which one as more important1.2 Identification of the ProblemWriting is terjemahan - which one as more important1.2 Identification of the ProblemWriting is Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

which one as more important1.2 Iden

which one as more important
1.2 Identification of the Problem
Writing is one kind of English skill. The most of the students think that writing is difficult because they must be know and have knowledge such as: grammar, vocabulary and the purpose of what they write. In writing there are some reason such as to employ message, ideas, and express their feeling. In writing there are some components that must be know one of them are grammatical, content and vocabulary. So, write something the writer should know about what is the component of writing to make a good text. The components of writing are: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.
Recount text is one kind of text that the students study in the first year of senior high school. Writing recount text has same sequence that should be know by the students. Especially in grammatical rules, the students should be understand what and when they will use a correct grammar.
The students main problem in writing recount text is about grammatical. They still confused to use the grammar. The students confused because their knowledge about grammar is very low. They cannot differentiate between the kind of grammar such as: past tense, future tense, and present tense. So, the researcher wanted to analyze the students. Grammatical error in write recount text.
1.3 Limitation of the Problem
In this research, the researcher limited the type of text to be analyzed. The researcher chose it because the students in first year had study about recount text, because of the grammatical is difficult of the students in first year senior high school and the students always have mistakes in grammar of recount text. The researcher wanted to analyses the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text.
According to James (1998) Error is the process of determinate the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language. It means to analyses an error of the students, it have to know the cause of the students. So, the researcher limit the problem of the students are: first, the students are lack of using kind of tense in write recount text, and the second, the students are lack of comprehence to write recount text with good sequence.
1.4 Research Questions
Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher conclude the problem in the form of questions are:
1. What is the main the students’ mistake in writing a recount text?
2. What is the students’ knowlegde about grammatical rule in recount text?
3. What kind of errors did the students make?
1.5 Purpose of The Research
The purpose of the research are:
1. To analyse the students’ mistake in writing recount text
2. To describe the students skill of grammar in context of recount text.
3. To describe kinds of errors that the students make in writing a recount text.
1.6 Significant of The Research
This research gives contribution to the students. First, The students know about their mistake in writing recount text, especially in grammatical rules. If they know about their mistake, they will not repeat again their mistake in the context of recount text. second, the students can improve their skill about writing recount text with good sequence.
This research also give contribution for the teacher, by having know the students’ mistake, the teacher can improve their teaching in writing recount text. English teacher can found the another method to teach writing until the students understand and do not make mistakes again in the next exam or test. Third, for the researcher, it can know about the students skill in grammatical errors of recount text.
1.7 Definition of The Key Term
The following definitions are used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the terms used in this thesis:
1. Error
Brown (2000), he defined error as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules ofthe second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learne
2. Writing
According to Ghait (2002) Writing is a complex process that allows writer to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete.
3. Grammatical
According to James (2004) “Grammar is defined as a systematic way accounting for apredicting an ideal speaker’s or hearer’sknowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can be used to generate all well-formed or grammatical utterances in the language.
4. Recount text
According to Rohim (2005: 9-10) Recount is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It consists of orientation, events, and re-orientation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
which one as more important1.2 Identification of the ProblemWriting is one kind of English skill. The most of the students think that writing is difficult because they must be know and have knowledge such as: grammar, vocabulary and the purpose of what they write. In writing there are some reason such as to employ message, ideas, and express their feeling. In writing there are some components that must be know one of them are grammatical, content and vocabulary. So, write something the writer should know about what is the component of writing to make a good text. The components of writing are: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.Recount text is one kind of text that the students study in the first year of senior high school. Writing recount text has same sequence that should be know by the students. Especially in grammatical rules, the students should be understand what and when they will use a correct grammar. The students main problem in writing recount text is about grammatical. They still confused to use the grammar. The students confused because their knowledge about grammar is very low. They cannot differentiate between the kind of grammar such as: past tense, future tense, and present tense. So, the researcher wanted to analyze the students. Grammatical error in write recount text.1.3 Limitation of the ProblemIn this research, the researcher limited the type of text to be analyzed. The researcher chose it because the students in first year had study about recount text, because of the grammatical is difficult of the students in first year senior high school and the students always have mistakes in grammar of recount text. The researcher wanted to analyses the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text. According to James (1998) Error is the process of determinate the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language. It means to analyses an error of the students, it have to know the cause of the students. So, the researcher limit the problem of the students are: first, the students are lack of using kind of tense in write recount text, and the second, the students are lack of comprehence to write recount text with good sequence.1.4 Research QuestionsBased on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher conclude the problem in the form of questions are:1. What is the main the students’ mistake in writing a recount text?2. What is the students’ knowlegde about grammatical rule in recount text?3. What kind of errors did the students make?1.5 Purpose of The ResearchThe purpose of the research are:1. To analyse the students’ mistake in writing recount text2. To describe the students skill of grammar in context of recount text.3. To describe kinds of errors that the students make in writing a recount text.1.6 Significant of The ResearchThis research gives contribution to the students. First, The students know about their mistake in writing recount text, especially in grammatical rules. If they know about their mistake, they will not repeat again their mistake in the context of recount text. second, the students can improve their skill about writing recount text with good sequence.This research also give contribution for the teacher, by having know the students’ mistake, the teacher can improve their teaching in writing recount text. English teacher can found the another method to teach writing until the students understand and do not make mistakes again in the next exam or test. Third, for the researcher, it can know about the students skill in grammatical errors of recount text.1.7 Definition of The Key TermThe following definitions are used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the terms used in this thesis:1. Error Brown (2000), he defined error as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules ofthe second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learne2. WritingAccording to Ghait (2002) Writing is a complex process that allows writer to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete.3. GrammaticalAccording to James (2004) “Grammar is defined as a systematic way accounting for apredicting an ideal speaker’s or hearer’sknowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can be used to generate all well-formed or grammatical utterances in the language.4. Recount textAccording to Rohim (2005: 9-10) Recount is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It consists of orientation, events, and re-orientation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mana yang lebih penting
1.2 Identifikasi Masalah
Menulis merupakan salah satu jenis keterampilan bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar siswa berpikir bahwa menulis adalah sulit karena mereka harus tahu dan memiliki pengetahuan seperti: tata bahasa, kosa kata dan tujuan dari apa yang mereka tulis. Dalam penulisan ada beberapa alasan seperti untuk mempekerjakan pesan, ide, dan mengekspresikan perasaan mereka. Dalam penulisan ada beberapa komponen yang harus tahu salah satu dari mereka adalah tata bahasa, konten dan kosa kata. Jadi, menulis sesuatu penulis harus tahu tentang apa yang adalah komponen menulis untuk membuat teks yang baik. Komponen penulisan adalah:. Isi, organisasi, kosakata, penggunaan bahasa dan mekanik
, ingatlah teks adalah salah satu jenis teks yang mempelajari siswa pada tahun pertama sekolah menengah atas. Menulis teks recount memiliki urutan yang sama yang harus tahu dengan siswa. Terutama dalam aturan tata bahasa, para siswa harus memahami apa dan kapan mereka akan menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar.
