“How long did you have your dog?” He asked softly in a tone of voice t terjemahan - “How long did you have your dog?” He asked softly in a tone of voice t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“How long did you have your dog?” H

“How long did you have your dog?” He asked softly in a tone of voice that said he wouldn’t rest until he knew everything and Theresa tugged at her full lower lip with her teeth.
“About three weeks,” he smothered a soft curse at the whispered confession.
“What happened?”
“Mom and Daddy didn’t agree on most things and apparently my getting a dog was yet another excuse to fight. Getting Sheba was Mom’s way of scoring points against Daddy and getting rid of Sheba was Daddy’s way of scoring points against Mom,” she strove to sound flippant but the tremor in her voice made a liar out of her. Sandro said nothing but he seemed to be struggling with something, his jaw was so tightly clenched that she could see the little muscles knotting just below his ears and his knuckles showed white where his grip had tightened on the book.
“What did he do to the dog?” He finally gritted out, sounding like he was chewing nails.
“I never knew for sure,” she confessed. “Mom said Sheba went to a new family and was happy with them. But I don’t know… I always feared that he took her back to the pound.” Despite her best intentions, tears of long-remembered pain flooded her eyes and she averted her gaze and tilted her chin in an effort to appear casual. “I couldn’t sleep for the longest time afterwards, imagining how confused Sheba must have been and on the really bad nights I pictured them taking her into the vet’s surgery to be put down… because even though I loved her, she really wasn’t cute, or clever or all that special. If she went back to the pound, I don’t think she would have gone to another home.”
“You mustn’t think like that,” he admonished.
“I know. Never mind, it’s so far in the past that the wound has healed long ago. Not even a scar,” his intent gaze told her that he didn’t believe a word of it but fortunately he didn’t challenge her on it. He handed her book back to her and she took it with a nod, making sure to avoid all contact with his large hands. He noticed the evasion and, while his eyes narrowed, he chose not to say anything about it.
“So how casual is this business thing?” She asked, getting up carefully, not wanting another revealing attack of dizziness in front of him.
“Extremely casual,” he responded. “Jeans, t-shirt and jacket will do.”
“You mean I had my hair done for nothing?” She frowned, rather disgruntled that she wouldn’t be showing off her new look in the best possible setting.
“I hardly think it was for nothing,” he protested with another one of those rare, breathtaking smiles of his. “I think the result was well worth the effort. I loved your long hair, cara, but this new chic, sleek little cut… words fail me… you look…” he shook his head and in a quintessentially Italian gesture, raised his fingertips to his lips and kissed them to signify his approval. For some reason that struck Theresa as funny and she stifled a giggle with her hand. Her eyes, above the hand she held over her mouth, were iridescent with laughter and he stood for a long moment, simply staring at her, before he cleared his throat.
“Go on, Theresa,” he prompted gently. “Get ready. Meet me down here in half an hour?” She nodded at the question in his voice.
Sandro remained extremely closemouthed about where they were going, ignoring Theresa’s increasingly desperate pleas for information. It was highly unusual for him not to tell her what to expect. He usually drilled information into her, what their hosts liked and what he wanted her to talk about. He always seemed afraid that she would mess it up somehow but he was markedly different this time, he seemed unusually relaxed and every time Theresa asked him to tell her about their eventual destination he told her not to worry about it. She stole irate peeks at his handsome profile, hating his nonchalance in the face of her edginess. He was dressed even more casually than she was, wearing name brand sweatpants that had definitely seen better days, battered sneakers of the same brand and jacket to match the pants.
“Stop staring,” he growled, not even sparing her a glance, keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead. “You’re making me nervous.”
Yeah right! Mr Nerves of Steel, who handled the powerful Ferrari with grace and confidence, was nervous. She didn’t believe that for a second. She pursed her lips and diverted her gaze to the rapidly darkening horizon beyond her window. They had been driving for nearly forty minutes now and Theresa had no clue where they were. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes for a few moments, feeling like the past few weeks of uncertainty were finally catching up with her.
