Over the next hour we plotted, but that conversation drifted into the  terjemahan - Over the next hour we plotted, but that conversation drifted into the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Over the next hour we plotted, but

Over the next hour we plotted, but that conversation drifted into the trip she and Cam were planning to take to the Poconos during fall break. “That sounds really romantic.”
The apples of her cheeks almost matched her hair. “It was his suggestion.”
“Aw.” I watched him, grinning. Who knew my brother was such a softie? “I’m proud of him.”
She laughed. “I’m so lucky.”
“More like he is.”
A ball zinged past us, smacking into the wall near the dartboard. Avery shook her head as one of the guys half ran, half stumbled after it. “How’s your knee doing?”
“It’s doing okay. Only hurts off and on. I have an appointment the week before Thanksgiving.”
“Keeping my fingers crossed for you.” She glanced over at the table. Cam was doing what I think was a victory dance. Or he was having a seizure.
“You miss dancing?” I asked.
She nodded. “Yeah. I really do.” There was a quick pause as she swallowed. “What was your favorite recital?”
Her eyes lit up when I told her about the last recital—­the one before I majorly screwed up. Although she hadn’t danced for years, I could tell she was still passionate about it. I made a promise at that moment that at some point, I would get her to dance.
I stared into my empty cup, wanting to know where Jase was. I hadn’t seen his Jeep out front, but I knew several of them parked along the back. I didn’t ask because I wasn’t here because of him.
Not at all.
But why did he live in this frat house instead of at the farm? Wouldn’t he want to be closer to Jack? Or was it the opposite he needed?
I snuck another cup and then one more when Cam was busy making gooey eyes at Avery from the group of guys he stood among. Another girl had appeared at some point, but with the way one of the guys had his arm around her waist, I figured she was a girlfriend.
Brittany arrived, her short blond hair slicked back in a ponytail. Less than three minutes after she gave Avery and then me a hello hug, Ollie strode through the open garage doors, his hair hanging loosely, brushing his shoulders.
He raised his arms as practically everyone there shouted his name, a smile breaking out across his handsome face. “Aw, you guys missed me!”
Brit rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, Ollie sidled up behind her. “Hello, Avery and Miss Teresa, how are you doing this fine evening?”
I giggled, shaking my head. “We’re doing good.”
“Great.” He captured Brit’s tiny ponytail. “I need to borrow you for a second, sí?”
Brit’s eyes went heavenward, but her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink. “I’ll be right back. Senor Fucktard can’t want me for that long.”
“It’ll be awhile,” he corrected, and her flush deepened.
We watched the two of them head back out into the night, and then I turned to look at Avery.
“Interesting,” she murmured.
I glanced at her, grinning. “I guess they are together.”
She raised her brows as she nodded. “I’d say something is most definitely going on there.”
The combination of the Erik/Debbie situation and Jase’s absence did not bode well for my good old liver, but it was doing great things for my mood. By the time I was halfway through my fourth cup, I didn’t care that Jase wasn’t around. Maybe later, when Avery coaxed Cam outside as planned, I’d go and find Ernest . . . or Edwin. Whatever his name was. And I would prove to myself that baggage-­free guys could kiss just as well as Jase, if not better. That was my plan. But first, I needed the little girl’s room before I died.
“I need to find the potty.” I stood just as a Ping-­Pong ball flew across the garage and bounced off the dartboard once more. “You need anything?”
Avery shook her head as she glanced at her barely touched cup of beer. “You’d probably want to use the one upstairs, on the second floor,” she suggested, looking up with a smile. “It’s not as gross.”
“But still gross?”
She nodded. “Pretty much.”
“Wish me luck then.”
Giggling, she scrunched up her face in distaste. “You’re going to need it.”
I headed for the door to the house at the same moment Cam darted away from the table and descended on Avery. It was like he’d been waiting for me to leave, to sneak in a kiss. And, boy, did he kiss her. Clasping her cheeks in his hands, his head lowered until there was no space between them.
A smile crossed my lips, but there was a pang in my chest—­a throb of envy. And that was wrong. I shouldn’t be envious of my brother’s relationship. Both of them deserved the kind of love they shared, but I wanted to know what that felt like. To know firsthand the kind of love that healed instead of harmed.
Aaand I might be a tad bit tipsy.
