Above city Xi­adade some peo­ple died un­ceas­ingly, the scal­ing lad­ terjemahan - Above city Xi­adade some peo­ple died un­ceas­ingly, the scal­ing lad­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Above city Xi­adade some peo­ple di

Above city Xi­adade some peo­ple died un­ceas­ingly, the scal­ing lad­der crush the corpse of dead is con­tinue for­ward, a cov­ered with blood piece, when the peo­ple ar­rive under the city, the peo­ple in city have dropped the mega­lith once again, bang the bang pounds in the crowd, the sev­eral iron edges of my front rode are al­most moved 3 W + HP each time, in an in­stant in the [Zhan Long] frontal line hung sev­eral peo­ple.
Cross­bow car­riage sud­denly to launch, the giant steel arrow can si­mul­ta­ne­ously pen­e­trate many peo­ple, under the flash city has con­quered by killing likely gen­er­ally, this is the price of at­tack­ing a city, the buckle of at­tack­ing a city side often is the sev­eral fold idea of de­fense side, since the an­cient times is this, in an in­stant under city al­ready corpse hor­i­zon­tally re­peat­edly, but we have al­most not bumped into the per­son in In­dian war zone, but wears the princess as if not to plan to re­treat, she as­sured this is the price that must pay, but I also think am like this, price like this did not pay on do not want to cap­ture the city.
Saw that per­son was killed un­ceas­ingly, I drink one sud­denly lowly, thou­sand frost wings start, a pair of ice wing when be­hind blooms rises straight from the ground has fired into the city, after sword blade edge stan­dard parry sev­eral weak arrow ar­rows, town Yue Dao, the Longchi sword in­ter­lock has swept the crowd neatly, the sword air/Qi ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally, im­me­di­ately sev­eral NPC archers fall to the ground dead in bat­tle, after com­pre­hend­ing Yang Yan­jin, my at­tack ba­si­cally uni­form 3 W +, blew out fa­tally strikes aw­fully.
In the city wall, not far away a player of group team leader rank looks to me, the anger shouted to clear the way: „On, does him!”
I did not say a word, raised the sword is Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan, was sin­gle-handed, great an­tiq­uity lock­ing, that group team leader was an archer, mis­er­able snort di­rectly by sec­ond, sur­round­ing one group of peo­ple, ac­tu­ally in next quar­ter act­ing boldly re­gard­less of one's safety threw, be­cause only then I, they did not need to dread that many.
The arrow arrow and magic un­ceas­ing bang on the body, HP con­tin­u­ously re­duce, my lonely per­son only sup­ported less than 20 sec­onds to be shot by an ad­van­tage arrow of cross­bow car­riage in the city drops under the city, flew high time Mu Yushu to re­store many HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the Longchi sword di­vided to chop fu­ri­ously in the city wall, tried the thick­ness of this city wall, only lis­tened to „clang” Mars to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, the red cop­per of cast­ing on wall was ex­cep­tion­ally hard, un­ex­pect­edly under cut­ting of Longchi sword, only then to­gether about 5 cen­time­ters sword mark, this fire cloud em­pire first firm city also was re­ally not cov­ers..
„Whish” falls to the ground, not far away Lin Wan Er asked me: „All right?”
„All right!”
I look up, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. climbed up the scal­ing lad­der, does that lad­der stay in 40 me­ters high place, sway, looks to be pop­u­lar hur­riedly, but the play­ers in city arrow magic and arrow throw, more hack­bu­teers are nar­row­ing an eye, aims at Li Mu, Wang Jian these two liv­ing tar­gets ping open­ing fire, 2-3, shoot fi­nally in a vi­o­lent of Big Dip­per arrow, Li Mu dropped, Wang Jian also HP weak di­rectly jumped down from the lad­der, I lifted a hand time life to cure the tech­nique to res­cue Wang the Jian life of rem­nant blood., But on the scal­ing lad­der more pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride, the iron blade edge to ride are still climb­ing up, what what a pity is, when at­tacks a city they are un­able to sum­mon the sad­dle horse, the at­tribute weak­ened much, there­fore the re­sis­tance also missed.
Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground al­most com­pletely bathes in the sea of fire, in the city the lava abyss and ice fire of Mage player roared un­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Di atas kota Xiadade beberapa orang meninggal tanpa henti, kerumunan tangga skala mayat orang mati adalah melanjutkan ke depan, tertutup dengan sepotong darah, ketika orang-orang tiba di bawah kota, orang-orang di kota telah jatuh megalitikum sekali lagi, bang bang pound dalam kerumunan, tepi besi beberapa rode depan saya hampir pindah 3 W + HP setiap kali , dalam sekejap dalam [Zhan panjang] frontal baris tergantung beberapa orang.Panah kereta tiba-tiba untuk memulai, raksasa panah baja secara bersamaan dapat menembus banyak orang, di bawah lampu kilat kota telah ditaklukkan oleh membunuh kemungkinan umumnya, ini adalah harga menyerang kota, gesper menyerang sisi kota sering adalah gagasan lipat beberapa sisi pertahanan, sejak zaman kuno ini, dalam sekejap di bawah kota sudah mayat horizontal berulang kali , tapi kami telah hampir tidak bertemu dengan orang di zona perang India, tetapi memakai putri seolah-olah untuk tidak berencana untuk mundur, dia yakin ini adalah harga yang harus membayar, tapi aku juga berpikir am seperti ini, harga seperti ini tidak membayar pada tidak ingin merebut kota.Saw that per­son was killed un­ceas­ingly, I drink one sud­denly lowly, thou­sand frost wings start, a pair of ice wing when be­hind blooms rises straight from the ground has fired into the city, after sword blade edge stan­dard parry sev­eral weak arrow ar­rows, town Yue Dao, the Longchi sword in­ter­lock has swept the crowd neatly, the sword air/Qi ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally, im­me­di­ately sev­eral NPC archers fall to the ground dead in bat­tle, after com­pre­hend­ing Yang Yan­jin, my at­tack ba­si­cally uni­form 3 W +, blew out fa­tally strikes aw­fully.In the city wall, not far away a player of group team leader rank looks to me, the anger shouted to clear the way: „On, does him!”I did not say a word, raised the sword is Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan, was sin­gle-handed, great an­tiq­uity lock­ing, that group team leader was an archer, mis­er­able snort di­rectly by sec­ond, sur­round­ing one group of peo­ple, ac­tu­ally in next quar­ter act­ing boldly re­gard­less of one's safety threw, be­cause only then I, they did not need to dread that many.The arrow arrow and magic un­ceas­ing bang on the body, HP con­tin­u­ously re­duce, my lonely per­son only sup­ported less than 20 sec­onds to be shot by an ad­van­tage arrow of cross­bow car­riage in the city drops under the city, flew high time Mu Yushu to re­store many HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the Longchi sword di­vided to chop fu­ri­ously in the city wall, tried the thick­ness of this city wall, only lis­tened to „clang” Mars to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, the red cop­per of cast­ing on wall was ex­cep­tion­ally hard, un­ex­pect­edly under cut­ting of Longchi sword, only then to­gether about 5 cen­time­ters sword mark, this fire cloud em­pire first firm city also was re­ally not cov­ers..„Whish” falls to the ground, not far away Lin Wan Er asked me: „All right?”„All right!”I look up, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. climbed up the scal­ing lad­der, does that lad­der stay in 40 me­ters high place, sway, looks to be pop­u­lar hur­riedly, but the play­ers in city arrow magic and arrow throw, more hack­bu­teers are nar­row­ing an eye, aims at Li Mu, Wang Jian these two liv­ing tar­gets ping open­ing fire, 2-3, shoot fi­nally in a vi­o­lent of Big Dip­per arrow, Li Mu dropped, Wang Jian also HP weak di­rectly jumped down from the lad­der, I lifted a hand time life to cure the tech­nique to res­cue Wang the Jian life of rem­nant blood., But on the scal­ing lad­der more pro­ces­sions of lanterns ride, the iron blade edge to ride are still climb­ing up, what what a pity is, when at­tacks a city they are un­able to sum­mon the sad­dle horse, the at­tribute weak­ened much, there­fore the re­sis­tance also missed.Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground al­most com­pletely bathes in the sea of fire, in the city the lava abyss and ice fire of Mage player roared un­
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