Syn-, pre- and probioticsProbiotics are non-pathogenic bacteria, origi terjemahan - Syn-, pre- and probioticsProbiotics are non-pathogenic bacteria, origi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Syn-, pre- and probioticsProbiotics

Syn-, pre- and probiotics
Probiotics are non-pathogenic bacteria, originally derived
from the alimentary tract, which beneficially affect the
host by improving the colonic microenvironment through
fostering of colonisation. They may offer alternatives for
the management of the growing problem of multiple
antibiotic resistance and overwhelming infections in
patients suffering different gastrointestinal disorders(38).
Various bacterial genera most commonly used in probiotic
preparations are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and
Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Bacillus and Streptococcus.
Some fungal strains belonging to Saccharomyces have also
been used(38). The beneficial effects of probiotics have
been reported in several situations such as diarrhoea(39),
food allergies(40), immune disorders(41), inflammatory
bowel disease(42), prevention of the formation of intestinal
tumours(43) and prevention of body-weight loss in animal
The positive effects of probiotic microbial species are
mainly attributed to changing the composition of the gut
microflora, by competition with pathogens for nutrients
and mucosal adherence, by production of antimicrobial
substances that modulate mucosal and systemic immune
activity and epithelial function, by enhanced epithelial
cell survival, and by improved immune responses(45,46).
In addition, probiotics metabolise nutrients into volatile
fatty acids and chemically modified bile acids that create
a local environment unfavourable for the growth of many
intestinal pathogenic bacteria(47). Probiotics produce large
amounts of SCFA in the large intestine(48). SCFA such
as butyrate, propionate and acetate reportedly stimulate
intestinal epithelial cell proliferation, intestinal mucin
production, excretion of pancreatic enzymes, and intestinal
motility, and decrease epithelial cell apoptosis(49).
The potential and evidence-based mechanisms of
action(4) by which probiotics can interact with the intestinal
barrier and promote gastrointestinal health can be summarised
to the following: probiotics and surface-layer proteins
competitively exclude microbial pathogens from mucosal
surfaces. Tight junction proteins, such as zona occludins-
1 and claudin-1, remain intact and thereby prevent both
the uptake of intact macromolecules and translocation of
viable organisms (BT) to the mesenteric lymph nodes,
and ultimately to the liver. Through a cascade of signalling
events, probiotics enhance the production and secretion of
anti-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-10 and transforming
growth factor-b, by a subset of immune cells,
referred to as T regulatory cells. Innate immune responses
to probiotics include increased mucin and trefoil factor
production by goblet cells and enhanced production of
antibacterial defensins by Paneth cells and intestinal
epithelia. Probiotics might also alter the intestinal microbiota
and hence limit intestinal bacteria overgrowth and
the production of lipopolysaccharides.
In small animal models, several reports have suggested
that probiotics enhance the local and systemic immune
system through an increased activity of IgA, T-cells,
macrophages, Th1-cytokines, as well as the modulation
of gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and natural killer cell
cytotoxicity(50 – 55).
Prebiotics, on the other hand, are short-chain carbohydrates
(oligosaccharides) that have unusual effects in the
gut. They alter the composition, or balance, of the microbiota,
both in the lumen and at the mucosal surface, to one
in which bifidobacteria and lactobacilli come to greater prominence.
This, so-called healthier, flora should provide
increased resistance to gut infections and may also have
immunomodulatory properties. Prebiotics also act as
carbon and energy sources for bacteria growing in the
large bowel, where they are fermented to SCFA and are
energy sources for the gut and other body tissues(56).
Additionally, they function as an alternative to probiotics,
which can be difficult to handle in some foodstuffs, but
whose benefits to health in terms of diarrhoea prevention
and immunomodulation are becoming increasingly well
established. Prebiotics currently in use, especially inulin
and its derivatives, and galacto-oligosaccharides, are
relatively cheap to manufacture or extract from plant
sources, in addition to having beneficial effects on the gut
microbiota and host. They are also valuable functional ingredients
in foods with the potential to give fat-based spreads
and dairy products improved organoleptic properties(57). In
a clinical context, prebiotics are relatively poor laxatives and
have been used withoutmuch success to manage constipation.
Combined treatment with probiotics and prebiotics is
called synbiotic therapy and is expected to have a stronger
effect on intestinal diseases than probiotics or prebiotics
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Syn-, pre- and probiotics
Probiotics are non-pathogenic bacteria, originally derived
from the alimentary tract, which beneficially affect the
host by improving the colonic microenvironment through
fostering of colonisation. They may offer alternatives for
the management of the growing problem of multiple
antibiotic resistance and overwhelming infections in
patients suffering different gastrointestinal disorders(38).