“We’re here…” Sandro’s voice jerked her out of her doze some time later and she stretched voluptuously before sitting up to take stock of their surroundings. The car was already parked in the driveway of a huge house. The place made their own, not immodest, house seem like a garden cottage. There were five other sleek and expensive sports cars parked in the driveway and every light, both inside and out of the house seemed to be on.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Berapa lama Apakah Anda memiliki anjing Anda?" Ia bertanya lembut dengan nada suara yang mengatakan ia tidak akan beristirahat sampai dia tahu segala sesuatu dan Theresa menarik di bibir penuh lebih rendah dengan gigi."Sekitar tiga minggu," ia tertahan kutukan lembut bisik pengakuan."Apa yang terjadi?""Ibu dan ayah tidak setuju pada hal-hal yang paling dan tampaknya saya mendapatkan anjing itu namun alasan lain untuk melawan. Mendapatkan Syeba adalah ibu cara untuk mencetak poin melawan ayah dan menyingkirkan Syeba itu cara ayah untuk mencetak poin melawan ibu,"Dia berjuang untuk suara sembrono tetapi getaran dalam suaranya membuat seorang pendusta dari dirinya. Sandro mengatakan apa-apa tapi ia tampak untuk berjuang dengan sesuatu, rahang beliau begitu erat mengepalkan bahwa dia bisa melihat otot-otot kecil knotting tepat di bawah telinganya dan jarinya menunjukkan putih mana pegangannya telah diperketat buku."Apa yang dia lakukan untuk anjing?" Ia akhirnya menggertakkan, terdengar seperti dia sedang mengunyah kuku."Aku tidak pernah tahu pasti," ia mengakui. "Ibu mengatakan Syeba pergi ke keluarga baru dan senang dengan mereka. Tapi saya tidak tahu... Saya selalu takut bahwa ia membawanya kembali ke tempat penampungan." Meskipun dengan niat yang terbaik, air mata panjang-ingat sakit membanjiri matanya dan ia mengalihkan pandangan matanya dan miring dagunya dalam upaya untuk tampak santai. "Aku tidak bisa tidur untuk waktu yang lama setelah itu, membayangkan bagaimana bingung Syeba pasti dan pada malam benar-benar buruk saya membayangkan mereka membawanya ke dokter hewan di operasi untuk meletakkan... karena meskipun aku mencintainya, dia benar-benar tidak lucu, atau pintar atau semua yang khusus. Jika ia kembali ke tempat penampungan, saya tidak berpikir dia akan pergi ke rumah lain.""Anda tidak boleh berpikir seperti itu," ia memperingatkan."Aku tahu. Sudahlah, begitu jauh di masa lalu yang telah menyembuhkan luka lama. Bahkan bekas luka,"dengan tatapan yang bermaksud mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia tidak percaya sepatah kata pun tetapi untungnya dia tidak menantang dirinya di atasnya. Ia diserahkan bukunya kembali kepadanya dan dia mengambilnya dengan anggukan, memastikan untuk menghindari semua kontak dengan tangannya yang besar. Ia melihat penghindaran dan, sementara matanya mempersempit, ia memilih untuk tidak mengatakan apa-apa tentang hal itu."Jadi bagaimana kasual adalah hal bisnis?" Dia bertanya, bangun dengan hati-hati, tidak ingin mengungkapkan serangan pusing di depannya."Sangat santai," Dia menjawab. "Jeans, t-shirt, dan jaket akan melakukannya.""Maksudmu aku rambutku dilakukan untuk apa-apa?" Dia disukai, agak tidak puas bahwa dia tidak akan memamerkan tampak baru dalam pengaturan mungkin yang terbaik."Saya tidak berpikir itu untuk apa-apa," ia memprotes dengan salah satu dari mereka tersenyum langka, hati Nya. "Saya pikir hasilnya adalah layak usaha. Aku suka rambut panjang Anda, cara, tetapi chic ini baru, ramping memotong sedikit... kata-kata gagal saya... Anda melihat..."dia menggelengkan kepala dan dalam sikap dasarnya Italia, mengangkat jari nya ke bibirnya dan mencium untuk menandakan persetujuannya. Untuk beberapa alasan yang melanda Theresa sebagai lucu dan dia menahan tawa dengan tangannya. Matanya, di atas tangan Dia memegang lebih dari mulutnya, yang berwarna-warni dengan tawa dan ia berdiri untuk waktu yang lama, hanya menatap dia, sebelum ia membersihkan tenggorokannya."Pergi pada, Theresa," ia diminta lembut. "Bersiap-siap. Temui aku di sini di setengah jam?" Dia mengangguk pertanyaan dalam suaranya. Sandro remained extremely closemouthed about where they were going, ignoring Theresa’s increasingly desperate pleas for information. It was highly unusual for him not to tell her what to expect. He usually drilled information into her, what their hosts liked and what he wanted her to talk about. He always seemed afraid that she would mess it up somehow but he was markedly different this time, he seemed unusually relaxed and every time Theresa asked him to tell her about their eventual destination he told her not to worry about it. She stole irate peeks at his handsome profile, hating his nonchalance in the face of her edginess. He was dressed even more casually than she was, wearing name brand sweatpants that had definitely seen better days, battered sneakers of the same brand and jacket to match the pants.“Stop staring,” he growled, not even sparing her a glance, keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead. “You’re making me nervous.”Yeah right! Mr Nerves of Steel, who handled the powerful Ferrari with grace and confidence, was nervous. She didn’t believe that for a second. She pursed her lips and diverted her gaze to the rapidly darkening horizon beyond her window. They had been driving for nearly forty minutes now and Theresa had no clue where they were. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes for a few moments, feeling like the past few weeks of uncertainty were finally catching up with her.“We’re here…” Sandro’s voice jerked her out of her doze some time later and she stretched voluptuously before sitting up to take stock of their surroundings. The car was already parked in the driveway of a huge house. The place made their own, not immodest, house seem like a garden cottage. There were five other sleek and expensive sports cars parked in the driveway and every light, both inside and out of the house seemed to be on.
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