mportant factor in the onset and progress of diabetic complications [5].
There are several, well-researched theories of how chronic hyperglycemia can lead to micro or macrovascular disease in diabetes including the advanced glycation end product (AGE) theory [6]. AGE represent a heterogeneous class of compounds formed through non- enzymatic reaction between reducing sugars and proteins, known as glycation [7], [8].
In type-2 diabetic patients with coronary heart disease, elevated levels of AGEs and N--carboxy-methyl-lysine (CML) have been reported [9]. AGEs have also been implicated in delayed wound healing associate with diabetes, presumably through vascular, neurological, or intermediary metabolic modifications [10]. CML can serve as a biomarker of oxidative stress resulting from sugar and lipid oxidation, and CML e
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mportant faktor dalam onset dan kemajuan komplikasi diabetes [5].Ada beberapa, baik diteliti teori hiperglikemia bagaimana kronis dapat menyebabkan penyakit mikro atau macrovascular diabetes termasuk glycation lanjutan produk akhir (Usia) teori [6]. UMUR mewakili kelas heterogen senyawa dibentuk melalui non - enzimatik reaksi antara mengurangi gula dan protein, dikenal sebagai glikasi [7] [8].Dalam tipe 2 diabetes pasien dengan penyakit jantung koroner, peningkatan kadar usia dan N--karboksi-metil-lisin (CML) telah melaporkan [9]. Usia juga telah terlibat dalam penyembuhan luka tertunda asosiasi dengan diabetes, mungkin melalui pembuluh darah, saraf atau perantara metabolik modifikasi [10]. CML dapat berfungsi sebagai biomarker stres oksidatif yang dihasilkan dari gula dan oksidasi lemak, dan CML e
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