This is the completely factual way that my associates used to reduce the OTC psudafed tablets into Methamphetamine in this country. It still works and is still a valid way to produce a high profit substance that goes for a 14 - 1 cut and yields 80% and up conversion to the product from pseudoephedrine precursor. It is rumoured that I was one of the first to commercialize this method into Australia, where the text from Fester was reviewed and backreferenced by me in order to authenticate its scientific validity and apply the most economical means that avoided attention. My aim was to avoid all the big crews in reliance on purchasing precursors, like pseudo and red phosphorus in order to avoid the risk of getting busted for affiliation. I found Melbourne crews especially careless with their talk, egos etc whenthey were under surveillance.

The amphetamine market looks as though it is quite a lucrative one as long as you dont get wasted or associate with too many vain crims when you become known. When you have a quantity of high quality substance and reputable dealers find out about you, the "sucking" starts and so do the games. I used to be a young crim and have observed the pitfalls of myself and other young associates and had to do time as a result. Popularity turns to temporary fame and your confidence gets played out, mainly if you confuse friendship with business, and surveillance can start on you if you mix with the so called "big" names... especially in clubs where the real undertcover cops, are the cameras that in criminal hangouts get checked on a regular basis by the "constabulary".

I see amphetamine markets as a good spinner for some since the structures of the heroin and cocaine industries are tightly controlled by the upper echolon who preserve their positions by police interaction and trade offs of their competition and "young" up and comers, when things are getting squeezed. Many crews who have been around are not totally independant, their background finance is usually heroin and/or some cocaine, which in Australia is a rarer drug that is for the more expensive end of society. It's good, it's all good - but only for a while...get in and out - remember this.

Anyway, back to the drawing board.The "birch" reaction is attractive because of the high yields, it produces compared to the other mass production methods. The realistic figure for HI/red mix is only usually 50 % realistically, and lengthy steam distillation is always needed to separate the leftover Pseudoephedrine from the product. The real proportions for the red method for any scale is:

10 kg of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
10 litres of hydriodic acid and,
2-3 kg of red phosphorus depending if it has been reused or not.
Reflux for 48 hrs for larger reactions and 30 hrs when the result will be less than a kilo. Filter(wash collected phosphorus with distilled water and reuse!), basify, steam distill oil layer, separate add solvent and crystallise...I'm sure you can work the details out if you have access to the precursors!

Back to the point, I will give you practical everyday talk because the mathematical equations and organic chemistry jargon has already been worked out... I don't need to prove my scholarly prowess or to confuse you either. Fester isn't a bad entertainment reference to get ideas from and to get used to instruction with handling bits and pieces if you're new. But like most references, there are assumptions and spelling mistakes that really can procrastinate a successful result indefinitely...

If you have interests and have read up on him, avoid all Mehtylene dioxy reactions like you would the plague. You can be round about with speed and still get some sort of result...but not the aromatic variations. Reading the bromosafrole reactions made me think that he's never made Ecstacy in his life... but on the good side, he's not a bad writer on this subject. I'd be inclined to side with Eleusis on aforementioned issues but if you have half a brain, you back reference Fester's material in which he gives references honestly and freely. To make things doesn't take a chemical genius, except to newly work out the most accessible reactions with the most economical and lowkey equipment. It takes more hands on experience and familiarity, which breeds contempt as it did with me which is why I changed careers and stay out of trouble, I can afford to.

Anyway there has been an extension to the old 100 grammer so it can be stepped up to 200-250 grams without a hassle, and too much costly reagents. Repeat process can yield a kilo in about 6-9 hours. The longest time is to collect the packets of psudafed brands and other brands(amcal) that contain purely pseudoephedrine HCL. In victorian chemists, it is safe to get 2 packets of 30's per person so a couple of people shopping around for a couple of weeks can slowly get a suitable amount of ephedrine. A packet of 30's is 30 * 60mg = 1.8 g suzy which converts to 1.3 g end result minimum. 60's and 90's used to be available but I'm afraid that most of us fucked it up for you over the last few years! The chemists in 1997 were legislated to call the drug squad directly if a person bought 3 packets of 90's...that's because crooks, like the late Mad Charlie (RIP - assasinated a couple of years back), were sending guys in to collect 10 or more packets...etc so the alarm bells went. The rest of us had to contend with 1 * 90 per chemist, it was worth it according to my friends over the long run.