Para siswa Masalah utama dalam teks tertulis recount adalah tentang tata bahasa. Mereka masih bingung untuk menggunakan tata bahasa. Para siswa bingung karena pengetahuan mereka tentang tata bahasa sangat rendah. Mereka tidak bisa membedakan antara jenis tata bahasa seperti: past tense, future tense, dan present tense. Jadi, peneliti ingin menganalisis siswa. Kesalahan tata bahasa dalam teks tulis recount.
1.3 Batasan Masalah
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membatasi jenis teks yang akan dianalisis. Peneliti memilih karena siswa pada tahun pertama memiliki studi tentang teks recount, karena tata bahasa yang sulit dari siswa di pertama SMA tahun dan siswa selalu memiliki kesalahan dalam tata bahasa teks recount. Peneliti ingin menganalisis kesalahan tata bahasa siswa dalam menulis teks recount.
Menurut James (1998) Kesalahan adalah proses penentuan kejadian, alam, penyebab, dan konsekuensi dari bahasa berhasil. Ini berarti untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa, itu harus tahu penyebab siswa. Jadi, peneliti membatasi masalah siswa adalah: pertama, siswa kurang menggunakan jenis tegang dalam teks tulis recount, dan yang kedua, siswa kurang comprehence untuk menulis recount teks dengan urutan yang baik.
1.4 Pertanyaan Penelitian
Berdasarkan tentang pembatasan masalah di atas, peneliti menyimpulkan masalah dalam bentuk pertanyaan adalah:
1. Apa utama kesalahan siswa dalam menulis teks recount?
2. Apa knowlegde siswa tentang aturan tata bahasa dalam teks recount?
3. Apa kesalahan melakukan siswa membuat?
1.5 Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Untuk menganalisis kesalahan siswa dalam menulis recount text
2. Untuk menggambarkan siswa keterampilan tata bahasa dalam konteks teks recount.
3. Untuk menggambarkan jenis kesalahan yang dibuat siswa dalam menulis teks recount.
1,6 signifikan Penelitian
Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada siswa. Pertama, Para siswa tahu tentang kesalahan mereka dalam menulis teks recount, terutama dalam aturan tata bahasa. Jika mereka tahu tentang kesalahan mereka, mereka tidak akan mengulangi lagi kesalahan mereka dalam konteks teks recount. kedua, para siswa dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mereka tentang menulis recount teks dengan urutan yang baik.
Penelitian ini juga memberikan kontribusi bagi guru, dengan memiliki tahu kesalahan siswa, guru dapat meningkatkan pengajaran mereka dalam teks tertulis recount. Guru bahasa Inggris dapat menemukan metode lain untuk mengajar menulis sampai siswa memahami dan tidak melakukan kesalahan lagi dalam ujian berikutnya atau tes. Ketiga, bagi peneliti, dapat mengetahui tentang keterampilan siswa dalam kesalahan tata bahasa teks recount.
1,7 Definisi Kunci Jangka
Berikut definisi yang digunakan untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman dan salah tafsir tentang istilah yang digunakan dalam tesis ini:
1. Kesalahan
Brown (2000), ia mendefinisikan kesalahan sebagai proses untuk mengamati, menganalisis, dan mengklasifikasikan penyimpangan dari aturan tersebut yang bahasa kedua dan kemudian untuk mengungkapkan sistem yang dioperasikan oleh learne
2. Menulis
Menurut Ghait (2002) Menulis adalah proses yang kompleks yang memungkinkan penulis untuk mengeksplorasi pikiran dan ide-ide, dan membuat mereka terlihat dan beton.
3. Gramatikal
Menurut James (2004) "Grammar didefinisikan sebagai cara sistematis akuntansi untuk apredicting hearer'sknowledge pembicara yang ideal atau bahasa. Hal ini dilakukan dengan seperangkat aturan atau prinsip-prinsip yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan semua well-formed atau tata bahasa ucapan dalam bahasa.
4. Menceritakan teks
Menurut Rohim (2005: 9-10) Recount adalah menceritakan kembali peristiwa untuk tujuan menginformasikan atau menghibur. Ini terdiri dari orientasi, peristiwa, dan re-orientasi.
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