#1984: Nine prince arrivalThe next quarter, the Empress body rocks sli terjemahan - #1984: Nine prince arrivalThe next quarter, the Empress body rocks sli Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1984: Nine prince arrivalThe next

#1984: Nine prince arrival

The next quarter, the Empress body rocks slightly, just liked flickers to move to the general appearance in front of Princess Taian, in Princess Taian had not responded completely in the situation, wins the jade pendant in Princess Taian hand, in hand careful is sizing up. %% 1.
Although the material quality very ordinary every thing of jade pendant, fine pattern that but above carves, is actually the Empress that ice-cold heart of command, is beating suddenly.
Especially when Empress sees on the jade pendant „Xi Yu” two word-time, she grips the palm of jade pendant, cannot bear shivered fiercely.
This jade pendant, she is familiar, even is the contour of this jade pendant, that fine pattern, as well as the carving in the above two characters, already had formed a brand mark, the deep brand mark in her innermost soul, making its eternal life unforgettable.
Because in the past she and Xi Ziyun was chased down by foe, but when discards own daughter, then kept on a such jade pendant their daughters, comes by this as the identification.
Although the material quality of this jade pendant was not they remained in the past, but besides the difference of material quality, other all, in the past left oneself daughter's jade pendant to be exactly the same as them.
„Xian'er, where this jade pendant jade pendant jade pendant do you from obtain?” In the Empress eye has the tears to flash, in the expression of shivering has been full of the anxious meaning, mixes in, excitement that no matter what everyone can listen.
At this moment, the heart of Empress that widow who does not remarry, as if turned into one to spurt the volcano, mood A Zi fluctuates fiercely, was unassuageable.
In recent years, she and Xi Emperor is very anxious, almost constantly is not missing own daughter, sends for secretly in secret sought for of 2000, but does not have the least bit message as before. Gradually, their missing daughters, are almost became their husband and wife worry, is in their husband and wife heart forever pain.
Because in 2000 has not looked up slightly the clue, in brutal world that in this Expert is to honor, their husband and wife does not know own daughter whether also in world.
However now, was bringing several points of desperate Empress, actually suddenly saw the past years to leave oneself daughter's status jade pendant, this letting in her heart, burnt fire of the hope.
Has been missing of 2000 daughter, had the clue suddenly, this huge pleasant surprise, making Empress excited in the extreme.
Princess Taian the paternal aunt who looks at the mood big change, in the heart violates blurry, ten feet two monks cannot feel the brains, she really does not think clearly, is not together the ordinary jade pendant, why can make always the indifferent paternal aunt respond that is so intense.
As for nearby ice, was looks scared, vision dull was staring at Empress, on the small face of ancient spirit demon has written all over being startled.
At this moment, she even suspected Empress that one see, was pretended to be.
Because in her memory, Empress is always indifferent and arrogant, aloofs, facing anybody is an icy stance, only has when seeing Sister Taian, will reveal the kind color.
But now, she saw the tears in the Empress eye unexpectedly, saw excitedly on the face of Empress, this looks like in ice, is a very inconceivable matter.
In the Princess Taian heart felt freely is very puzzled, but still opens the mouth to ask: „Paternal aunt, you still remember that initially I had said called Jian Chen certainly generation of God Lord? Initially this certainly generation of God Lord gave a Xian'er brocade box, and made Xian'er probably give the paternal aunt this brocade box personally or is in uncle's hand, but this jade pendant, was the only goods in this brocade box.”
„What? Is the thing in that brocade box, unexpectedly this jade pendant?” On the face of Empress reveals the color of regret, the brocade box matter, she naturally is remembers clearly.
Initially, she does not spare a glance to the thing that God Lord sent out, but has not actually thought that the thing that inside thought, related to oneself that to be missing unexpectedly of 2000 daughter's clue.
„It is not good, such important matter, I must tell Ziyun.” Without a trace that the Empress form vanishes, leaves behind Princess Taian and ice they bewildered puzzled standing in the garden.
