Pro­found swirl, has pulled the con­scious­ness of Nie Li.Nie Li lost  terjemahan - Pro­found swirl, has pulled the con­scious­ness of Nie Li.Nie Li lost  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Pro­found swirl, has pulled the con

Pro­found swirl, has pulled the con­scious­ness of Nie Li.
Nie Li lost the con­scious­ness thor­oughly.
For a long time for a long time.
The con­scious­ness of Nie Li en­tered in one dark­ness vast bound­less spaces.
His such sta­tic do­main sits, the sur­round­ings are de­serted, a fear of ni­hility, from raids in all di­rec­tions.
„Where is this?” The Nie Li doubts frown, why has traced In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method of Xiao Yu chest. Turned into this ap­pear­ance?
Nie Li feels that in this sur­round­ing space, is flood­ing a for­mi­da­ble thought that own thought com­pares this for­mi­da­ble thought that just likes in­signif­i­cant.
„This is the empty spirit in­side space!” A deep hoarse sound, con­veys from the End­less Space and Time ter­mi­nus.
Of „empty spirit?” Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, he re­called quickly about the empty spirit a view, this was only then prac­ticed very for­mi­da­ble per­son Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique, In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method that can arrange.
Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique. Is a ban­ning tech­nique of mys­te­ri­ous.
In the space and time that Sage Em­peror grasps, Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique can­not study ab­solutely, as long as some peo­ple have stud­ied Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique, once were looked up. Under will be chased down by Sage Em­peror god until death. How­ever, al­though this tech­nique for­bids to study, but still has count­less peo­ple of lofty ideas, in­her­ited this se­cret tech­nique, prac­tices the Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique per­son, is many.
It is said Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique. Can deck Heav­enly Dao, break through Sage Em­peror the space and time seal under cloth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pro­found swirl, has pulled the con­scious­ness of Nie Li.Nie Li lost the con­scious­ness thor­oughly.For a long time for a long time.The con­scious­ness of Nie Li en­tered in one dark­ness vast bound­less spaces.His such sta­tic do­main sits, the sur­round­ings are de­serted, a fear of ni­hility, from raids in all di­rec­tions.„Where is this?” The Nie Li doubts frown, why has traced In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method of Xiao Yu chest. Turned into this ap­pear­ance?Nie Li feels that in this sur­round­ing space, is flood­ing a for­mi­da­ble thought that own thought com­pares this for­mi­da­ble thought that just likes in­signif­i­cant.„This is the empty spirit in­side space!” A deep hoarse sound, con­veys from the End­less Space and Time ter­mi­nus.Of „empty spirit?” Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, he re­called quickly about the empty spirit a view, this was only then prac­ticed very for­mi­da­ble per­son Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique, In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method that can arrange.Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique. Is a ban­ning tech­nique of mys­te­ri­ous.In the space and time that Sage Em­peror grasps, Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique can­not study ab­solutely, as long as some peo­ple have stud­ied Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique, once were looked up. Under will be chased down by Sage Em­peror god until death. How­ever, al­though this tech­nique for­bids to study, but still has count­less peo­ple of lofty ideas, in­her­ited this se­cret tech­nique, prac­tices the Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique per­son, is many.It is said Heaven’s Div­ina­tion Tech­nique. Can deck Heav­enly Dao, break through Sage Em­peror the space and time seal under cloth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Swirl mendalam, telah menarik kesadaran Nie Li.
Nie Li kehilangan kesadaran secara menyeluruh.
Untuk waktu yang lama untuk waktu yang lama.
Kesadaran Nie Li dimasukkan dalam satu kegelapan ruang tak terbatas yang luas.
Domain statis Nya seperti duduk, lingkungan yang sepi , rasa takut nihility, dari penggerebekan di segala arah.
"Dimana ini?" The Nie Li meragukan cemberut, mengapa ditelusuri metode Pola Prasasti dada Xiao Yu. Berubah menjadi penampilan ini?
Nie Li merasa bahwa di ruang sekitarnya ini, adalah banjir pemikiran tangguh yang pemikiran sendiri membandingkan pemikiran tangguh ini yang hanya suka tidak signifikan.
"Ini adalah semangat kosong di dalam ruang!" Sebuah suara serak dalam, menyampaikan dari Habisnya ruang dan Waktu terminal.
Dari "roh kosong?" Nie Li berkerut kening, ia teringat dengan cepat tentang semangat kosong pandangan, ini hanya kemudian dipraktekkan orang yang sangat tangguh Surga Teknik Ramalan, metode Pola Prasasti yang dapat mengatur.
Surga Ramalan Teknik. Adalah teknik pelarangan misterius.
Dalam ruang dan waktu yang Sage Kaisar menangkap, Surga Ramalan Teknik tidak bisa belajar benar-benar, selama beberapa orang telah mempelajari Surga Ramalan Teknik, setelah itu mendongak. Di bawah akan dikejar oleh Sage Kaisar dewa sampai mati. Namun, meskipun teknik ini melarang untuk belajar, tetapi masih memiliki banyak orang ide mulia, mewarisi teknik rahasia ini, praktek Surga Ramalan Teknik orang, adalah banyak.
Dikatakan Surga Ramalan Teknik. Bisa dek Heavenly Dao, menerobos Sage Kaisar ruang dan waktu segel di bawah kain.
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