The Lazy Uder Folklore from Central KalimantanHe always woke up in the terjemahan - The Lazy Uder Folklore from Central KalimantanHe always woke up in the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Lazy Uder Folklore from Central

The Lazy Uder

Folklore from Central Kalimantan

He always woke up in the afternoon. Then he went fishing on the river until evening. Uder never helped his wife. That’s why she always worked alone in the field. She never gave up giving him advice. But, Uder never listened to his wife. On one afternoon, Uder went fishing. He took some worms as bait. On the way to the river, he met his neighbor. “Hey Uder, where are you going?” “I’m going fishing,” said Uder. “What do you have for the bait?” “Some worms,” answered Uder. Then he continued walking. Then he met another neighbour. Again, the neighbour asked where Uder was going and what he had for the bait. Uder answered. After that, he met another neighbour. He also asked the same question. Uder was tired of answering. He was upset. So he decided to ignore everyone. While he was walking very fast, he met a group of monkeys. They could talk like humans. “Hey Uder, are you going fishing?” asked one of the monkeys. “Yes, I am.” “What do you have for the bait?” Uder was still upset with all those same questions. This time he could not take it anymore. “I’m going to use your mother for the bait!” said Uder. “Hey! Don’t make fun with my mother!” Those monkeys were angry. They took Uder. Then they tied him in a big tree. “ Please forgive me. I did not mean to make fun with your mother. I was just upset with all those questions my neighbours had asked me?” explained Uder. “Okay, we forgive you. We will free you, if you can tell us a place where we can eat fruits. We are hungry.” “Go across the river. There you can see a very big rambutan tree. You can eat those rambutans until all of you are full.” Then the monkeys freed him. Uder then ran as fast as he could. After he arrived home, he apologized to his wife and promised to be a good husband. ***

The Legend of Pesut Mahakam

Folklore from East Kalimantan

A long time ago, there was a village in East Kalimantan. The village was near the Mahakam River. The villagers always worked hard. Although they were poor, they were very happy. They also helped each other. In the village, there was a rich family. The head of the family was Pak Pesut. Everybody knew Pak Pesut. He was known not because of his wealth, but because his stinginess. He did not like to help others. His family always ignored people. That’s why Pak Pesut’s family always lived alone and never mingled with others. It was a very long dry season. All the rice fields could not get water properly. The villagers could not harvest the rice. Therefore, all villagers were planning to leave their village and find other place to stay. Then they sent some young men to look for a place that had enough water for their rice fields. After several weeks looked for a new place, finally those young men arrived. They brought good news. There was a waterfall and it was enough to water their rice fields. Later, all the villagers rushed to the new place. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut’s house to inform about the waterfall. Although Pak Pesut was stingy, the villagers did not hate him.“I’m not going with you! I will stay here. I have enough rice for my family. We will survive!” said Pak Pesut arrogantly. The villagers knew it was useless to ask Pak Pesut to join them. So, they all left him and his family alone in the village. When they arrived at the new place, they all were very happy. They had enough water from the waterfall. In the mean time, Pak Pesut and his family were beginning to worry. Their rice slowly was gone. Soon they would not have enough rice to eat. It was in the morning when Pak Pesut’s wife was cooking their last portion of rice. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. A beggar came to his house. “Go out! I don’t have enough rice,” said Pak Pesut. He was lying. “Please mercy me. I’m so hungry. Give me a little rice please,” asked the beggar. Pak Pesut immediately asked his family to eat the rice. He was worried the beggar would enter his house and stole the rice. “But the rice is still in the cooking pot. Mother is still cooking it. If we eat the rice, it will be very hot,” said his son.“I don’t care! If you all don’t eat now, you will never eat again,” said Pak Pesut. Later, Pak Pesut and his family ate the rice. It was very hot. They needed water to drink. They rushed to Mahakam River. It was so hot that they finally jumped to the river. The beggar saw the incident. He then prayed to God. Amazingly, Pak Pesut family slowly changed into fish. The fish looked like dolphin. Since then, everybody named the fish as Pesut fish. ***

