Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency terjemahan - Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You

Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 77%!
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 78%!
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 79%!
About less than 10 min­utes, di­rectly su­per­im­posed 200%, the mid­dle two as­sas­sins left sev­eral storms to strike, al­most my sec­ond, the heart beat soon stopped, I am 117 lev­els, had been mas­sa­cred 1 level by evening, at this time fell level that to have one mis­for­tune after an­other again sim­ply!
equip­ment 11 add the body, then begged one bot­tle of pre­cious equip­ment re­pair flu­ids from Li Mu there, the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor re­pair­ing 100% durable, then sum­moned the sad­dle horse to stand up from fail­ure to start, called the an­tiq­uity god tiger again, pre­pared to meet head-on, with a smile said: „Al­most ex­tin­guished the group not to cal­cu­late a mo­ment ago that this time tries again, long-dis­tance wants pow­er­ful with the treat­ment!”
The peo­ple nod in abun­dance: „Relax, we taunted, guild­mas­ter brought death”
Pro­gressed to turn round to fire into evening, sep­a­rated spa­tially is a great an­tiq­uity + sharp knife blade spa­tial spin at­tack ef­fect, im­me­di­ately evening sec­ond time had been cap­tured the mas­sive ha­tred val­ues by me, roared from air­borne is graz­ing under: „Damn, is your this brat, this time I must tear to shreds you!”
The sam­sara cuts + Pu Gong, I in ad­di­tion held the wall and the frost Hua Bingjia skill mump­ing again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor pan- the deep green gloss, the ray was ris­ing sud­denly com­pared with be­fore, prob­a­bly is the re­la­tions that 200% ef­fect in ad­di­tion hold, the body slightly trem­bles, this BOSS power to in­jure was not fatal, added 163% de­fen­sive pow­ers is the ef­fect is truly out­stand­ing
Grasp­ing of one crowd of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine griefs adds the blood, I was also con­ve­nient time Mu Yushu to help one­self, have se­cured the po­si­tion, can spell with BOSS hardly, but the an­tiq­uity god tiger as­sisted to at­tack, when the BOSS ex­ten­sion at­tacked the small tiger I the dou­ble thread op­er­a­tion pet re­treated im­me­di­ately, one­self ac­tu­ally con­tin­u­ously heavy move of at­tack, one crowd of [Zhan Long] long-dis­tance was the dizzi­ness is the bang kills, then, the fight rhythm com­pletely grasped this side the player.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 77%!„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 78%!„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You were in­jured by the suf­fi­ciency, the phyl­lite ef­fect that the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor car­ries starts, presently pro­mo­tion de­fen­sive power to 79%!About less than 10 min­utes, di­rectly su­per­im­posed 200%, the mid­dle two as­sas­sins left sev­eral storms to strike, al­most my sec­ond, the heart beat soon stopped, I am 117 lev­els, had been mas­sa­cred 1 level by evening, at this time fell level that to have one mis­for­tune after an­other again sim­ply!„OK!”equip­ment 11 add the body, then begged one bot­tle of pre­cious equip­ment re­pair flu­ids from Li Mu there, the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor re­pair­ing 100% durable, then sum­moned the sad­dle horse to stand up from fail­ure to start, called the an­tiq­uity god tiger again, pre­pared to meet head-on, with a smile said: „Al­most ex­tin­guished the group not to cal­cu­late a mo­ment ago that this time tries again, long-dis­tance wants pow­er­ful with the treat­ment!”The peo­ple nod in abun­dance: „Relax, we taunted, guild­mas­ter brought death”„Good”Pro­gressed to turn round to fire into evening, sep­a­rated spa­tially is a great an­tiq­uity + sharp knife blade spa­tial spin at­tack ef­fect, im­me­di­ately evening sec­ond time had been cap­tured the mas­sive ha­tred val­ues by me, roared from air­borne is graz­ing under: „Damn, is your this brat, this time I must tear to shreds you!”The sam­sara cuts + Pu Gong, I in ad­di­tion held the wall and the frost Hua Bingjia skill mump­ing again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor pan- the deep green gloss, the ray was ris­ing sud­denly com­pared with be­fore, prob­a­bly is the re­la­tions that 200% ef­fect in ad­di­tion hold, the body slightly trem­bles, this BOSS power to in­jure was not fatal, added 163% de­fen­sive pow­ers is the ef­fect is truly out­stand­ing„12127!”