oastal hypoxia and anoxia have become a globalkey stressor to marine e terjemahan - oastal hypoxia and anoxia have become a globalkey stressor to marine e Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

oastal hypoxia and anoxia have beco

oastal hypoxia and anoxia have become a global
key stressor to marine ecosystems, with almost 500 dead
zones recorded worldwide. By triggering cascading effects
from the individual organism to the community- and ecosys-
tem level, oxygen depletions threaten marine biodiversity
and can alter ecosystem structure and function. By integrat-
ing both physiological function and ecological processes,
animal behaviour is ideal for assessing the stress state of
benthic macrofauna to low dissolved oxygen. The initial re-
sponse of organisms can serve as an early warning signal,
while the successive behavioural reactions of key species
indicate hypoxia levels and help assess community degra-
dation. Here we document the behavioural responses of a
representative spectrum of benthic macrofauna in the nat-
ural setting in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean).
We experimentally induced small-scale anoxia with a ben-
thic chamber in 24 m depth to overcome the difficulties in
predicting the onset of hypoxia, which often hinders full
documentation in the field. The behavioural reactions were
documented with a time-lapse camera. Oxygen depletion
elicited significant and repeatable changes in general (visibil-
ity, locomotion, body movement and posture, location) and
species-specific reactions in virtually all organisms (302 in-
dividuals from 32 species and 2 species groups). Most atypi-
cal (stress) behaviours were associated with specific oxygen
thresholds: arm-tipping in the ophiuroid
Ophiothrix quin-
, for example, with the onset of mild hypoxia
2 mL O

), the emergence of polychaetes on the sed-
iment surface with moderate hypoxia (
1 mL O

), the
emergence of the infaunal sea urchin
Schizaster canaliferus
on the sediment with severe hypoxia (
0.5 mL O

