Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Disease is a phenomenon that becomes part of familylife producing structural, procedural and emotional changesthat affect family health; this is understood as the family’sability to function and adapt to stressful life events,which include the illness or disability of any of its members(Gabriel, Figueiredo, Jácome, Cruz, & Marques, 2014;Knafl & Gilliss, 2002). Different authors have tried to explainthe psychological phases that families go through when amember is diagnosed with a condition. In these situationsfamilies usually have a period of crisis that is followedby a period of post-crisis, which are influenced by differentmodulate variables, such as illness characteristics,family background, perception of situation, family burden,resources, and other capabilities including resilence, hardiness,coping, and other family characteristics such ascohesion, flexibility, communication, organization or mutuallysupportive relationships (Gabriel et al., 2014; Joseph,Goodfellow, & Simko, 2014; Knafl et al., 2011; Olson, 2011).The families tend to adapt to illness by way of normalizationstrategies to integrate this situation into daily family life. Inthis sense, both mastery and routinization of the treatmentare important aspects of family’s response to illness (Knafl& Gilliss, 2002).The family disease management could be defined as dailybehavior that families perform to manage and adapt when amember is diagnosed with a condition (Knafl et al., 2011) andaims at generating a positive family environment, with emotionalstability and ways of coping appropriately that allowthe patient and all family members to adapt to the crisis andobtain the services and resources needed. So that, familiesmust initiate strategies aimed at coping with the impact ofthe illness or disability on the patient by offering support andassistance, at obtaining the necessary normalization to continuefunctioning and to minimize its consequences for otherfamily members, and also must actively participate in thehealth care provided to the sick member (Ford, CourtneyPratt,& Fitzgerald, 2012; Lima-Rodríguez, Lima-Serrano, &Sáez-Bueno, 2009).
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