In the living room, Erik’s and Brandon’s fingers were flying over their controllers. Both of their faces donned identical masks of concentration and determination. Debbie looked up from where she was perched on the arm of the couch beside her boyfriend, an extremely bored look marking her pretty face.
I sent her a sympathetic smile instead of asking her why she was sitting in here if she was so bored. I already knew the answer. Because Erik wanted her there, where he could see her. Control her. A bitter taste crawled up the back of my throat as I started up the stairs. I needed to get out of the room before I called him a dick again and threw a “face” on the end of it.
Took a few moments to get up the steps. My depth perception appeared to be wonky at the moment. At the top of the landing, I stopped and stared down the hall. “Oh . . .”
There were several doors on either side, most of them closed except for the one at the end of the hall, and that was clearly a bedroom where a hoarder of Mountain Dew bottles lived. Ew.
Having no other choice but to start opening doors, I started with the closest one to my left. I knocked softly and when there was no answer, I tried the handle. The door was locked. Hopefully that wasn’t the bathroom. The next room was an empty bedroom and the one after that was a laundry room with jeans and socks piled all over the floor.
Good God, they needed a house mom or something.
Closing that door before I started a load of laundry for the sad, sad creatures who lived here, I stepped around a pair of sneakers left in the middle of the hallway and went to the next door. I rapped my knuckles off the door and when there wasn’t an answer, I reached down and twisted the handle. The door swung open easily, revealing not a bathroom, but a rather neat bedroom and—­
Oh my God.
The room wasn’t empty.
I knew what I was seeing and it only took seconds to take it all in, but my brain was slow to process everything. And that made it feel like forever.
Jase sat on a chair, his back to the organized desk. There was a pink box sitting there. I knew what was in it and for some reason that . . . that made what else I saw so much worse. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned, as if he’d grown tired with pushing the little buttons through their holes. His legs were spread wide, jaw locked and his arms hanging limply at his sides. He wasn't alone.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pada jam berikutnya kita dipetakan, tetapi bahwa percakapan melayang ke perjalanan dia dan Cam berencana untuk mengambil Poconos selama jatuh istirahat. "Kedengarannya benar-benar romantis."Apel pipi hampir cocok rambutnya. "Itu sarannya.""Awwww." Aku melihat dia, menyeringai. Siapa yang tahu adikku adalah seperti softie? "Saya bangga padanya."Dia tertawa. "Saya sangat beruntung.""Lebih seperti dia adalah."Bola zinged masa lalu kita, memukul ke dinding dekat papan dart. Avery menggelengkan kepalanya sebagai salah satu dari orang-orang yang berlari setengah, setengah tersandung setelah itu. "Bagaimana lutut Anda lakukan?""Itu melakukan apa-apa. Hanya menyakitkan off dan di. Saya memiliki janji seminggu sebelum Thanksgiving.""Menjaga jemariku menyeberang untuk Anda." Ia menoleh di meja. Cam melakukan apa yang saya pikir adalah tarian kemenangan. Atau ia mengalami kejang."Anda kehilangan menari?" Saya bertanya.Dia mengangguk. "ya. Saya benar-benar lakukan." Ada jeda cepat sebagai ia menelan. "Apa Apakah resital favorit Anda?"Matanya menyala ketika aku bercerita tentang resital terakhir — satu sebelum saya majorly kacau. Meskipun dia tidak menari-nari selama bertahun-tahun, aku tahu dia adalah masih bersemangat tentang hal itu. Aku membuat janji pada saat itu bahwa di beberapa titik, aku akan menari.Aku menatap ke cangkir kosong saya, ingin tahu mana Jase. Aku tidak melihat nya Jeep depan, tapi aku tahu beberapa dari mereka diparkir di bagian belakang. Saya tidak bertanya karena saya tidak di sini karena dia.Not at all.But why did he live in this frat house instead of at the farm? Wouldn’t he want to be closer to Jack? Or was it the opposite he needed?I snuck another cup and then one more when Cam was busy making gooey eyes at Avery from the group of guys he stood among. Another girl had appeared at some point, but with the way one of the guys had his arm around her waist, I figured she was a girlfriend.Brittany arrived, her short blond hair slicked back in a ponytail. Less than three minutes after she gave Avery and then me a hello hug, Ollie strode through the open garage doors, his hair hanging loosely, brushing his shoulders.He raised his arms as practically everyone there shouted his name, a smile breaking out across his handsome face. “Aw, you guys missed me!”Brit rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, Ollie sidled up behind her. “Hello, Avery and Miss Teresa, how are you doing this fine evening?”I giggled, shaking my head. “We’re doing good.”