The Legend of Surabaya

Folklore from East Java

A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up. It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior. “I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura. “Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya. “Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura. “Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya. Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. “Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!” “But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again. The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya city. ***

A Loyal Farmer

Folklore from Bali

A long time ago, there was a small village in Bali. The villagers were farmers they were very happy. Gods gave them fertile land. They always had great harvest. There were no poor family in that village. One day, a young man came to the village. He came from a very far place.
He went to the richest farmer in the village. The richest farmer's name was Jero Pasek.
"My name is I Tundung. I came here to work, Sir. I promise I will work hard."
"Hmm...Okay, I will let you work in my rice field. But remember, I will ask you to leave if you are lazy." said Jero Pasek. I Tudung was very happy. He did not want to disappoint Jero pasek, his master. He worked diligently. Jero Pasek was very grateful. The harvest was much better. Besides cultivating, I Tundung also look care of the animals, such as chickens, ducks, goats and cows. The number of the animals also increased. Jero Pasek become richer. Jero pasek planned to ask I Tundung to cultivate his field in Kangin Hill. Unlike the land in the village, the land in Kangin Hill was not fertile. However, I Tundung accepted it very happy. He felt that Jero Pasek had already trusted him. He wanted to repay his trust by giving him great harvest.
The land in the hill was arid. It was very dry. However, I Tundung was never gave up. There was a small spring. I Tundung made irrigation. He used the water in the spring and flew it through the irrigation.
It worked! The land was not dry anymore. The plants grew very well. And again they had great harvest. Now the whole hills are green, thanks to I Tundung. Unfortunately, their happiness did not last long. A thief stole the harvest and the animals. Sadly, I Tundung was never able to catch the thief. The harvest and the animals kept on missing, Jero Pasek was angry. "I'm very disappointed in you. I have lost a lot of harvest and animals!" I Tundung was sad. He went to a temple to pray. While he was meditating, he heard a voice. "I know your promlem and I can help you."
"Thank you. I'm willing to do anything as long as I can protect my master's harvest and animals." said I Tundung. "I will change you into a big black snake. You will live in the hill and you can protect the harvest and the animals."I Tundung agreed. He did not want to make his master disappointed and angry at him. Slowly, he changed into a big black snake. Meanwhile, Joko Pasek was looking for I Tundung. And when he arrived at his field, he saw abig black snake. He was so surprised when the snake was able to talk! "Don't be afraid, Sir. It's me, I Tundung. From now on, I will always protect your harvest and your animals."Jero Pasek was very sad. He never meant to ask I Tundung to do anything. But it was to late.***

