Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
KITA semua berdiri kembali, menatap itu dan hanya menatap."Ini begitu cantik." Grace mendesah, memandang anaknya tidur, yang itu telah disampaikan kepada kami lebih awal sore itu oleh Brian.Rupanya, saya suami-to-be gelisah dan diperlukan pria waktu, dan itu tidak termasuk bayi."Hal ini tidak terlalu halus?" Saya bertanya saat mataku kecilpun bolak-balik untuk sekumpulan kain tergantung dari gaun saat aku mencoba untuk ingat bagaimana aku telah melihat di dalamnya selama pemasangan terakhir saya.Tangan saya gugup melilit pinggang silken gamis saya. Menghabiskan tahun pada tidak lebih dari T-shirt dan berkeringat, itu sulit untuk memandang sesuatu yang begitu menakjubkan dan bayangkan aku itu."Langit tidak. Ketika datang untuk gaun pengantin, ada hal seperti itu. Ini sempurna,"jawab kasih karunia.Ketika seorang gadis telah menghabiskan sebagian besar hidupnya percaya ia akan tidak pernah menikah, apalagi melihat dewasa, melangkah ke salon Pengantin untuk memilih gaun pengantin adalah sebuah event untuk mengingat. Tentu, itu adalah hari besar bagi siapa pun, tapi bagi saya, itu telah ditandai titik balik. Aku tidak lagi Lailah, gadis yang semua orang dikasihani. Saya adalah Lailah Buchanan, masa depan istri Jude Cavanaugh. Sejauh aku khawatir, saya adalah wanita paling beruntung di planet ini.Oke, mungkin setiap wanita merasa seperti itu karena ia melangkah ke salon Pengantin, tapi aku yakin sebagian besar dari mereka tahu dari usia dini bahwa mereka akan akhirnya bertemu pria yang luar biasa dan menemukan diri mereka yang merencanakan pernikahan impian mereka.I’d never had such lofty plans in my life.I’d only dreamed of surviving.And now, I had.When I’d stepped into that beautiful bridal store and looked around at the twinkle and glitz of pearls and diamonds sparkling from every shimmery corner, I’d suddenly become that little girl who had never gotten to plan her dream wedding.I’d picked out the biggest, puffiest ball gown I could fathom, and I had spent an embarrassingly long amount of time in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, twirling and just looking at myself. Eventually, smiles had become tears and then sobs as I realized what this moment meant.I’d survived. I had made it through to the other side, and now, I was here, living the life most people took for granted.My mother and Grace had wrapped their arms around me, nodding, telling me I’d never looked so beautiful. I hadn’t bothered with trying on any other dresses. I’d had my bridal moment, or whatever they called it.And here I was, standing in front of my dress, ready to put it on for real.There were no more fittings, no more sneaking into the office closet just so I could catch a glimpse of its organza layers and remember what they’d looked like while falling down around my body like beautiful sheets of snow.This was all actually happening, and now, I just needed to realize I was deserving of it.“So, are you ready to put it on?” my mom asked, reaching up to unhook the hanger from the top of the closet."Ya!" Saya hampir squeaked dalam kegembiraan.Mereka berdua tertawa karena aku menjatuhkan jubah saya, dan saya melihat mereka dengan hati-hati membuka ritsleting belakang."Itulah tidak apa yang Anda kenakan di bawahnya, itu?" Grace bertanya, kepalanya melakukan mengambil ganda yang seperti dia tertangkap mata saya berdiri dalam pakaian satin putih sederhana dan cocok strapless bra."Um... ya. Kenapa?" Saya bertanya, sekarang merasa malu.Tangan saya pindah untuk menutupi perut saya, tapi dia dipukul mereka pergi."Oh, berhenti. I 'm hanya komentar pada fakta bahwa itu adalah sedikit... Yah, underwhelming. " Dia tersenyum."Dan perawan," ibuku ditambahkan dengan tertawa.Aku memandang ke bawah apa yang telah di dan mengerutkan kening. "Sangat putih dan satin," Aku menjawab dengan gusar. "Aku punya di salon Pengantin!""Oh, madu. Aku tahu ini akan terjadi. Terus,"Grace mengatakan, mengangkat satu jari di udara, mengeluarkan jeda virtual pada percakapan kami.Saya menatap atas ibuku yang masih diadakan berpakaian, midway melalui unzipping itu, dan dia hanya mengangkat bahu. Jelas, dia tidak dalam ini petualangan kecil. Komentar yang satunya kontribusinya.Aku berpaling untuk melihat kasih karunia yang menyeret melalui kopernya besar, membungkuk dengan pantatnya mengangkat tinggi di udara, seperti dia berjuntai pada satu tumit, mencoba entah bagaimana menjadi Citrānggadā dalam gaun hijau zamrud. Pemandangan itu cukup lucu."Aha! Menemukan itu,"dia mengumumkan, menarik keluar tas merah muda dan mendorong ke arah saya."Pink. Seharusnya tahu." Aku berguling mataku.