Simple brief instructions.The acid salt suzy HCL is needed for acidic reactions like the HI/P whilst the freebase suzy is needed for the alkali (ammonia/alkali metal) reaction. Freebase l or d -ephedrine is an oil in freebase form, similar to meth, but d-pseudoephedrine is a solid, flake freebase which is only slightly soluble in water. The modern glues make the popular water extraction methods impossible to filter the methyl cellulose. So hence:

crush tablets finely in blender
soak in bucket with 3 volumes (to the solid) of acetone, preferably anhydrous acetone for 6 hours.
Vacuum filter, wash solid with extra acetone, filter through, collect solid and dry at 50 C or low heat in agriller on a pyrex dish. Discard acetone and MC mix.
When fully dry, dissolve powder in 2 volumes of water, stir to dissolve of course. The lactose filler and suzy dissolve but the talc filler stays visible.
Vaccuum filter after solution has been stirred. This can take a while, and a few filter papers.
Rinse talc cakes with a little water before changing filter papers. If done properly, the filtrate is crystal clear with a slight yellowy tinge.
Premix caustic soda solution. In simple terms, stick 2 tablespoons into every 200 mls of water. For every 25 pkts of 90's or 75 pkts of 30's, mix in 200ml of NaOH soln.
Mix in well and suzy HCL is basified into freebase solid form in water, it can make the solution white and thick.
Vaccuum filter and colect all solid. Before changing filter paper or finishing, rinse fb cake with 200 mls of distilled water to collect any excess, trapped lactose,NaOH or NaCL.
Carefully collect all fb suzy and spread in a pyrex dish. Put under a griller to dry, do so slowly with low to moderate heat with occasional sifting with a spoon. This stuff melts at 110 C so the ideal temp is 100-105 C. This will give a fishy ephedrine smell that clears a blocked nose and soothes the throat.
Weigh up dry FB suzy and prepare other components for the reaction.
Read Fester for the basic rundown of this reaction, this one actually works, yet it is quite stinky at the start and during separation of h20/ether or toluene layers.

#Tips for the alkali metal:

Purchase Lithium metal (in paraffin oil of course) or Sodium metal (also in P.O.) from a small chemical outlet under a business name, not from commercial or analytical outlets, where they are particular about such things. Sodium is less expensive but is somewhat more dangerous and you need more for the reactions. For a 250 gram suzy reaction, measure out; 38 - 46 grams of lithium or 84-100 grams of sodium work, use abit more if the metal appears crumbly and old and varying this catalyst can vary the quality slightly. Use gloves when measuring and use a small bowl of et2o or tol to rinse paraffin off metal, dry in paper towel thoroughly and accumlate measured metal in a freezer bag. If you are being precise, cut and measure soft metals with a butterknife whilst oil is on it and use oil to cover cuts when applying pressure. As long as you don't sneeze or get water on metal, this is relatively safe procedure. Care, dexterity and thoughtfulness are necessities whenever cooking. Rushing or taking drugs leads to disaster, explosions, fire, spillages and sometimes arrest. Always keep a cool clear head. Seal bag of metal when finished and stick in a cool dark place until needed. Use in same day. Proportions for smaller reactions, just scale it to 14-16 g Li for 100 g suzy additions or 33 - 38g Na.