Mak Isun Kayo

Folklore from West Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra lived a young man named Mak Isun. He was a diligent farmer. Mak Isun always thought of how he could be richer. One day, while he was at the rice field, a man passed by. His name was Pak Sole. He brought a monkey. Me was a monkey tamer. He made money by doing peoples order to pick up the coconuts. He did not have to climb the coconut trees. He always asked his monkey to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Lazy Uder Folklore from Central KalimantanHe always woke up in the afternoon. Then he went fishing on the river until evening. Uder never helped his wife. That’s why she always worked alone in the field. She never gave up giving him advice. But, Uder never listened to his wife. On one afternoon, Uder went fishing. He took some worms as bait. On the way to the river, he met his neighbor. “Hey Uder, where are you going?” “I’m going fishing,” said Uder. “What do you have for the bait?” “Some worms,” answered Uder. Then he continued walking. Then he met another neighbour. Again, the neighbour asked where Uder was going and what he had for the bait. Uder answered. After that, he met another neighbour. He also asked the same question. Uder was tired of answering. He was upset. So he decided to ignore everyone. While he was walking very fast, he met a group of monkeys. They could talk like humans. “Hey Uder, are you going fishing?” asked one of the monkeys. “Yes, I am.” “What do you have for the bait?” Uder was still upset with all those same questions. This time he could not take it anymore. “I’m going to use your mother for the bait!” said Uder. “Hey! Don’t make fun with my mother!” Those monkeys were angry. They took Uder. Then they tied him in a big tree. “ Please forgive me. I did not mean to make fun with your mother. I was just upset with all those questions my neighbours had asked me?” explained Uder. “Okay, we forgive you. We will free you, if you can tell us a place where we can eat fruits. We are hungry.” “Go across the river. There you can see a very big rambutan tree. You can eat those rambutans until all of you are full.” Then the monkeys freed him. Uder then ran as fast as he could. After he arrived home, he apologized to his wife and promised to be a good husband. *** The Legend of Pesut Mahakam Folklore from East KalimantanA long time ago, there was a village in East Kalimantan. The village was near the Mahakam River. The villagers always worked hard. Although they were poor, they were very happy. They also helped each other. In the village, there was a rich family. The head of the family was Pak Pesut. Everybody knew Pak Pesut. He was known not because of his wealth, but because his stinginess. He did not like to help others. His family always ignored people. That’s why Pak Pesut’s family always lived alone and never mingled with others. It was a very long dry season. All the rice fields could not get water properly. The villagers could not harvest the rice. Therefore, all villagers were planning to leave their village and find other place to stay. Then they sent some young men to look for a place that had enough water for their rice fields. After several weeks looked for a new place, finally those young men arrived. They brought good news. There was a waterfall and it was enough to water their rice fields. Later, all the villagers rushed to the new place. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut’s house to inform about the waterfall. Although Pak Pesut was stingy, the villagers did not hate him.“I’m not going with you! I will stay here. I have enough rice for my family. We will survive!” said Pak Pesut arrogantly. The villagers knew it was useless to ask Pak Pesut to join them. So, they all left him and his family alone in the village. When they arrived at the new place, they all were very happy. They had enough water from the waterfall. In the mean time, Pak Pesut and his family were beginning to worry. Their rice slowly was gone. Soon they would not have enough rice to eat. It was in the morning when Pak Pesut’s wife was cooking their last portion of rice. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. A beggar came to his house. “Go out! I don’t have enough rice,” said Pak Pesut. He was lying. “Please mercy me. I’m so hungry. Give me a little rice please,” asked the beggar. Pak Pesut immediately asked his family to eat the rice. He was worried the beggar would enter his house and stole the rice. “But the rice is still in the cooking pot. Mother is still cooking it. If we eat the rice, it will be very hot,” said his son.“I don’t care! If you all don’t eat now, you will never eat again,” said Pak Pesut. Later, Pak Pesut and his family ate the rice. It was very hot. They needed water to drink. They rushed to Mahakam River. It was so hot that they finally jumped to the river. The beggar saw the incident. He then prayed to God. Amazingly, Pak Pesut family slowly changed into fish. The fish looked like dolphin. Since then, everybody named the fish as Pesut fish. ***

The Legend of Surabaya

Folklore from East Java

A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up. It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior. “I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura. “Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya. “Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura. “Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya. Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. “Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!” “But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again. The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya city. ***