“Great.” He captured Brit’s tiny ponytail. “I need to borrow you for a second, sí?”Brit’s eyes went heavenward, but her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink. “I’ll be right back. Senor Fucktard can’t want me for that long.”“It’ll be awhile,” he corrected, and her flush deepened.We watched the two of them head back out into the night, and then I turned to look at Avery.“Interesting,” she murmured.I glanced at her, grinning. “I guess they are together.”She raised her brows as she nodded. “I’d say something is most definitely going on there.”The combination of the Erik/Debbie situation and Jase’s absence did not bode well for my good old liver, but it was doing great things for my mood. By the time I was halfway through my fourth cup, I didn’t care that Jase wasn’t around. Maybe later, when Avery coaxed Cam outside as planned, I’d go and find Ernest . . . or Edwin. Whatever his name was. And I would prove to myself that baggage-­free guys could kiss just as well as Jase, if not better. That was my plan. But first, I needed the little girl’s room before I died.“I need to find the potty.” I stood just as a Ping-­Pong ball flew across the garage and bounced off the dartboard once more. “You need anything?”Avery shook her head as she glanced at her barely touched cup of beer. “You’d probably want to use the one upstairs, on the second floor,” she suggested, looking up with a smile. “It’s not as gross.”“But still gross?”She nodded. “Pretty much.”“Wish me luck then.”Giggling, she scrunched up her face in distaste. “You’re going to need it.”I headed for the door to the house at the same moment Cam darted away from the table and descended on Avery. It was like he’d been waiting for me to leave, to sneak in a kiss. And, boy, did he kiss her. Clasping her cheeks in his hands, his head lowered until there was no space between them.A smile crossed my lips, but there was a pang in my chest—­a throb of envy. And that was wrong. I shouldn’t be envious of my brother’s relationship. Both of them deserved the kind of love they shared, but I wanted to know what that felt like. To know firsthand the kind of love that healed instead of harmed.Aaand I might be a tad bit tipsy.In the living room, Erik’s and Brandon’s fingers were flying over their controllers. Both of their faces donned identical masks of concentration and determination. Debbie looked up from where she was perched on the arm of the couch beside her boyfriend, an extremely bored look marking her pretty face.I sent her a sympathetic smile instead of asking her why she was sitting in here if she was so bored. I already knew the answer. Because Erik wanted her there, where he could see her. Control her. A bitter taste crawled up the back of my throat as I started up the stairs. I needed to get out of the room before I called him a dick again and threw a “face” on the end of it.Took a few moments to get up the steps. My depth perception appeared to be wonky at the moment. At the top of the landing, I stopped and stared down the hall. “Oh . . .”There were several doors on either side, most of them closed except for the one at the end of the hall, and that was clearly a bedroom where a hoarder of Mountain Dew bottles lived. Ew.Having no other choice but to start opening doors, I started with the closest one to my left. I knocked softly and when there was no answer, I tried the handle. The door was locked. Hopefully that wasn’t the bathroom. The next room was an empty bedroom and the one after that was a laundry room with jeans and socks piled all over the floor.Good God, they needed a house mom or something.Closing that door before I started a load of laundry for the sad, sad creatures who lived here, I stepped around a pair of sneakers left in the middle of the hallway and went to the next door. I rapped my knuckles off the door and when there wasn’t an answer, I reached down and twisted the handle. The door swung open easily, revealing not a bathroom, but a rather neat bedroom and—­Oh my God.The room wasn’t empty.I knew what I was seeing and it only took seconds to take it all in, but my brain was slow to process everything. And that made it feel like forever.Jase sat on a chair, his back to the organized desk. There was a pink box sitting there. I knew what was in it and for some reason that . . . that made what else I saw so much worse. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned, as if he’d grown tired with pushing the little buttons through their holes. His legs were spread wide, jaw locked and his arms hanging limply at his sides. He wasn't alone.
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