Yun Qing­hong smiles, he one sud­denly, some can­not be­lieve that at  terjemahan - Yun Qing­hong smiles, he one sud­denly, some can­not be­lieve that at  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yun Qing­hong smiles, he one sud­de

Yun Qing­hong smiles, he one sud­denly, some can­not be­lieve that at pre­sent un­ex­pect­edly this shock­ing au­di­ence, is panic-stricken the young man of world out­stand­ing he­roes, un­ex­pect­edly is own bi­o­log­i­cal son. His be­fore­hand worry also has to get rid com­pletely is un­nec­es­sary, thinks again be­fore him as­sured, with firm and res­olute of look, he nods gen­tly, talked to one­self: „Che Er, your true limit, where”
With­out using Heavy Sword Yun Che was sup­pressed by Hui Ye King, Heavy Sword, Hui Ye King in an in­stant then dis­as­trous se­vere wound. To pro­found, prac­tices a weapon to, weapon that ex­cels in hand, the strength nat­u­rally will be in­creased, the scope of but pro­mot­ing too will not ex­ag­ger­ate, Tyrant Pro­found Realm Fifth Level pro­found, even if un­armed, can de­feat the weapon eas­ily in Tyrant Pro­found Realm Fourth Level of hand.
But Yun Che is dif­fer­ent, hand non- Heavy Sword Yun Che and hand grasp Heavy Sword Yun Che, that al­ready the dis­par­ity of not sole in­ten­sity, but is al­most the plane/level dis­par­ity! Yun Che grasps Dragon's Fault, then can de­feat Hui Ye King, let alone might by far Dragon's Fault Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword.
Mean­while, bran­dishes the con­sump­tion of Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword , the dis­tant se­ri­ous of­fense con­trols Dragon's Fault. When se­verely wounded Hui Ye King, breath of Yun Che, ob­vi­ously be­comes loud.
„Fa­ther, is ac­tu­ally his he who?” Su Zhizhan star­tled sound track. Just the pic­tures of that short sev­eral rests, ma­li­ciously had at­tacked his soul, has sub­verted his cog­ni­tion.
Su Xi­ang­nan shakes the head, some [say / way] of star­ing blankly: „Is the fa­ther, wants to know this an­swer com­pared with you.” Thinks that Yun Qing­hong get­ting rid be­fore force­fully, he con­tin­ues say­ing: „Only fears is Yun Qing­hong, does not know that his true strength, un­ex­pect­edly was for­mi­da­ble to so the de­gree!”
Can make these come from peer­less pow­er­house times across Il­lu­sory Demon Realm to ex­pe­ri­ence what Wei to be shock­ing and in­con­ceiv­able, Yun Che ab­solutely is the first per­son, he takes Sky Pro­found Realm Pro­found Strength to cul­ti­vate for shock that ac­com­plishes, mak­ing in the hearts of these peer­less pow­er­houses un­able not pan- the dread­ful rough sea waves, par­tic­u­larly his se­vere wound Hui Ye King that to the im­pact that they have, ex­ceeds be­fore­hand all.
„Who next is!!”
The bright red great sword oblique cut­ting ground, a Yun Che hand-held sword, the fore­head full is the sweat, but the sound ac­tu­ally is still the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter like the thun­der. To at this mo­ment, no­body has dared to de­spise to ridicule him again, all vi­sion firmly cen­tral­ized on his body, is lo­cated in Lit­tle Demon Em­press of em­peror place, in he burnt under the eye glory to de­gen­er­ate into the sup­port­ing role.
Duke Huai first time clenches jaws be­cause of young peo­ple. The Hui Ye King se­vere wound com­pletely is next, his self-con­fi­dent dig­nity ar­ro­gance, by the Yun Che thor­ough smash­ing. After today, if Yun Che is also liv­ing, must choose a name to shake Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, but the child of his Duke Huai , ac­tu­ally de­gen­er­ates into the step­ping-stone that this Yun Che be­comes world-fa­mous!