A Loyal Farmer

Folklore from Bali

A long time ago, there was a small village in Bali. The villagers were farmers they were very happy. Gods gave them fertile land. They always had great harvest. There were no poor family in that village. One day, a young man came to the village. He came from a very far place.
He went to the richest farmer in the village. The richest farmer's name was Jero Pasek.
"My name is I Tundung. I came here to work, Sir. I promise I will work hard."
"Hmm...Okay, I will let you work in my rice field. But remember, I will ask you to leave if you are lazy." said Jero Pasek. I Tudung was very happy. He did not want to disappoint Jero pasek, his master. He worked diligently. Jero Pasek was very grateful. The harvest was much better. Besides cultivating, I Tundung also look care of the animals, such as chickens, ducks, goats and cows. The number of the animals also increased. Jero Pasek become richer. Jero pasek planned to ask I Tundung to cultivate his field in Kangin Hill. Unlike the land in the village, the land in Kangin Hill was not fertile. However, I Tundung accepted it very happy. He felt that Jero Pasek had already trusted him. He wanted to repay his trust by giving him great harvest.
The land in the hill was arid. It was very dry. However, I Tundung was never gave up. There was a small spring. I Tundung made irrigation. He used the water in the spring and flew it through the irrigation.
It worked! The land was not dry anymore. The plants grew very well. And again they had great harvest. Now the whole hills are green, thanks to I Tundung. Unfortunately, their happiness did not last long. A thief stole the harvest and the animals. Sadly, I Tundung was never able to catch the thief. The harvest and the animals kept on missing, Jero Pasek was angry. "I'm very disappointed in you. I have lost a lot of harvest and animals!" I Tundung was sad. He went to a temple to pray. While he was meditating, he heard a voice. "I know your promlem and I can help you."
"Thank you. I'm willing to do anything as long as I can protect my master's harvest and animals." said I Tundung. "I will change you into a big black snake. You will live in the hill and you can protect the harvest and the animals."I Tundung agreed. He did not want to make his master disappointed and angry at him. Slowly, he changed into a big black snake. Meanwhile, Joko Pasek was looking for I Tundung. And when he arrived at his field, he saw abig black snake. He was so surprised when the snake was able to talk! "Don't be afraid, Sir. It's me, I Tundung. From now on, I will always protect your harvest and your animals."Jero Pasek was very sad. He never meant to ask I Tundung to do anything. But it was to late.***

Mak Isun Kayo

Folklore from West Sumatra

ONCE upon a time in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra lived a young man named Mak Isun. He was a diligent farmer. Mak Isun always thought of how he could be richer. One day, while he was at the rice field, a man passed by. His name was Pak Sole. He brought a monkey. Me was a monkey tamer. He made money by doing peoples order to pick up the coconuts. He did not have to climb the coconut trees. He always asked his monkey to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Lazy Uder