“Just the bag.” She laughed.I opened it and found a mass of tissue paper surrounding delicate white lacy lingerie. I pulled it out, feeling my cheeks redden instantly, and I held it up for closer observation. “Is this a—”“Thong? Yes, hon.”I was fairly sure my gulp was audible. My eyes widened as Grace’s laughter filled the room. I looked to my mother, who was joining in on the fun as well.“I might just have a heart attack right here, new heart be damned,” I muttered.“Oh, sweetheart, it’s fine. Very tasteful.”“Okay, but try not to look, Mom.”Her face curled into a smirk as she made a valiant effort to contain the giggles. “Okay.”I quickly changed, swapping my sensible satin boy shorts for the barely there lace thong Grace had bought me. When she had been with me a few weeks ago, I’d purchased a few things for the honeymoon but nothing too risqué and definitely nothing that went up my butt. Jude and I had been together for a while now, but I was still very much a newbie when it came to certain things—and apparently, dental-floss lingerie was something I could add to that list.In addition to the new sexy panties, Grace had also purchased a new strapless bra for me.I eyed it warily.“It’s a push-up. Believe me, you’ll thank me later.”“Will I still fit? I mean, I was fitted to my dress with this bra on,” I said, looking down at my regular non-push-up satin bra.“Yes, the girls will fit, and they’ll look amazing.”“The girls?” I asked, quickly turning to change.“Yes, treat them with a little respect, Lailah. They’re the only two you get.”I circled back around and watched her eyes bug as they zeroed in on my chest.“Whoa. Tell Jude he can send my thank-you flowers anytime.”I looked down and nearly gasped. “Are you sure this is decent? I mean, they’re nearly poking me in the eyes!”The sound of my mother’s snickering filled the air.“Oh, hush. They are not. You don’t have nearly enough down there to poke an eye out. Besides, by the time we get the dress on you, it will be just enough cleavage,” Grace commented.“Just enough?”“Yes. Church cleavage—not too much, not too little, just right.”I rolled my eyes and maybe snorted just a bit. “Okay, Goldilocks.”Moving across the room, careful to cover my backside around my mother, I stood in front of her as she held my dress and took a deep breath.“Okay, let’s do this,” I said.Our eyes met as she lowered it. I took Grace’s hand, and with one foot after another, I slowly stepped into the dress and watched as they lifted it up around me. The bodice came around my waist as they worked to pull the zipper up.“Perfect,” my mother said. “It fits like a glove.”They smoothed out the layers and then brought the beaded belt to adorn my waist. With an expert hand, Grace tightly tied it right at the small of my back, and I turned to see myself for the first time.“Don’t cry,” I chanted. “Don’t cry.”The dress was exactly as I remembered but so much more. The sweetheart bodice fit snugly, accenting the small curve I’d gained since the surgery. It flared out at the waist, dozens of thin organza layers flowing elegantly to the floor.“I look like a princess,” I said.“No,” my mom replied. “You look like an angel.”I saw her misty eyes in the mirror, and I had to look away to keep from sobbing.“I think we have a few final touches before we go,” Grace said, her voice rough from obvious tears.Her fingers touched my neck, and I felt the cool touch of metal wrap around my throat. The locket Jude had given me hung neatly on my chest, barely reaching the top of where my scar began. It was visible in this dress, and I’d considered wearing a gown where it would have been hidden, but I’d spent too much of my life hiding.This was who I was—a survivor.And today, I refused to hide.
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