conclutionsRulal capitalismBy this mean more indigenous forms of cash- terjemahan - conclutionsRulal capitalismBy this mean more indigenous forms of cash- Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

conclutionsRulal capitalismBy this

conclutionsRulal capitalism
By this mean more indigenous forms of cash-crop production than the case with white settelers, who basically brought their own agricalture technique and cropping patern with them. Market production was by means unknown in so called traditional peasent societies, but waht typical for peasent, as a category distinct from farmers, is that dependence an the market is limited. The consept of capitalism does not apply, rince no capital accumulation was invelvod. The colonial system changed this by creating the necessary infrastructure for large-scale commercial production. Larger political units were created where internal peace was maintaned. A communication system was established internally and externally, linking the colonies the word market. Urban areas grew up and wage work in mines, on plantation and in the towns created markets for food. The linkd to the world market created possibilities for almost limitless commersial production of, for istance, cotton uganda, cacao in Ghana, rice in Burma Thailand and Vietnam, as well as typical palntation crops, such as rubber, tabacco, and copra in outer Indonesia, althought here they were produced by slash and burn agricalturalist.
The demand side of this process was thus major precondition but there is a supply side to the well. Surplus land was one precondition and a good supply of non-coersed labour another, since the whole process was more or less spontaneus development. New frontiers were many cases populated by migrating cash-crop producers. In shoutheast Asia, peasants from the surrounding highlands moved the Mekong and Irrawaddy deltas. In Ghana, peasants from grasslands moved until the forest areas where they reproduced their traditional social struktur . thus market production was combined with social relations not commonly considered as capitalist. Wage labour did not occur until a later stage of the process and a balance between food productions and commercial crops was initially maintained but this crucial borderline was gradually crossed. The problems of the dependence manifested themselves for the first time in the 1930s with the worldwide depression. After independence, the systems had to face two problems failling prices and heavy taxes, to keep up overdeveloped post-colonial states. The result was an underdeveloped agricaltur sector.
The Plantation system
The developed early as peripheral agrarian system. Wallerstein defines it, perhaps too broadly. As any from of social organization that gruoped relatively large areas of land together with a work force whos legal ability to chose employment was constrained. In terms of labour control he uses the consept coersed cash-crop production which also includes feudal – like system, such as the encomienda in latin America and the second serfdom in eastern Eourope. The plantation society is defenition a dependent economy.
Lloyd Bets identifies the following stages in the development of the caribbean plantation economy: the pure plantation economy (1838-1938). The first stage coincided with the period of slavery, and plantation economy based sugar was during this time more ar less identical with whole caribbean economy , since no other economic activity of the importance took place. Slavery was abolished during the second stage, and a marginal peasent economy developed alongside the plantations. Instead of bringing in Africans from a shrinking axternal arena. Asians from overpopulated parts of the periphery were imported.
The tributary system
This could also could be called administrative exploitation, and was used traditional agrarian system, in which an enforced surplus production took place. Another way of putting it is that this was typical of the way in the which colonial system were related to peasentries. Peasentries are by defenition part societies and peasents as distinct from primitive cultivators are therefore subordinated under some poltical authority (Wolf 1966). Otherwise there world not have been any surplus in the firs place. Its realization necessitated acces to a wider market the world economy. What happened was that the colonial power took over from the original rulers the tribute which was based on extraeconomy ties of bondage. The means were old but the end capital accumulation was new.