Folklore dari Kalimantan Tengah

Dia selalu terbangun di sore hari. Lalu ia pergi memancing di sungai sampai malam. Uder tidak pernah membantu istrinya. Itu sebabnya dia selalu bekerja sendirian di lapangan. Dia tidak pernah menyerah memberinya saran. Tapi, Uder pernah mendengarkan istrinya. Pada suatu sore, Uder pergi memancing. Dia mengambil beberapa cacing sebagai umpan. Dalam perjalanan ke sungai, dia bertemu tetangganya. "Hei Uder, di mana Anda akan pergi?" "Aku akan memancing," kata Uder. "Apa yang Anda miliki untuk umpan?" "Beberapa cacing," jawab Uder. Kemudian ia terus berjalan. Kemudian ia bertemu tetangga lain. Sekali lagi, tetangga bertanya di mana Uder akan dan apa yang dia punya untuk umpan. Uder menjawab. Setelah itu, ia bertemu tetangga lain. Dia juga menanyakan hal yang sama. Uder lelah menjawab. Dia marah. Sehingga ia memutuskan untuk mengabaikan semua orang. Sementara ia berjalan sangat cepat, ia bertemu sekelompok monyet. Mereka bisa bicara seperti manusia. "Hei Uder, Anda akan memancing?" Tanya salah satu monyet. "Ya, saya." "Apa yang Anda miliki untuk umpan?" Uder masih kesal dengan semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama. Kali ini ia tidak tahan lagi. "Aku akan menggunakan ibumu untuk umpan!" Kata Uder. "Hei! Jangan membuat menyenangkan dengan ibu saya! "Mereka monyet marah. Mereka mengambil Uder. Kemudian mereka mengikatnya di pohon besar. " Mohon maafkan saya. Aku tidak bermaksud untuk membuat menyenangkan dengan ibu Anda. Aku hanya kesal dengan semua pertanyaan yang tetangga saya telah meminta saya? "Jelas Uder. "Oke, kita memaafkan Anda. Kami akan membebaskan Anda, jika Anda dapat memberitahu kami tempat di mana kita bisa makan buah-buahan. Kami lapar. "" Pergi di seberang sungai. Di sana Anda bisa melihat pohon rambutan yang sangat besar. Anda dapat makan mereka rambutan sampai kalian semua penuh. "Kemudian monyet membebaskannya. Uder kemudian berlari secepat yang dia bisa. Setelah ia tiba di rumah, dia meminta maaf kepada istrinya dan berjanji untuk menjadi suami yang baik. *** The Legend of Pesut Mahakam Folklore dari Kalimantan Timur Dahulu kala, ada sebuah desa di Kalimantan Timur. Desa ini dekat Sungai Mahakam. Para penduduk desa selalu bekerja keras. Meskipun mereka miskin, mereka sangat senang. Mereka juga membantu satu sama lain. Di desa, ada sebuah keluarga kaya. Kepala keluarga itu Pak Pesut. Semua orang tahu Pak Pesut. Dia dikenal bukan karena kekayaannya, tetapi karena kekikiran nya. Dia tidak suka membantu orang lain. Keluarganya selalu diabaikan orang. Itu sebabnya keluarga Pak Pesut selalu tinggal sendirian dan tidak pernah berbaur dengan orang lain. Itu adalah musim kemarau yang sangat panjang. Semua sawah tidak bisa mendapatkan air dengan benar. Penduduk desa tidak bisa memanen padi. Oleh karena itu, semua penduduk desa berencana untuk meninggalkan desa mereka dan menemukan tempat lain untuk tinggal. Kemudian disuruh beberapa orang muda untuk mencari tempat yang memiliki cukup air untuk sawah mereka. Setelah beberapa minggu mencari tempat baru, akhirnya orang-orang muda tiba. Mereka membawa kabar baik. Ada air terjun dan itu sudah cukup untuk mengairi sawah mereka. Kemudian, semua penduduk desa bergegas ke tempat baru. Beberapa penduduk desa pergi ke rumah Pak Pesut untuk menginformasikan tentang air terjun. Meskipun Pak Pesut pelit, penduduk desa tidak membencinya. "Aku tidak akan dengan Anda! Saya akan tinggal di sini. Aku punya beras cukup untuk keluarga saya. Kami akan bertahan! "Kata Pak Pesut angkuh. Para penduduk desa tahu tidak ada gunanya untuk meminta Pak Pesut untuk bergabung dengan mereka. Jadi, mereka