In that recollection, was they in the past act pictures when the Mountains and Seas Plane destruction, but at this moment, in these pictures was extinguished mountain and sea cultivator that killed by them, as if lived in their memories completely, was having the hatred, turned toward them to slaughter directly.
They want to resist, want to counter-attack, may discovery with amazement, oneself unexpectedly not be actually able to move, in that memory, was extinguished mountain and sea cultivator that kills by the innumerable past years instantaneously, threw Shan to come directly.
The intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell, from the alien race mouth of this 13 th huge land, spreads over the four directions instantaneously.
33 days, are the alien races, are different, is pregnant the time from cultivator on the birth male offspring, usually most little need half This, take hundred years most.
Therefore, even if in the alien race who in more than 1000 years were born, even if has not participated in the Mountains and Seas Plane destruction, may these innocent person in that alien race mouth, in the later years, same kill by mistreatment many mountain and sea cultivator obviously.
Meng Hao looks indifferently, the top of the heads of these alien races, have the black air/Qi at this moment, but the black air/Qi are more, explained mountain and sea that slaughters cultivation are more, takes a broad view at the entire mainland, does not have a top of the head of alien race unexpectedly, does not have the black air/Qi!
„Deserves to be damned!” The Meng Hao right hand lifts, suddenly wields.
Tomorrow evening, reads the article to request all authors to wear the true thing, Ha Ha, now thinly has become lightning I, too honest rouses, I discovered today that I have been separated from the team of beginning fatty author, the moving toward male, Ha Ha Ha Ha( to be continued.)
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Karena ingat, adalah mereka di masa lalu tindakan gambar saat pegunungan dan laut pesawat kehancuran, tetapi pada saat ini, dalam gambar ini adalah gunung padam dan beralih laut yang dibunuh oleh mereka, seolah-olah tinggal di ingatan mereka sepenuhnya, mengalami kebencian, menoleh ke arah mereka ke pembantaian langsung.Mereka ingin menolak, ingin untuk counter-serangan, Mei penemuan dengan heran, diri tiba-tiba tidak dapat benar-benar bergerak, bahwa memori, adalah gunung padam dan beralih laut yang membunuh oleh tak terhitung banyaknya tahun-tahun secara instan, melemparkan Shan datang langsung.Intermiten sedih dan melengking menyedihkan berteriak, dari mulut ras alien 13 th besar negeri ini tersebar di empat arah seketika.33 hari, adalah ras alien berbeda, hamil waktu dari beralih pada keturunan laki-laki kelahiran, biasanya paling sedikit kebutuhan setengah ini, mengambil seratus tahun sebagian.Oleh karena itu, bahkan jika di ras alien yang di lebih dari 1000 tahun lahir, bahkan jika belum berpartisipasi di pegunungan dan laut pesawat kerusakan, Mei ini orang tidak bersalah dalam alien ras mulut, di tahun-tahun berikutnya, sama membunuh dengan penganiayaan banyak gunung dan laut beralih jelas.Meng Hao tampak acuh tak acuh, Bagian atas kepala ras asing ini, memiliki udara/Qi hitam pada saat ini, tetapi udara/Qi hitam yang lebih, menjelaskan gunung dan laut budidaya pembunuhan yang lebih, mengambil pandangan luas di seluruh daratan, tidak memiliki atas kepala ras alien tiba-tiba, tidak memiliki udara/Qi hitam!„Deserves to be damned!” The Meng Hao right hand lifts, suddenly wields.--------------------Tomorrow evening, reads the article to request all authors to wear the true thing, Ha Ha, now thinly has become lightning I, too honest rouses, I discovered today that I have been separated from the team of beginning fatty author, the moving toward male, Ha Ha Ha Ha( to be continued.)
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