#Tips for solvent:

You can use either toluene, which is cheaper in 20L tins compared to diethyl ether. They both dissolve about the same amount of freebase suzy, yet ether takes less time to dry and some people believe ether gives a slightly better product. This is purely speculative. Some use half tol/half ether etc. Freebase suzy has a low dissolution rate in solvents compared to freebase oil meth. 4L will typically dissolve 100 grams comfortably and perhaps abit more when solution is warmed to room temperature(20 C). That's 40 mls per gram, this wastes alot of solvent, especially when it turns to meth oil that dissolves in 8-15 mls per solvent per gram after its converted, depending on isomer percentages that we believe alter a little. So prepare the 200mls of pre-addition solvent(it's not entirely necessary) and dissolve 60 - 65 grams in 2.5 L of solvent. Mix well and let settle. Undissolved purities wil settle to
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
FOR THE RECORD, MAKLUMAT INI ADALAH UNTUK TUJUAN HIBURAN SAHAJAIni adalah cara yang benar-benar fakta yang rakan saya gunakan untuk mengurangkan OTC psudafed tablet ke Methamphetamine di negara ini. Ia masih berfungsi dan masih merupakan cara yang sah untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang tinggi bahan yang pergi 14-1 potong dan hasil 80% dan memeluk produk daripada pendahulu Sdn. Ia adalah satu perkhabaran bahawa saya adalah salah seorang yang pertama untuk mengkomersialkan kaedah ini ke dalam backreferenced dan Australia, di mana teks dari bernanah yang dikaji oleh saya untuk mengesahkan kesahihan yang saintifik dan memohon cara-cara paling menjimatkan yang dielakkan perhatian. Tujuan saya adalah untuk mengelakkan semua krew besar di pergantungan pada membeli banyak, seperti pseudo dan fosforus merah untuk mengelakkan risiko mendapat ditangkap gabungan. Saya mendapati Melbourne krew terutamanya cuai dengan ceramah mereka, ego dan sebagainya whenthey berada di bawah pengawasan.Pasar sini kelihatan seolah-olah ianya cukup menguntungkan selagi anda tidak mendapat terbuang atau mengaitkan dengan terlalu banyak crims yang sia-sia apabila anda menjadi terkenal. Apabila anda mempunyai kuantiti bahan yang berkualiti dan bereputasi baik peniaga mengetahui tentang anda, yang memulakan pembinaan "menghisap" dan sebagainya melakukan permainan tersebut. Aku dulu crim yang muda dan telah dipatuhi perangkap diri sendiri dan rakan-rakan lain yang muda dan terpaksa melakukan masa hasilnya. Populariti bertukar sementara kemasyhuran dan keyakinan anda mendapat memainkan lagu, terutamanya jika anda mengelirukan persahabatan dengan perniagaan, dan pengawasan boleh bermula pada anda jika anda mencampurkan dengan kononnya "big" nama-nama... terutamanya di kelab-kelab di mana polis undertcover yang sebenar, Adakah kamera itu dapat disemak secara kerap oleh "constabulary" jenayah lepak.Saya melihat pasaran sini sebagai spinner yang baik bagi sesetengah orang sejak struktur heroin dalam dan kokain industri dikawal ketat oleh echolon atas yang mengekalkan kedudukan mereka oleh polis interaksi dan trade off pertandingan dan "muda" up dan pendatang, apabila perkara-perkara yang akan semakin dihimpit. Ramai krew yang telah berada di sekitar tidak benar-benar bebas, mereka latar belakang kewangan yang biasanya heroin dan/atau beberapa kokain, yang di Australia adalah ubat jarang yang akhir lebih mahal masyarakat. Memang baik, memang semua baik - tetapi hanya untuk seketika... mendapat keluar-masuk - ingat ini.Bagaimanapun, pulang ke papan lukisan. Tindak balas "birch" menarik kerana hasil yang tinggi, ia menghasilkan berbanding kepada kaedah pengeluaran besar-besaran yang lain. Angka yang realistik untuk campuran HI/merah adalah hanya biasanya 50% realistik, dan Penyulingan Stim panjang sentiasa diperlukan untuk memisahkan Sdn yang diliputi daripada produk tersebut. Pembahagian