) and
heavy body rotations in sea anemones with anoxia. Other
species changed their activity patterns, for example the cir-
cadian rhythm in the hermit crab
Paguristes eremita
or the
bioherm-associated crab
Pisidia longimana
. Intra- and in-
terspecific reactions were weakened or changed: decapods
ceased defensive and territorial behaviour, and predator–prey
interactions and relationships shifted. This nuanced scale of
resolution is a useful tool to interpret present benthic com-
munity status (behaviour) and past mortalities (community
composition, e.g. survival of tolerant species). This informa-
tion on the sensitivity (onset of stress response), tolerance
(mortality, survival), and characteristics (i.e. life habit, func-
tional role) of key species also helps predict potential future
changes in benthic structure and ecosystem functioning. This
integrated approach can transport complex ecological pro-
cesses to the public and decision-makers and help define spe-
cific monitoring, assessment and conservation plans
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
oastal hypoxia and anoxia have become a globalkey stressor to marine ecosystems, with almost 500 deadzones recorded worldwide. By triggering cascading effectsfrom the individual organism to the community- and ecosys-tem level, oxygen depletions threaten marine biodiversityand can alter ecosystem structure and function. By integrat-ing both physiological function and ecological processes,animal behaviour is ideal for assessing the stress state ofbenthic macrofauna to low dissolved oxygen. The initial re-sponse of organisms can serve as an early warning signal,while the successive behavioural reactions of key speciesindicate hypoxia levels and help assess community degra-dation. Here we document the behavioural responses of arepresentative spectrum of benthic macrofauna in the nat-ural setting in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean).We experimentally induced small-scale anoxia with a ben-thic chamber in 24 m depth to overcome the difficulties inpredicting the onset of hypoxia, which often hinders fulldocumentation in the field. The behavioural reactions weredocumented with a time-lapse camera. Oxygen depletionelicited significant and repeatable changes in general (visibil-ity, locomotion, body movement and posture, location) andspecies-specific reactions in virtually all organisms (302 in-dividuals from 32 species and 2 species groups). Most atypi-cal (stress) behaviours were associated with specific oxygenthresholds: arm-tipping in the ophiuroidOphiothrix quin-quemaculata, for example, with the onset of mild hypoxia(<2 mL O2L−1), the emergence of polychaetes on the sed-iment surface with moderate hypoxia (<1 mL O2L−1), theemergence of the infaunal sea urchinSchizaster canaliferuson the sediment with severe hypoxia (<0.5 mL O2L−1) andheavy body rotations in sea anemones with anoxia. Otherspecies changed their activity patterns, for example the cir-cadian rhythm in the hermit crabPaguristes eremitaor thebioherm-associated crabPisidia longimana. Intra- and in-terspecific reactions were weakened or changed: decapodsceased defensive and territorial behaviour, and predator–preyinteractions and relationships shifted. This nuanced scale ofresolution is a useful tool to interpret present benthic com-munity status (behaviour) and past mortalities (communitycomposition, e.g. survival of tolerant species). This informa-tion on the sensitivity (onset of stress response), tolerance(mortality, survival), and characteristics (i.e. life habit, func-tional role) of key species also helps predict potential futurechanges in benthic structure and ecosystem functioning. Thisintegrated approach can transport complex ecological pro-cesses to the public and decision-makers and help define spe-cific monitoring, assessment and conservation plans
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
hipoksia oastal dan anoksia telah menjadi global
stressor kunci untuk ekosistem laut, dengan hampir 500 mati
zona tercatat di seluruh dunia. Dengan memicu efek cascading
dari organisme individu ke komunitas dan ecosys-
tingkat tem, depletions oksigen mengancam keanekaragaman hayati laut
dan dapat mengubah struktur ekosistem dan fungsi. Dengan integrat-
ing baik fungsi fisiologis dan proses ekologi,
perilaku hewan sangat ideal untuk menilai keadaan stres
makrofauna bentik oksigen terlarut rendah. Re- awal
tanggapan organisme dapat berfungsi sebagai sinyal peringatan dini,
sedangkan reaksi perilaku berturut spesies kunci
menunjukkan tingkat hipoksia dan membantu menilai masyarakat degra-
dation. Di sini kita mendokumentasikan respon perilaku dari
spektrum perwakilan dari makrofauna bentik di NAT-
pengaturan Ural di Laut Adriatik Utara (Mediterania).
Kami eksperimen diinduksi skala kecil anoksia dengan ben
ruang thic di 24 m mendalam untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam
memprediksi timbulnya hipoksia, yang sering menghalangi penuh
dokumentasi di lapangan. Reaksi perilaku yang
didokumentasikan dengan kamera selang waktu. Deplesi oksigen
menimbulkan perubahan yang signifikan dan berulang pada umumnya (visibil-
ity, gerak, gerakan tubuh dan postur, lokasi) dan
reaksi spesifik spesies di hampir semua organisme (302 in
dividu dari 32 spesies dan 2 kelompok spesies). Kebanyakan atypi-
cal (stres) perilaku dikaitkan dengan oksigen tertentu
ambang: lengan-tip di ophiuroid
Ophiothrix quin-
, misalnya, dengan timbulnya hipoksia ringan
2 mL O
), munculnya polychaetes pada sed-
permukaan iment dengan hipoksia sedang (
1 mL O
), yang
munculnya infaunal landak laut
Schizaster canaliferus
pada sedimen dengan hipoksia berat (
0,5 mL O
) dan
berat badan rotasi di anemon laut dengan anoksia. Lainnya
spesies berubah pola aktivitas mereka, misalnya Sirkulasi
ritme cadian di hermit crab
Paguristes Eremita
bioherm terkait kepiting
Pisidia longimana
. Intra dan di-
reaksi terspecific melemah atau berubah: dekapoda
berhenti perilaku defensif dan teritorial, dan predator-mangsa
interaksi dan hubungan bergeser. Skala bernuansa ini
resolusi adalah alat yang berguna untuk menafsirkan hadir bentik com-
Status Tengoklah (perilaku) dan mortalitas masa lalu (komunitas
komposisi, misalnya kelangsungan hidup spesies toleran). Ini informasi yang
tion pada kepekaan (timbulnya respon stres), toleransi
(kematian, survival), dan karakteristik (yaitu kebiasaan hidup, fungsi
peran nasional) dari spesies kunci juga membantu memprediksi masa depan potensi
perubahan struktur bentik dan fungsi ekosistem. Ini
pendekatan terpadu dapat mengangkut pro ekologi kompleks
proses-kepada masyarakat dan para pengambil keputusan dan membantu menentukan spe
rencana pemantauan cific, penilaian dan konservasi
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