„8731!”„8548!”Grasp­ing of one crowd of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine griefs adds the blood, I was also con­ve­nient time Mu Yushu to help one­self, have se­cured the po­si­tion, can spell with BOSS hardly, but the an­tiq­uity god tiger as­sisted to at­tack, when the BOSS ex­ten­sion at­tacked the small tiger I the dou­ble thread op­er­a­tion pet re­treated im­me­di­ately, one­self ac­tu­ally con­tin­u­ously heavy move of at­tack, one crowd of [Zhan Long] long-dis­tance was the dizzi­ness is the bang kills, then, the fight rhythm com­pletely grasped this side the player.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Melawan pemberitahuan sistem:! Anda terluka oleh kecukupan, efek phyllite bahwa naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor membawa dimulai, saat promosi kekuatan defensif untuk 77%
Sistem Melawan pemberitahuan: Anda terluka oleh kecukupan, efek phyllite yang naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor membawa dimulai, saat promosi kekuatan defensif untuk 78%!
pemberitahuan sistem Fight: Anda terluka oleh kecukupan, efek phyllite bahwa naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor membawa dimulai, saat promosi kekuatan defensif untuk 79% !
Tentang kurang dari 10 menit, langsung ditumpangkan 200%, tengah dua pembunuh meninggalkan beberapa badai menyerang, hampir kedua saya, hati mengalahkan segera berhenti, saya 117 tingkat, telah dibantai 1 tingkat dengan malam, pada saat ini turun tingkat yang memiliki satu kemalangan demi satu lagi hanya!
peralatan 11 menambahkan tubuh, kemudian memohon satu botol cairan perbaikan peralatan berharga dari Li Mu sana, naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor memperbaiki 100% tahan lama, kemudian memanggil kuda pelana untuk berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, yang disebut kuno dewa harimau lagi, siap untuk memenuhi kepala-on, sambil tersenyum berkata: "Hampir dipadamkan grup tidak menghitung beberapa saat yang lalu yang saat ini mencoba lagi, jarak jauh ingin kuat dengan pengobatan "!
orang-orang mengangguk dalam kelimpahan:" Tenang, kita ejek, Guildmaster membawa kematian "
" Baik "
berkembang untuk mengubah bulat api ke dalam malam, dipisahkan spasial adalah kuno besar + tajam pisau pisau efek spasial berputar serangan, segera malam kedua kalinya telah ditangkap nilai-nilai kebencian besar oleh saya, meraung dari udara yang merumput di bawah: "Sialan, adalah Anda anak nakal ini, kali ini saya harus merobek-cabik Anda!"
pemotongan samsara + Pu Gong, saya selain diadakan dinding dan frost Hua Bingjia keterampilan mumping lagi, bersamaan naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor Pan gloss hijau tua, ray itu rising tiba-tiba dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, mungkin adalah hubungan yang efek 200% selain terus, tubuh sedikit gemetar, kekuatan BOSS ini melukai itu tidak fatal, menambahkan 163% kekuatan defensif adalah efeknya benar-benar luar biasa
Memahami satu kerumunan berlatih kesedihan kedokteran menambahkan darah, saya juga waktu yang tepat Mu Yushu untuk membantu diri sendiri , telah mengamankan posisi, bisa mengeja dengan BOSS hampir tidak, tapi kuno dewa harimau dibantu untuk menyerang, ketika perpanjangan BOSS menyerang harimau kecil saya benang ganda operasi hewan peliharaan mundur segera, diri bergerak sebenarnya terus berat serangan, salah satu kerumunan [ Zhan panjang] jarak jauh adalah pusing bang membunuh, kemudian, ritme pertarungan benar-benar memahami sisi pemain.
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