Number 5: Expect conflict. Conflict among people is a natural, constan terjemahan - Number 5: Expect conflict. Conflict among people is a natural, constan Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Number 5: Expect conflict. Conflict

Number 5: Expect conflict. Conflict among people is a natural, constant,
and an inevitable factor of human interaction. An effective leader expects
conflict and is able to manage it in a productive manner. Such leaders seek
to meet individual as well as the needs of management. This can be done
through coalition formation that allows the leader to collaboratively build
an agenda for change that meets the needs of the group or organization.
• Number 4: Tell the truth, but with compassion. To some degree
conflicts occur because people are not able to differentiate between task
related conflict issues and their personal investment in a given situation.
Too often in the past followers were viewed as lazy, unwilling to take
responsibility, and needing to be controlled. Today it is recognized that, in
fact, when people are dealt with in an open and honest manner then they
are likely to perform at a very high level. Bracey, Rosenblum, Sanford,
and Trueblood (1990) point out the importance of leaders being truthful
when establishing and maintaining positive relationships with followers.
Yet, at the same time the leader must compassionately tell the truth (e.g.,
about their job performance).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Number 5: Expect conflict. Conflict among people is a natural, constant,and an inevitable factor of human interaction. An effective leader expectsconflict and is able to manage it in a productive manner. Such leaders seekto meet individual as well as the needs of management. This can be donethrough coalition formation that allows the leader to collaboratively buildan agenda for change that meets the needs of the group or organization.• Number 4: Tell the truth, but with compassion. To some degreeconflicts occur because people are not able to differentiate between taskrelated conflict issues and their personal investment in a given situation.Too often in the past followers were viewed as lazy, unwilling to takeresponsibility, and needing to be controlled. Today it is recognized that, infact, when people are dealt with in an open and honest manner then theyare likely to perform at a very high level. Bracey, Rosenblum, Sanford,and Trueblood (1990) point out the importance of leaders being truthfulwhen establishing and maintaining positive relationships with followers.Yet, at the same time the leader must compassionately tell the truth (e.g.,about their job performance).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nomor 5: Mengharapkan konflik. Konflik antara orang-orang adalah alami, konstan,
faktor dan tak terelakkan dari interaksi manusia. Seorang pemimpin yang efektif mengharapkan
konflik dan mampu mengelolanya dengan cara yang produktif. Pemimpin seperti mencari
untuk memenuhi individu serta kebutuhan manajemen. Hal ini dapat dilakukan
melalui pembentukan koalisi yang memungkinkan pemimpin untuk bersama-sama membangun
agenda perubahan yang memenuhi kebutuhan kelompok atau organisasi.
• Nomor 4: Katakan kebenaran, tetapi karena kasih sayang. Untuk beberapa derajat
konflik terjadi karena masyarakat tidak mampu membedakan antara tugas
isu-isu konflik terkait dan investasi pribadi mereka dalam situasi tertentu.
Terlalu sering dalam pengikut masa lalu dipandang sebagai malas, tidak mau mengambil
tanggung jawab, dan perlu dikendalikan. Hari ini diakui bahwa, dalam
kenyataannya, ketika orang-orang berurusan dengan secara terbuka dan jujur maka mereka
cenderung untuk tampil di tingkat yang sangat tinggi. Bracey, Rosenblum, Sanford,
dan Trueblood (1990) menunjukkan pentingnya pemimpin jujur
ketika membangun dan memelihara hubungan positif dengan pengikut.
Namun, pada saat yang sama pemimpin harus penuh kasih mengatakan kebenaran (misalnya,
tentang kinerja pekerjaan mereka).
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