The procces of Transition
To conclude this, admittedly sweeping, overview of global agrarian change, a brief discussion of actual processes of change in required. The agrarian stuctures outlined in the preceeding section are colonial stuctures, created for the world market, but nevertheless in continous process change. To the extent that this change is of systematic and qualitative nature we can speak of processes of transition, when modes of producing thinking and seting individually or collectively reach interna limits and begin to crakc, weaken and disintegrate
Acording to the some source, an analysis of transition processes is an attempt to evaluate the e
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
conclutionsRulal capitalismBy this mean more indigenous forms of cash-crop production than the case with white settelers, who basically brought their own agricalture technique and cropping patern with them. Market production was by means unknown in so called traditional peasent societies, but waht typical for peasent, as a category distinct from farmers, is that dependence an the market is limited. The consept of capitalism does not apply, rince no capital accumulation was invelvod. The colonial system changed this by creating the necessary infrastructure for large-scale commercial production. Larger political units were created where internal peace was maintaned. A communication system was established internally and externally, linking the colonies the word market. Urban areas grew up and wage work in mines, on plantation and in the towns created markets for food. The linkd to the world market created possibilities for almost limitless commersial production of, for istance, cotton uganda, cacao in Ghana, rice in Burma Thailand and Vietnam, as well as typical palntation crops, such as rubber, tabacco, and copra in outer Indonesia, althought here they were produced by slash and burn agricalturalist.The demand side of this process was thus major precondition but there is a supply side to the well. Surplus land was one precondition and a good supply of non-coersed labour another, since the whole process was more or less spontaneus development. New frontiers were many cases populated by migrating cash-crop producers. In shoutheast Asia, peasants from the surrounding highlands moved the Mekong and Irrawaddy deltas. In Ghana, peasants from grasslands moved until the forest areas where they reproduced their traditional social struktur . thus market production was combined with social relations not commonly considered as capitalist. Wage labour did not occur until a later stage of the process and a balance between food productions and commercial crops was initially maintained but this crucial borderline was gradually crossed. The problems of the dependence manifested themselves for the first time in the 1930s with the worldwide depression. After independence, the systems had to face two problems failling prices and heavy taxes, to keep up overdeveloped post-colonial states. The result was an underdeveloped agricaltur sector.The Plantation systemThe developed early as peripheral agrarian system. Wallerstein defines it, perhaps too broadly. As any from of social organization that gruoped relatively large areas of land together with a work force whos legal ability to chose employment was constrained. In terms of labour control he uses the consept coersed cash-crop production which also includes feudal – like system, such as the encomienda in latin America and the second serfdom in eastern Eourope. The plantation society is defenition a dependent economy.Lloyd Bets identifies the following stages in the development of the caribbean plantation economy: the pure plantation economy (1838-1938). The first stage coincided with the period of slavery, and plantation economy based sugar was during this time more ar less identical with whole caribbean economy , since no other economic activity of the importance took place. Slavery was abolished during the second stage, and a marginal peasent economy developed alongside the plantations. Instead of bringing in Africans from a shrinking axternal arena. Asians from overpopulated parts of the periphery were imported.The tributary systemThis could also could be called administrative exploitation, and was used traditional agrarian system, in which an enforced surplus production took place. Another way of putting it is that this was typical of the way in the which colonial system were related to peasentries. Peasentries are by defenition part societies and peasents as distinct from primitive cultivators are therefore subordinated under some poltical authority (Wolf 1966). Otherwise there world not have been any surplus in the firs place. Its realization necessitated acces to a wider market the world economy. What happened was that the colonial power took over from the original rulers the tribute which was based on extraeconomy ties of bondage. The means were old but the end capital accumulation was new.The procces of TransitionTo conclude this, admittedly sweeping, overview of global agrarian change, a brief discussion of actual processes of change in required. The agrarian stuctures outlined in the preceeding section are colonial stuctures, created for the world market, but nevertheless in continous process change. To the extent that this change is of systematic and qualitative nature we can speak of processes of transition, when modes of producing thinking and seting individually or collectively reach interna limits and begin to crakc, weaken and disintegrate Acording to the some source, an analysis of transition processes is an attempt to evaluate the e
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
conclutionsRulal kapitalisme
Dengan ini berarti bentuk yang lebih asli produksi tanaman pangan dari kasus dengan settelers putih, yang pada dasarnya membawa teknik Agricalture mereka sendiri dan pola tanam dengan mereka. Produksi pasar adalah dengan cara yang tidak diketahui dalam apa yang disebut masyarakat peasent tradisional, tetapi Waht khas untuk peasent, sebagai kategori yang berbeda dari petani, adalah ketergantungan bahwa pasar terbatas. The consept kapitalisme tidak berlaku, rince ada akumulasi modal invelvod. Sistem kolonial berubah ini dengan menciptakan infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi komersial skala besar. Unit politik yang lebih besar diciptakan di mana perdamaian internal maintaned. Sebuah sistem komunikasi didirikan secara internal maupun eksternal, yang menghubungkan koloni pasar kata. Daerah perkotaan tumbuh dan bekerja upah di pertambangan, perkebunan dan di kota-kota menciptakan pasar untuk makanan. The linkd ke pasar dunia diciptakan kemungkinan produksi commersial hampir tak terbatas dari, untuk istance, kapas uganda, kakao di Ghana, beras di Burma Thailand dan Vietnam, serta tanaman palntation khas, seperti karet, tembakau, dan kopra di luar Indonesia , walaupun di sini mereka diproduksi oleh tebas bakar agricalturalist.