sebenar untuk kaedah merah skala mana-mana adalah:10 kg hydrochloride Sdn10 liter asid hydriodic dan,2-3 kg fosforus merah bergantung jika ia telah telah diguna semula atau tidak.Ubatan untuk 48 jam untuk tindak balas yang lebih besar dan 30 jam apabila hasilnya akan kurang sekilo. Menapis (basuh dikumpul fosforus dengan air suling dan semula!), basify, wap distill lapisan minyak, berasingan Tambah pelarut dan terbit... Saya pasti anda boleh bersenam butir-butir jika anda mempunyai akses kepada banyak!Kembali ke titik, saya akan memberikan anda perbualan harian yang praktikal kerana persamaan matematik dan kimia organik jargon sudah bekerja keluar... Saya tidak perlu untuk membuktikan kehebatan saya ilmiah atau untuk mengelirukan anda sama ada. Bernanah tidak buruk hiburan rujukan untuk mendapatkan idea-idea dari dan untuk membiasakan diri dengan arahan pengendalian bit dan pieces jika anda masih baru. Tetapi seperti kebanyakan rujukan, terdapat andaian dan ejaan kesalahan yang benar-benar boleh berlengah-lengah disebabkan berjaya selama-lamanya...Jika anda mempunyai minat dan telah membaca padanya, elakkan semua tindak balas dioxy Mehtylene seperti yang anda lakukan wabak itu. Anda boleh kira-kira pusingan dengan kelajuan dan masih mendapat beberapa jenis hasil... tetapi tidak variasi aromatik. Membaca reaksi bromosafrole membuat saya berfikir bahawa dia tidak pernah membuat Ecstacy dalam hidupnya... tetapi dari segi yang baik, dia bukanlah seorang penulis yang buruk mengenai perkara ini. Aku akan cenderung kepada tepi dengan Eleusis mengenai isu-isu tersebut di atas tetapi jika anda mempunyai setengah otak, anda kembali rujukan bahan bernanah, di mana beliau memberikan rujukan jujur dan bebas. Untuk membuat perkara-perkara yang tidak mengambil seorang yang bijak kimia, kecuali untuk baru bekerja dengan yang paling menjimatkan reaksi Tempahan boleh diakses dan peralatan lowkey. Ia mengambil tangan lebih banyak pengalaman dan Kebiasaan menternak menghina seperti yang ia lakukan dengan saya itulah sebabnya saya mengubah kerjaya dan jauhi dari masalah, saya mampu.Bagaimanapun terdapat lanjutan kepada 100 grammer lama supaya ia boleh dipertingkatkan sehingga 200-250 gram tanpa kerumitan, dan reagen terlalu mahal. Proses ulangan boleh menghasilkan harga sekilo dalam kira-kira 6-9 jam. Masa yang paling lama ialah untuk mengumpul paket jenama psudafed dan brands(amcal) lain yang mengandungi semata-mata Sdn HCL. Di zaman Victoria ahli kimia, ia adalah selamat untuk mendapatkan 2 paket 30 satu orang jadi beberapa orang-orang yang membeli-belah untuk beberapa minggu perlahan-lahan boleh mendapatkan jumlah alkaloid yang sesuai. Sebekas 30 adalah 30 * 60 mg = 1.8 g suzy yang memeluk 1.3 g hasilnya minimum. 60-an dan 90-an digunakan boleh didapati tetapi aku takut bahawa sebahagian besar daripada kita fucked ia bagi anda sepanjang beberapa tahun yang lepas! Ahli kimia tersebut pada tahun 1997 telah menggubal untuk memanggil skuad dadah secara terus jika seseorang membeli 3 peket sebanyak 90's... yang kerana crooks, seperti mendiang Charlie gila (RIP - assasinated kembali beberapa tahun), telah menghantar orang dalam mengumpul 10 atau lebih paket... dan sebagainya jadi pergi loceng penggera. Yang lain kita terpaksa berdepan dengan 1 * 90 setiap ahli kimia, ia adalah berbaloi kata kawan-kawan saya jangka panjang.Arahan ringkas yang mudah. Suzy garam asid HCL yang diperlukan untuk tindak balas asid seperti HI/P manakala freebase suzy diperlukan untuk tindak balas alkali (ammonia/alkali metal). Freebase l atau d - alkaloid merupakan minyak dalam bentuk freebase, menyerupai meth, tetapi d-Sdn freebase menyerpih pepejal, iaitu hanya sedikit larut dalam air. Gam moden dalam membuat air popular kaedah pengekstrakan mustahil untuk menapis selulosa perangkap. Jadi oleh itu:crush tablets finely in blendersoak in bucket with 3 volumes (to the solid) of acetone, preferably