Xi Clan Empire, in imposing manner broad main conference hall, wears Xi Emperor of 9 dragons Sovereign robe to sit in the throne manages the royal government, entire simultaneously has stood the civil and military hundred officers, among manners is to reveal the respectful color.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1984: sembilan Pangeran kedatanganKuartal berikutnya, permaisuri tubuh batu sedikit, hanya menyukai Ghost untuk pindah ke umum penampilan di depan Taian putri di Princess Taian telah tidak menjawab sepenuhnya dalam situasi, menang liontin jade di Princess Taian tangan, tangan-hati adalah ukuran. %% 1.Walaupun kualitas bahan sangat biasa setiap hal jade liontin, baik pola yang tapi di atas mengukir, adalah benar-benar Permaisuri bahwa hati dingin dari Komando, mengalahkan tiba-tiba.Terutama ketika permaisuri melihat pada liontin jade "Xi Yu" dua kata-waktu, ia mencengkeram telapak jade liontin, tidak tahan shivered keras.Liontin ini jade, dia akrab, bahkan kontur liontin ini jade, bahwa pola yang baik, serta ukiran di dua karakter di atas, sudah telah membentuk tanda merek, merek dalam tanda di jiwanya terdalam, membuat hidup kekal yang tak terlupakan.Karena di masa lalu dia dan Xi Ziyun dikejar oleh musuh, tetapi ketika membuang sendiri putri, kemudian terus liontin giok seperti putri mereka, datang dengan ini sebagai identifikasi.Walaupun kualitas bahan dari liontin ini jade tidak mereka tetap di masa lalu, tetapi selain perbedaan kualitas bahan, Semua lain, di masa lalu meninggalkan diri putri jade liontin akan persis sama dengan mereka."Xian'er, mana liontin liontin giok giok giok liontin ini Apakah Anda dari mendapatkan?" Di mata Permaisuri memiliki air mata untuk flash, dalam ekspresi dari menggigil telah penuh makna cemas, campuran dalam, kegembiraan yang tidak peduli apa yang semua orang dapat mendengarkan.At this moment, the heart of Empress that widow who does not remarry, as if turned into one to spurt the volcano, mood A Zi fluctuates fiercely, was unassuageable.In recent years, she and Xi Emperor is very anxious, almost constantly is not missing own daughter, sends for secretly in secret sought for of 2000, but does not have the least bit message as before. Gradually, their missing daughters, are almost became their husband and wife worry, is in their husband and wife heart forever pain.Because in 2000 has not looked up slightly the clue, in brutal world that in this Expert is to honor, their husband and wife does not know own daughter whether also in world.However now, was bringing several points of desperate Empress, actually suddenly saw the past years to leave oneself daughter's status jade pendant, this letting in her heart, burnt fire of the hope.Has been missing of 2000 daughter, had the clue suddenly, this huge pleasant surprise, making Empress excited in the extreme.Princess Taian the paternal aunt who looks at the mood big change, in the heart violates blurry, ten feet two monks cannot feel the brains, she really does not think clearly, is not together the ordinary jade pendant, why can make always the indifferent paternal aunt respond that is so intense.As for nearby ice, was looks scared, vision dull was staring at Empress, on the small face of ancient spirit demon has written all over being startled.Saat ini, dia bahkan menduga Permaisuri Lihat yang satu, berpura-pura menjadi.Karena dalam ingatannya, permaisuri adalah selalu acuh tak acuh dan sombong, aloofs, menghadapi orang sikap dingin, hanya memiliki ketika melihat saudara Taian akan mengungkapkan jenis warna.Tetapi sekarang, dia melihat air mata di mata Permaisuri tiba-tiba, melihat penuh semangat wajah Permaisuri, ini tampak seperti es, masalah sangat tak terbayangkan.Di Taian putri hati merasa bebas sangat bingung, tetapi masih membuka mulut untuk bertanya: "bibi dari pihak ayah, Anda masih ingat bahwa awalnya saya berkata disebut Jian Chen pasti generasi dari Tuhan Allah? Awalnya pasti generasi ini dari Allah Tuhan memberikan sebuah Xian'er brocade kotak, dan dibuat Xian'er mungkin memberikan bibi ayah kotak brocade ini secara pribadi atau dalam tangan pamannya, tetapi liontin ini jade, barang hanya dalam kotak brocade ini.""Apa? Hal dalam kotak brocade itu, tiba-tiba ini liontin jade?" Wajah Permaisuri mengungkapkan penyesalan, brocade kotak masalah, dia secara alami berwarna ingat dengan jelas.Pada awalnya, dia tidak menyayangkan sekilas hal yang Tuhan Allah yang dikirim keluar, tetapi memiliki tidak benar-benar berpikir bahwa hal itu dalam pikiran, berhubungan dengan diri yang akan hilang tiba-tiba dari 2000 anak petunjuk."Hal ini tidak baik, hal itu penting, saya harus memberitahu Ziyun." Tanpa jejak yang bentuk Permaisuri lenyap, meninggalkan putri Taian dan es mereka bingung bingung berdiri di taman.Xi klan kerajaan, memaksakan cara ruang konferensi utama yang luas, memakai Kaisar Xi 9 naga berdaulat jubah untuk duduk di tahta mengelola pemerintah kerajaan, seluruh sekaligus telah berdiri petugas ratus sipil dan militer, antara sopan santun adalah untuk mengungkapkan warna hormat.
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