This per­son, must die
Duke Huai turns the head, has caused a mean­ing­ful glance to Duke Zhong ma­li­ciously. The Duke Zhong com­plex­ion also al­ready be­came ugly, he low­ered the head, sent greet­ings to own son Yuan Que King in se­cret: „Yun Che has re­vealed empty, ob­vi­ously uses that to be enor­mous the sword con­sump­tion, after should not have many , the strength, did not hes­i­tate at all costs and meth­ods to me has killed him!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yun Qing­hong smiles, he one sud­denly, some can­not be­lieve that at pre­sent un­ex­pect­edly this shock­ing au­di­ence, is panic-stricken the young man of world out­stand­ing he­roes, un­ex­pect­edly is own bi­o­log­i­cal son. His be­fore­hand worry also has to get rid com­pletely is un­nec­es­sary, thinks again be­fore him as­sured, with firm and res­olute of look, he nods gen­tly, talked to one­self: „Che Er, your true limit, where”With­out using Heavy Sword Yun Che was sup­pressed by Hui Ye King, Heavy Sword, Hui Ye King in an in­stant then dis­as­trous se­vere wound. To pro­found, prac­tices a weapon to, weapon that ex­cels in hand, the strength nat­u­rally will be in­creased, the scope of but pro­mot­ing too will not ex­ag­ger­ate, Tyrant Pro­found Realm Fifth Level pro­found, even if un­armed, can de­feat the weapon eas­ily in Tyrant Pro­found Realm Fourth Level of hand.But Yun Che is dif­fer­ent, hand non- Heavy Sword Yun Che and hand grasp Heavy Sword Yun Che, that al­ready the dis­par­ity of not sole in­ten­sity, but is al­most the plane/level dis­par­ity! Yun Che grasps Dragon's Fault, then can de­feat Hui Ye King, let alone might by far Dragon's Fault Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword.Mean­while, bran­dishes the con­sump­tion of Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword , the dis­tant se­ri­ous of­fense con­trols Dragon's Fault. When se­verely wounded Hui Ye King, breath of Yun Che, ob­vi­ously be­comes loud.„Fa­ther, is ac­tu­ally his he who?” Su Zhizhan star­tled sound track. Just the pic­tures of that short sev­eral rests, ma­li­ciously had at­tacked his soul, has sub­verted his cog­ni­tion.Su Xi­ang­nan shakes the head, some [say / way] of star­ing blankly: „Is the fa­ther, wants to know this an­swer com­pared with you.” Thinks that Yun Qing­hong get­ting rid be­fore force­fully, he con­tin­ues say­ing: „Only fears is Yun Qing­hong, does not know that his true strength, un­ex­pect­edly was for­mi­da­ble to so the de­gree!”Can make these come from peer­less pow­er­house times across Il­lu­sory Demon Realm to ex­pe­ri­ence what Wei to be shock­ing and in­con­ceiv­able, Yun Che ab­solutely is the first per­son, he takes Sky Pro­found Realm Pro­found Strength to cul­ti­vate for shock that ac­com­plishes, mak­ing in the hearts of these peer­less pow­er­houses un­able not pan- the dread­ful rough sea waves, par­tic­u­larly his se­vere wound Hui Ye King that to the im­pact that they have, ex­ceeds be­fore­hand all.„Who next is!!”The bright red great sword oblique cut­ting ground, a Yun Che hand-held sword, the fore­head full is the sweat, but the sound ac­tu­ally is still the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter like the thun­der. To at this mo­ment, no­body has dared to de­spise to ridicule him again, all vi­sion firmly cen­tral­ized on his body, is lo­cated in Lit­tle Demon Em­press of em­peror place, in he burnt under the eye glory to de­gen­er­ate into the sup­port­ing role.Duke Huai first time clenches jaws be­cause of young peo­ple. The Hui Ye King se­vere wound com­pletely is next, his self-con­fi­dent dig­nity ar­ro­gance, by the Yun Che thor­ough smash­ing. After today, if Yun Che is also liv­ing, must choose a name to shake Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, but the child of his Duke Huai , ac­tu­ally de­gen­er­ates into the step­ping-stone that this Yun Che be­comes world-fa­mous!