anhydrous acetone for 6 hours.Vacuum filter, wash solid with extra acetone, filter through, collect solid and dry at 50 C or low heat in agriller on a pyrex dish. Discard acetone and MC mix.When fully dry, dissolve powder in 2 volumes of water, stir to dissolve of course. The lactose filler and suzy dissolve but the talc filler stays visible.Vaccuum filter after solution has been stirred. This can take a while, and a few filter papers.Rinse talc cakes with a little water before changing filter papers. If done properly, the filtrate is crystal clear with a slight yellowy tinge.Premix caustic soda solution. In simple terms, stick 2 tablespoons into every 200 mls of water. For every 25 pkts of 90's or 75 pkts of 30's, mix in 200ml of NaOH soln.Mix in well and suzy HCL is basified into freebase solid form in water, it can make the solution white and thick.Vaccuum filter and colect all solid. Before changing filter paper or finishing, rinse fb cake with 200 mls of distilled water to collect any excess, trapped lactose,NaOH or NaCL.Carefully collect all fb suzy and spread in a pyrex dish. Put under a griller to dry, do so slowly with low to moderate heat with occasional sifting with a spoon. This stuff melts at 110 C so the ideal temp is 100-105 C. This will give a fishy ephedrine smell that clears a blocked nose and soothes the throat.Weigh up dry FB suzy and prepare other components for the reaction.Read Fester for the basic rundown of this reaction, this one actually works, yet it is quite stinky at the start and during separation of h20/ether or toluene layers.#Tips for the alkali metal:Purchase Lithium metal (in paraffin oil of course) or Sodium metal (also in P.O.) from a small chemical outlet under a business name, not from commercial or analytical outlets, where they are particular about such things. Sodium is less expensive but is somewhat more dangerous and you need more for the reactions. For a 250 gram suzy reaction, measure out; 38 - 46 grams of lithium or 84-100 grams of sodium work, use abit more if the metal appears crumbly and old and varying this catalyst can vary the quality slightly. Use gloves when measuring and use a small bowl of et2o or tol to rinse paraffin off metal, dry in paper towel thoroughly and accumlate measured metal in a freezer bag. If you are being precise, cut and measure soft metals with a butterknife whilst oil is on it and use oil to cover cuts when applying pressure. As long as you don't sneeze or get water on metal, this is relatively safe procedure. Care, dexterity and thoughtfulness are necessities whenever cooking. Rushing or taking drugs leads to disaster, explosions, fire, spillages and sometimes arrest. Always keep a cool clear head. Seal bag of metal when finished and stick in a cool dark place until needed. Use in same day. Proportions for smaller reactions, just scale it to 14-16 g Li for 100 g suzy additions or 33 - 38g Na.#Tips for solvent:You can use either toluene, which is cheaper in 20L tins compared to diethyl ether. They both dissolve about the same amount of freebase suzy, yet ether takes less time to dry and some people believe ether gives a slightly better product. This is purely speculative. Some use half tol/half ether etc. Freebase suzy has a low dissolution rate in solvents compared to freebase oil meth. 4L will typically dissolve 100 grams comfortably and perhaps abit more when solution is warmed to room temperature(20 C). That's 40 mls per gram, this wastes alot of solvent, especially when it turns to meth oil that dissolves in 8-15 mls per solvent per gram after its converted, depending on isomer percentages that we believe alter a little. So prepare the 200mls of pre-addition solvent(it's not entirely necessary) and dissolve 60 - 65 grams in 2.5 L of solvent. Mix well and let settle. Undissolved purities wil settle to
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