnya, tetapi telah mengungkapkan fisik yang kuat dari dalam baja dan pengecoran besi, Tian Ling Empire kekuatan pertahanan mari kita melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar pemain gerbang kota utama dan Seurre harus terus di harga tinggi, setidaknya ketika generasi tua membuat kota ini pasti tidak berselingkuh tenaga kerja dan bahan.
The transmit hoofbeat , pada setan gambar kertas menimbulkan tombak panjang untuk menjalankan untuk datang di tembok kota, mengatakan: "Guildmaster mengoceh, anak sulung kami mengundang Anda untuk lulus untuk mengatakan suatu hal!"
", apa masalah"?
"Pergi ke tahu."
Sebagai atas kertas setan gambar bergerak bagian timur dari tembok kota, benar-benar penemuan itu tidak hanya Fang Geque, Jian Feng Han, Sederhana dan Ye datang, Q Sword, mengagumi Xuan kelompok orang juga, yang pemain dari zona Perang super Cina Perdagangan tingkat Guildmaster serikat hampir dirakit di sini.
"Apakah kecil di!"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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