The curtains remained drawn, so there was no telling what time it was. terjemahan - The curtains remained drawn, so there was no telling what time it was. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The curtains remained drawn, so the

The curtains remained drawn, so there was no telling what time it was. Evelyn had woken at some point and stumbled into the shower. Beads of moisture spattered over the tile told her Lucian had done the same. She’d slept so deeply she hadn’t heard him wake. Once the filth—what could be washed away—from the day before was cleansed from her skin, she climbed back into bed and slept.
Her dreams were a cruel kaleidoscope of her past. Distilled images of Pearl in places she’d never been. Every dream ended the same. Her mother’s face turning to her, mouth gaping, eyes unblinking, and Evelyn woke up choking on dust that wasn’t there.
They were her dreams. Her nightmares were worse. In her nightmares Lucian didn’t wake up. His eyes were dull and flat. She couldn’t get to him. She ran, but her legs were anchored with muscles made of wet sand. In one dream she caught up to him, but it was too late, he was tying off his arm and she observed helplessly, screaming, as the fluid flushed through the needle into his veins.
Each time she thought she could save him, and each time she was either too weak or too late. It was such a dream that woke her up. She curled into herself, sobbing softly into the pillows.
“Hey.” Lucian’s voice was a whisper in the dark. It curled around her like a caress and chased away the confusing cobwebs of sleep. He eased her to her back and kissed her softly. “It’s okay.”
He drew her close and soothed her, brushing his palm over her back and calming her tears. Would he be mortified to know she wasn’t crying over Pearl, but over her irrational fears of losing him? She was a bad daughter.
His mouth teased over hers and he looked at her with those beautiful dark eyes. “Better?”
She nodded.
“Some deliveries came for you while you slept. Dugan brought them up.”
Had he been up and about? She assumed he only showered. “Deliveries of what?”
“How about you use the bathroom and then come see. I have bagels and some French toast. It’s probably cold by now. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
She gripped his arm and he frowned. She needed to make sure he understood. “Lucian?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Evelyn.”
He didn’t get it. Seeing him fall made her realize just how much she needed him. This was different than before. This was irrevocable. This was to the depths of her soul, with a thread tying her to him that sewed her so tight she nearly puckered inside out. This was forever.
She’d show him. She’d show him and eventually he’d understand, everything had changed.
When she emerged from the bathroom, she hobbled to the common area. Her ankle was a constant reminder of everything that happened the day before. The scent of flowers had her breathing deeply. She turned the corner and gasped. Arrangements of stunning blooms and sprays covered every surface. “What is all this?”
“Your friends are sending their condolences.”
“I . . . I don’t have any friends.”
He gave her a strange look, lips pulled to the side and his brows bending in a sort of question mark. “Sure you do. Don’t be silly. Eat something and I’ll help you read the cards. A lot of them are in cursive.”
“Because they don’t know I can’t read, because they don’t know me. Lucian, who sent all this and why?”
His head tilted like he didn’t understand her confusion. “They’re from people who care about you, Evelyn. These cards were written with one thought. They all hope you’re doing okay. There wasn’t room for thoughts about script or anything else. Trust me, they were all sent out of love.”
Lucian was the only person to ever give her flowers. Now she was being bombarded with them. The sentiment was unfamiliar and slightly embarrassing. She didn’t want people to worry about her.
He brushed a hand over her knee peeking through the slit in her robe. Her fingers picked at the French toast as he plucked a card from a spray of yellow roses. There were still flecks of dirt under her nails and she lost her appetite.
“This one is from Antoinette and Shamus. Evelyn, it is with great sympathy for your loss that our heavy hearts are quiet today. May the love of those closest to you hold you tight and get you through.”
He plucked up another card from a vase of tulips. “This is from Dugan. Ms. Evelyn, It is only because you are so brave that I know you will get through this difficult time. Have the courage to cry and know that you are loved by many. If there’s anything I may do to help, I’m always near. D.”
Her lips trembled. They were from friends. Friends she never realized she had. Lucian read one card after another. There were flowers from Seth, Lucian’s assistant; Patrice and the girls at the salon; Raphael and the others who worked in the kitchen of the hotel; Tamara, her old general manager; Nick, from Clemons; Parker; Isadora; Dr. Sheffield; Jason, her tutor; several people Lucian introduced her to at events; and even one bouquet from Slade Bishop. She never felt so much affection and care.
“Oh, my God,” she breathed. “This is . . . incredible. How did they all know?”
“You’ve been sleeping for nearly two days. I had to let people know where I was and that I’d be unavailable for some time.”
“Evelyn, you just lost your mother. There’s no way I’d leave you at a time like this.”
“Lucian, where is Pearl? Dugan said—”
“Don’t worry about the details. A private service is scheduled for tomorrow. The arrangements are handled. I don’t want you to stress about any of that.”