semua meninggalkan dia dan keluarganya sendiri di desa. Ketika mereka tiba di tempat baru, mereka semua sangat senang. Mereka memiliki cukup air dari air terjun. Sementara itu, Pak Pesut dan keluarganya mulai khawatir. Beras mereka perlahan-lahan hilang. Segera mereka tidak akan memiliki cukup nasi untuk makan. Itu di pagi hari ketika istri Pak Pesut ini sedang memasak bagian terakhir mereka nasi. Tiba-tiba, seseorang mengetuk pintu. Seorang pengemis datang ke rumahnya. "Keluar! Saya tidak punya beras cukup, "kata Pak Pesut. Ia berbaring. "Silakan rahmat saya. Aku sangat lapar. Beri aku sedikit nasi silakan, "tanya pengemis. Pak Pesut segera meminta keluarganya untuk makan nasi. Dia khawatir pengemis akan masuk rumahnya dan mencuri beras. "Tapi beras masih dalam panci masak. Ibu masih memasak itu. Jika kita makan nasi, itu akan sangat panas, "kata anaknya." Aku tidak peduli! Jika Anda semua tidak makan sekarang, Anda tidak akan pernah makan lagi, "kata Pak Pesut. Kemudian, Pak Pesut dan keluarganya makan nasi. Itu sangat panas. Mereka membutuhkan air untuk minum. Mereka bergegas ke Sungai Mahakam. Itu begitu panas bahwa mereka akhirnya melompat ke sungai. Pengemis melihat kejadian tersebut. Dia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan. Hebatnya, keluarga Pak Pesut perlahan berubah menjadi ikan. Ikan tampak seperti lumba-lumba. Sejak itu, setiap orang bernama ikan ikan Pesut. *** The Legend of Surabaya Folklore dari Jawa Timur A lama di Jawa Timur ada dua binatang yang kuat, Sura dan Baya. Sura adalah hiu dan Baya adalah buaya. Mereka tinggal di sebuah laut. Sebenarnya, mereka adalah teman-teman. Tapi ketika mereka lapar, mereka sangat serakah. Mereka tidak ingin berbagi makanan mereka. Mereka akan berjuang untuk itu dan tidak pernah berhenti berjuang sampai salah satu dari mereka menyerah. Itu adalah hari yang sangat panas. Sura dan Baya sedang mencari beberapa makanan. Tiba-tiba, Baya melihat seekor kambing. "Yummy, ini saya makan siang," kata Baya. "Tidak! Ini adalah makan siang. Anda serakah! Saya tidak makan selama dua hari! "Kata Sura. Kemudian Sura dan Baya berjuang lagi. Setelah beberapa jam, mereka sangat lelah. Sura memiliki rencana untuk menghentikan perilaku buruk mereka. "Aku lelah pertempuran, Baya," kata Sura. "Saya juga. Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk menghentikan pertempuran? Apakah Anda punya ide? "Tanya Baya. "Iya. Mari berbagi wilayah kita. Saya hidup di air, jadi saya mencari makanan di laut. Dan Anda tinggal di tanah, kan? Jadi, Anda mencari makanan juga di tanah. Perbatasan adalah pantai, jadi kami tidak akan pernah bertemu lagi. Apakah Anda setuju? "Tanya Sura. "Hmm ... biarkan aku berpikir tentang hal itu. Baiklah saya setuju. Mulai hari ini, saya tidak akan pernah pergi ke laut lagi. Tempat saya di tanah, "kata Baya. Kemudian mereka berdua tinggal di tempat yang berbeda. Tapi satu hari, Sura pergi ke tanah dan mencari beberapa makanan di sungai. Dia sangat lapar dan tidak ada banyak makanan di laut. Baya sangat marah ketika ia tahu bahwa Sura melanggar janji. "Hei, apa yang kau lakukan di sini? Ini adalah tempat saya. Tempat Anda adalah di laut! "" Tapi, ada air di sungai, kan? Jadi, ini juga tempat saya! "Kata Sura. Kemudian Sura dan Baya berjuang lagi. Mereka berdua saling memukul. Sura sedikit ekor Baya ini. Baya melakukan hal yang sama untuk Sura. Dia menggigit sangat keras sampai Sura akhirnya menyerah. Dia kembali ke laut. Baya sangat senang. Dia memiliki tempat lagi. Tempat di mana mereka berjuang berantakan. Darah di mana-mana. Orang kemudian selalu berbicara tentang pertarungan antara Sura dan Baya. Mereka