I therefore see the awareness that issues of spirituality are importan terjemahan - I therefore see the awareness that issues of spirituality are importan Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I therefore see the awareness that

I therefore see the awareness that issues of spirituality are important for many clients as an important contribution of the ideas presented in this chapter to practice theory in general. Focusing on spirituality in general allows practitioners to include in their practice the reality that a commitment to faith and a belief in particular religions are important to many people they work with. Practitioners with a particular faith commitment may also wish to demonstrate that commitment in their practice, but social work theory in general requires openness to work with client’s own religions. A theory constructed around any particular religious commitment, such as a practice theory of Christian or Islamic social work. I discuss this issue in the section on ‘Values issues’.
The way in which a particular spiritual tradition in its ethnic context may be helpful to social work can be seen in Graham’s (2002) work on African centred world views. This is a particularly well worked out example of the applicability of non Western spiritual ideas to social work. Graham’s approach draws on classical African intellectual traditions. It is also influenced by the civil rights and Pan African movements, which seek a unification of African world views following the social fragmentation caused by the experience of slavery and colonialism. The approach used in relation to African intellectual and faith traditions is also applicable to systems of faith and belief in other ethnic groups.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I therefore see the awareness that issues of spirituality are important for many clients as an important contribution of the ideas presented in this chapter to practice theory in general. Focusing on spirituality in general allows practitioners to include in their practice the reality that a commitment to faith and a belief in particular religions are important to many people they work with. Practitioners with a particular faith commitment may also wish to demonstrate that commitment in their practice, but social work theory in general requires openness to work with client’s own religions. A theory constructed around any particular religious commitment, such as a practice theory of Christian or Islamic social work. I discuss this issue in the section on ‘Values issues’.The way in which a particular spiritual tradition in its ethnic context may be helpful to social work can be seen in Graham’s (2002) work on African centred world views. This is a particularly well worked out example of the applicability of non Western spiritual ideas to social work. Graham’s approach draws on classical African intellectual traditions. It is also influenced by the civil rights and Pan African movements, which seek a unification of African world views following the social fragmentation caused by the experience of slavery and colonialism. The approach used in relation to African intellectual and faith traditions is also applicable to systems of faith and belief in other ethnic groups.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Karena itu saya melihat kesadaran bahwa masalah spiritualitas yang penting bagi banyak klien sebagai kontribusi penting dari ide-ide yang disajikan dalam bab ini untuk berlatih teori pada umumnya. Berfokus pada spiritualitas secara umum memungkinkan praktisi untuk memasukkan dalam praktek mereka kenyataan bahwa komitmen untuk iman dan keyakinan dalam agama-agama tertentu yang penting bagi banyak orang mereka bekerja dengan. Praktisi dengan komitmen iman tertentu juga mungkin ingin menunjukkan bahwa komitmen dalam praktek mereka, tetapi teori pekerjaan sosial pada umumnya membutuhkan keterbukaan untuk bekerja dengan agama klien sendiri. Sebuah teori dibangun di sekitar setiap komitmen agama tertentu, seperti teori praktek Kristen atau bekerja sosial Islam. Saya membahas masalah ini pada bagian 'Nilai masalah'.
Cara di mana tradisi spiritual tertentu dalam konteks etnis mungkin akan membantu untuk kerja sosial dapat dilihat pada Graham (2002) bekerja pada Afrika berpusat pandangan dunia. Ini adalah sangat baik bekerja contoh penerapan ide-ide spiritual non Barat untuk kerja sosial. Pendekatan Graham mengacu pada tradisi intelektual Afrika klasik. Hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh hak-hak sipil dan gerakan Pan Afrika, yang mencari penyatuan pandangan dunia Afrika mengikuti fragmentasi sosial yang disebabkan oleh pengalaman perbudakan dan kolonialisme. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan tradisi intelektual dan iman Afrika juga berlaku untuk sistem iman dan kepercayaan kelompok etnis lain.
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