“What kind of service? Like a funeral?” Her people didn’t have funerals. If they were lucky, someone identified them at the county morgue.
“Of course.”
More flowers came throughout the day. Evelyn remained quiet. She felt like an outsider looking in. The dragon had finally swallowed Pearl whole and Evelyn, selfishly, existed without purpose.
A nagging urge for motion teased at her nerves all day. She should be moving, thinking, going, but all she could manage was breathing. They watched a movie and when Lucian’s wrist started bothering him, she forced him to take the prescribed pain medicine Dr. Sheffield had provided. He was a terrible patient.
Her head rested upon his shoulder as he softly twirled the ends of her hair. Her foot was elevated on a delicate little pillow, and suddenly it was all funny. A jagged giggle escaped her throat and turned into a hiccup, which evolved to a full-on belly laugh.
Lucian twisted as much as his bruised ribs would allow and gave her a questioning look. “You okay?”
Covering her face with her palms, her skin heated. Why was she laughing? “I’m sorry. I know it isn’t funny. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
His expression slowly lifted with cautious concern. She was losing it. Her sides ached as giggles prattled from her mouth like champagne bubbles rising to the top. Sighing, she tried to get hold of herself, but the sigh burst into more inappropriate laughter.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be laughing. Look at us. We’re a mess and my mom’s funeral is tomorrow. I think . . . I’m nervous.”
“Don’t apologize. Sometimes we just need to laugh. What are you nervous about?”
“I don’t know. Nothing. Everything. I don’t know what to do now.”
His brow knit. Soft purple flesh darkened and she sobered. He was hurt. Her laughter fell away like autumn leaves lost in the wind. She was hysterical.
“No one expects you to do anything, Evelyn. We all just want to see you get through this.”
“And then what?” she scoffed. “Then what, Lucian? I’ve never allowed myself to truly think outside of protecting Pearl. I’ve never left the city other than to visit the estate with you. I’ve never thought more than a day or two ahead. I don’t know how to let go of the weight that’s been on my shoulders since I was born.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tirai tetap ditarik, sehingga tidak ada pemberitaan apa waktu itu. Evelyn telah terbangun di beberapa titik dan tersandung ke kamar mandi. Manik-manik kelembaban spattered atas ubin menyuruhnya Lucian telah melakukan hal yang sama. Dia telah tidur begitu dalam dia belum pernah mendengar dia bangun. Sekali kenajisan — apa bisa dihapuskan — dari hari sebelum dibersihkan dari kulitnya, ia naik kembali ke tempat tidur dan tidur.Mimpinya adalah sebuah kaleidoskop yang kejam masa lalunya. Suling gambar Pearl di tempat dia pernah. Setiap mimpi berakhir sama. Ibunya wajah berbalik ke dia, mulut menganga, mata unblinking dan Evelyn terbangun tersedak debu yang tidak ada.Mereka adalah mimpinya. Nya mimpi buruk yang lebih buruk. Dalam mimpi buruk nya Lucian tidak bangun. Matanya yang membosankan dan datar. Dia tidak bisa kepadanya. Ia berlari, tapi kakinya yang berlabuh dengan otot-otot yang terbuat dari pasir basah. Di salah satu mimpi ia terperangkap kepadanya, tetapi sudah terlambat, ia mengikat off lengannya dan ia mengamati tak berdaya, berteriak-teriak, sebagai cairan memerah melalui jarum ke pembuluh darahnya.Setiap kali dia pikir dia bisa menyelamatkan dia, dan setiap kali ia terlambat atau terlalu lemah. Itu seperti mimpi yang terbangun padanya. Dia meringkuk menjadi dirinya sendiri, terisak-isak lembut ke bantal."Hey." Lucian's suara itu bisikan dalam gelap. Meringkuk di sekelilingnya seperti belaian dan mengusir sarang laba-laba membingungkan tidur. Ia mereda dia untuk kembali dan menciumnya lembut. "Tidak apa-apa."He drew her close and soothed her, brushing his palm over her back and calming her tears. Would he be mortified to know she wasn’t crying over Pearl, but over her irrational fears of losing him? She was a bad daughter.His mouth teased over hers and he looked at her with those beautiful dark eyes. “Better?”She nodded.“Some deliveries came for you while you slept. Dugan brought them up.”Had he been up and about? She assumed he only showered. “Deliveries of what?”“How about you use the bathroom and then come see. I have bagels and some French toast. It’s probably cold by now. I didn’t want to disturb you.”She gripped his arm and he frowned. She needed to make sure he understood. “Lucian?”“Yes?”“I love you.”“I love you too, Evelyn.”He didn’t get it. Seeing him fall made her realize just how much she needed him. This was different than before. This was irrevocable. This was to the depths of her soul, with a thread tying her to him that sewed her so tight she nearly puckered inside out. This was forever.She’d show him. She’d show him and eventually he’d understand, everything had changed.When she emerged from the bathroom, she hobbled to the common area. Her ankle was a constant reminder of everything that happened the day before. The scent of flowers had her breathing deeply. She turned the corner and gasped. Arrangements of stunning blooms and sprays covered every surface. “What is all this?”