Various bacterial genera most commonly used in probiotic
preparations are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and
Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Bacillus and Streptococcus.
Some fungal strains belonging to Saccharomyces have also
been used(38). The beneficial effects of probiotics have
been reported in several situations such as diarrhoea(39),
food allergies(40), immune disorders(41), inflammatory
bowel disease(42), prevention of the formation of intestinal
tumours(43) and prevention of body-weight loss in animal
The positive effects of probiotic microbial species are
mainly attributed to changing the composition of the gut
microflora, by competition with pathogens for nutrients
and mucosal adherence, by production of antimicrobial
substances that modulate mucosal and systemic immune
activity and epithelial function, by enhanced epithelial
cell survival, and by improved immune responses(45,46).
In addition, probiotics metabolise nutrients into volatile
fatty acids and chemically modified bile acids that create
a local environment unfavourable for the growth of many
intestinal pathogenic bacteria(47). Probiotics produce large
amounts of SCFA in the large intestine(48). SCFA such
as butyrate, propionate and acetate reportedly stimulate
intestinal epithelial cell proliferation, intestinal mucin
production, excretion of pancreatic enzymes, and intestinal
motility, and decrease epithelial cell apoptosis(49).
The potential and evidence-based mechanisms of
action(4) by which probiotics can interact with the intestinal
barrier and promote gastrointestinal health can be summarised
to the following: probiotics and surface-layer proteins
competitively exclude microbial pathogens from mucosal
surfaces. Tight junction proteins, such as zona occludins-
1 and claudin-1, remain intact and thereby prevent both
the uptake of intact macromolecules and translocation of
viable organisms (BT) to the mesenteric lymph nodes,
and ultimately to the liver. Through a cascade of signalling
events, probiotics enhance the production and secretion of
anti-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-10 and transforming
growth factor-b, by a subset of immune cells,
referred to as T regulatory cells. Innate immune responses
to probiotics include increased mucin and trefoil factor
production by goblet cells and enhanced production of
antibacterial defensins by Paneth cells and intestinal
epithelia. Probiotics might also alter the intestinal microbiota
and hence limit intestinal bacteria overgrowth and
the production of lipopolysaccharides.
In small animal models, several reports have suggested
that probiotics enhance the local and systemic immune
system through an increased activity of IgA, T-cells,
macrophages, Th1-cytokines, as well as the modulation
of gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and natural killer cell
cytotoxicity(50 – 55).
Prebiotics, on the other hand, are short-chain carbohydrates
(oligosaccharides) that have unusual effects in the
gut. They alter the composition, or balance, of the microbiota,
both in the lumen and at the mucosal surface, to one
in which bifidobacteria and lactobacilli come to greater prominence.
This, so-called healthier, flora should provide
increased resistance to gut infections and may also have
immunomodulatory properties. Prebiotics also act as
carbon and energy sources for bacteria growing in the
large bowel, where they are fermented to SCFA and are
energy sources for the gut and other body tissues(56).
Additionally, they function as an alternative to probiotics,
which can be difficult to handle in some foodstuffs, but
whose benefits to health in terms of diarrhoea prevention
and immunomodulation are becoming increasingly well
established. Prebiotics currently in use, especially inulin
and its derivatives, and galacto-oligosaccharides, are
relatively cheap to manufacture or extract from plant
sources, in addition to having beneficial effects on the gut
microbiota and host. They are also valuable functional ingredients
in foods with the potential to give fat-based spreads
and dairy products improved organoleptic properties(57). In
a clinical context, prebiotics are relatively poor laxatives and
have been used withoutmuch success to manage constipation.
Combined treatment with probiotics and prebiotics is
called synbiotic therapy and is expected to have a stronger
effect on intestinal diseases than probiotics or prebiotics
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sindrom, sebelum dan probiotik
Probiotik adalah bakteri non-patogen, awalnya berasal
dari saluran pencernaan, yang menguntungkan mempengaruhi
tuan rumah dengan meningkatkan lingkungan mikro kolon melalui
pembinaan penjajahan. Mereka mungkin menawarkan alternatif untuk
pengelolaan masalah yang berkembang beberapa
resistensi antibiotik dan infeksi luar biasa dalam
pasien yang menderita gangguan pencernaan yang berbeda (38).
Berbagai genera bakteri yang paling umum digunakan dalam probiotik
Lactobacillus persiapan yang, Bifidobacterium, dan
Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Bacillus dan Streptococcus.
Beberapa strain jamur milik Saccharomyces juga
telah digunakan (38). Efek menguntungkan dari probiotik telah
dilaporkan dalam beberapa situasi seperti diare (39),
alergi makanan (40), gangguan kekebalan tubuh (41), inflamasi
penyakit usus (42), pencegahan pembentukan usus
tumor (43) dan pencegahan penurunan berat badan pada hewan
model (44).