sisi permintaan dari proses ini adalah prasyarat sehingga besar tapi ada sisi pasokan ke sumur. Tanah Surplus adalah salah satu prasyarat dan penawaran yang baik dari non-coersed tenaga kerja lain, karena seluruh proses adalah pengembangan spontaneus kurang lebih atau. Batas baru banyak kasus dihuni oleh migrasi produsen tanaman pangan. Di Asia shoutheast, petani dari dataran tinggi sekitarnya memindahkan Mekong dan delta Irrawaddy. Di Ghana, petani dari padang rumput pindah sampai kawasan hutan di mana mereka direproduksi Struktur sosial tradisional mereka. sehingga produksi pasar dikombinasikan dengan hubungan sosial tidak umum dianggap sebagai kapitalis. Upah buruh tidak terjadi sampai tahap berikutnya dari proses dan keseimbangan antara produksi makanan dan tanaman komersial awalnya dipertahankan tapi batas penting ini secara bertahap menyeberang. Masalah ketergantungan termanifestasi untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1930 dengan depresi di seluruh dunia. Setelah kemerdekaan, sistem harus menghadapi dua masalah failling harga dan pajak yang berat, untuk menjaga negara-negara pasca-kolonial overdeveloped. Hasilnya adalah sektor agricaltur terbelakang.
Sistem Plantation
yang dikembangkan sedini sistem agraria perifer. Wallerstein mendefinisikan, mungkin terlalu luas. Seperti apapun dari organisasi sosial yang gruoped daerah yang relatif besar tanah bersama-sama dengan tenaga kerja whos kemampuan hukum untuk memilih kerja dibatasi. Dalam hal pengendalian tenaga kerja dia menggunakan consept yang coersed produksi tanaman pangan yang juga termasuk feodal - sistem seperti, seperti Encomienda di Amerika latin dan perhambaan kedua di Eourope timur. Masyarakat perkebunan defenition ekonomi bergantung.
Lloyd Taruhan mengidentifikasi tahap-tahap berikut dalam pengembangan ekonomi perkebunan Karibia: ekonomi perkebunan murni (1838-1938). Tahap pertama bertepatan dengan masa perbudakan, dan gula berbasis ekonomi perkebunan adalah waktu yang selama ini lebih ar kurang identik dengan seluruh ekonomi Karibia, karena tidak ada kegiatan ekonomi penting lainnya yang terjadi. Perbudakan dihapuskan selama tahap kedua, dan ekonomi peasent marjinal dikembangkan bersama perkebunan. Alih-alih membawa Afrika dari arena axternal menyusut. Asia dari bagian padat penduduk dari pinggiran diimpor.
Sistem sungai
ini juga bisa bisa disebut eksploitasi administrasi, dan menggunakan sistem agraria tradisional, di mana sebuah surplus produksi ditegakkan berlangsung. Cara lain untuk menempatkan itu adalah bahwa ini adalah khas dari cara di mana sistem kolonial terkait dengan peasentries. Peasentries yang oleh sebagian masyarakat defenition dan peasents sebagai berbeda dari pembudidaya primitif karena itu subordinasi di bawah beberapa otoritas poltical (Wolf 1966). Jika tidak ada dunia belum kelebihan pada tempat cemara. Realisasinya mengharuskan acces ke pasar yang lebih luas ekonomi dunia. Apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa kekuasaan kolonial mengambil alih dari penguasa asli upeti yang didasarkan pada ikatan extraeconomy perbudakan. Sarana yang tua tapi akumulasi modal akhirnya adalah baru.
The procces of Transisi
Untuk menyimpulkan ini, diakui menyapu, gambaran perubahan agraria global, diskusi singkat dari proses yang sebenarnya dari perubahan yang diperlukan. The stuctures agraria diuraikan di bagian preceeding yang stuctures kolonial, diciptakan untuk pasar dunia, namun demikian dalam proses perubahan terus-menerus. Sejauh bahwa perubahan ini adalah dari sifat sistematis dan kualitatif kita dapat berbicara tentang proses transisi, ketika mode memproduksi berpikir dan seting individual atau kolektif mencapai batas interna dan mulai crakc, melemah dan hancur
yang menurutnya beberapa sumber, analisis proses transisi merupakan upaya untuk mengevaluasi e
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