This per­son, must die
Duke Huai turns the head, has caused a mean­ing­ful glance to Duke Zhong ma­li­ciously. The Duke Zhong com­plex­ion also al­ready be­came ugly, he low­ered the head, sent greet­ings to own son Yuan Que King in se­cret: „Yun Che has re­vealed empty, ob­vi­ously uses that to be enor­mous the sword con­sump­tion, after should not have many , the strength, did not hes­i­tate at all costs and meth­ods to me has killed him!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Yun Qinghong tersenyum, dia salah satu tiba-tiba, beberapa tidak percaya bahwa saat ini tiba-tiba penonton mengejutkan ini, adalah panik pemuda pahlawan yang luar biasa di dunia, tiba-tiba adalah anak biologis sendiri. Nya terlebih dahulu khawatir juga memiliki menyingkirkan sepenuhnya tidak perlu, berpikir lagi sebelum dia meyakinkan, dengan tegas dan tegas dari tampilan, dia mengangguk lembut, berbicara dengan diri sendiri: "Che Er, batas sejati Anda, di mana"
Tanpa menggunakan Heavy Sword Yun Che ditekan oleh Hui Ye Raja, Heavy Sword, Hui Ye Raja di luka parah instan kemudian bencana. Untuk mendalam, berlatih senjata untuk, senjata yang unggul di tangan, kekuatan alami akan meningkat, ruang lingkup, tetapi mempromosikan terlalu tidak akan membesar-besarkan, Tyrant Mendalam Alam Kelima Tingkat mendalam, bahkan jika tidak bersenjata, bisa mengalahkan senjata mudah di Tyrant mendalam Realm Keempat tingkat tangan.
tapi Yun Che berbeda, tangan non Heavy Sword Yun Che dan tangan pegang Heavy Sword Yun Che, yang sudah disparitas intensitas tidak tunggal, tapi hampir disparitas pesawat / tingkat! Yun Che menangkap Dragon Fault, maka dapat mengalahkan Hui Ye Raja, apalagi mungkin jauh Dragon Sesar Surga smiting Iblis Slayer Sword.
Sementara itu, mengacung-acungkan konsumsi Surga smiting Iblis Slayer Sword, pelanggaran serius yang jauh mengontrol Dragon Fault. Ketika terluka parah Hui Ye Raja, nafas Yun Che, jelas menjadi keras.
"Bapa, sebenarnya dia siapa? Nya" Su Zhizhan terkejut sound track. Hanya foto-foto yang singkat beberapa beristirahat, jahat telah menyerang jiwanya, telah ditumbangkan kognisi nya.
Su Xiangnan getar kepala, beberapa [katakanlah / cara] dari menatap kosong: "Apakah ayah, ingin tahu jawaban ini dibandingkan dengan Anda. "Berpikir bahwa Yun Qinghong menyingkirkan sebelum paksa, ia terus mengatakan:" Hanya ketakutan adalah Yun Qinghong, tidak tahu bahwa kekuatan sejati, tiba-tiba adalah tangguh untuk jadi gelar "!
Bisa membuat ini berasal dari zaman powerhouse taranya di Ilusi Siluman Realm mengalami apa Wei menjadi mengejutkan dan tak terbayangkan, Yun Che benar-benar adalah orang pertama, ia mengambil Sky Mendalam Realm Mendalam Kekuatan untuk menumbuhkan untuk shock yang menyelesaikan, membuat di hati ini powerhouses taranya tidak dapat tidak Pan gelombang laut kasar mengerikan, terutama lukanya parah Hui Ye Raja bahwa untuk dampak yang mereka miliki, melebihi sebelumnya semua.
"Siapa berikutnya adalah !!"
The merah terang pedang besar pemotongan miring tanah, pedang genggam Yun Che, dahi penuh keringat, tapi suara sebenarnya masih karakter karakter seperti guntur. Untuk saat ini, tidak ada yang berani menghina mengejek dia lagi, semua visi tegas terpusat di tubuhnya, terletak di Little Siluman Empress tempat kaisar, di ia membakar bawah kemuliaan mata untuk berubah menjadi peran pendukung.
Duke Huai pertama waktu mengepalkan rahang karena orang-orang muda. Hui Ye Raja luka parah sepenuhnya adalah berikutnya, arogansi martabat percaya diri nya, oleh Yun Che smashing menyeluruh. Setelah hari ini, jika Yun Che juga hidup, harus memilih nama untuk menjabat Ilusi Siluman Realm, tapi anak nya Duke Huai, sebenarnya merosot menjadi batu loncatan yang Yun Che ini menjadi terkenal di dunia!
Orang ini, harus mati
Duke Huai ternyata kepala, telah menyebabkan pandangan berarti untuk Duke Zhong jahat. The Duke Zhong kulit juga sudah menjadi jelek, dia menurunkan kepalanya, mengirim salam untuk memiliki anak Yuan Que Raja rahasia: "Yun Che telah mengungkapkan kosong, jelas menggunakan itu untuk menjadi besar konsumsi pedang, setelah tidak harus memiliki banyak, kekuatan , tidak ragu-ragu di semua biaya dan metode untuk saya telah membunuhnya! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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