Efek positif dari spesies mikroba probiotik yang
terutama disebabkan perubahan komposisi usus
mikroflora, oleh persaingan dengan patogen untuk nutrisi
dan kepatuhan mukosa, dengan produksi antimikroba
zat yang memodulasi mukosa dan sistemik kekebalan
aktivitas dan fungsi epitel, dengan peningkatan epitel
kelangsungan hidup sel, dan dengan meningkatkan respon imun (45,46).
Selain itu, probiotik metabolisme nutrisi dalam volatil
asam lemak dan asam empedu yang dimodifikasi secara kimia yang menciptakan
lingkungan lokal tidak menguntungkan bagi pertumbuhan berbagai
usus bakteri patogen (47). Probiotik memproduksi besar
jumlah SCFA di usus besar (48). SCFA seperti
seperti butirat, propionat dan asetat dilaporkan merangsang
usus proliferasi epitel sel, musin usus
produksi, ekskresi enzim pankreas, dan usus
motilitas, dan mengurangi apoptosis sel epitel (49).
Mekanisme potensial dan berbasis bukti
tindakan (4) oleh yang probiotik dapat berinteraksi dengan usus
penghalang dan meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan dapat diringkas
sebagai berikut: probiotik dan permukaan-lapisan protein
kompetitif mengecualikan mikroba patogen dari mukosa
permukaan. Protein persimpangan ketat, seperti zona occludins-
1 dan-claudin 1, tetap utuh dan dengan demikian mencegah kedua
penyerapan makromolekul utuh dan translokasi
organisme yang layak (BT) ke kelenjar getah bening mesenterika,
dan akhirnya ke hati. Melalui riam sinyal
peristiwa, probiotik meningkatkan produksi dan sekresi
sitokin anti-inflamasi, termasuk IL-10 dan mengubah
faktor pertumbuhan-b, dengan subset sel kekebalan,
disebut sebagai sel T regulator. Respon imun bawaan
untuk probiotik meliputi peningkatan mucin dan faktor trefoil
produksi oleh sel goblet dan meningkatkan produksi
defensin antibakteri oleh sel Paneth dan usus
epitel. Probiotik juga mungkin mengubah mikrobiota usus
dan karenanya membatasi bakteri usus berlebih dan
produksi lipopolisakarida.
Dalam model hewan kecil, beberapa laporan memberi kesan
bahwa probiotik meningkatkan kekebalan lokal dan sistemik
sistem melalui peningkatan aktivitas IgA, T-sel,
makrofag, Th1-sitokin, serta modulasi
usus terkait jaringan limfoid, dan sel pembunuh alami
sitotoksisitas (50 - 55).
Prebiotik, di sisi lain, adalah karbohidrat rantai pendek
(oligosakarida) yang memiliki efek yang tidak biasa dalam
usus. Mereka mengubah komposisi, atau keseimbangan, dari mikrobiota,
baik dalam lumen dan pada permukaan mukosa, satu
di mana bifidobacteria dan lactobacilli datang ke menonjol yang lebih besar.
Hal ini, disebut sehat, flora harus memberikan
peningkatan resistensi terhadap infeksi usus dan mungkin juga memiliki
sifat imunomodulator. Prebiotik juga bertindak sebagai
karbon dan sumber energi untuk bakteri tumbuh di
usus besar, di mana mereka difermentasi untuk SCFA dan
sumber energi untuk usus dan jaringan tubuh lainnya (56).
Selain itu, mereka berfungsi sebagai alternatif untuk probiotik,
yang dapat sulit untuk menangani di beberapa bahan makanan, namun
yang manfaatnya untuk kesehatan dalam hal pencegahan diare
dan immunomodulation yang menjadi semakin baik
didirikan. Prebiotik yang sedang digunakan, terutama inulin
dan turunannya, dan galacto-oligosakarida, yang
relatif murah untuk memproduksi atau ekstrak dari tanaman
sumber, selain memiliki efek menguntungkan pada usus
mikrobiota dan tuan rumah. Mereka juga bahan fungsional yang berharga
dalam makanan dengan potensi untuk memberikan spread lemak berbasis
dan produk susu meningkatkan sifat organoleptik (57). Dalam
konteks klinis, prebiotik adalah pencahar yang relatif miskin dan
telah digunakan withoutmuch sukses untuk mengelola sembelit.
pengobatan Gabungan dengan probiotik dan prebiotik yang
disebut terapi sinbiotik dan diharapkan memiliki kuat
berpengaruh pada penyakit usus dibandingkan probiotik atau prebiotik
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