kemudian menamakan tempat pertarungan seperti Surabaya, itu dari Sura hiu dan Baya buaya. Orang juga menempatkan perjuangan mereka sebagai simbol kota Surabaya. *** Seorang Petani Loyal Folklore dari Bali Dahulu kala, ada sebuah desa kecil di Bali. Para penduduk desa adalah petani mereka sangat senang. Dewa memberi mereka tanah yang subur. Mereka selalu memiliki panen besar. Tidak ada keluarga miskin di desa itu. Suatu hari, seorang pemuda datang ke desa. Dia datang dari tempat yang sangat jauh. Dia pergi ke petani terkaya di desa. Nama terkaya petani adalah Jero Pasek. "Nama saya adalah saya tundung. Saya datang ke sini untuk bekerja, Sir. Aku berjanji akan bekerja keras." "Hmm ... Baiklah, aku akan membiarkan Anda bekerja di sawah saya. Tapi ingat , saya akan meminta Anda untuk pergi jika Anda malas. " kata Jero Pasek. Saya Tudung sangat senang. Dia tidak ingin mengecewakan Jero Pasek, tuannya. Dia bekerja dengan tekun. Jero Pasek sangat berterima kasih. Panen itu jauh lebih baik. Selain budidaya, saya tundung juga melihat mengurus hewan, seperti ayam, bebek, kambing dan sapi. Jumlah hewan juga meningkat. Jero Pasek menjadi lebih kaya. Jero Pasek direncanakan untuk meminta saya tundung untuk menumbuhkan lapangan di Kangin Hill. Berbeda dengan tanah di desa, tanah di Kangin Hill adalah tidak subur. Namun, saya tundung menerimanya sangat senang. Dia merasa bahwa Jero Pasek sudah percaya padanya. Dia ingin membayar kepercayaan itu dengan memberinya panen besar. Tanah di bukit itu kering. Itu sangat kering. Namun, saya tundung tidak pernah menyerah. Ada musim semi kecil. Saya tundung membuat irigasi. Dia menggunakan air di musim semi dan terbang melalui irigasi. Ini bekerja! Tanah tidak kering lagi. Tanaman tumbuh dengan sangat baik. Dan lagi mereka memiliki panen besar. Sekarang seluruh bukit-bukit hijau, berkat saya tundung. Sayangnya, kebahagiaan mereka tidak berlangsung lama. Seorang pencuri mencuri panen dan hewan. Sayangnya, saya tundung tidak pernah bisa menangkap pencuri. Panen dan hewan terus hilang, Jero Pasek marah. "Saya sangat kecewa padamu. Aku telah kehilangan banyak panen dan binatang!" Saya tundung sedih. Ia pergi ke sebuah kuil untuk berdoa. Sementara ia bermeditasi, ia mendengar suara. "Aku tahu promlem Anda dan saya dapat membantu Anda." "Terima kasih. Aku bersedia melakukan apa pun selama saya bisa melindungi panen dan hewan tuanku." kataku tundung. "Aku akan mengubah Anda menjadi ular hitam besar. Anda akan tinggal di bukit dan Anda dapat melindungi panen dan hewan." Saya tundung setuju. Dia tidak ingin membuat tuannya kecewa dan marah padanya. Perlahan, ia berubah menjadi ular hitam besar. Sementara itu, Joko Pasek sedang mencari saya tundung. Dan ketika ia tiba di bidangnya, ia melihat abig ular hitam. Dia begitu terkejut ketika ular itu bisa berbicara! "Jangan takut, Sir. Ini aku, aku tundung. Mulai sekarang, aku akan selalu melindungi panen Anda dan hewan Anda." Jero Pasek sangat sedih. Dia tidak pernah dimaksudkan untuk meminta saya tundung untuk melakukan apa pun. Tapi itu terlambat. *** Mak ISUN Kayo Folklore dari Sumatera Barat SEKALI kala di Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat hidup seorang pemuda bernama Mak ISUN. Dia adalah seorang petani yang rajin. Mak ISUN selalu berpikir bagaimana ia bisa menjadi lebih kaya. Suatu hari, ketika ia berada di sawah, seorang pria lewat. Namanya Pak Sole. Dia membawa monyet. Saya adalah penjinak monyet. Dia membuat uang dengan melakukan masyarakat memesan untuk mengambil kelapa. Dia tidak harus memanjat pohon kelapa. Dia selalu meminta monyet untuk

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