“Your friends are sending their condolences.”“I . . . I don’t have any friends.”He gave her a strange look, lips pulled to the side and his brows bending in a sort of question mark. “Sure you do. Don’t be silly. Eat something and I’ll help you read the cards. A lot of them are in cursive.”“Because they don’t know I can’t read, because they don’t know me. Lucian, who sent all this and why?”His head tilted like he didn’t understand her confusion. “They’re from people who care about you, Evelyn. These cards were written with one thought. They all hope you’re doing okay. There wasn’t room for thoughts about script or anything else. Trust me, they were all sent out of love.”Lucian was the only person to ever give her flowers. Now she was being bombarded with them. The sentiment was unfamiliar and slightly embarrassing. She didn’t want people to worry about her.He brushed a hand over her knee peeking through the slit in her robe. Her fingers picked at the French toast as he plucked a card from a spray of yellow roses. There were still flecks of dirt under her nails and she lost her appetite.“This one is from Antoinette and Shamus. Evelyn, it is with great sympathy for your loss that our heavy hearts are quiet today. May the love of those closest to you hold you tight and get you through.”He plucked up another card from a vase of tulips. “This is from Dugan. Ms. Evelyn, It is only because you are so brave that I know you will get through this difficult time. Have the courage to cry and know that you are loved by many. If there’s anything I may do to help, I’m always near. D.”Her lips trembled. They were from friends. Friends she never realized she had. Lucian read one card after another. There were flowers from Seth, Lucian’s assistant; Patrice and the girls at the salon; Raphael and the others who worked in the kitchen of the hotel; Tamara, her old general manager; Nick, from Clemons; Parker; Isadora; Dr. Sheffield; Jason, her tutor; several people Lucian introduced her to at events; and even one bouquet from Slade Bishop. She never felt so much affection and care.“Oh, my God,” she breathed. “This is . . . incredible. How did they all know?”“You’ve been sleeping for nearly two days. I had to let people know where I was and that I’d be unavailable for some time.”“Why?”“Evelyn, you just lost your mother. There’s no way I’d leave you at a time like this.”“Lucian, where is Pearl? Dugan said—”“Don’t worry about the details. A private service is scheduled for tomorrow. The arrangements are handled. I don’t want you to stress about any of that.”“What kind of service? Like a funeral?” Her people didn’t have funerals. If they were lucky, someone identified them at the county morgue.“Of course.”More flowers came throughout the day. Evelyn remained quiet. She felt like an outsider looking in. The dragon had finally swallowed Pearl whole and Evelyn, selfishly, existed without purpose.A nagging urge for motion teased at her nerves all day. She should be moving, thinking, going, but all she could manage was breathing. They watched a movie and when Lucian’s wrist started bothering him, she forced him to take the prescribed pain medicine Dr. Sheffield had provided. He was a terrible patient.Her head rested upon his shoulder as he softly twirled the ends of her hair. Her foot was elevated on a delicate little pillow, and suddenly it was all funny. A jagged giggle escaped her throat and turned into a hiccup, which evolved to a full-on belly laugh.Lucian twisted as much as his bruised ribs would allow and gave her a questioning look. “You okay?”Covering her face with her palms, her skin heated. Why was she laughing? “I’m sorry. I know it isn’t funny. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”His expression slowly lifted with cautious concern. She was losing it. Her sides ached as giggles prattled from her mouth like champagne bubbles rising to the top. Sighing, she tried to get hold of herself, but the sigh burst into more inappropriate laughter.“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be laughing. Look at us. We’re a mess and my mom’s funeral is tomorrow. I think . . . I’m nervous.”“Don’t apologize. Sometimes we just need to laugh. What are you nervous about?”
“I don’t know. Nothing. Everything. I don’t know what to do now.”
His brow knit. Soft purple flesh darkened and she sobered. He was hurt. Her laughter fell away like autumn leaves lost in the wind. She was hysterical.
“No one expects you to do anything, Evelyn. We all just want to see you get through this.”
“And then what?” she scoffed. “Then what, Lucian? I’ve never allowed myself to truly think outside of protecting Pearl. I’ve never left the city other than to visit the estate with you. I’ve never thought more than a day or two ahead. I don’t know how to let go of the weight that’s been on my shoulders since I was born.”
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